Chinese Donut

By MikushX

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When you are stuck with crazy people that are constantly manipulating you, when you're all fed up with your l... More

The Brew Bastards
Chinese Donut
My friends never change
New world
Terrifying Smile
Lonely Man
Chinese Donut Reborn
The Perfect World
Deep Sorrow
Once Upon a Time
After Credits

Crazy İdiots

72 15 7
By MikushX

Our plane finally reached the Bahamas after long hours.

I looked out the window at the view. What a wonderful place... The beauty of nature is mesmerizing. The greenery of the trees, the blue sea view, the sand of the coast - everything is in harmony. I wish this was a vacation, not a fucking killer mission. This is a fantastic place to die. Oh, Boris, how lucky you are. Not everyone is destined to die in a place like this.

We got off the plane at the airport.

At the exit, a black hummer stopped in front of us. Our new team members, as Mikush said, get out of the car.

Fuck!! Mikush, where did you find them?

Skinny dude is a very thin one. He wears a black T-shirt, a white tracksuit bottom, sunglasses, and a necklace around his neck. His entire body is covered with insane drawings. He hardly speaks. He simply answers "ok" or "no" to every question.

Galina is a bodybuilding lover like Bobby. She is very tall and bulky. She has more muscles than any man in our team except Bobby. She is blonde and resembles a Russian spy from Hollywood movies. I think this damn Mikush always chooses people that look like movie characters.

After getting acquainted with them, we hit the road. We came to "Mikush Hotel". We had lunch at the "Mikush restaurant", and then rested at the "Mikush sauna". In the evening we sat down at the table in the "Mikush bar". Why, Mikush??? Why are you naming every your damn business after your name?

Mikush: The plan is simple. We go to the hotel tomorrow, kill everyone, and then we leave.

(Fuck!! The same plan again. Mikush are you stupid? Do you really think our enemies are stupid to fall for the same trick?).

So we started to get ready to battle and we started to revise our plan. Meanwhile, Bobby and Galina getting along well. What the heck? Why are you so close?

It's the morning now and we all left our rooms.

We are ready for battle. Where is Bobby? He's not here. Where can be this idiot?

I went to his room.

Fuck boy.... he drinks protein. Poor thing, he doesn't know that Adam emptied the protein boxes and filled them with heroin powder.

We take weapons and get into the car. Mikush and Skinny Dude are sitting in the front. Adam is smoking weed in the trunk. I am sitting in the middle of these two bodybuilding monsters in the back. Damn, these two squeeze me so hard. I can't breathe properly. Why am I in the middle? This is an injustice.

Meanwhile, Bobby and Galina are chatting.

Galina said with a Russian accent: When I was little, my dad gave me my first dumbbell. Every day he forced me to do 100 sets of push-ups, 100 sets of hammer curls, 100 sets of deadlifts, 10 km of running. When I couldn't, when I was not strong enough, he injected me with steroids. When I tried to give up, cried, or protest, he would beat me with a dumbbell. He was a very good father. Thanks to him, I became like this... However, that scum Boris killed him. He left me without a father. He took my happiness away from me. I can't forgive him. I will avenge my father.

Tears welled up in Booby's eyes.

Bobby: How genius he was. This is a huge loss for the world of bodybuilding. I will take revenge on him too. You can't believe how badly Boris hurt me. He has done me a great unforgivable disgrace.

Galina: What did he do? What could that scum do worse than killing my father?

Bobby said sadly: damned Boris burned 60 pounds of my premium protein. I still can't forget that moment.

At that moment, an unbelievable expression of sadness appeared on Galina's face. She started to cry. When she talked about her father's death, she didn't have that sad expression on her face.

Galina: It can't be. How disgraceful Boris can be. Your sorrow is even greater than mine.

After a while, they started flirting. Fuck their romance.

Bobby: your abs and biceps muscles are so well built, and that leg muscles I can't take my eyes from them. You are so damn beautiful.

Galina heard this and began to laugh.

Then I listened to a compliment and a lecture on muscle structure for half an hour. (Fuck my life).

We have reached the point of the battle. Mikush gave each of us a mask so that they would not recognize us.

Fuck Mikush. WTF is that? We are not going to The Cosplay Event. We are going to war!

Galina got the old woman mask from the movie "The town". Bobby got the Horse Mask. It would look ridiculous if a normal person wore this mask, but it looks scary when Bobby wears it. Skinny Dude got a skeletal mask. Frankly, it suits him and his skinny body looks spooky. He gave to Adam a Joker mask. I don't think it suits Adam. He looks so weird and disgusting with his belly. And for himself, Mikush got a mask from the movie "V for Vendetta". Mikush, stop watching damn Hollywood movies.

Actually, they all look kinda cool and scary. And finally my mask ... ???

Fuck you Mikush!!! What is this? Why did you give me the fucking "Pikachu mask"? Damned bastard!! If the enemies see me in this situation, they will laugh. Damn, you just embarrassed me in front of my enemies.

We finally reached the point of the battle. Boris sits by the pool and sunbathes.

We slowly approached him.

Oh shit!!

