The Brother's princess

By pinkclemonade

124K 1.7K 293

she's small, stealthy and crazy, she's exactly what the mafia needs, unfortunately her brother is the leader... More

Part 1: Finally finding out who I am
part 2: rules.
part 3: heist planning
part 4: the boys
part five: hacks and fights
part 7: School, again?!
part 8: training.
part 9: misbehaving
part 10: after spanking
part 11: Meeting even more people?!
part 12: relationships
part 13: panic attacks
part 14: Murder and Punishment
part 15: Chiara's roomates
part 16: Chiara and Andy
part 17: School Morning.
part 18: First day and CC
part 19: Chiara and Ashton
part 20: 318
part 21: Worst. first day. ever.
part 22: After School
part 23: Double trouble..
Part 24: best friends always protect eachother
Part 25: Hotness
part 26: F*ck you Ashton
part 27: Cafeteria..
Part 28: Emotions are like whirlpools..
part 29: raided
part 30:

part 6: Marcello and Chiara Esposito

5K 65 18
By pinkclemonade

"okay, I just want you to be happy here chicá" Marcello says

"Happy?! How the fuck am I meant to be happy in a place like this?! I just want my old life back with my friends! Not with people who think they no me and who I hate!" I scream, breaking from Lacarzos grasp

"Y-you don't mean that" Patrizio says, sadly

"I do! I fucking hate my life here yo-" but I stop. Was I really that mean??

Marcello picks me up and puts me on his hip, carrying me up to the fifth floor and into his room he puts me on the bed and cuddles me

"It's okay" he says, sadly.

I just sob into his biecep

"I-i didn't mean what I s-said" I sob

"It's okay. It's not me you need to apologize to it's Patrizio and Lacarzo" he says, he pulls me up so I'm sitting

"A-am I still getting a-" but I'm interrupted by Lacarzo walking in, with Andy

"Since you both misbehaved you can both be spanked infront of eachother. But I'm feeling merciful so it can be over your pants. But Chiara your skirt will be up because you have shorts on underneath" Lacarzo says

"B-but getting spanked infront of eachother is embarrassi-" but I was interrupted

"Chi it's how we do it round here" Andy says

"Fuck off and don't talk to me" I say

"Both of you over the bed" Lacarzo says

I rest my hands on the bed and so does Andy, I look down and so does he. My skirt is flipped up to my lower back so my cycling shorts are showing, I give one last look at Lacarzo and he nods at me.

Marcello rests his hand on my lower back and the first smack is delivered to Andy. He doesn't do anything

Then me. It goes on like that and Marcello keeps on alternating cheeks, it hurts don't get me wrong but I am NOT going to cry Infront of Andy.

I feel something different and it's heavier. It's a wooden brush and I squirm a little. You can tell Andy got the same because he grunts

It felt like hours before it stopped, my butt was burning and throbbing and Andy was crying. But I'm a woman of my words. It hurt like all hell. Once it was done Andy was taken out by Lacarzo and Marcello stayed with me, hugging me and cuddling me

"We'll get you a new phone considering you broke your other one" he says, putting me on his hip and carrying me downstairs and into the third kitchen he doesn't sit me down he just makes food and a coffee

"I'm sorry" I mumble into his bicep

"It's okay sweetie" he says, pouring the hot water into the coffee and taking me to the 4th living room, he sits down and sits me on his lap, I wince and jump up a little

"Shh it's okay" he says, turning on the TV and putting on Harry potter and the chamber of secrets

I sit on the couch, somehow, and cuddle into him, it got to Dobby's first scene and I smiled, butting into his armpit. I must've fallen asleep because I woke up to Marcello and Patrizio talking, I pretended to be asleep so I could listen to what they where saying

"She didn't mean any of what she said" Marcello yells

"Well it didn't fucking seem it!" Patrizio yells

"Well I hope you know she didn't and she ended up sobbing because of it!" Marcello shouts back

"I don't fucking care!" Patrizio says

"What. Did. You. Say. To. Me?" Marcello growls

"I-i don't" Patrizio stammers

"Repeat it. NOW!" He growls

"I-i don't f-fucking care" Patrizio stutters

I hear Marcello stand up, I had already hurt Patrizio today, but I carried on listening

"M-marcello what are you doing??" Patrizio stammered, I heard a smack "Marcello what the! You haven't spanked me since I was 14!"

I heard only a few more smacks and it stopped, I pretended to wake up and Marcello saw, he picked me up and put me on his hip

"I swear I'm heavy what do you guys lift?" I ask

"10kg, Lacarzo lifts 20kg and Patrizio lifts 15kg" Marcello says "and also your really light" he says, sitting me on the kitchen counter and making food, lasagna.

I watch him intently, I love cooking, Marcello sees me looking and chuckles

"You look so much like your mother, chicá" he says

"Was she strict?" I ask, curious

"No, not really. But we weren't bad kids. And she died when you where one. We had to look after you from seven, it only lasted two months and you where taken away." Marcello says, sadly

"Was mum interesting?" I inquired

"Yes, very. Your dad was like Lacarzo. The mafia leader. So she was the princess, she used to sing us little trinkets to teach us self defense" Marcello smiles at remembering "she had a beautiful voice"

"I-i can kind of sing" I say

"Whenever you feel comfortable sweetie, you do it" he says, putting the finishing touches on the lasagna before he cooked it

I didn't, I just carried on talking "I also play soccer" I say

"Really?" Marcello, asks, standing up

"I used to." I say, fiddling with the counter top

"Let's go then, what position?" He asks

"Midfield or defence" I say

"Let's go get the others, we can play while we wait for tea

"O-okay" I say, nervous, he picks me up, what a surprise

He shouts for everyone and brings me outside, the back garden is huge! There are already goals put out and everything! I tied up my top and my hair and waited, the boys came out

"Soccer?" Lacarzo ask, Marcello nods and one by one they took their tops of..

Oh no 😂


Heya! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if your here from my last book, I have writer's block on it which I have NEVER had before! But anyway, have a really good day!

-Cj xoxo

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