Forever Together

By c00chie_destroyer

27.6K 727 1.9K

A Hayato x Ryuuchi Fan Fic. *THUMBNAIL NOT MINE* Inspired by: "Babysitting Club" written by, @Theastic_2002... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 5

1.7K 45 129
By c00chie_destroyer

"Also, just know that I saw the bloddy stained shirt too, that's why I made you roll up your sleeve, and tell Hayato and Taka that they're welcome to leave at any moment they desire." Saikawa said while leaving me in the cold room.

I'm fucked.


A few hours have passed since Hayato and his brother left, and now it was dinner time.

I was sitting next to Kotarou, with the Chairlady at the end of the table, and Saikawa glancing over us. The room was filled with silence that almost felt suffocating.

"Ryuuichi, is it true." Morinomiya asked.

I knew that I wouldn't be able to get out of this one, so I had to fess up.

"Yes." I say with my eyes staring directly at the food place in front of me avoiding eye contact.

"Why?" She continued.

I knew that Kotarou was probably confused on what Morinomiya was talking right now, why couldn't she have this conversation without him here?

"I would rather talk about this without Kotarou here." I tell her.

"Well then, after we're finished eating, Kotarou is to go to bed straight away." Morinomiya says.

I nodded and started to take bites out of my food. It's been a while since I've had a proper dinner, I would enjoy it, but I just can't bring myself to do so.

After a couple of minutes after finishing dinner, Kotarou went to his room, confused on why I wasn't going with him.

"Nii-Chan." He said tugging the bottom of my sweats.

"Sorry Kotarou but I have to talk to the Chairlady about something real quick. I'll be there in a few." I said in a sweet tone.

With that being said, Saikawa and Kotarou left the room together to prepare Kotarou for bed. It was now just me and Morinomiya in the room. I could feel her glace stab me in the chest.

"So why did you do it." She asked.

I didn't know what to say, no words came to mind, it felt like my mouth was glued shut. I just continued to stare at my shoes.

"You know, I'm very disappointed in you, not just for self harming, but also having me believe the lie that you told me about your Puff Bar, well I assume it was a lie because look where you're at now." Morinomiya said.

Should I confess to the lie or keep going? I wondered to myself.

I didn't want to get into more trouble just incase she found out that, that was a lie too so I confessed.

"Yes, it was a lie. I'm sorry for disappointing you. If you want you can kick me out of the house to not have me around, just keep Kotarou and take care of him." I tell her.

"No, no I won't do any of that. Now tell me why? Just why would you do that to yourself? I mean, you have people to talk to, it's not like you couldn't have gone to anyone for help." Morinomiya states.

"I don't know why I didn't ask for help, I've been doing it for a while, so I guess I got used to it." I said ashamed in myself.

"I have enrolled you for therapy, you'll attend every Wednesday at 2:45 P.M. Yes, that means you'll be leaving school early before it ends. I already informed your last periods teachers that you'll be leaving early those days. You'll be taking a pill that your therapist prescribed for you to take everyday in the morning, meaning before you leave school, and at night." Morinomiya says.

"And I'm going to have Saikawa to clean your rooms so you don't have anything else hiding in there. Now hand me your razor and Puff Bar." She adds.

I hesitantly put my hand into my pocket and pulled out the items she asked for, and handed them to her.

"You won't be seeing these anymore." She mumbles to herself before leaving the room.

I felt guilty, for not giving her the backup razor I had stored in my other pocket, that I had just incase I lost the other one.

I have thighs for a reason right.

I make my way, leading myself out of the room too, and head to my bedroom. I had no thoughts running through my head surprisingly, so once I entered the room and laid on the bed, I fell asleep almost immediately.

A couple of days have passed by, and now it was Wednesday, I didn't attend Monday or Tuesday because my body was worn out and because Morinomiya wanted me to get used of the effects that the pill assigned to me by my therapist.

The pill wasn't small or large, it was a medium size, on the outside it had clear yellow wrapping and on the inside it was green.

"Ryuuichi!" The little kids say when I stepped inside the daycare.

"Hi everyone!" I replied with a warm smile on my face, disregarding any of my problems.

