My Sunshine

By AmethystStar19

30.8K 669 49

Juneaux Dreyar, the youngest of the Dreyar siblings, has finally woken up from her 7 year slumber. While she... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter 10

1.7K 43 0
By AmethystStar19

Chapter 10: The Dreyar Family





"She's already taking out half of the monsters!" The announcer yell disbelief.

Monster after monster Erza took down without a problem. Reequipping fast and efficiently. Such talent and power wasted away on artificial monsters. I sigh disappointed I couldn't be the one to fight against Erza in this event.

I stare at the screen watching how Erza effortlessly took down each monster even the A class months without losing a breath. I smile happily. We would definitely win today's event no matter what.

I didn't know if I should feel happy about winning. But I wanted to win I wanted to see Sting again. I wanted to fix things with him. But at the same time my anger says no.

I look around the arena at how everyone cheered for Titania of Fairy Tail. A name truly deserving of Erza. I glance towards Sabertooth stealing a peek at Sting. Sting was staring at the screen with his mouth wide open in disbelief. I smirk. Fairy Tail wasn't finish. We are just getting started.

99 monsters. Finally Erza was battling the last monster. The S class monster.

"Impressive." I heard one of the other participants say amaze.

"She fights efficiently and with subtlety." Jura said impress.

"I didn't expect anything less from her." I said confidently, smirking at him.

Jura grin and crossed his arms.

"I wonder if Sho and Wally are seeing this." The cat like girl whisper happily. I think she grew up Erza. I couldn't really remember what her name was.

"What a joke." The Sabertooth man scoff unimpressed. "She's nothing to get excited over. Just look at the sorry state she's in." he continue annoy.

I glare at the giant man.

"Jealous." I said slyly.

The man turn to glare at me but didn't say anything.

'Erza come on win! Show them who Fairy Tail really is!' I thought happily.

Tears form as I watch her defeat the last monster.

"UNBELIEVEABLE!" the announcer stutter disbelief at what had just happen. "She actually was able to defeat all 100 monsters by herself!"

"YEAH ERZA!" I scream happily clapping along with everyone as my exhausted friend stood proudly.

"Fairy Tail A Erza Scarlet is the winner! It's an absolute, undisputed victory! Is this the real strength of the most powerful guild 7 years ago?!"

This has always been our strength. We are going to show everyone what Fairy Tail really is made of. I look at my bandage arm and bite my lower lip anxiously. I understand why the First Master wants me to use it. This will truly show my strength as a Fairy Tail member. I grip my hand tightly and smirk.

The giant temple suddenly disappeared from in front of us and Erza appeared from the purple magic circle still holding her sword up proudly.

The whole arena was cheering happily at Erza's victory. I ran over to her and wrapped my arm around her waist helping her stand.

"Thanks June." She whisper tiredly.

"You did great rival." I whisper tearfully.

Natsu, Gray, Wendy and Lucy come towards us excitedly. Everyone continue to scream excitedly and I glance up at Gramps who was dancing around happily at our victory.

"Fairy Tail A sweeps the Pandemonium event and scores 10 points!"


The rest of us stood patiently waiting to see how we would earn our points. Since Erza basically slaughtered the Pandemonium event.

"Well, after some deliberation, we've concluded that the remaining 7 teams still need to be ranked." Mr. Pumpkin said still disbelief at what had happen earlier with Erza. I giggle softly at everyone's surprise and amazement. "So, although it's a little bland, we've prepared a simple game." He explain disappointingly.

Suddenly a weird looking lacrima thingy floated down beside Mr. Pumpkin.

"What's that?" I hear someone ask just as confuse.

"The Magic Power Finder, or the MPF for short!" Mr. Pumpkin explain happily.

"A magic power measuring device?" Jura ask curiously.

I clinch my fist tightly and grin like crazy. Just the type of event I needed to show of my power.

"Precisely." Mr. Pumpkin coo darkly. "If you use magic on this device it will display its magic power in numerical value. We will use this number to decide the rankings and winner of the remaining participants."

"A pure test of power, huh?" Hibaki suddenly said from beside me.

"What the hell. When did you show up?" I ask annoy.

"I might be at a bit of a disadvantage." He continue ignoring my question. "Also, Ms. Juneaux, are you free tonight!"

I look around the arena and notice Sting glaring daggers at the poor unsuspecting man. I then felt another heated glare coming from the stands and notice Laxus glaring just as deadly at the man.

