Perfectly Flawed (re-writing)

By booklovertash

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#4 in General Fiction- Alex has not had the easiest life. After losing the love of his life he was forced to... More

Perfectly Flawed
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Bonus Chapter
Major changes

Chapter 21

53K 1.1K 100
By booklovertash

>>>Song they dance to at Sofia's house on the side.

>>>>>Alex's suit

Chapter 21

Alex was sitting at his office filling out paper work when Andrea came barging into his office.

“Alex we have a slight problem.” Alex looked up from his work to see Andrea stressing.

“What is the problem?” Alex got an uneasy feeling in his stomach thinking something was wrong with the Mia Melrose project.

“I don’t know what to wear to the Melrose party on Friday.” Alex sighed and rolled his eyes as Andrea stood in front of him with her arms crossed.

“This is a serious problem Alex.” Alex chuckled and went back to his work that needed to be finished before he could go home today.

“Where a nice dress. I am wearing a suit with a bow tie. It is a formal event.” Andrea sighed knowing Alex wasn’t going to be any help. She left his office leaving Alex in peace. Not long after Andrea left his phone rang. Alex picked it up not bothering to see who was calling.

“Alex Costa speaking.” He held the phone to his ear as he grabbed and filed the papers.

“Alex, don’t you ever check you is calling you.” He sighed to himself as his mother was at the other end of the conversation.

“What can I do for you Ma?” Sofia Alex was busy so she was going to keep it short.

“What time does the Melrose party start?” Alex was told to invite all his family and friends and he knew his mother wouldn’t turn down the chance to dress up and go to a party.

“It starts at 6 Ma. I told you this already, so what do you really want.” Alex knew his mother well to know that she wanted something.

“I was hoping that you and Emilia could come around this afternoon for dinner. I know you are busy, but I haven’t seen you in a while.” Alex sighed and looked at his clock sitting on his desk.

“Who else will be there?” As much as Alex loved his family, he really wasn’t in the mood to deal with them all.

“It will just be us.”

“Ok fine we will be in around 6ish is that ok?” He asked and his mother agreed. Once he rung up the next thing he needed to do was call Emilia. The phone rang a few times before Emilia picked up.

“Hello.” Alex found himself smiling at the sound of her voice.

“Hey, Ma invited us over for dinner tonight.” Emilia nodded as Sofia rang her a few minutes before.

“Yeah your mother rang me already.” Alex laughed knowing his mother was going to use Emilia to get him over to her place.

“Of course she did. Anyway would you be able to pick up Aiden and I will meet you at Ma’s place. I have a few things to tie up at work and won’t make it in time to pick up Aiden.” Emilia had no trouble with that as she got to spend more time with Aiden.

Once Emilia got off the phone to Alex she walked out of her office and helped on the floor until closing time. Alex said he was going to check on Jessica before making his way over to his mother’s place.

Once Emilia closed up her store she went to go and pick up Aiden. Once she walked into the day-care she looked for her little boy to see him playing with the other kids.

He looked up from his toys and saw Emilia.

“Mommy.” Aiden ran over to Emilia were she picked him up giving him a huge hug kissing the mop of brown curls on his head.

“Where Daddy?” Aiden asked knowing it was his Daddy who picked him up all the time.

“Daddy is at work, we are meeting him at Grandma’s house.” Aiden’s eyes widen knowing Grandma was going to give him ice-cream after dinner. Emilia signed Aiden out and made her way to Sofia’ house.

One the way Aiden talked to Emilia about his day and how he got to play in the sand. Once they pulled up to Sofia’s house Emilia couldn’t help, but look to see if Alex was there yet. Sighing knowing he was running late Emilia got Aiden out the car and walked over to Sofia’s door.

“Emilia where is Alex.” Sofia asked as Aiden ran inside.

“He is going to be running a little late. He had to finish some things up in the office and go round to make sure Jessica is ok.” Sofia nodded her head as her and Emilia walked in to see Aiden sitting on Fabian’s lap talking in rapid fire about everything.

“Emilia I wanted to show you something.” Emilia followed Sofia into her room where Sofia got her to sit on her bed while she got her jewellery box.

