Naruto Male reader insert

By MistyMizukage

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Y/n is forced to live in the Hidden Leaf due to a failed bounty hunting attempt. Along the way he meets Narut... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: The New Sensei in Town!
Chapter 4: Kakashi's Bell test!
Chapter 5: Y/n Love Song
Chapter 6: The Land of Waves
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9: Y/n's Day Off!
Chapter 10 The Newest Test!
Chapter 11: Chunin Exams! Introduction!
Chapter 12: Chunin Exams - Begin!
Thank You!
The Last of a Generation
Chapter 13: Chunin Exams - Stage 2
Chapter 14: Chunin Exams - Training!
Chapter 16: Konoha Crush!
Chapter 17: The Search for Tsunade - Friend or Foe?
Chapter 18: The Search for Tsunade - Sannin Showdown!
Holiday Special - Snowfall in Konoha
Chapter 20: Hunt or Be Hunted.
Chapter 21: Memories of the Past
Chapter 22: Aftermath
Chapter 23: House of Horrors
Chapter 25: Cook-Out!
Chapter 26: Sand Village Crisis
Chapter 27: Tale of Rukia
Chapter 28: Goodbye Konoha!
Chapter 29: Timeskip Training - Prelude
Chapter 30: Timeskip Training - Conspiracy
The Knight of a Generation
Chapter 32: Matsuri Mansion - Prelude 1
Story Update - :(

Chapter 15: Konoha Crush! - The Final Rounds

1.8K 51 31
By MistyMizukage

I awoke later than usual today. I started the day off taking a shower and cooking eggs for Hinata, cooking isn't my strong suit but there's really no other food option.

The smell of cooked eggs loomed over the kitchen. The silence in the air was disturbed by Hinata.

Hinata: Y/n?

Y/n: Hey Hinata! I cooked some eggs for you cuz I have no money for breakfast. I also brought you here to my house because going back to your place would've been awkward after the events last night.

Hinata: Y/n, it's noon.

Y/n: Eggs for lunch huh?

Hinata: No Y/n, the final rounds of the exams start in 10 minutes.




I quickly finished cooking the eggs and set them down on the platter, I quickly gathered all my equipment (Including my new Kunai and new counter-weapon)

Y/n: the eggs are done so you can eat them now. I have to go, sorry Hinata-- Bye Hinata!

I ran as fast as I could to the entrance, yet everything felt slow somehow, for some reason I still had my leg-weights on??

As I removed them my speed was almost unmatched by anything, it definitely helped trying to enter the exam arena.

As I ran to the arena, I noticed Naruto being chased by a herd of bulls?!

Naruto: Y/n! HELP!!

I threw a Kunai at my friend which stuck to his clothing with no resistance, Jiraiya-Sensei was right. These are good Kunai. I teleported to Naruto before throwing another Kunai to a wall near the exam, we inched closer to the entrance, and lost the Bull herd chasing Naruto.

Naruto: You're a life-saver Y/n, thanks!

Y/n: Well people who are late need to watch out for each other. Speaking of being late, we should go!

We entered the exam after being berated for being late, a whole crowd egged on by our lateness started shouting cheers of boos.

Shikamaru: better late than never. What a drag...

Haku: Y/n, are you ready for me to take the lead in our rivalry?

Y/n: So you're back huh?

Naruto: Haku's back! Wait a sec, where's Sasuke then?

Shikamaru: Dunno, my opponent's gone as well.

Genma: Hey you four, stop talking, stand up straight and present yourself proudly to the spectators.

The crowd was booming with chant boos and shouts, the tone of the audience made everyone nervous, sick or excited.

Genma: You guys are the heroes of this final competition.

This is gonna be fun.

The crowd was silenced from an address from the Hokage.

The Third Hokage: Welcome all! My deepest thanks for coming here to the Leaf Village for this year's Chunin Selection. We have come to the final competition between these 10 candidates who made it through the preliminaries. We ask that no one leaves until the final match has ended. Now everyone enjoy!

Our attention was switched to the proctor.

Genma: One more thing,

He then showed a piece of paper showing the tournament brackets.

Genma: There's been a slight change in the match ups, so everyone take one last look on who you'll be facing.

Naruto: Question!

Genma: What is it?

Naruto: I was wondering what's gonna happen to Sasuke-- I mean what'll happen if he doesn't show up?