"I am, but, I don't think my brother would be too happy if you took me out." I said cunningly, pointing towards a fuming Laxus.

Hibaki smile weakly at Laxus and slowly stepped away from me. I guess Laxus has his usefulness.

"Now then, let's begin!" Mr. Pumpkin said happily rounding all of us up for the event. "You will be going in the same order as previously drawn."

Great I'm still last. I sigh crossing my arms annoy.

"Great! Then I'm up first!" the cat like girl said happily. "Kitten Blast!"

365 the device mark. I wasn't sure if that was supposed to be high or low.

"Without a benchmark to compare against, I'm not sure if that's high or not." The announcer said confuse.

"Actually, we Rune Knights use MPFs in our training." I hear the Rune Knight explain happily. "That's a pretty high number enough to classify her as a Captain." He explain impressed

"Impressive." The announcer adds.

"Next is Novali of Quatro Puppy! 124!"

I giggle at the low number.

"Next up is Hibiki of Blue Pegasus!"

95. I bend over laughing.

"Next is Obra of Raven Tail."

I stop laughing and stared at the strange dress man wondering if that could be my father. A small little creature suddenly jumped out from its robes hitting the orb.

"A magic power level of 4!" the announcer yell disbelief at the small number.

"Unfortunately there are no due overs." Mr. Pumpkin said slowly. "Which means Millianna from Mermaid Heel is in the lead."

Millianna that's her name. Millianna shook Mr. Pumpkin's hand happily. But suddenly the Sabertooth member pushed past them.

"We'll see about that." He said arrogantly.

I scoff. Why the hell are all of Sabertooth so arrogant?

"Here comes Orga of Sabertooth!"

"120mm Black Lightning Cannon!"

Hm, interesting, lightning just like Laxus but his is black.


The coward gasp amaze at the huge number. The man then started to sing in the worst possible voice since Gajeel, I swear.

"Now let's see if the Saint Wizard Jura can surpass that number!"

"Rumbling Fuji!" Jura shouts.

A bright white light shot out form the ground enfolding the device. When everything cleared the deceive read 8544.

"Holy Shit." I mutter.

I wonder if this would be enough to beat him. I touched my arm softly a little concern now.

"Next we have Junaux Dreyar from Fairy Tail B!"

"Finally, my turn!" I grin happily walking towards the device.

I slowly undid my bandage arm and finally showed the bright red emblem to everyone in the crowd.

"Alright let's get this show on the road!" I yell happily.

I lift my hand up pointing it to the sky, bright gold glitter forming around me.

"Gather! O river of light that's guided by the fairies! Shine! In order to perish the fangs of evil!" I kneeled down pointing my fisted up hand towards the measuring device. "FAIRY GILTTER!"

The bright gold light shot out destroying the MPF as 9999 appeared in big bold numbers. I slowly stood up extending my still glowing arm up and grin happily at my number.

"The MPF has been destroyed! It's off the scales! This guild is unstoppable!"

I turned around smirking up at Sting who was staring right back at me with his mouth wide open. He couldn't believe what just happen. I lifted my arms up proudly showing off my Fairy Tail insignia on my arm.

"Can no one stop Fairy Tail now?!" the announcer scream disbelief.

"No one can stop us because we are Fairy Tail!" I yell happily, panting slightly from the over use of magic power. Had I not been injured yesterday this would not have been so hard to use. I smile happily at everyone waving at our victory over everyone!

"Fairy Tail is currently in 1st and 2nd place!"


I sat tiredly on my bed that I was force to come to by Laxus after winning the MPF event. Surprisingly Llyr was still here chilling from his wounds.

"I thought you would have been long gone?" I said skimming through a magazine.

"I thought you would be sucking faces with the Sabertooth prick." He contour bluntly also skimming through a magazine.

I turned bright red slamming the magazine shut.

"I would never!" I yell freaking out.

As much as I wanted to know what his lips felt like I would not give into my stupid feelings. He was a jerk. A jackass. A prick. Yeah he was a jerk jackass arrogant prick!

"Your reaction says otherwise." He reply lazily.

I could see the smirk on his face and I glare angrily.

"What you saw the other night was only a bet!" I growl annoy.

"Him carrying you home was also part of the bet?" he tease knowingly.

"How, how did you know that?" I question fluster, my cheeks probably redder than before.

"I made you cried. I needed to make sure you were ok." he grumble annoy.

I smirk now.

"You were worried about your baby sister." I taunt happily.

