The Reign of Entity

By T1tanfall

1.7K 69 14

35 years after the great war. A mysterious being from another realm has suddenly appeared causing chaos acros... More

Chapter 2 The Knights of Ardonia
Chapter 3: Compass to the Shard
Chapter 4: Meridian Raid
Chapter 5 Inner Conflicts
Chapter 6 The Legend's Last Stand
Chapter 7 Attack of the Undead
Chapter 8: The Shard
Chapter 9: Battle in the Basalt Mines
Chapter 10: Hyperia

Chapter 1 The Belestar Port

274 9 5
By T1tanfall

Moonlight shimmered down in the port of the city of Belestar. Crickets chirped and owls hooted in the peaceful night.

In the port eighteen Unyielding Legionnaires patrolled the docks grabbing chests and quietly smuggling them onto a Galleon. One of the legionnaires stood in the middle. The Legionnaire was bald with teal eyes. He wore a black leather outfit with a gold badge shaped like a star pinned onto his leather clothes notifying others that he was the one in charge.

"Let's go, I don't want to arrive late," the legionnaire boss demanded.

The Legionnaires after hearing the request started to move the chests along faster than before. The boss grinned shamefully seeing that his objective was about to be complete.

Back in the forest a human and an ardoni ran through the trees, the man was hidden from view by the shadows, while the Ardoni glowed slightly. The Ardoni was a part of the Mendoris clan with markings that shaped like a hurricane across his chest. The human had long brown hair, black eyes and wore a black outfit with a brown cape. They continued sprinting through the forest and into the town but stopped once they were in sight of the Legionnaires.

"From here I can see five Legionnaires. I don't know if there are anymore," the Mendoris said.

"Why don't you go get the high ground like you do every skirmish you are assigned to Satrevian." the human replied.

"Cayde, do you understand that I cannot use my song right now this is a stealth mission," Satrevian responded slightly annoyed.

"Stealth mission, I see, no offense but you are bad at sneaking around." Cayde replied.

"Cayde there is no time for these pointless arguments, we need to do our part in the mission," Satrevian responded.

"Okay then, what's the plan?" Cayde asked.

"Were you not listening to the briefing." Satrevian responded, sounding even more annoyed.

"You actually expect me to listen to the briefing," Cayde responded holding back a laugh.

Satrevian sighed in disbelief. Why must Cayde, of all people in the Knights of Ardonia be my partner. He thought to himself. "Well the plan is you kill somebody then introduce yourself and hope nobody charges at you with murderous intent so then I can fire arrows and the others can arrive with no problem and then we find out where the Unyielding Legion base is." Satrevian said, he panted halfway through the sentence. "Do you know the plan now?" Satrevian finished off.

"All I heard was kill people, and to me that's enough." Cayde responded.

Cayde unsheathed two iron knives and silently ran towards the port. Satrevian sighed and used his song the Ardoni called Mobiligrapple. A long yellow grappling hook formed from the Mendoris' bow. The grapple grabbed onto the roof of the building and pulled the ardoni onto the roof. Cayde noticed Satrevian and mumbled to himself "Yeah Cayde, I couldn't do that earlier, we need to be stealthy Cayde I can't use my song because of that Cayde."

Satrevian perched on the roof glancing down at the legionnaires who were still smuggling objects.

Cayde moved throughout the town and into the port without being noticed, he then scanned the area with his keen black eyes and spotted a lone legionnaire gathering items from a chest. The legionnaire was standing behind a wall of items that blocked sight of the Legionnaire from all directions except for South, the perfect spot for a silent kill.

Cayde smiled and snuck up towards the legionnaire. His boots were completely silent the entire time. Once Cayde was at arms length of the legionnaire he tapped on the man's shoulder causing him to turn around.

The legionnaire gasped in shock right before Cayde slit his throat, Cayde then softly laid the body down avoiding any noise from the impact.

The legionnaire boss then looked towards the booth where Cayde killed the legionnaire. "Darius what's taking you so long back there!" he shouted.

Cayde stopped dead in his tracks, Oh crap they might find me. He thought.

His first reaction was to squat down in the corner of the booth hoping nobody would come by. Satrevian noticed Cayde hiding in the booth and rolled his eyes in disappointment.

The legionnaire boss then walked towards the booth. "Darius talk to me or I'll come back there," he snapped.

Cayde then climbed through the shelves, as the legionnaire boss said "Darius I'm coming to check on you." Once Cayde was on top of the shelves he then said. "Sorry to say this but this Darius guy has passed out due to a slit throat."

The legionnaires eyed Cayde, as he jumped down on the oak wood planks of the port. The legionnaires then drew their weapons.

"Cayde, when will you and your fellow Knights of Ardonia know that you will never stop the Unyielding Legion." the legionnaire boss said.

"We'll never learn," Cayde responded.

The legionnaire boss chuckled and drew his golden sword. The yellow blade shimmered light across the battlefield indicating it was enchanted, and Active! Cayde's eyes widened at the sight of the blade.