Genma: If a candidate doesn't show up when his name is called, he forfeits the match.

" something is definitely happening, Sasuke would never miss this type of event."

Genma: All right, the rules are the same as last time, there are no rules. The match continues until one or both candidates drop.

I cracked my knuckles, this is gonna be entertaining. I've never had that "love" of blood Hidan had, but was I excited for this one.

Genma: I can also stop the match if I think it's over, no arguments permitted, understood?

Genma: The opponents for the first match are Naruto Uzumaki, and Neji Hyuga. Those two can stay, the rest will go to the waiting area.

Y/n: Looks like you're up buddy, beat him up.

We all moved to the waiting area preparing for the match. I'm confident Naruto will win.

Genma: Let the first match, begin!

The arena was silent, neither opponent made a move, yet Neji's Byakugan was activated, both were planning something.

The silence was stopped by Naruto throwing a dozen Shuriken that Neji promptly deflected. The two engaged in Taijutsu, Neji easily controlling the fight.

Y/n: Naruto! He knows your Chakra points, he can see it with his eyes! Don't do a frontal attack!

It seems this reinvigorated Naruto as he managed to get a hit on Neji before using his Shadow Clone Jutsu.

Using the Shadow Clones, Naruto attacked Neji from all directions. Slowly though each one of the clones started dying, until the Real Naruto was the last left.

Naruto: Multi-Shadow Clone jutsu!!

One by one each of the clones lost against Neji in Taijutsu, only the real Naruto was left. He has to resort to a different attack or he'll never be able to defea-

The "real Naruto" disappeared and revealed itself to be a Shadow Clone! The actual Naruto appeared behind Neji, but Neji still somehow blocked him!

Once again Naruto tried to use Shadow Clones but the result was the same, although there was a slight change. Neji was going for the kill.

Again and again Naruto kept losing, especially in Taijutsu, it seems Neji is too powerful.

Out of nowhere an astonishing surge of Chakra appeared from Naruto! The exact same chakra he had used when he defeated Haku! Even Neji was surprised by this.

Now Naruto was able to contend against Neji, even win in some engagements!

The fight stopped once a huge plume of smoke surged from the arena, Neji standing and Naruto was.... Inside a hole in the ground?

Out of nowhere the incapacitated Naruto dissipated, revealing itself to be a Shadow clone, whilst the real naruto appeared out of nowhere! Hitting Neji in the face and knocking him out.

Genma: The winner is Naruto Uzumaki!

Naruto returned to the stands,

Y/n: you did it Naruto! I can't wait till I get to fight you.

Naruto: you're that confident you're gonna win Y/n? Didn't you lose against him last time?

Y/n: This time it's gonna be different, I'll decide how the fight goes. I've played out almost every scenario during my training, and I win.

Shikamaru: Well let's see, I think it's your fight next.

Genma: A fighter in this match has not arrived yet so we have decided to postpone the match and simply have the fight that would've followed this one. Shino Aburame vs Kankuro of the Sand

The crowd started jeering in protest, but was then silenced when Temari blew the crowd away with her fan before landing in the middle. After talking with the Proctor, Temari managed to postpone the current fight and move on to her match.

Genma: Very well, the next fight shall be Shikamaru Aburame vs Temari of the Sand.

Shikamaru: What a drag... Why did my match have to get pushed.

Genma: Shikamaru Nara, come down.

Y/n: Looks like you're up

I gave a thumbs up and a grin.

Naruto: All right! Go on Shikamaru! You can do it!

Naruto promptly pushed Shikamaru, causing him to fall on the ground, Forcing him to fight.


Shikamaru stood up after the crowd threw dozens of objects at him. He then made a break for the tree line after throwing a smoke bomb, and then the match began in earnest.

A few minutes had passed and nothing happened, Shikamaru did ready his "Planning" pose, a pose I knew well from my matches in Shogi with Shikamaru during break time in missions.

Shikamaru then stood up, he thought out a plan. Victory is all but assured for him.

Then his shadows started chasing Temari, she barely managed to dodge it! I think I got his game plan, he was killing time waiting for the sun to move,increasing the length of the shadows of the wall, thereby increasing the length of his attack.

He then threw away his jacket and made a parachute with his Kunai, before throwing it and creating an extra conductor for his attack, Temari is losing ground, soon she'll lose.

