Hold on I still want you

由 Charlie-Cecilia

20.5K 505 104

Alec is really looking forward to his 21st birthday, but he is devastated when everyone forgets his birthday... 更多

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 17

464 16 4
由 Charlie-Cecilia

Magnus used a tracking spell to find out where Andrew had gone and discovered he was at the Hunter's Moon. After adding more protective spells to ensure Alec and the others' safety while he was gone, Magnus left to talk to Andrew at the bar. Magnus was so angry that Andrew had not promised to keep Alec's secret, he was scared that Andrew had already told the Clave. 

The Clave would want to find out how Alec was a vampire with runes and find a way for Alec to reactivate his runes to create a powerful weapon. They wouldn't care that Alec is a human being, they would only see him as a weapon or if they failed, they would hand him over to Victor. Both options were unacceptable, Magnus would go to hell and back again before he let that happen.

He found Andrew sitting at the bar with a drink staring into space. Magnus sat next to Andrew and ordered a drink from Maia. Andrew jumped in fright when he realized Magnus was next to him. 

"Andrew we need to talk". 

Andrew looked away, "I don't want to talk to you, I need time to think". 

"You are threatening the safety of my mate, I don't care if you need time to think. Don't you know what the Clave will do to Alexander if you tell them?" 

"Yes I do know!" Andrew snapped, "That's why I'm struggling with this. All my life I was taught to believe omega downworlders don't have rights. I loved Alec so much but now I know he is a downworlder omega now, I just don't know what to think of him". 

"Alexander has always been there for you, when your colleagues were homophobic to you he stood up to them at the risk of being attacked just because he is an omega. When you needed a place to stay last year he asked me if you could stay with us. And you must know I only let you stay at my loft then and more recently because of him". 

"That doesn't change what he is now". 

It took a lot of restraint for Magnus to stop himself punching Andrew, he knew Alec would be upset if he hurt him, "He is still the same person Andrew. Being a vampire only changes what he is not who he is. Simon is an omega downworlder I thought you liked him, why is it different for Alexander?" 

"I never liked that he was a downworlder omega, I only tolerated it because I was in love with Alec and Simon is one of his best friends. I'm suprised Simon is even allowed in the institute". 

"So what about Clary? She's an omega-" 

"Yes but she's a nephilim not a downworlder". 

Magnus sighed in frustration, "Even if you refuse to see Alexander ever again, just please keep his secret don't make me wipe your memories of Alexander telling you what he is". 

"You would really do that to me?" Andrew said in shock. 

"To save Alexander yes". 

Andrew got up and tried to run but Magnus used magic to freeze him, he then cast a spell to erase Andrew's memories but something was blocking him. Someone had cast a protection spell on Andrew to stop Magnus wiping his memory making Magnus furious. 

"Magnus what are you doing? Let him go", Maia said worrying about everyone staring at Magnus. She didn't want people being put off from coming to the bar and despite what Andrew thought of downworlders she didn't want him to be hurt. 

"I'm trying to wipe his memory to protect my mate, but something is stopping me. I need to take him to another warlock". 

"No Magnus don't-" Maia said but was interrupted by some shadowhunters who had drawn their seraph blades. 

"Let him go right now and maybe we'll let you leave without broken arms". 

"How dare you threaten me!" Magnus said furiously. 

The shadowhunters charged at Magnus making him let go of Andrew by mistake giving him the chance to run. Magnus cursed and tried to portal outside to catch Andrew, but a shadowhunter grabbed him. There was so many that it drained Magnus to fight them off, Maia tried to help but there were so many of them. 

When they finally defeated the shadowhunters, and after checking Maia was okay Magnus only just had enough magic to portal back to his loft. When Magnus arrived at the loft he almost fell over because he had lost so much of his strength but Alec caught him. The chains made it hard but he still managed to stop Magnus falling. 

"Magnus what happened?" Alec said, upset to see Magnus hurt. 

Magnus explained everything that happened leaving Alec feeling more hurt that he didn't know if Andrew would keep his secret or betray him. And worried for Magnus' well being. Alec offered Magnus his hand, "Take my strength". 

"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you", Magnus said, the last time he took Alec's strength he had felt guilty when he saw the pain it caused Alec and how weak his body was after. Back then he cared for Alec but now he loved him so much it would hurt him if he hurt Alec. 

"It's okay I can handle it, you are hurt you need my strength". 

Magnus reluctantly complied, he knew he would need his magic to talk to his friend about trapping Victor. He would need to portal as Ragnor was living in London at the moment. This time it was Magnus' turn to catch Alec before he fell.  

"What are we going to do about Andrew?" Clary said anxiously. 

