Chapter 4

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Before we knew it, time flew by and it was night time.


I turn in the bed still asleep to hug Kotarou, to not feel him there. Instead of feeling a small child, I felt a long back instead. I squint open my eyes to see who it was. Hayato. Hayato was sleeping in the same bed as me. Wait then where is Kotarou? I thought. I pushed the thought aside to not wake the teenager sleeping next to me. Instead of falling back to sleep I just stared at the boy.

Hayato was facing towards me quietly sleeping, I examined his face. His cheek muscles are so sharp, like his jawline. He has a tint of pink on his cheeks, and small freckles on his nose that one can barely notice until they got close to him. His breathing was slow and steady. Each breathe he took was nice and deep.

I kept staring at his face examining his features. There was a lot of things that I never notices that Hayato had up until now. I felt a tint of blood rush to my cheeks. Not right now. I thought to myself.

Suddenly, he lifts his arm and puts it around me, pulling me in close with him. I could feel our skin touching each other with nothing seperating us except of our clothes.

"Go to sleep." Hayato said in a sleepy tone, with his arm still around me. He put his face inside my neck which gave me the chills when he said that. His voice was deep.

I guess the warmth of his body put me to sleep, because the next thing I knew it was morning.

The sounds of birds chirping woke me up, remembering what happened last nigh a flood of emberassment came to my cheeks. I sat up in bed to see that Hayato had his back towards me while changing hist shirt.

"Good Morning." I manage to say.

"Oh you're awake, morning." He replied.

"So..." I say not knowing how to ask my crush how the fuck he managed to replace Kotarou's place in bed with himself. How did he even get on my bed I would've for sure felt him. Wait, if he was on my bed where is Kotarou? Lots of questions flowed through my head not knowing which one was appropriate to ask first.

"Kotarou is sleeping with Taka right now if you're wondering so don't freak out." Hayato said bluntly.

Ok now explain how you ended up in my bed. I thought to myself.

Disregard how Hayato ended up in bed, how did I end up in bed? Last time I checked I was already tucked in. Wait, then who changed my clothes..? Don't tell me he did it.

"Get changed and let's go see if Kotarou and Taka are awake yet." Hayato said breaking the silence.

I nod in response, as I get up from the bed to my dresser. I pulled out a baby pink hoodie this time and white jeans that weren't too skinny or baggy on me. I try to make my way to the door to leave the room until Hayato calls out to me.

"Where are you going?" Hayato asks.

"To the restroom to change..?" I said in confusion.

"Why don't you change in here? We're both boys and plus who do you think changed you last night?" Hayato added.

The words 'I knew it' were playing in my head after he said the last part, but still blush came upon my cheeks.

"But I feel more comfortable changing in the restroom." I said.

"Then I'll go with you inside the restroom to change." Hayato said.

"What if I need to use the toilet?" I tried to argue with.

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