“I give all my children something from this box. Jade got a ring, and crystal got a necklace.” Sofia opened up the box and pulled out a single antique blue hair pin covered in diamond, jewels and blue stones.

“Sofia it is beautiful.” Sofia gently placed the clip in Emilia’s hand closing her hand around it.

“It is now yours Emilia. This has been passed down from mother to daughter for generations in my family. My great-grandmother gave it to my mother, my mother gave it to me and I am know giving it to you.” Emilia opened up her hand and studied the beautiful piece of jewellery in her hand.

“Sofia I can’t accept this gift, it is too much.” Sofia shook her head.

“It is yours to pass down to your daughter. On the day of her wedding. Something blue.” Sofia took the pin and gently placed it in Emilia hair.

“Why didn’t you give it to Crystal, she is your daughter more than I am.” Emilia said as she gently touch where the pin sat.

“Crystal got something else Emilia. The pin is a gift from me to you. I know you and Alex aren’t getting married yet, but it is for when the day comes.” Emilia had tears in her eyes as she gently took the pin out of her hair and laid it on her palm.

“Thankyou Sofia.” Emilia gave Sofia a hug before going downstairs and putting the delicate pin in a safe place inside her car. When she walked back into Sofia’s house she went into the kitchen to help Sofia cook dinner.

When dinner was almost done Alex came in apologising for running late.

“It’s ok Alex. How is Jessica doing?” Sofia asked as Alex wrapped his arms around my waist.

“She is doing better. The bruising is starting to go down a little.” Sofia tsked wondering what kind of man hits women in general.

“What about the case?” Sofia asked again as she stirred the pasta.

“That is going good as well. She talked to the lawyer and she has a strong case to put him away for domestic violence and sexual assault.  He court date has been fasted tracked to the binging of next year, in the meantime her husband is on bail. One slip and he goes into jail until the trail.” Sofia nodded her head knowing Alex had something to do with the case being pushed forward.

“Well dinner is ready, so do you guys want to wash up and mi nieto can help set the table.” Alex and Emilia left to wash up where they stole kisses from each other as they washed up before heading into the dining room.

Once they sat down and Alex said grace they all dug into their meals.

“So Alex what is to be expected of this party on Friday?” Alex’s father asked wondering what he and his wife was going to.

“It is a formal event, there will be some dancing, a bit of drinking, dinner. Then speeches were we launch the product.” Fabian groaned.

“So I have to wear a penguin suit.” Alex and Emilia chuckled while laughed.

“It won’t be that bad dad.” Fabian still grumbled as he ate his dinner. Once dinner was completed Alex and Emilia were forced into the lounge room while Sofia and Fabian washed the dishes.

“I missed you today.” Alex said placing his hands on Emilia hips.

“Hmm.” Emilia hummed as Alex started to sway humming the tune of the music that was playing softly in the background. Alex swayed softly around the room with Emilia as they both gazed into each other’s eyes with lovely looks. Alex remembered when he was younger watching his parents do the same thing as his brother and sister watched.

Alex twirled Emilia out and back bring her closer to his body. Emilia had danced with a few men before, but none of them moved with the same grace and elegance as Alex.

Sofia and Fabian finished washing the dishes and stopped in the doorway as they watched Alex dance around the lounge room with Emilia.

“He reminds me so much of you.” Sofia said as her husband wrapped his arms around his wife’s waist.

“We taught him well mi amor.” Fabian said kissing his wife’s neck.

Alex twirled Emilia out again bring her back in as he turned them in slow circles around the room. They stopped spinning and just swayed with Alex’s hands on Emilia’s hips and Emilia’s hand resting around Alex’s neck.

“Te amo, mi amor.”(I love you, my love) Alex whispered in Spanish as they danced closely together. Emilia closed her eyes and chest her head on Alex’s chest listening to his heartbeat as they swayed around the room without a care in the world. Alex closed his eyes inhaling Emilia’s sweet scent. He opened his eyes and looked down at his love kissing the top of her head. Emilia opened her eyes and looked up into Alex beautiful brown eyes.

“You are so beautiful mi amor.” Alex said as he twirled them. Alex dipped Emilia and held her there looking into her green eyes that held him captive the first time he looked into them.