"I'm going to see my friend I told you about. Now that Andrew knows I tracked him he will ask his warlock friend to stop me tracking him again. I will ask Ragnor if he can help with that as well as Victor". 

"Can I come with you to see your friend?" Alec asked. 

"I'm not sure if you are up to it after giving me your strength". 

"I promise I am up to it", Alec said trying to hide that he was finding it difficult to stop himself swaying but he couldn't manage to hide it from Magnus.

"I'm sorry Alexander, but you are barely standing. You need to rest, please stay here". 

Alec reluctantly agreed and allowed Izzy to help him to his room. 

"For all the times you looked after me when I was sick or upset I am glad I am able to look after you now", Izzy said as she helped Alec get into bed without falling.

"I was more than happy to look after you Iz, you don't owe me anything". 

"But I do, I was so selfish. I would always go out partying with Jace and leave you to take the punishment for our behaviour. And then we would call you boring for not coming with us. And when you were sick I let you convince me to go out and have fun. I should have argued more but it was what I wanted to hear. I'm so sorry Alec". 

Alec squeezed Izzy's hand comfortingly, "I never blamed you for the punishments. Our parents would have punished me no matter what you did, they would have found an excuse because I'm an omega. It hurt a lot that you called me boring and it means a lot that you are sorry, but I forgave you a long time ago". 

Izzy hugged Alec tightly and had to fight tears, "I love you so much big brother". 

"I love you too". 

Meanwhile Magnus was getting ready to go to London. It would have been so much easier if he could have just called Ragnor, but Ragnor hated using phones. He had always struggled to adapt to technology. Magnus had tried to give him a phone for Christmas once, but he knew Ragnor had just given it to Catrina as hers had broken and Ragnor was trying to impress her. 

Magnus would have told Catrina that he was the one who bought the phone not Ragnor but he knew how much they loved each other and were dancing around each other. He hoped that the present would make Catarina see how much Ragnor loved her. Magnus was about to portal out but Jace stopped him. 

"Wait let me come with you". 

"I don't think that's a good idea right now Blondie. I'm still mad at you for calling Alexander a bloodsucker. Ragnor has a bad past with shadowhunters, I don't want to upset him. And shouldn't you be apologizing to Simon?" 

Jace sighed in irritation, "I really am sorry for calling Alec that, I was angry and overreacted. I will be careful with Ragnor I will let you do the talking I just think I should come for back up in case those shadowhunters who attacked you are trying to track you. As for Simon, I tried to talk to him but he won't let me see him". 

"Fine just don't mess this up for me. And I'm still mad at you for hurting Alexander and Simon, saying sorry isn't good enough". 

"I'll do what it takes to make it up to them and you. Um, shouldn't we hold hands as we go through?" 

Magnus scoffed, "There's no way I'm holding your hand Blondie, I'm taken and you're not my type". 

"Hey I'm everyone's type!" Jace said indignantly, "And you always hold Alec's hand I thought it was a thing you had to do as you go through a portal, that's what Alec said". 

Magnus grinned mischievously, "I just told him that for an excuse to hold his hand when we went on our first date and I don't have the heart to tell him the truth. And I hate to burst your bubble but you really are not everyone's type". 

"Yes I am!" 

Magnus and Jace continued to bicker as they went through the portal. 

"If you weren't taken I could easily seduce you". 

Magnus rolled his eyes, "Sure you could", Magnus said sarcastically. "Wait here, I'm going to see if Ragnor is in". 

"You said I could come with you". 

"I'm just going to let Ragnor know I'm bringing a shadowhunter so he won't freak out and attack you. Honestly!" Magnus said in exasperation. 

When Magnus rang the doorbell to his suprise Ragnor opened the door straight away. 

"Magnus my old friend, it's so good to see you", Ragnor said and hugged Magnus. 

"You too", Magnus said happily hugging him back. He hadn't seen Ragnor for a long time and missed him. He wished he was visiting in happier circumstances. After Magnus explained that he needed his help and that he had a shadowhunter with him who was a friend. Ragnor let them in as he trusted Magnus was telling the truth about Jace. 

"I'm not sure if I can track Andrew if he has a powerful warlock protecting him but I will try. And there is a way to trap Victor for good, but it comes with deadly risks. Are you prepared for that Magnus?" 

"Yes I would do anything to save Alexander". 

"You truly do love him don't you?" Ragnor said fondly. He was so happy his friend had found love, he deserved it after all the pain and heartbreak he had been through. 

"He's the love of my life", Magnus said with a dreamy smile as he pictured Alec's beautiful eyes in his mind. 

Ragnor grinned at the lovestruck look on Magnus' face. And then explained to Magnus and Jace his plan. 


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