𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓸𝓻𝓬𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓼 ✾|...

By AthenaWisdom1

54K 1.9K 432

✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・* *・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿   A Soulmate "Is someone who challenge... More

°•~Rise of the Serpentine~•°
Rise of the Snakes
Never Trust a Snake
Can Of Worms
The Snake King
Tick Tock
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
The Royal Blacksmiths
The Green & Guardian Ninja
All Of Nothing
Rise of the Great Devourer
Day of the Great Devourer
°•~Legacy of the Green Ninja~•°
Darkness Shall Rise
Pirates vs. Ninja
Double Trouble
Ninjaball Run
Child's Play
The Stone Army
The Day Ninjago Stood Still
The Last Voyage
Island Of Darkness
The Last Hope
Return of the Overlord
Rise of the Spinjitzu Masters
*Bonus; First Impressions.*
The Surge
The Art of the Silent Fist
The Curse of the Golden Master
Enter the Digiverse
Codename: Arcturus
* Special Oneshot *
The Void
The Titanium Ninja
*Finding Emerald*
°•~The Tournament Of Elements~•°
The Invitation
※✥❀✾ Anniversary ❁✿❖✤
Only One Can Remain
Ninja Roll
Spy For A Spy
The Forgotten Element
The Day of the Dragon
The Greatest Fear Of All
The Corridor Of Elders
Bonus: The Date ❦ The Dream
Winds Of Change
Ghost Story *editing*
Stiix and Stones
The Temple On Haunted Hill
Kingdom Come
The Crooked Path
Grave Danger

Growing Up, Unfortunately.

1.2K 43 30
By AthenaWisdom1

It was the next day when it happened.

Or well, night.

Specifically, midnight.

The air was cold and chilly, the sun was nowhere to be seen, the sky was darker then tar, the stars up in the airspace were probably brighter then any limelight.

The moon was out and in a beautiful Cresent shape, the light raining down on the citizens of Ninjago.

It was a peaceful night, so beautiful yet so scary. So dangerous yet so pretty to let go of.

And it was a day or two, or well, night after the whole Tea Incident the famed Ninja had.

A scream was heard on the Destiny's Bounty.

Wu's eyes open, blinking in confusion. He groggily opens his eyes.

"Wha-" Cole gets up but hits his head on the bunk. "Ugh," he let's out a groan, rubbing his poor forehead.

"Who-?" Jay starts but falls out, he yelps, looking up.

Zane also gets up, a confused frown on his face.

Kai gets up, blinking, he rubs the sleep out of his eyes. He yawned tiredly.

Lloyd yawns. "What happened? Who screamed?" He groans.

Jay grunts, getting up and rubbing his sore back. "Probably some stupid fangirl who got on board,"


"Nope." Cole shakes his head. "We're not famous enough for that."

"Wait a minute, that's Lacey!" Kai says in realization.

As soon as he said that, all of them run out of their room. and to her and Nya's shared, just until she could get her own, bedroom.

Wu follows behind them, a serious frown on his face. He walked inside the room calmly, unlike the others who tripped over their own feet.

They all come face to face with Nya, who was standing near her bathroom door with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Nya, what happened?" Jay asks, stepping forward. He gave her a concerned look, glancing at the bathroom door.

Nya sighs. "Looks like Lacey got her period," She shrugs crossing her arms, chewing on her bottom lip.

Kai blinks.

Cole makes a face.

Jay's cheeks turn pink.

Wu coughs, looking away.

Lloyd tilts his head, looking confused.

Zane slowly nods. "Oh, yes. It is common knowledge, now that she has grown, her body will also start developing-"

"Zane!" Cole yells.

"Shut up!" Jay hissed. "Zip it!"

Kai groans, smacking his forehead.

"Uh...what?" Lloyd asks.

"Hmm," Wu hums, stroking his beard. "Interesting. It has only been two days since the tea incident and yet, their bodies have only now started adjusting. However...they will still need to be lectured on this."

Jay frowns. "Wait...what do you mean?" He questions.

"Nya! Help! I'm bleeding!" Lacey's muffled voice could be heard from inside the bathroom.

Nya sighs, looking tired from being woken up at midnight. "Well, Sensei is right. They'll need to know,"

"Wait, just a second...." Cole starts, his eyes widening.

"No, no, no, no, no." Jay says, shaking his head. "I did not sign up for this. A ninja, yes. A ninja who teaches puberty, fuck no!" He snaps.