"So Ryu~ Where have you been?" Yoshihito-san asked me.

"Oh I haven't been feeling well lately so I decided to stay at the house for a while until I got better." I tell him.

"Also, Saikawa will be picking Kotarou up from daycare today." I inform him.

"Oh really~ Why is that?~" Yoshihito-san says.

I ignore his question until I hear a husky voice behind me.

"Ryuuichi c'mon let's go." Hayato calls out to me.

"Alright, bye everyone I'll be back later." I tell them.

Hayato and I left the room shortly after.

"Want to go somewhere else where people don't usually hang out at to talk about it?" Hayato asks.

"Yes, please." I said in a low tone looking down at my feet.

Hayato guided me to an abandoned staircase that no one used anymore at the school.

"Alright what happened?" He asks while sitting on top of the steps.

I start bursting down into tears while I sat next to him, not being able to contain my emotions.

"I- I- The Chairlady knows, and I- I- have to leave early every Wednesday before school ends because I have the-therapist's appointments." I said sniffling in between my words.

Hayato holded my head into his chest, to try to comfort me.

"Shh... It's going to be ok. Do you want to go more in depth on what she told you when she found out?" He asks still holding me in his arms.

"Mhm." I respond.

And there I was, pathetic enough, probably annoying Hayato on how much I was crying. After some time the school bell rang letting students know it was time for class, half way through while I was explaining to Hayato what happened.

"Oh the bell..." I said sadly, not wanting him to let me go in his arms.

"Just continue what you were saying, missing a class or two never hurt anyone." Hayato said trying to cheer me up.

I chuckled a little at his statement and the continued on with the story.

"So you're taking pills now?" He asked once I finished.

"Mhm." I said nodding.

I was going to stand up and head to our second class, but Hayato's grip on me got tighter.

"Stay like this for a while." He says resting his face on my neck.

We stayed in that position for a while until it was time for our 3rd class.

"Ok, get up Hayato, we need to go to our next class." I said cheerfully.

"Ugh, fine." He mumbled.

We both made our way to our class together, then sat down in our assigned seat, which lucky for us, we sat in next to each other. We had a small conversation with each other until the bell rang for class to begin.

"Ok students, since we're starting a new unit, I'm assigning a project that you have to do with a partner." The teacher tells us.

I could hear people complain about the teacher's statement.

"Settle down everyone, for this project, I'll be letting you guys pick your partners, also, only 2 people per group, no you can not be in a group of 3, so if you have a friend group of 3 I'm sorry for that 3rd person, the reason is because there's an even number of students in our class so everyone can get a partner. Please get with a partner, so I can continue on." The teacher instructed.

I turned my seat and made my body face his direction.

"Do you want to be partners?" Hayato asks.

"Of cours-." I replied getting cut off.

"Ryuu-Kun, do you want to be partners?" Yuki asks me.

I hear Hayato huff under his breath out of annoyance that made me chuckle.

"Sorry Yuki-Chan, but I already asked Hayato-Kun to be partners to me, and he said yes." I informed her.

I saw Yuki's small smile start to fade away but she forced it up.

"Oh ok Ryuu-Kun! I'll ask someone else." She said running off.

"Didn't I ask you?" Hayato said confused, but amused.

"Shush, and let's wait for the teacher to give us instructions." I tell him.

After the class settled down with their partners the teacher continued with their instructions.

"Ok, so I'm guessing everyone has a partner, ok good, so this project you'll have to do a presentation on a type of illness, it could be a myth illness or a real one. You'll be given a week to finish the project, but since you have to talk about what illness you pick it'll be due on next Friday, not Wednesday. So, I'll be giving you guys to come up with that illness you want to do, and I'll collect the names of them, so no one does the same illness twice. So start on that." The teacher concludes.

"What illness or disease should we do?" Hayato asks.

"What if we-" I get cut off.

"Also, really quick boys and girls, I forgot to mention this, the better and cleaner, well how well decorated your poster project is, you'll be getting extra credit, which will help a lot of you." The teacher adds.

"As you were saying?" Hayato says.

"Oh I feel like we should do a myth one, I feel like it'd be fun to learn about one." I said.