"Shut up." He growl.

I giggle going back to my magazine.

"I'm not leaving until Ivan has been dealt with." Llyr said seriously.

I glance at him thoughtfully and smile realizing he still cared for the Guild and everyone in it.

I was about to say something when suddenly I felt extremely weak and light headed.

"Llyr..." I said concern trying to get up but my body wasn't responding as everything started to go black.

"What the fuck..." I hear Llyr hiss before also passing out with me.

I groan tiredly feeling extremely weak for some reason. I tried to open my eyes as someone shook me hard trying to wake me up.

"June, get up! June!" they continue yelling concern.

"What the hell..." I grumble out slowly sitting on my knees.

My head was throbbing and everything hurt. I blink away the drowsiness and saw that it was Llyr who had been shaking me.

"Llyr? What the hell happen?" I ask rubbing my aching head.

I look around and I realize I was down in the arena surround by the coward. But there was a strange purple field around us blocking us from view. Suddenly Laxus and the giant gold man from Raven Tail flew passed us fighting but they went right through me.

I look around and gasp seeing the real Laxus and whole group of Raven Tail standing beside us.

"Ivan has us in some kind of illusion." Llyr grumble also seemingly not being able to move much.

"What the hell happen" I ask again.

"He must have used Obra on us and extinguished our magic power." Llyr growl slowly standing up and offer me his hand.

I slowly stood up using him as support and he did the same.

"Seems our guests have woken up." Ivan grin happily.

"What the hell do you want Ivan?" I growl angrily.

"Seems you weren't a complete waste of space after all Juneaux." Ivan spoke darkly.

He offer me his hand.

"Come Juneaux join me. Join your father and let us crush Fairy Tail for everything they have done to us."

I glare at his hand feeling all the pit up anger come to the surface.

"What Fairy Tail did to me?" I hiss disbelief. "Don't you mean what you did to me?!"

"You are so dramatic Juneaux. Because of my training you became this incredible Mage!" He rebuts angrily. "Now come join me, I'm your father." He growl.

I stare at his hand and slowly walk towards him.

"June what the hell are you doing?!" Laxus snarl angrily.

Llyr let go of me unwilling as I limp towards Ivan. Ivan smile victoriously as one of his children seemly walk towards to him to join him. I reach him and stare at him. Every scar on my back and arms burn angrily at the reminder of what he did to me as a child.

I clinch my fist angrily and punched him as hard as I could with the limited strength I had right now. I hiss painfully my bruised ribs throbbing angrily at the sudden harsh movement. But I didn't care. I just wanted to hurt him like he hurt me.

Ivan stumble back holding his face and glare viciously at me.

"You little bitch." He growl. "I knew you were a mistake from the minute you were born." He continue viciously.

"You aren't my father. You never were. The man who has the right to call himself my father is Makarov Dreyar. That's my father. He taught me everything I know. He made me this incredible Mage. Not you. You did nothing but hurt and scar me!" I yell tearfully holding my aching sides. "I hate you!" I scream. "If I could I would kill you for everything you did to my brothers and me! But I can't! Because in the end you are still my father!" I yell distraught.

I gasp shock when he suddenly punch me hard on my stomach knocking the air out of me. I held onto his arm and look up at him trying to dig my fingers into his armor.

I smirk up at him, "You punch like a bitch." I pant out of breathe.

Ivan glare at me grabbing me by my hair and fling me back towards Llyr. Llyr caught me and we both stumble back as Llyr got his footing back and held me tightly.

"June are you ok?" Llyr question urgently.

"I'm fine." I whimper feeling a strong sharp pain run through my side.

If I didn't have a broken rib before, I definitely do now.

"You really are a good for nothing Father." Laxus growl angrily. "You and all your annoying antics, threating my baby sister and brother. Treating them like if they weren't your own flesh and blood." Laxus continue angrily. "It's no wonder the old geezer kicked you out. Come at me, all of you at once." He challenge seriously. "Because the master's enemy is my enemy." He said confidently.

I grin softly at Laxus's words.

"It seems you need to be taught a lesson son of mine. I'll show you the true power of Raven Tail, the specialized anti-Fairy Tail guild!"

"We should help him." I said weakly supporting myself on Llyr.

"No, if the illusion wears off and we are fighting Laxus might be disqualified. Best we let him handle this. Plus we both know he has it under control."

I grin at him nodding my head. We both stood there at a distance so Laxus could fight without us getting in the way.