Cole slaps the upside of his head. "Language, Jay." He scolds.

Lloyd blinks.

"We're gonna have too..." Kai pales, "Teach Lloyd about puberty." He groans, smacking his forehead.

"Uh...what now?" Lloyd asked, looking at all of them in confusion.

Cole, Kai and Jay groan.

Zane merely nods at his Sensei, looking happily oblivious.


The Next Morning.....

Lacey frowns as she follows after Nya.

Her bright blue eyes look all around the pretty stores, the cafes and food courts. She looked at all the people walking, talking and laughing.

She spotted a few girls laughing and chatting, they all held shopping bags of all kinds. She also saw a few guys walking around, being boisterous and how they usually were.

Lacey puts her hands behind her back and follows the older raven head. The Sorceress was wearing her clothes, a red shirt with some red pants. The bright red didn't really look good on her....

According to Nya, something blue and teal would look good on. The blue would bring out her eyes, which were also a pretty blue color.

"Alright, you need clothes." Nya nods. "But getting you a bra, is mandatory." She sighs, looking around for a specific shop.

Lacey looks at her, blinking twice. "A what now?" She crosses her arms.

Nya breathes out, glancing at her chest. "I can't believe your breasts are bigger then mine," she pouts. "But!" She starts. "That just makes me more desperate to get you a bra. Come on now!"

Lacey sqeaks when the older girl grabs her wrist and starts dragging her to a shop. She has just enough time to read the name, Victoria's Secret, before she's dragged in.

She frowns, making a face as she looks all around. There was fancy underwear all around, along with cups...?...around the mannequins...chest? What now?

"Uh....Nya, what the heck is this?" She asks, looking around with a weird look on her face.

Nya hums. "Let's see, first you need to get measured then we'll see what to get."

Lacey raised an eyebrow.


Lloyd has never felt so weird and ashamed then he ever has. He stared at the presentation that Zane had set up, his whole face red in embarrassment.

The Ice Ninja had downloaded the files on puberty last night. And set up a whole presentation for the little green bean so he could be properly educated on this.

Good 'ole Zane.

"Now, let us begin." Zane nods, turning on the presentation.

Lloyd glanced towards Uncle who sat to the side, drinking tea and looking unbothered.

Jay spoke up. "Yeah....you have fun with that..." He quickly runs out of the room.

Cole nods, laughing nervously. "Yeah, Zane, old body, I'm sure you've got this." He quickly walks out.

"I'm gonna go....gel my hair, yeah. Bye!" Kai says and runs out, following the others hastily.

Wu chuckles quietly.

Zane nods. "Let's begin."

Lloyd swallows hard.

This was gonna be a long day.


Ugh, I hate this bra.
Lacey squirmed as she walked along with Nya. She had grabbed many bra's and some underwear and, according to her they were called, panties. Most of them were baby blue, a dark pretty blue and black.

But she hated this, she hated this so much, it was so uncomfortable. She hates this so much. She shifts uncomfortably as she walked along with the older girl.

"Alright! Now to get you some real clothes," Nya grinned, her eyes growing with excitement.

After that, it was all a blur. Nya had ran and dragged her into so many shops and stores, their was; Forever 21, Macy's, H&M, Sephora, Charlotte's, and many many more.

Along the way, Nya explained what periods were.

Lacey hated that, she had only shaken her head and said, "Being a girl is so hard."

"You know it!" Nya had laughed.


Lloyd's whole face was red. He shifts in his seat, his face a blushing red. Woah, I did not know it could do that. He glanced down at his lap.

"-and you will feel some urges whenever you are aroused, however-" Zane explained.

Lloyd stared blankly, wishing he could go deaf right about now. He really didn't want to know, he really didn't want to learn this. This was so embarrassing...and stupid, and gross.

Mostly gross.

(Your Father and Mother on Earth 2 would be disappointed.)

"Head up, Lloyd." Wu tells him, sat in the corner as he sipped his dear tea. He glanced at Zane's awkward presentation before giving his nephew a look. "It is important you are lectured about this,"

"Why though?" Lloyd says, his tone whining. He swallows hard, shifting uncomfortably.

"It is important to control these urges, young nephew. You need to know this," Wu says, he then looks away and mutters quietly, "Seeing as you will have a child with Lacey in the future...and she or he will be very powerful."

Zane continues his lecture. "And then, you slide it in gently-"

Lloyd resisted the urge to gag.