 Emilia was a little startled when Alex dipped her, but she trusted him not to drop her. As Alex starred at Emilia, Sofia and Fabian were watching with happy smiled as their sons love for the women in his arms flowed throughout the whole room.

Alex leant down and pressed his lips against Emilia’s kissing her showing how much he loved her in a simple kiss. Emilia was drunk of Alex’s kiss and the fact she was still in the dip, as if reading her mind Alex pulled her up still swaying as he kissed her as if it was his last day on earth.

“I love you mi amor.” Emilia smiled and rested her head against Alex’s chest.

“I love you to Alex.” The couple both softly swayed side to side until Aiden came into the room rubbing his eyes saying he was tired. Alex picked up his boy and looked at the time to see they had been dancing for just over an hour.

When Alex found his mother and father he said his farewells and got Alex into his car.

“I will meet you back at home.” Alex kissed Emilia before jumping into his car. They were only few minutes behind each other so by the time Alex got a sleeping Aiden out the car Emilia had arrived at their home. Alex took Aiden up to bed while Emilia put the kettle on knowing Alex would want a coffee before going to bed. While Alex was upstairs he took a quick shower and changed into his boxer short and a shirt. Alex walked into the lounge room to see Emilia sitting on the couch with the tv on and what looked like a cup of tea.

“I got you a cup of coffee.” Alex smiled and sat down next to Emilia.

“Thanks. Have you found your dress for Friday?” Alex asked wanting to know what colour she was wearing so him and Aiden could match.

“I bought this beautiful red dress. It will be dropped off Friday morning by a friend.” Alex smiled remembering when he talked to Emilia’s friend. He didn’t tell her, but on Friday he hired a hairdresser and makeup artist to come to do the house.

“Excellent.” Alex said knowing his suit could match up with Emilia. They both finished there drinks and washed up their cups before both going to bed.

The week flew by and before Alex knew it, it was Friday. He was given the day off to get ready the  evenings events. As always he was the first up and went downstairs to get breakfast. Alex didn’t have to do much today. All he needed to do was pick up his and Aiden’s suit’s from the tailor, and practise his speech. Alex made breakfast while he feed the dog who followed him around the house.

Once breakfast was made Alex went upstairs to get Aiden who was just waking up.

“Good morning little man.” Aiden opened his eyes and smiled when he saw his daddy.

“Let go and wake up mommy.” Aiden was up and ran into Alex’s room causing him to laugh at the energetic boy.

By the time Alex walked back into his room Emilia was awake with Aiden in her lap.

“Morning.” Alex smiled at her before grabbing Aiden and placing him on his shoulders.

“Breakfast is ready downstairs.” Alex leant down causing Aiden to squeal as he kissed Emilia before running downstairs with a laughing Aiden on his shoulders. By the time Emilia got downstairs Alex and Aiden were already waiting at the table for her to join them.

“Thanks babe.” Emilia kissed Alex as she took a seat next to him. They ate breakfast and just as they were finished the doorbell rang. Alex knew who it was so got Emilia to answer it.

When Emilia answered the door she was surprised to see one of her best friends standing there with the dress in her hand already.

“Steph what are you doing here.” Emilia asked shocked.

“Well that hunky hubby or yours set up a girl’s day for the both of us.” Emilia didn’t know what she was more surprised about. That lex had organised a day for her or that her best friend called Alex her hunky hubby.

“Emilia don’t leave our guest standing in the doorway.” Alex said as he washed up the dishes. Snapping out of her daze she bought in her best friend and placed the dress over the couch. Emilia led Steph into the kitchen where she laughed at the site before her. Alex and Aiden were doing the dishes singing shake it off and wiggling there bottoms to the beat of Taylor Swift.

As if they both planned it Alex and Aiden turned around at the same time when they heard Emilia and Steph laughing.

“Steph meet Alex my boyfriend and his son Aiden.” Alex lifted Aiden off the chair and grabbed a towel to wipe his soppy hands.

“Hi nice to met you, sorry about the lack of clothing.” Alex said as Emilia forgot he was only in his boxes as it was still morning.

“Don’t worry, it’s your home, and it’s nice to finally meet you.” Alex smiled and picked up Aiden.

“Well we better get dressed as we have lots of things to do today. Nice meeting you Steph.” Alex took Aiden up the stairs leaving Emilia and Steph alone.

