
By ComfusedPenguin

1.1K 55 24

Smugglers, a sequel to highwayman. Where we left off our couple Courtney and Shayne had been torn apart by Jo... More

5 years
A vision of beauty
An affair of the eyes
An Autumn chill
The change of seasons
Two souls
Before I go
Catching up with coves

The look of you

98 3 2
By ComfusedPenguin

Courtney's POV
A year had past, each morning I found myself staring out the window. I traded letters with Alfie over the months but it was little solace. I spent the mornings and the days alone. My mother and father had been travelling in Asia and I hadn't been able to visit the Avery, altogether I felt very lonely.
The morning was cold and winter and reared it's withered face again. A courier came to the house and provided me with a letter. My heart leapt seeing Alfie's handwriting on the front. I scrambled it open tearing the top of the envelope and whipping out the letter.

I was staring at the sea with the letter in my hands, 'I will be in the west of England again soon, for a day or so on the 13th of November, Come to me I must see you'
The words replayed in my mind repeatedly as we neared the shaw, I was back.
Shayne's POV
I had returned to the same place every morning and when I riding find here there I began to stay until midday desperate to see her. Perhaps it had been a dream I though laughing at myself for even considering it. Eventually I realised the possibility wasn't completely absurd, I had seen her in the past in passing moments years before, but I feared the notion that those weeks had been my own creation. Time went on and I spent more time with the other men and took more responsibility. I now on occasion went to sea with Colin helping to oversea the goods, the trips were just a few weeks at a time and once I was home and I had helped Colin with the distribution I was left alone again. Left to my own devices, with this responsibility it did mean I had more of a cut of the profit and had been able to fix up my little cottage. I had a stove and I thatched the roof, replaced the floors and finally bought a bed large enough for myself. I was glad to have a more comfortable home but I was lonely in it and felt aimless for the majority of those long days. I continued to read and fill my little bookshelf full of novels and biographies of philosophers and poets.
The thought of that last glance at her as ran away stung my heart, I was relieved I wouldn't have to leave but all the while nearly convinced she had never been there to begin with.
I was wrapped up in a coat taking a few deliveries about town. There had been more and more local orders recently and Colin let me have them, he knew I wasn't much for travelling. I didn't mind the sea but spending time on the road felt painful and reminiscent.
We were on the better side of winter and spring was fast approaching. It was still cold however and would be requiring of a few layers for a few weeks or so. "Shayne!?" I heard a voice from behind me calling, I turned on my heel and clocked Colin across the road. "Colin?" I shouted back, I walked towards him. "Alright? You finished the orders?"
"No just got a few more to pick up from the Sandy."
"Ah well get on then and tell her I say hello" he patted my shoulder.
"Will do" I nodded trudging on. I was on the beach in a flash.
Courtney's POV
I Arrived on the dock and in the cold, in my hand I wielded my gloves and small suitcase. I wasn't supposed to be in England long and had packed lightly. Eagerly I stepped off the boat and onto the misty beach. I could see one or two passing figures but was too eager to notice and quickly jogged up the beach and into town.
When I arrived at the doors of the estate the house was lit up and full of life. As soon as I stepped through the door everyone was in front of Me in a second smiling and telling me how nice it was I was there. "I missed you all so much" I frowned.
"We did too" Patricia smiled
"Oh I've missed you ever so much, we all have. You sounded ever so bored in the Americas miss" daisy said
"My letters may have been a little dull" I laughed
"Welcome back miss" Walter smiles subtly
"I've missed you Walter" I grinned kissing his cheek.
"Do you need lunch ma'am?" Roy asked
"Aha no thankyou Roy I have to take my dress to the tailor"
"Oh no we can do that for you miss" Walter said
"No, no. I'd like to take a look around town anyway"
"When is Alfie due?" Daisy asked
"Tomorrow afternoon, I'm not sure how long for" I frowned
"I'm sure it'll be lovely" daisy reassured me
Shayne's POV
I had two big deliveries left, one for Michelle and the other for emileé. I thought I would take Michelle hers first this way I could have a nice chat with her.
Courtney's POV
"Yes I'm seeing my husband and I just want it to be perfect"
"Ah how lovely, I remember this dress I made it last year"
"Thankyou It's gorgeous, I love it"
"Don't thank me, thank your husband" she smiled. I blushed thinking of Alfie and gave her a smile.
"It's in good condition, it should only take me a few hours or so to have it perfect for you"
"Oh thankyou!" I beamed "I'll send Someone to collect it this evening"
"Lovely, have a nice day"
I heard the bell of the shop door as I said goodbye and then skipped towards it.
Shayne's POV
"Sorry" a woman's voice said as I stepped through the door.
"My fault" I said apologetically. In my arms I had a pile of crates and I couldn't see the in front of me as I walked.
"Shayne!" Michelle sighed taking one of the crates.
"You nearly flattened the poor girl"
"Oh sorry I couldn't see over your boxes" I sighed