Lacey follows after Nya as they enter the Bounty. She sighs, exhausted. They had been gone the whole Morning, and were now just coming back.

"Okay, let's see," Nya says, looking through the bags. "I'll go out this in your bedroom, I'm sure Jay and Kai have it ready by now."

Lacey nods, watching her go. She then hums, sipping her peppermint Frappuccino, it really was delicious. She loves Starbucks, their coffee was now her favorite. Although, Dunkin had the best donuts and desserts, she would rather they both combine maybe.

She then hears grunting. She pauses, before following the sound to the training room.

Nya had made her change into one of her new clothes.

Lacey's had chosen to wear a short baby blue dress with some white flats. It was really pretty and brought out her eyes, making them look more blue.

She then opened the door to gape....

Lloyd was training.

On his own.

She blinks, shaking her head and ignoring that he was shirtless and very toned. She frowns before she grins.

"........HEY LLOYD!" She screams suddenly.

Lloyd jumps, letting out a yelp before he turns to see a laughing and cackling Guardian Ninja. He scowls, he then pauses when he sees her outfit.

Is it just him or did he feel like that made her eyes look more blue and pretty? "Hey!" He snaps. "What was that for?"

She grins. "I did scare ya," she smirks before sipping her Frapp. She stares at him as she slurped on purpose.

Lloyd narrows his eyes, crossing his arms. "How was the shopping?"

Lacey brightened, causing him to smile softly. "Amazing! Except the bra part," she deflates. "But I did learn a lot of fashion tip! I could finally use all the fashion magazines I read in real life! Remember?!" She laughs.

Lloyd however, was very confused. "What's a bra?" He asks.

Lacey pauses, she blushes. "Uhh, nothing important. Say, did you know there are shirts called polos?"

He looks even more confused.

Lacey rolls her eyes, "I'll explain at dinner. Ohh!" She exclaims, an idea growing. "Why don't we meet on the deck at midnight?"

Lloyd blinks before he nods. "Sure! Oh, did you bring me candy?" He asks eagerly.

Lacey smirks. "You know it," she winks. She then makes a face, gagging. "Ugh, you smell awful. Go shower, Lloyd." She then walks out of the room.

Lloyd watches her go before he chuckles and shakes his head.


Dinner Time....

"Oh, I love it when Zane cooks." Jay moans as he ate the Alfredo pasta the Ice Ninja had made.

Lacey smiles, eating hee own plate. She glanced down at the cheesy and gooey goodness. She took small but delicious bites.

"Ugh, your not the only one." Cole groans, already eating his third plate.

Wu chuckles softly.

"Hmm, I wonder how he made this." Kai hums, taking a bite of his own.

"I don't know and I don't care," Nya smiles, looking down at her plate. "This tastes absolutely delish."

Lloyd nods, taking big bites.

Zane smiles at everyone.

"Soo...what did you guys all do today?" Lacey asks, raising an eyebrow.

Jay, Kai and Cole choke.

Zane smiles, turning to her. "I taught Lloyd the important ethics of puberty and-"

"Zane!" Jay yells.

"Shut up!" Lloyd snaps, his face red.

Kai, Nya and Cole burst out laughing at the confused look on Lacey's face.

Wu chuckled quietly.


Later that night....

"We're grown up now,"

Lacey raised an eyebrow as she stared at the destined Green Ninja. The two of them stood outside on the deck, leaning against the railing.

A pack gummy worms was being shared between them.

"Yeah, so...." She raised an eyebrow, eating the head of a red gummy bear.

Lloyd grins. "....that means we can fully curse now."

Lacey paused. Her eyes widen, "Oh yeah! Fuck yeah!" She yells, she makes a surprised face before covering her mouth. "Oops, sorry." She blushed.

Lloyd burst out laughing. "Yes! We can curse now!"

Lacey snickers.

The two stare at each other with wide grins. They didn't even notice the distance between them decreasing, they quickly pulled away when they noticed.

Lloyd clears his throat.

Lacey looks away. "Um..."

"Yeah," He looks away, awkwardly. "We should go before-"

"What are you two doing up here in the middle of the night?!"

The two turn to see Sensei Wu standing there, in his pajamas, clutching a teddy bear.



Wu narrowed his eyes.

"We were just," Lacey glances at the packet of gummy bears. "....um."

"Enough," Wu states. "Get to bed. Right now,"

"Yes, Sensei." They both nod before quickly scrambling away.

Wu watches them go with a sigh, shaking his head. "Kids."


Athena ⚜️

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