Suddenly everyone in the hotel pointed their guns at us.

From hotel employees to customers, they all had guns. Damn it is a trap. OMG!!! Everyone is here. Little Dagger, Lord Arthur, Dandy, and Mandy brothers. It's like "Avengers End game".

I knew it was stupid to take the same attack plan.

Boris stood up. Take the glass of whiskey in his hand. Then he lit a cigar, looked at us, and smiled.

Boris: I knew you'll come. I planned everything for a long time. You're so dumb to take the same attack route and your foolish costumes prove your stupidity. You killed my kids, stole my data, and destroyed the entire system that I have been building for years. I do not know what is on your mind. However, it doesn't matter. I have waited for a year to kill you. I was waiting to crack your bones, torture you. Thank god for that day finally come.

I looked at Mikush as always.

What we gonna do?

Mikush looked at me.

I can see that damned Vendetta smile. Damn, Mikush it is not a place to show off.

Suddenly a shadow fell on us from the hotel's roof. Everyone turned their heads to the top of the building.

Someone is standing at the head of the building with a rifle in his hand. His face is invisible because the sun's rays are reflected behind him.

He started firing.

Panic broke out. Everyone started to run. We took the opportunity and fleed. OMG!! Somebody shot Skinny Dude. why even you bother to come here at all? Skinny dude, you were a good man even if I don't know you.

But we have no time for grief.

We run on the street. After 5 minutes, a car appeared in front of us and we quickly got in.

Finally, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Wait a minute!!! Who drives the car? He is the guy on the hotel roof. I recognized him from his clothes. Wait!! I saw this man somewhere... This big head, big body, buckwheat skin, curly hair. OMG!!! This is Him!!! Ahmed. You're alive?

Ahmed: hah dudes what did you think. I'm not such a weak guy. I fell into the water but did not die. Because Mikush saved me and he let me to fight against Boris.

I looked at Mikush angrily.

(Why didn't you tell us, you damned bastard) I said it inwardly.

Mikush: come on guys don't look at me like that. It's true that I didn't tell you about him. Because I felt something fishy about this plan. That's why I lied to you.

( Damn Mikush this was your plan. You idiot)

Then suddenly Ahmed pulled out cocaine powder and started to sniff it.

Adam: that's my dude.

(Fuck u Ahmed why are you sniffing cocaine while driving a car?)

In the meantime, we entered a yard and went inside an old building.

Ahmed: Be prepared, I misled them yet, but they will come.

We started preparations.

Ahmed and Adam smoking drugs. They are already best buddies. Bobby and Galina are flirting. Mikush eats Chinese Donut.

Fuck!!! Does anyone take this thing seriously here?


The doors collapsed. The armed people entered the factory.

It's time to start. Now you'll see the biggest cliche of all time

We all showed a cool posture and started to shoot.

We killed all the armed people who entered the building.
Now our bullets have run out as always.

The last men standing are Lord Arthur, Dandy and Mandy brothers, Small Dagger and Boris Salamanca.

(Yeah I know what you want to say. But we need the Boss battle.)

And here begins the final battle.

Lord Arthur gonna fight against Bobby and Galina. Okay, that makes sense.

Ahmed and Adam vs. SMALL DAGGER. That's so unfair.

Mikush is against Dandy and Mandy brothers. As if I give a shit.

Hell yeah!! I'm against Boris.

Fighting music starts

Boom Boom.

Concrete fists hit Lord Arthur but these have no effect on him. He is like steel.

Bobby: damn muscles. I need to use my full power.

He attacks him with all his might. But Lord Arthur's punches break him and Bobby collapses. He can't breathe properly.

Galina screams: Don't touch my boyfriend!!

(Wait what? when this happened?)

She jumps on Lord Arthur. OMG!! Lord Arthur hit her abdomen. She falls to the ground and she can't move now. I think she'll die soon.

Bobby screamed "my love" and stood up.

His eyes are red. He is completely furious. I have never seen Bobby that angry. All the veins of his body are visible.

He attacks Lord Arthur. Bobby's punching him nonstop.
He broke Lord Arthur's shield and hit his face with all power he has. He managed it!! He destroyed Lord Arthur. That's unbelievable.

Lord Arthur said his last words: where did you get that much power? You were so weak....

Bobby: This is the power of love.

(Damn so cliché)

Bobby falls to the ground.

He wasted all his life energy.

He crawls closer to Galina.
They both live in their last moments.

Bobby: I love you.

Galina: I love you too.

Then they embraced and kiss each other....

They are not moving. Damn... this is so sad. :'( It was a sorrowful love story. It was over before it started. )

(Why every character of this story has to die at the end. It's so stupid. Shame on you writer dude)

But there is no time for grief.

Simultaneously Ahmed and Adam are fighting against SMALL DAGGER. Fuck!! nunchaku again. Little Dagger looks so much like his grandmother. I think your Grandma would be proud of you if she were alive.

Ahmed: hahaha I trained against nunchaku. I will not repeat the same mistake. You can't beat me with it.

SMALL DAGGER smiles at him and suddenly hits Adam with nunchaku.