“Holy Jesus Emilia you didn’t tell me he was that hot. He is a sexy hunky monkey.” Emilia laughed shaking her head. As she was already dressed she grabbed her bag and smiled at her friend.

“Well let’s go before we are late.” Emilia left for the day and had no idea what Alex had planned for her.

“So what’s it like living with Alex?’ Steph asked as they sat in the nail salon getting their nails done.

“It’s natural. We don’t really think about anything. We don’t fight over who does what, it is almost too perfect.” Emilia was smiling at how easy it is to live with Alex.

“What about Aiden?”

“What about him. Yes he may not be my child, but he is Alex’s which makes him fine as well.” Emilia shrugged as her best friend looked at her with a smile on her face seeing how good Alex and Aiden were for her. Steph went on to ask about the ring that she noticed on her friend’s finger and Emilia went into detail about the day of Aiden’s birthday.

Once Emilia nails were done Steph took her back home where her house was full of cars.

“Steph what is going on?” Steph just smiled as they walked into the house.

Emilia gasped when she saw Alex and Aiden standing just behind the door with a bunch of roses.

“For you mi amor.” Alex walked forward and kiss Emilia cheek and handed her the flower.

“Alex these are beautiful.” Emilia whisper as she bent down to grab the smaller bunch Aiden was thrusting upon her face.

“Thankyou Aiden.” Emilia ruffled his head as she looked around the lounge room to see it turned into a studio.

“Alex what is going on?” Steph smiled as Alex lead Emilia over to the strange people in the house.

“I hired a makeup and hair stylist for you for tonight. They have seen the dress and are going to get you ready so all you need to do is sit back and enjoy.” Emilia looked around the lounge room to see a mini salon set up for her.

“Alex you didn’t have to do this.” Alex shrugged his shoulder.

“I wanted to do something for you so you didn’t have to stress.” Alex waved his hand and the hair stylist and makeup artist got to work on Emilia. While Emilia was being dealt with Alex took Aiden outside to play with the dog before he needed to give him a bath and get ready himself.

Alex got Aiden some lunch and watched him eat and shook his head as he shared his sandwich with the dog. Alex looked at the time on his watch and saw that it was time to get ready.

“Come on Aiden we have to get ready for Daddy’s party today.” Aiden got off the grass and ran over to Alex with Casper following behind.

“Casper has to stay outside today.” Aiden gave him the puppy dog eyes and Alex picked him up and took him inside before he gave in and let the dog in.

Alex walked passed Emilia in the lounge room and smiled when he heard her laughing about something with Steph. Alex took Aiden into his room where he ran a shower for the both of them knowing it would be easier o shower together and make much less mess.

“Ok Aiden close your eyes and tip your head back.” Aiden did as he was told as Alex washed the last of the shampoo out of his hair. While Alex played with the water on the floor Alex quickly washed his own hair before turning off the water and wrapping a towel around himself and Aiden.

Alex walked over to the mirror and ran his hand along his cheek knowing he needed to shave. Alex quickly lathered up his face and he saw Aiden doing the same pretending with water. He shaved leaving himself with a nice clean shave.

“Alright Aiden let’s do your hair.” Alex grabbed the gel and styled Aiden hair combing his mop of brown curls over to one side. Aiden was good and didn’t move as Alex ran a comb over his hair before quickly spraying it with hair spray.

Once Aiden’s hair was done Alex did the same style for himself which took much less time. Once his hair was done he sprayed his cologne and Aiden insisted he have the same so Alex dabbed some on his own wrist and transferred it to Aiden.

Alex looked at the time and saw that he was running on time. The car was coming to pick them up at 5 so it gave him another half an hour to be ready to go.

“Alright Aiden time to get dressed.” Aiden was excited and got his own underwear on as Alex grabbed their navy suits that were hanging up in his wardrobe.

Alex put on his own pants, and made sure that everything was fine before getting Aiden dressed. Alex knew Aiden wouldn’t wear a tie all night so he got him a clip on red bowtie.

“Look how dashing you look little man.” Alex laughed as Aiden grabbed the lapels of the suit jacket and gave them a small tug like Alex would do.