"This blade was enchanted to pierce armor like it's paper, mere skin would be much easier to tear through though." the legionnaire boss explained.

"Thanks for the exposition I never asked for," Cayde responded.

The legionnaire boss growled at Cayde's lack of interest in his weapon, but the growl slowly turned into a smile.

"I do suggest retreating Cayde, we have you eighteen to one but if you leave and speak nothing of this we will spare you." the boss explained.

Cayde looked around at the other legionnaires who were stepping towards him with murderous intent in their eyes.

"Actually you have us eighteen to five but whatever." Cayde corrected.

"Wait what." the legionnaire boss responded.

Satrevian then fired an arrow from the rooftop he was perched on, the projectile whizzed through the air and eventually struck one of the legionnaires in the chest. Blood squirted out of the legionnaire as it fell to the floor dead.

The boss' eyes were filled with panic as he stared at the arrow. Then the area started to glow as a Mendoris with light purple markings landed in front of Cayde with her light yellow Mobiliwings still active. She then struck down two legionnaires with her arm blades.

"Nice entrance Val." Cayde said.

Val turned towards her colleague and smiled, while the legionnaire boss was still panicked. He then heard one of his fellow legionnaires cry in pain. Everyone turned towards where the cry emitted from and saw a legionnaire with what looked like the tip of a spear impaled through its chest.

Eventually the tip disappeared and the body fell down revealing Ria Sendaris was the killer. Seeing her in the battle panicked the legionnaire boss even more. Then Senn walks towards his fellow Knights of Ardonia ready to fight the thirteen legionnaires remaining.

"Heroes of the great war, you all are mere horse fodder when you meet this sword, kill them all." the boss shouted.

Senn drew Thalleous' diamond sword and activated the enchantment as the legionnaires charged forward.

Cayde threw one of his knives at a legionnaire stabbing it's head. Ria used her aggresium song to fire an energized beam that would split five other legionnaires in half. Arrows whizzed through the battlefield, Senn blocked one of the legionnaire's blades and kicked him backwards right where an arrow was about to land. Senn then turned towards his right and faced the legionnaire boss.

"Show me what you are made of Voltaris." the legionnaire boss taunted.

Senn then granted the legionnaire's boss' wish and clashed blades with him. The golden blade was slowly cracking Senn's diamond blade.

Ria impaled one last Unyielding legionnaire and turned to see Senn fighting the boss. She then used her mobiliglide to move and help her friend.

The legionnaire boss continued attacking Senn aggressively, while the Voltaris used his sword to block the hits. A loud CLANG ripped through the sound of the peaceful night after each hit. The impact knocked Senn to his knees.

Just as the legionnaire was about to strike him down Ria tackled the boss like a linebacker. The legionnaire struggled trying to stab Ria in the process, but the Sendaris dodged the blade and stabbed the legionnaire's wrist instead, causing him to scream in agony and drop his sword.

Ria looked behind her to see Cayde, and Val finished off the last of the Unyielding Legionnaires. Senn, Val and Cayde each walked towards the boss. Ria pointed her spear at the boss in an aggressive position.

"Where is the Unyielding Legion's base?" Ria inquired.

"I'll never tell you scum, long live the unyiel-" the boss said, but he couldn't finish his sentence because Ria dug her spear into the boss' chest.

"Ria why'd you do that?" Senn asked annoyed.

"Well he said he'd never tell us where the base is and I don't see why we should leave any witnesses." Ria explained.

"So you're going to kill everyone here who saw us fight?" Cayde asked jokingly.

"No I meant Unyielding Legion witnesses." Ria responded.

"Well it is going to be a lot harder to find their base now," Val stated.

"What do we do now?" Senn asked Ria.

"I say we go back to the base and try tracking the Unyielding Legion's movement across Ardonia." Ria suggested.

"Sounds good," Val responded.

"I agree," Senn replied.

"Yes," Cayde responded.

The Knights of Ardonia traveled back through the city again but Cayde stayed behind a little bit scavenging through the chests. He found many tools, weapons, and treasures but nothing caught his eye until he found a clear object that was shaped in a sphere, the sphere was chipped like it was damaged. Many symbols were also carved through the spear as well.

"Hello shiny, you must be worth a lot." Cayde uttered.

"Cayde, you coming!" Satrevian shouted.

"Yeah one second." Cayde replied.

He stuck the sphere into one of his pockets and jogged back towards Satrevian and the others.

"Hey Satrevian, great job I found 19 arrows on the battlefield with only four attached to a body," Cayde said.

"Very funny Cayde." Satrevian replied.

The Knights walked to their horses and never noticed a figure watching them. A Droxol watching them.

The Droxol's eyes scanned each member of the Knights of Ardonia, but when it scanned Cayde he saw the sphere hanging out of Cayde's pocket.

"Captain Scourge to neural link, I've found a lead to the shard." the Droxol said.

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