"Her husband is the man that ordered that blue dress for her a year or so ago" she said pointing to the dress.
"Oh I think I remember that" I scratched my neck.
"Mm, yes well good thing you got the delivery today I need that lace. The lace on the dress is worn From storage I believe."
"Glad I could be of service" I laughed
"Hmm yes"
Courtney's POV
I decided I would return home for rest, I'd had a long journey and was feeling dizzy. "Walter?"
"Yes miss?"
"Could you send someone in a few hours to the tailor in town, tell them I sent them for my dress"
"of course" he nodded
Shayne's POV
The town was bright and warm when I left it for the cold roads, I wanted to be home quickly so I could rest, tomorrow I had to be up early and deliver even more.
Courtney's POV
The morning came swiftly and I eagerly climbed into the day. "Good morning" daisy said placing my dress on the bed beside me.
"Its perfect" I squealed hugging it to my chest.
"I hope he's here to see it" I frowned
"Don't be silly, I'm sure he will" she smiled
"Your right"
"I hear it's bad out there"she said more quietly
"in the war?" I asked
"I believe it is, Alfie would never tell me that but I can tell" I nodded
Before I knew it I was outside on the beach where he had written me to be, i had a shawl over my dress but it was awfully cold, the ground was hard and icy and wind whipped at my with cold hands. He said he would meet me at dawn and I was indeed sat eagerly on the grass as the sun rose.
Shayne's POV
I had woken up late, I rushed around throwing on the blue Jumper Sandy had knitted me hoping she would be nicer to me for it. There was no time to shave, not that I'd been properly. I was sporting scruff and that matched with my shoddy hair was enough to make me look like a real fisherman. I ran through the woods quickly taking my shirt collar and pulling it over the neck of my jumper To look somewhat presentable. It was freezing as I dashed through the trees and onto the path. I was keeping myself warm by running but it would be awful when delivering the orders. Within twenty minutes I was dashing across the beach already shouting my apologies to Sandy.
"I'm sorry I'm late"
"You'd better be, get these out to the town before 4 or o will knock your teeth out Tide!"
"I will" I said grabbing the coat from the coat rack.
"Hey that's Daves!"
"I'll bring it back I do don't have to time to get a coat"
"Don't get it dirty now"
I grabbed one of the boxes and jogged back out onto the beach. I was running when I caught my foot on something and fell to the ground. I looked behind me frustratedly and then immediately my features began to soften.
"Courtney?" I breathed. She was sat with her eyes closed almost blue in the face.
"Alfie?" She mumbled inaudibly I tore the coat off and rapped it around her. It was real, she was real. But hey was she here, why was she back. She thought I was dead, she had watched me, they all did. The thoughts crashed about my head as I charged into the shack. Sandy looked at me angrily and and then shocked when she saw her in my arms.
"God what happened to her?"
"She's freezing cold I need to find where she's staying and get her warm." I placed her down beside the small fire with the coat around her.
"How are you gonna do that?" Sandy rushed around worried.
"I don't know yet-" I stopped. I was wrapping the coat around her when I noticed that pale blue. Then I noticed the lace and it clicked. "Michelle made this dress! I'll ask her! Keep her warm Sandy."
Faster than a bullet I shot into the town and through the door.
"Michelle?" I shouted
"Hello Shayne" Annie blushed
"Where's Michelle?"
"Why?" She asked
"WHERE IS SHE" I screamed. Annie looked at me shocked with her lip trembling, she pointed to the back room and ran through the door.
"What was that shout?" Michelle asked me
"I haven't got time Michelle, listen do you know where the woman who bought the blue dress lives?"
"Oh the large estate, one of the working girls from the house told me all about it last evening.
"Thankyou" I said chasing the light through the door and jack towards the beach.
"How is she!" I breathed deeply
"Well there's no doors in this bloody shack and the fires weak" she shook her head
"She lives in the big estate"
"The big es-" Sandy started
"Yes, I'm going to run her up there and get her warm" I said picking her up and holding her in my arms.
"Shouldn't you wait for Dave? He'd have no trouble carrying her there you might struggle"
"I won't" I shook my head "there's no time"
My arms ached and burned as I ran up the hill to the houses, my lungs stung and feet pounded. She was mumbling into my neck and shivering. Finally I made it to the door, I shouted loudly "come quick!" And pounded on it with my knee. "Hello!" I shored again
The door swung open and a shocked looking young woman greeted me.
"I found her on the grass, she needs to be warm"
"Quick bring her in" she gestured. I followed her quickly through to the living room and laid her next to the fire.
"What on earth is going on?" I looked up and noticed Walter, I had seen him around the town in the past but never met him.
"Courtney's freezing, she just have been waiting fo-"
"She was outside when I found her, she's not making sense either" I panted sitting beside her in the floor and holding her against me next to the fire.
"Where was A-" The girl started
"I don't understand why she was sat out there in the cold a-"
"Do you know her?" Walter asked coldly
"I well-"
"Well do you?"
"No" I frowned
"Perhaps you should leave her in Daisies company, your holding onto her like she's your wife"

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