While Aiden admired himself in Alex’s mirror Alex quickly put on his white shirt and tie which was the same colour as Aiden’s. Once Alex was dressed himself, he added his watch and grabbed everything he would need for the night. Alex grabbed the box sitting on his bedside table and smiled as he slipped it into his pocket and grabbed Aiden.

There was a knock at his bedroom door and Steph poked her head in.

“Whoa look at the two of you.” Steph gasped when she saw Alex and Aiden who looked like an exact replica of each other.

“Is she almost ready?” Steph nodded and Alex grabbed Aiden hand and walked downstairs where he would wait for Emilia.

Emilia was getting into her dress when Steph came back into the room.

“You should see your men Emilia.” Emilia smiled as her friend walked over and zipped her up.

“So how do I look?” Emilia said. Her hair was styled up in a Gatsby hair style, with very nude makeup. Her dress was red which had a lace body which stoped high thigh and spread out in a slick yet moveable style. Emilia was cautious about the split in the dress being so high, but the dress lady assured her that it was perfect.

“You look stunning Emilia. Alex isn’t going to know what to do with himself.” Emilia smiled and grabbed her purse knowing she needed to get going.

“Ok.” Emilia walked out of the spare room and stopped at the top of the stairs where she saw the back of both Alex’s and Aiden’s navy suits. Steph cleared her throat with her camera ready and got the moment when Alex turned around and noticed Emilia at the top of the stairs.

Alex’s jaw went slack as he starred up at his beautiful and utterly stunning girlfriend as she walked gracefully down the stairs.

Once Emilia reached the bottom Alex snapped out of his day dream of Emilia walking down the aisle in a white dress looking as radiant as ever.

“You look stunning.” Alex blink a few times before giving Emilia a kiss.

“I look stunning look at the pair of you.” Emilia took a second the realise that they all match causing her to let out a breathless laugh.

“We all match.” Alex smiled and before he forgot he reached into his pocket pulling out a small black box.

“These are for you to wear tonight.” Emilia opened the box to see a beautiful pair of silver earing encased with a navy stone.

“Oh Alex these are beautiful.” Emilia took out her earing and replaced them with the ones Alex got her.

Once Emilia got her earrings in the car picking them up beeped the hour singling it was time to go.

“Ready to go?” Emilia checked that she had everything they needed. Alex grabbed Emilia hand in one and Aiden’s in another as they walked outside. Alex knew the attention was going to draw the attention of his neighbours and he was right when he saw a few out the front having a look what was going on.

The chaperone opened the door and all three of them got in.

“I feel so posh.” Emilia said looking around the inside of the limo.

“Aiden come here.” Alex unbuttoned Aiden suit jacket so he wouldn’t wreck it. Alec made sure Aiden was sitting next to him before he grabbed that champagne pouring himself and Emilia a glass.

“To our first event as a family.” They toasted as they rode into the city. As there neared there destination Mia said she was pulling up as well meaning they would get out around the same time.

“Ok Aiden I need you to hold mine or Emilia’s hand and not let go ok.” Alex knew what it was going to be like when he got out the car and he didn’t want to lose Aiden in the chaos.

“Emilia when we get out it is going to be chaotic. I don’t like telling you what to do, but make sure you stay close. We are going to have to smile for the paps and take a few picture. They will throughout accusations, but you need to stay strong and ignore what they are saying.” Emilia nodded her head knowing she need to accept after tonight Alex was going to attract a lot more attention for doing this case.

The car slowed down and Alex knew they were here. Emilia watched in fascination as Alex’s whole detour changed into a powerful business men that she hardly got to see.

“I will get out first, then Aiden then you.” Emilia nodded and the moment the car door opened all she would here was yelling and flashing lights.

Once Alex was out the car the pap’s went crazy as he straightened up his suit and held out his hand. The moment Aiden stepped out the car Alex bent down and did up his button and whispered in his ear to stay close to daddy or mommy.

Alex smiled to the paparazzi and nodded his head for Emilia to get out.  The moment Emilia foot stepped out the car she was overwhelmed by what was going on around her. She felt herself automatic seek Alex out for comfort.

“You are doing well, just smiled and stay close.” Alex whispered before kissing the side of his head and grabbing Aiden’s hand while the other was wrapped around Emilia’s waist.