"That seems like a good idea." Hayato says.

"Yeah." I respond.

"Which one though?" He asks.

"Oh what about the Hanahaki Disease?" I request.

"I've never heard of it, but alright." Hayato agreed.

"Ok, I'll go let the teacher know, so no one can steal our idea." I giggled.

I got out of my seat and headed towards the teacher's desk.

"Hi, sensei, my partner and I are going to do the Hanahaki Disease for the project." I inform them.

"Ah ok, who's your partner so I can write both of your names down for it." The teacher asks.

"My partner is Hayato." I tell them.

"Ok then, Ryuuichi and Hayato will be doing the Hanahaki Disease, you may start on your project if you like." The teacher says.

I nod and went back to my seat.

"So where do you want to do the project at?" Hayato asks.

"We can do it at my place." I said.

"Ok." He responds.

"When should we start it?" He adds.

"Well, since I'm going to leave early today, let's start on it tomorrow after school." I say.

He nodded in response.

We had a small conversation until class ended and soon enough it was time to meet with my new therapist.

"Ryuuichi, you'll be leaving early, your guardian is waiting outside for you." My teacher says while handing me a slip.

I put all my belongings in my bag and walked out of the class.

I reached the front entry of the school to see Saikawa waiting for me outside of a black car.

"Please step inside now, we can't be late to your first meet up." Saikawa says while opening the car door for me.

I thank him before sitting inside.

The car ride wasn't long, maybe 20 minutes long before we got to our destination.

"I'll be leaving early to pick up Kotarou while you're still in your session, so be aware of that." Saikawa tells me.

I nod from the understandment and headed into the building.

Outside it had a sigh saying, "Family and Kids Therapy Sessions."

Saikawa opened the door for me that lead inside a small crowded lobby. No one else was in there waiting. I saw that there were little kid toys and books to read.

Saikawa was filling out all the information needed on a clipboard that was handed to him, shortly after he was finished a brown haired lady walked towards the lobby, clipboard in hand saying, "Ryuuichi?"

I quickly stood up after hearing my name.

"Please follow me." She singled me, and Saikawa stayed behind.

She made me follow her through multiple hallways until we got into a specific room.

The room was not small, not big. It had little children toys and a small couch for the patients to sit at. Her desk was facing the wall. She had a soundtrack of the ocean, with ocean animals, playing. I'm not going to lie but the sound was very annoying in my opinion. I wanted to tell her if she could turn it off, but I didn't want a response that followed the lines of "Honey, this is for me not for you."

I sat on the couch quietly wonder what she was going to do next.

"So hi, you can call me Ms.Sonia, and I'll be your therapist until your trial is over." She said with a big smile.

I didn't tell her what my name was because for the looks of it she already knew what it was when she called me in from the lobby.

"So what's your name?" She asked.

Did she really forget. I wondered to myself.

"My first name is Ryuuichi." I inform her forgetful ass.

"So in this first meeting I'll be getting to know about you for future sessions if that's ok." Sonia said.

I nod in agreement.

"So let's start off with, what grade are you in?" She asks.

"I'm a first year in high school." I say.

"Ah, a first year in high school, are you in any clubs?" She asks.

"Oh, I'm in a babysitter club." I inform her.

"A babysitter club..." She repeats while writing down in her clipboard.

She kept asking me more and more questions until time was almost done.

"Alright, I'm going to need you to sign here and here." She says pointing at a paper.

Unwilling, I sign the paper.

"Ok then, that's all for today, I got to learn a lot about you, I'll see you next week, you can see yourself out." She says with a big smile.

I walk out of the room, happy that there wasn't any more whale audio hitting my eardrums.

I head outside of the lobby and see Kotarou and Saikawa waiting for me.

"Nii-Chan." Kotarou says.

"Hi Kotarou!" I reply with.

We all left the building and entered the black car once again.

"So how was it?" Saikawa asks.

"It was fine." Not really lying, the besides the audio part and all the questions she kept asking me.

Eventually we made it back to the house, and we headed back inside the bug building.

I was exhausted from all the questions Sonia asked me, so the second I hit my bed, I fell asleep almost immediately.

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