Chapter 1 The Belestar Port

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Moonlight shimmered down in the port of the city of Belestar. Crickets chirped and owls hooted in the peaceful night.

In the port eighteen Unyielding Legionnaires patrolled the docks grabbing chests and quietly smuggling them onto a Galleon. One of the legionnaires stood in the middle. The Legionnaire was bald with teal eyes. He wore a black leather outfit with a gold badge shaped like a star pinned onto his leather clothes notifying others that he was the one in charge.

"Let's go, I don't want to arrive late," the legionnaire boss demanded.

The Legionnaires after hearing the request started to move the chests along faster than before. The boss grinned shamefully seeing that his objective was about to be complete.

Back in the forest a human and an ardoni ran through the trees, the man was hidden from view by the shadows, while the Ardoni glowed slightly. The Ardoni was a part of the Mendoris clan with markings that shaped like a hurricane across his chest. The human had long brown hair, black eyes and wore a black outfit with a brown cape. They continued sprinting through the forest and into the town but stopped once they were in sight of the Legionnaires.

"From here I can see five Legionnaires. I don't know if there are anymore," the Mendoris said.

"Why don't you go get the high ground like you do every skirmish you are assigned to Satrevian." the human replied.

"Cayde, do you understand that I cannot use my song right now this is a stealth mission," Satrevian responded slightly annoyed.

"Stealth mission, I see, no offense but you are bad at sneaking around." Cayde replied.

"Cayde there is no time for these pointless arguments, we need to do our part in the mission," Satrevian responded.

"Okay then, what's the plan?" Cayde asked.

"Were you not listening to the briefing." Satrevian responded, sounding even more annoyed.

"You actually expect me to listen to the briefing," Cayde responded holding back a laugh.

Satrevian sighed in disbelief. Why must Cayde, of all people in the Knights of Ardonia be my partner. He thought to himself. "Well the plan is you kill somebody then introduce yourself and hope nobody charges at you with murderous intent so then I can fire arrows and the others can arrive with no problem and then we find out where the Unyielding Legion base is." Satrevian said, he panted halfway through the sentence. "Do you know the plan now?" Satrevian finished off.

"All I heard was kill people, and to me that's enough." Cayde responded.

Cayde unsheathed two iron knives and silently ran towards the port. Satrevian sighed and used his song the Ardoni called Mobiligrapple. A long yellow grappling hook formed from the Mendoris' bow. The grapple grabbed onto the roof of the building and pulled the ardoni onto the roof. Cayde noticed Satrevian and mumbled to himself "Yeah Cayde, I couldn't do that earlier, we need to be stealthy Cayde I can't use my song because of that Cayde."

Satrevian perched on the roof glancing down at the legionnaires who were still smuggling objects.

Cayde moved throughout the town and into the port without being noticed, he then scanned the area with his keen black eyes and spotted a lone legionnaire gathering items from a chest. The legionnaire was standing behind a wall of items that blocked sight of the Legionnaire from all directions except for South, the perfect spot for a silent kill.

Cayde smiled and snuck up towards the legionnaire. His boots were completely silent the entire time. Once Cayde was at arms length of the legionnaire he tapped on the man's shoulder causing him to turn around.

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