“Alex, face this way.” “Alex give her a kiss.” “Alex have you been hiding your son.” The paparazzi asked a thousand of questions as they made their way to the door.

When they got half way Alex stopped by the men in the Australia business magazine and answered a few question about the pitch and his personal life. Very soon the attention was away from Alex as Mia Melrose arrived.

“You guys are doing really well.” Emilia didn’t know what to do other than smile. She was so out of her league here and she knew that everyone around them knew this as well.

By the time Mia met up with Alex outside the party Emilia just wanted to go inside and relax.

“You look very handsome tonight Alex.” Alex nodded his head and knew he needed to get Emilia and Aiden inside.

“Mia I could love to stay out here for interviews, but I need to get Aiden and Emilia inside.” Mia understood and let Alex go inside. Once they managed to go inside Alex knew he needed to go back outside and answer some interviews before he could come inside.

“Emilia I hate to do this, but I am needed back outside.” Emilia understood, but she wanted Alex to stay with her.

“It’s ok Alex, this is your job.” Alex quickly gave her a kiss before going back outside to deal with the paparazzi.

Emilia looked around the place and straight away noticed Alex family. She grabbed Aiden’s hand and made her way over to people she knew.

“Hello everyone.” Alex’s family was surprised when they saw Emilia and Aiden without Alex.

“Emilia look how beautiful you look tonight.” Sofia said giving her kisses on each of her cheeks.

“Where is Alex?” Fabian asked when he noticed his son not with his son and beautiful women.

“He had to back outside for interviews. He didn’t want me and Aiden out in all that chaotic so he walked us in before he had to leave again.” Everyone nodded even if they didn’t think that Aiden should have left his son.

“Look daddy.” Aiden yelled and the Costa family turned around to see Alex walk in with Mia Melrose on his hand. They watched as he whispered something to here as Mia laughed patting his arm before Alex walked over to them.

“Sorry about that.” Alex wrapped his arm around Emilia knowing he wouldn’t be leaving her side all.

“Daddy I need toilet.” Aiden said as he danced on the spot.

“I will take him Alex, you go and socialise with Emilia and I will bring him to you.” Alex’s father suggested and Alex gave him a thankful smiled as he led Aiden over to the bathroom.

“Ready to go and mingle?” Alex asked and Emilia nodded her head. The Costa family watched as Emilia and Alex floated away like the perfect couple they are.

As Alex passed a waiter he grabbed himself and Emilia a glass of champagne. It wasn’t hard to find someone to talk to as every wanted to talk to Alex tonight. While the men talked business, the ladies surrounding the men talked about fashion which Emilia felt like she knew nothing about.

“So Emilia, you must be a modal.” One of the women asked and Emilia felt so plain standing next to them.

“No I own my own business.” She said.

“You own you’re your fashion store that must be amazing.” The other women gushed as Emilia shook her head.

“No I own a coffee store in north Sydney.” The women looked at Emilia as if she was beneath her and all she wanted to do was either go to Alex or his family.

“Mommy.” Emilia turned around and saw Aiden running through crowds of people with Fabian chasing after him.

“Hey baby.” Emilia picked up Aiden not caring if she ruined her dress.

“Sorry about that.” Emilia waved her hand and Fabian left leaving Emilia with these vultures.

“You have a son.” One of them spat causing Emilia to frown. She looked down at Aiden to see him watching his Daddy with pride and adoration.

“Who is the father, I bet he is a nobody.” Emilia shifted Aiden to the other side hoping he didn’t have to hear what these vile women were saying.

“No he is Alex’s son.” The women looked towards Alex with longing looks before looking at her and Aiden with disgust.

“Alex doesn’t have any children. I bet you are faking it so you can use his money.” Emilia felt tears well up in her eyes wondering how Alex could be surrounded by people like these women.

“Mommy can we see Daddy?” Aiden asked as his big blue eyes shinned with excitement. Emilia was about to reply when one of the women cut in.

“That kid is a little bastard child. I can’t believe Alex is with someone as disgusting as both of you.” Emilia was about to say something when she felt a very angry presence behind her.

“What did you just call my son and wife?” Alex’s deep angry heavy voice causing the women in front of her to jump.

“Alex it’s lovely to see you again.” One of the women said.