Right before She was caught in Shikamaru's jutsu, she drove her fan to the ground, barring the attack from catching her, she then formed some hand signs and.... Stopped moving??

It was then I discerned Shikamaru's plan, he forced Temari to move at his own pace, thereby controlling the landscape of the battle, he made her land where Naruto popped out of the ground. He then used the Shadows underground to move his attack. He's a tactical genius!

The crowd went loud with praise! It seems Shikamaru can rally crowds after pulling off an upset win.

Shikamaru then controlled her actions, making her raise her hand to forfeit the match. It seems he's all but won the match.

Shikamaru: To hell with it, I give up the match.

The crowd went silent.

Y/n & Naruto: WHAT?!?!

Genma: The Winner is, Temari!

Me and Naruto jumped down to the Arena berating Shikamaru

Y/n: Why would you do that?? You had the win!

Naruto: You forfeited the match when you would've won?! That really ticks me off! You idiot!

Shikamaru: Who are you calling an idiot, you idiot.

Y/n: I was gonna fight you next if I won my match, now you ruined it!

Shikamaru: Hey the match is over now Y/n, let's just forget about it. Besides, it's your match next.

Y/n: Yea well how would you know?

Genma: The Next match shall be Haku Yuki against Y/n of the Leaf.

Shikamaru: Told you so,

Shikamaru gave a thumbs up and a grin. Haku then jumped down from the Waiting booth, whilst Naruto and Shikamaru returned.

Finally, I noticed Kakashi and Sasuke had arrived,

Y/n: wait! Sasuke's there, shouldn't he go first since his match takes precedence over mine?

Genma: Normally yeah, but your fight seems to be the second-most popular, it'd be a good warm-up for the Main Event, which is Sasuke's fight.

I couldn't argue against that because of the rules he set, and even if he could he was right, although my match wasn't as popular as Sasuke's, everyone looked on in interest to see whether me and Haku were strong, after all we were newcomers to the village and they still didn't know our strength, plus word reached out via rumors that I was given training by the Hokage, it also didn't help when I had a bunch of fangirls vying for my love and a dozen fanboys rooting for Haku.

Genma: Now, begin!


No one's p.o.v.

Even when neither had laid a hand on each other, the crowd went wild,

"This must be how being popular feels like"

Y/n thought.

Haku wore his mask, yet even when Y/n couldn't see his face, he knew Haku was too indifferent, he was planning something, Y/n noticed the gourd-like apparatus that Haku was carrying behind his back. He knew this was something related to his opponent's jutsu.

Haku: Last time we fought I had the advantage with the mist. For the sake of our rivalry, I'll allow you to choose

Y/n contemplated his next move, He knew Haku had to have an ace up his sleeve if he's gonna allow his opponent to gain the advantage.

Y/n: Fine, let's fight my way.

The Boy then grabbed a scroll from his pocket, before unleashing it revealing dozens of Special Kunai.

Haku was confused by this, he knew Y/n's weapons were Kunai, yet this much?

His train of thought came to an abrupt stop when Y/n threw every single one of his Kunai to the walls surrounding them, forming a ring.

The crowd became silent and eventually started booing, their jeers were deafening,, this "Ring Of Kunai" was something they didn't expect, they were anticipating a fast paced fight, not this weird web of weapons Y/n had been planning.

Yet Y/n stood with discipline, for he had planned every situation out, including this one, a ring of Teleportation Jutsus.

He was gonna win this tournament, and give everyone a show they were gonna remember for years. To add to his next spectacle, he flashed his Katana which shone brightly, the very same one given to him by the Villagers from the Land of Waves-- "白死" White Death.

Y/n, jumped back, to the very first Kunai he had placed, Haku followed suit. From there, bright flashes started appearing all around the arena, following the ring of Kunai, it was then that the crowd had adjusted to the situation, in which the crowd's silent treatment turned into shouts of anticipation. Sasuke had to activate his Sharingan to see the fight, and from there was astonished.

Mirroring the Kunai, large blocks of ice appeared, from there Haku had teleported from one block of ice to the next, Y/n did the same with his Kunai, and in the gaps between each of the Kunai and Ice they fought.

Of course only trained Ninja could properly see this fight, the only reminder that made the crowd know it was a fight was the deafening sound of Y/n's "White Death" that brought bright flashes of white, clashing with Haku's Kunai and Senbon, and the broken pieces of Ice that trailed them.