"The old geezer has being investigating your Guild since 7 years ago. Your guild's numbers, location, operating funds and activities over the past 7 years. He knows everything." Laxus admits.

"What?" Ivan ask confuse.

"Gajeel and Llyr! They plotted against us!" The red hair woman said outrage.

"He always seemed like a despicable creep. I guess this proves it." The strange blond hair looking thing said.

I chuckling internally at the despicable creep bit. I'm definitely using that one next time.

"The old geezer knows everything but he's just holding back." Laxus explain somberly. "The old geezer must've still had faith in you, faith that somewhere in your heart you would do the right thing.

I look over my shoulder at my Gramps little figure and smile sadly. Even after all this time Gramps still wanted to believe that his son would change for the better.

"Silence!" Ivan scream angrily focusing all of his magic power towards Laxus. I've lived in the shadows for this day!" he continue angrily, slamming Laxus with his paper attack.

Laxus wrap lightning around his body blocking the massive attack of paper dolls.

"All so I can obtain the Lumen Histoire!" He scream outrage.

I thought back to Gildarts' letter. What exactly is the Lumen Histoire? It seems to be a secret only Masters were allowed to know about.

"Of course I didn't do anything over the last 7 years! Because I knew your guild's leftover losers wouldn't have known anything about it! Inside the guild! Magnolia! Tenrou Island! I have checked every place but didn't find anything! Where is the Lumen Histoire?! Where is it Laxus?!" He scream angrily.

Gramps loves us to death but he loves the Guild too. He wouldn't have just told us about something so secretive if only Masters were allowed to know.

"You're my son aren't you?! Tell me!" Ivan scream attacking Laxus with a huge purple blast.

My stomach cringe worriedly as I watch the massive attack hit Laxus. Llry squeeze my arm letting me know he was alright. I sigh relieved when everything cleared and Laxus was standing there unharmed.

"I see you still haven't changed, can't harm your father like your stupid sister?" He ask tauntingly.

Laxus glare at him when he mention me. Laxus still didn't move from his fighting position though.

"Oh, what a kind soul you are, my sweet little Laxy."

"LAXUS!" My gramps suddenly scream.

Llry and I turned around looking at our Grampa. He was holding his thumb and index finger up showing his support and belief in Laxus.

I smile tearfully looking back at Laxus slowly lifting my finger up alongside with Llyr.

"Do it Laxus! Kick his ass!" I scream tearfully.

"Obra, do it now, extinguish his magic power!" My father order sternly.

"Shit!" Llyr cursed loudly.

He was about to let go when I held onto him this time and smile at him.

"Don't worry, he's go this." Just as I said it Laxus disappeared from his spot and attacked the man name Obra taking him down.

He then took down the following two members, the red hair and the blond hair looking one and finally he took the snake looking one down without a problem. It happen so fast if you blink you would have missed it.

He was able to avenge Wendy, Lucy and Gray in one strike. I clap happily watching my brother leave Ivan for last.

"Deadbeat dad. I don't know what your goal is, but now it is payback time for thrashing my guildmates and sister around." Laxus growl angrily stomping his electrify body towards him.

"Wait, wait! I'm our father, you know! We're family! You wouldn't harm your dear old dad?!" Ivan scream frighten.

"Fairy Tail is my family!"

"You ungrateful son be gone!" Ivan scream.

"You are Fairy Tail's enemy! I destroy Fairy Tail's enemies!" Laxus scream forming a bright yellow lightning ball on his fist and attack Ivan.

Ivan was sent falling destroy the illusion in the process. I smile happily feeling the bright sun hit me. I look around at the defeated members of Raven Tail. I cheer happily clapping at Laxus' victory alone with Llyr we both cheer for him.

Everyone was gasping as they realize Laxus had beat everyone by himself.

Laxus walked over to me picking me up bridal style and carrying me off while keeping an eye on Llyr who nodded that he was fine. All three of us walk along to the exit as everyone was cheering and we could hear the Rune Knights making their way towards the Raven Tail members.

As we passed by Ivan we stop as he spoke up weakly, "I may have lost. But, know this children of mine. The Lumen Histoire is Fairy Tail's dark side. Some day you will learn what Fairy Tail really is." Ivan warn us as he was dragged away by the guards.

Laxus glare at him over his shoulder and the three of us continue into the tunnel silently no one daring to ask anything about Lumen Histoire. If it was that important Gramps will tell us when he was ready or if we needed to know.

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