Fuck!!! Adam's head bleeds.

He falls to the ground.

Adam gets weed in his hands and lits it: oh yeah that was a good life.

And he dies......

What a damn day today. Why am I losing all my friends?

Ahmed attacks. The boy pulls out his dagger, leaps at Ahmed, and stabs him in the eye. Ahmed shouted and punched the child. Then he took something out of his backpack.

Fuck!!! this is Thor's hammer. Why did you bring that here again?

Ahmed hits Small Dagger with a hammer. The child's head crash into pieces.

Ahmed that was a child why you did that???

Ahmed falls to the ground.

Meanwhile, Mikush fights like a ninja with Mandy and Dandy brothers. Damn Mikush!!! They are boxers. Not a samurais.

Okay, now my turn. I continue to fight with Boris. Boris has a wooden bat in his hand.

Fuck!!! Boris beats me harshly. I don't have a chance against him.

I fell to the ground. He immediately threw the bat aside and started to choke me.

This is the end. Who will save me now??? Yes, there is no escape from death. It's my end. I do not learn from my mistakes. I just keep remembering the past when death is at my door. That's why I'm a failure. I remembered my dream again. I promised myself that I would pursue my dream, but I did not do it.

I want to scream. I want to call for help. But my voice doesn't come out. It's not because Boris is choking me. My voice never came out. I could never speak. I always said everything inwardly.

Because I'm speech-impaired. I have not been able to speak since I was a child, and I have always had problems because I am mute.

That's why I dreamed. Yes, my dream will no longer be real. After all, I wanted to establish a school for speech-impaired children. Let those children not experience my sufferings. May those children have hope and may they be happy. What will happen now? It's over for everything.

Suddenly I remembered Mikush's words. "Everything starts with Chinese Donut and ends with it." I do not know why I remember these words. It doesn't make any sense. These words have no meaning. But I know one thing. I promised that if I survived, I would follow my dream. I can't die. It's not time to give up.

Remember what in Military School Captain Tom and Lieutenant Jerry taught me. Yes, that trick.

I suddenly turned my legs and put Boris in a dangerous suffocating trick, which was used to kill Anaconda in the forests of South America.


Boris got rid of the trick. It became clear why I failed the military school.

Boris took the wooden bat.

In the end all my efforts for nothing.

Bang Bang Bang.

I heard three gunshots. Mikush shot at them with Glock 17.

Fuuuuck!!!!! Mikush. Damned bastard. I knew it was all your plan. It always was the game for you from the beginning. You didn't care about us. You were just enjoying it. I always felt that you can easily kill Boris and others. But you just assemble us to make your games entertaining. I'm so furious. I can't stand his actions anymore.

"Why didn't you shoot from the start? People died in vain" I shouted angrily.

Wait... What? Did I speak? How can this be? Would it be a psychological disability? How I'm able to speak?

Well, fuck it. It does not matter. Whatever the reason I don't care. The thing is that I can speak. Yeah, thank you Mikush.

(Yeah, I know. After all, I am a human being. While something good happens to us, we forget about everything bad happened to us. This is so selfish.)

Half an hour later

Fortunately, nothing serious happened to Ahmed. He just lost one eye. Mikush lent him a Caribbean eye patch. Now he really looks like Thor.

The three of us went out with suitcases in our hands. Of course, there is money in the suitcases. Mikush is so generous. (Yeah, we are greedy bastards)

We arrived at the airport.

We have to part our ways here.

Ahmed stopped and put his hand on my shoulder.

Ahmed: Yeah bro, let's go have a drink.

I looked at Ahmed and smiled: No, Ahmed, I will change. Now I'll make my own decisions. It was my fault that people decide everything for me. But not anymore. I promised myself that I would follow my dream. That's enough to avoid obstacles. It's time to overcome them.

Ahmed smiled.

Ahmed: Bye Bro. I'm proud of you.

Me: bye man.

We embrace.

Meanwhile, Mikush approached me with a bag in his hand. He handed me the bag. I opened it.


There are Chinese Donuts inside it.

Mikush opened his mouth. I stopped him.

I'm not in a mood to listen to this philosophical bullshit for 2 hours.

I said: Mikush. In the end, I realized you were right. It all started with Chinese Donut and ended with it.

Mikush looked at me and laughed. I'm laughing too.

How stupid it was. Our adventure was nonsense. Just like Chinese Donut.

Okay. It's time to go. Good luck guys.

We are all on our way. And here the sunset slowly shows up and we can see magnificent scenery. We made new friends and lost. These were horrible days. But life goes on and we must continue on our way.

End of Part 2.

Two people are sitting in the hall of "Mikush Business Center". They both are over 6 feet in height and have a muscular body structure. One of them is Asian and looks like K-Pop singers. Another one is a handsome Afro-American and he looks like a Hollywood movie star. They are talking about something.

Then the door opens.

Mikush enters and greets them. He sits down at the table.

Mikush: we have already got rid of all obstacles. Boris died today. There is nothing left to stop us. We can now implement the plan. Let the "Chinese Donut Reborn" operation begin.

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