Kakashi was surprised at his student's massive improvement in speed, at the same time Rock Lee looked on proudly, thinking of how much his help with Y/n's training brought the crowd some of the best entertainment they have seen.

Even when Naruto was of comparable strength to both fighters, he had trouble watching the fight, eventually he figured out (from the pattern of the direction the fight was going) that they were basically racing. To him this match was a glorified Chariot fight.

The fight went on like this, lap after lap, clash after clash, flash after flash neither could gain any ground to push their victory.

Y/n: Come on Haku? I know you're holding back

Even during a fight, Y/n could not resist conversating.

Y/n: it seems the audience is getting bored, if you don't hold back, the crowd's gonna go wild.

Haku: Fine.

Both their speed increased. To the crowd the ring of Kunai became flashes of white.

Even with Y/n's calm discipline in the midst of battle, he was nervous, but on the surface he looked calm and ready, to drop bombs, and that was exactly his plan.

Kakashi: Y/n is gonna win.

Naruto: Why do you say that?

Kakashi: They've been fighting like this for a while, and remember Y/n has the advantage here.

Naruto: What do you mean Kakashi-Sensei?

Kakashi: In battles, people have an IQ that makes them effective. This is what separates Great fighters with Exceptional fighters.

Naruto: What's fight IQ?

Kakashi: It's the way the body naturally reacts to fights, you see your body instinctively attacks when an opponent leaves an opening, an exceptional fighter would sense this opening without thinking. Y/n is doing the same thing, he's conditioning Haku to leave himself open.

Naruto: I really don't get it.

Shikamaru: Classic Y/n, He's basically forcing Haku to fight HIS way, thereby giving him the advantage. He is gonna win, out of all the people I played with in Shogi, Y/n is the only one I couldn't beat, it's always a stalemate, he's using his Strategy here.

Naruto: Well what's Y/n gonna use the advantage for?

Kakashi: I don't know. We just have to wait & see.

Out of the four, Sasuke was the only one quiet, if Y/n was able to improve this much, he imagined how much Naruto or even Gaara had improved.

Kakashi was confused, he could sense Haku's Chakra was fading and Y/n still had tons of Chakra, he knew Y/n could simply end it, but Kakashi knows his student well, he anticipates his fight to end with a bang.

Just then, he realized he was correct. Y/n was going to end the fight with a bang, both metaphorically and literally.

Kakashi: Y/n is a tactical genius!

Naruto: What do you mean Kakashi-Sensei?

Kakashi: Naruto, look closely at that corner, do you notice that?

Kakashi pointed to a corner, where four or five Kunai had a loose tag on them.

Sasuke: You noticed them too?

Naruto: yeah what about them? Isn't that just his teleportation jutsu.

Sasuke: Only amateurs would confuse that with Teleportation Jutsu, Naruto.

Naruto: Whatever!

Kakashi: Sasuke's correct, those aren't just any tags, they're Explosive tags, and I'm correct, Y/n will end this with a bang.

Just then, the clanging of blades momentarily stopped, the crowd looked on and Y/n was on the opposite side of where he was at, whilst Haku was still going, until a whole side of the wall was blown off, leaving Haku buried by smoke and rubble. Once again, the crowd went loud.

Naruto: How did Y/n go there? Why wasn't Haku at the same place?

Sasuke: Aren't you paying attention to what Kakashi-Sensei said, Naruto?

Naruto: Even if I did I don't get it!

Sasuke: Y/n wasn't using speed, he was using his jutsu to teleport from one Kunai to the next, Haku was using speed to get from one Ice block to the next, since Haku was only using speed, he could only go one direction forward, whilst Y/n could go to different directions by teleporting.

Kakashi: Like I said earlier, he was conditioning Haku to fight one way, which is going one way, from there Haku neglected that Y/n could teleport from one Kunai to the opposite Kunai across the entire arena.

Shikamaru: he really has planned every situation out.

As the smoke cleared, the crowd went silent, anticipating Genma to declare Y/n the victor, but the crowd once again came alive once they saw Haku's silhouette standing above the rubble, now their entertainment had continued.

Y/n: Somehow still ready to fight huh?

Haku: You know the fight won't end until I use my Ice Release right?