“Emilia love cover Aiden’s ears will you.” Emilia did what Alex told as she knew he was going to rip into these women.

“Cut the bullshit Annabelle. If you ever call my son or wife that word ever again I will make sure that I ruin your pathetic useless life that you will be begging me to show you mercy. That goes for the lot of you. I will not have you rip into my son and the love of my life, because you are all a bunch of selfish,, vile lonely bitches.” Alex grabbed Aiden into his arms and wrapped another around Emilia before he walked away from the vile women.

Once they were a safe distance away Alex relaxed as Emilia rubbed soothing circles on his arm.

“I am so sorry about that Emilia. Why didn’t you say something sooner?” Alex asked wondering why Emilia didn’t come and get him.

“This is your night Alex and you were talking to your friends’. I didn’t want to come in-between you.” Emilia looked down at the floor finding the pattern of the tiles the most interesting thing in the world.

Alex put a finger under Emilia chin lifting her gaze into his.

“Emilia, you and Aiden are always first on my list of priorities. Not work, not my friends, not this huge party but you. If you ever need anything or are not comfortable then come to me and I will take you away.” Alex leant his forehead against her letting out a long breath.

“Come on there are some people I want you to meet.” Alex grabbed Emilia’s hand and took her over to where his best friend and his wife were standing.

“Isaac, Molly, I would like you to meet Emilia.” Emilia was hesitant after what just happened, but soon she found herself laughing along with Molly. Soon after Emilia meet Isaac and Molly it was time for dinner where she and Alex sat with his family and Mia Melrose.

“The food is delicious.” Damien groaned at the main course causing his loving wife to smack him over the head.

“Jesus Damien we are at dinner not your mother’s.” We all laughed and my mother took it as an insult and start yelling out words of Spanish to Damien. Even though everyone was watching them Alex wasn’t embarrassed, because this was his family and they could never embarrass him.

“Sofia you are causing a scene.” Fabian said trying to calm his crazy wife down. Mia watched Alex’s family laughing with them. She loved how Alex sat back relaxed not the slightest bit embarrassed that his family was acting like they normally do.

“Ma come on.” Alex said as his mother glared at him.

“Well you brother is acting with a pig.”

“But the food is so good.” Damien said with his mouth full looking like a chipmunk. Fabian groaned rubbing his forehead remembering why they never went out.

“Ma you are acting crazy.” Crystal said and they all groaned and banged some part of our body part on the table.

“Crazy, I will show you crazy.” Sofia went to stand out of her seat causing all the Costa family members to yell out no at the same time and reach to grab Sofia. Emilia and Mia were in stitches and Sofia started throwing spoons at all of her sons.

“Are they always like this?” Mia asked Emilia as they were all yelling at each other switching from Spanish to English.

“Yeah pretty much.” Mia looked to see most people looking at the Costa family with disgust. She shook her head finding it refreshing to have such a real family at these type of snobby event.

“Sorry about this?” Alex said as they finally got Sofia to calm down.

“Why Alex it is refreshing.” Alex laughed shaking his head.

“Wait until they all start drinking and dancing. Let’s just say my family like to drink at celebrations.” Mia laughed. After the dinner disaster, Alex and Mia got up onto the stage to do speeches.

Once they finished talking desert was given out and the product was finally launch.

“Ok people time to party.” Mia yelled and the music changed from classic to more upbeat. Drink were flowing around the table as everyone got up and danced. Alex and Emilia shared many drink as they danced with his family and Aiden.  

During the night Aiden fell asleep and Fabian was happy to sit at the table with a few older men holding the sleeping child as his family had fun. As the night wore on the more drink were consumed and the more Emilia and Alex let loss for the first time in a long time and acted there young and youthful age that they were.


So what did you all think. I bet most of you thought he was going to propose. hehehe not yet.

So I am so excited perfeclty Flawed has 50k read. :0 :0 I am so happy that and the fact it is ranked 27 in generl fiction. I am like bursting with excitment.

Anyway aside from my excitement i am sad to say there are only a few more chapter left of perfeclty flawed. i really dont want to stop writing i just love Alex and Emilia too much. There is about 8-10 Chapter to go so a few but not many. :(

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and remeber to vote comment and share. :)

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