Haku, using the metal apparatus that he carried, procured water. Using Water-Style, he sprayed the gallon of water all around the field, leaving it wet and muddy.

Without enough time to react, Haku appeared behind Y/n, his senses and speed dulled by the mud.

Haku then used the dozens of puddles of water to form different shapes of Ice.

Haku: Ice Release: Mirrors of disorientation!

The Ice formed different shapes, surrounding Y/n, yet they were all the same, they were still mirrors Haku could use to teleport.

Haku: I have to thank you Y/n.

Y/n: Why is that?

Haku: Let's just say my next attack took inspiration from one of your moves. Ice Mirrors: Angles of Death!

Y/n prepared to defend himself the way he and Sasuke defended themselves from the Ice Mirrors, but he failed, unlike last time he couldn't anticipate Haku's next attack, as each attack came from a different angle.

By the end of it, Y/n had managed to deflect or block only 12 of Haku's 60 bursts of attacks, a dozen cuts and bruises marred his body, his clothing torn. He sensed he had about the same amount of Chakra as Haku, about a quarter of their original strength, even then Haku still hasn't stopped his unconventional--unpredictable attack.

Y/n: So you copied my lost tag Jutsu?

Haku: I can see why you use it, it's very effective.

Y/n: Well, the same way you copied my attack, I copied your Senbon needles! I think its the perfect counter against your Ice Mirrors.

Y/n grabbed a cylindrical object wrapped by paper from his pocket the very same one he was wrapping yesterday during lunch, he then prepared to throw it, Haku knew that Y/n wasn't bluffing, this new attack would most likely be the counter to his attack, so he tried his best to keep Y/n from throwing it, but it was too late, the needles were already up in the air.

Y/n: Ninja Art: Thousand Needle Flash!!

The Cylinder burst forth, revealing hundreds of needles raining down on Haku. Haku couldn't dodge, the needles were too many, seemingly infinite, whenever he tried to dodge he was met with cuts and attacks from Y/n. It was then Haku discerned this attack, Y/n was right, this was the perfect counter to the Ice Mirrors.

The needles were tagged with the Teleportation Jutsu, since there were so many, Haku wasn't able to dodge them, and was then laced with his teleportation Jutsu, thus whenever Haku tried to attack, Y/n could teleport to him and dodge or attack Haku.

But he realized the one flaw to Y/n's attack, it was only effective if he was out of the mirrors, if Haku just stayed in the mirrors, then Y/n couldn't damage him, and a war of attrition would develop.

Haku then used this plan, staying inside the Ice mirrors and releasing barrage after barrage of Ice that came from outside the Ice Mirrors.

Y/n had then disappeared, his opponent searched for him and noticed that Y/n had teleported to his ring of Kunai.

Haku: You couldn't do that last time.

Y/n: I've extended my range.

Haku: No matter, this is still my battlefield.

Haku used the moisture from the mud to throw dozens of Ice Projectiles at Y/n, who cut and deflected them with the White Death. He inched closer and Haku's Ice Projectiles became slower and slower until he stopped throwing them. Suddenly, he charged at Y/n, dual wielding two sword-shaped pieces of ice, the two duelled until Haku's mask was torn in half, revealing his mouth that had blood leaking from it.

In one last desperate attempt, he charged at Y/n, who threw a kunai above him, he then threw another Kunai at the first one which forced it to change its direction, straight to Haku.

He tried to deflect it, but instead of the Kunai, it was Y/n who appeared, he had teleported to the Kunai. Haku was surprised by this and he wasn't able to dodge Y/n's next attack.

A blue swirling ball of chakra then formed in Y/n's hand.

Y/n: Rasenburst!!

The ball erupted, engulfing Haku in Chakra.

By the end of it, one Shinobi was standing, whilst the other was on the ground, struggling to get up and continue the fight.

Genma: I declare the match over! Y/n wins!

The crowd erupted in cheers, this was possibly the most entertaining fight they had seen so far, but it was also a sign that the REAL match they were waiting for was next.

Y/n: It seems I've taken the one point lead in our rivalry....


Naruto: That was an awesome fight Y/n! Please teach me about that last move!!

Y/n: You should ask Jiraiya-Sensei, the one I used was an imperfect version of it.

Kakashi: Sasuke, get ready. It's your match next.

It seems this next fight would be the most entertaining.


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