Corona City

By Cupcakegirlpower

7.6K 261 1.4K

Currently being rewritten A Modern Tangled AU. Varian is a dorky, fifteen year old nerd who is in his senior... More

Episode 1:Beginings P1
Episode 2:Beginings P2
Episode 3:A Sunny Fall Party
Episode 4:Viral Spiral
Episode 5:On the Ball
Episode 7:Two Below
Episode 8:Operation:Christmas Scrooge
Episode 9:New Year's Resolutions
Episode 10:The Wall Between
Episode 11:Project Moonstone P1
Episode 12:Project Moonstone P2
Please Read:CC Update
S2-E1: Sunburned P1

Episode 6:Not So Easily Solved

463 17 120
By Cupcakegirlpower

Good morning and good night
(Jeremy Jordan-Varian Meyer)
I'll wake up at twilight
(Eden Espinosa-Cassandra Guard)
It's gonna be alright
(Mandy Moore-Rapunzel/Sunny Corona)
We don't even have to try
(Zachary Levi-Eugene Fritzherbert)
It's always a good time
(Jonathan Banks-Quirin, M. C. Gainy-Mr. Guard)

Whoa oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh
(James Monroe-Lance)
It's always a good time
(Sean Heyes-Pete, Diedrich Bader-Stan)
Whoa oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh
(Peter MacNicol-Principal Nigel)
We don't even have to try
(Julie Brown-Ariana, Clancy Brown-Fredric)
It's always a good time
(All other voices)

Written by Cupcakegirlpower
Tangled is owned by Disney
Theme Song: It's Always a Good Time
By Owl City and Carly Rae Jespen

Not So Easily Solved

Varian sat down.  He had refused to look at anyone in the eye.  It was his science class.  He dearly wished that the previous day had not accrued.  However, it did and his mind was now distracted with a new knowledge.

The cause of the fire that killed his mom was classified.  That meant one thing.  The government was hiding it.  From her very son as well, and he hated it.  He should have gotten to know.

The bigger question remained.  Did his father know?  If his father did, it would hurt.  It would hurt, because his father did not trust him with the truth.  That he hid the fact that his mother's death was not from a natural fire.

Was it a failed experiment?  Was there an explosion involved?  Was it his mother's experiment?  Was…  was the fire truly an accident?  The last question caught him off guard.  Surely, that couldn't be it.

Varian's mind snapped back to reality when the other science students made their way into the classroom.  Once more, Varian looked at the floor.  Again, Rapunzel sat down next to him with a beaming smile.  He gave a nervous grin back.

The teacher came in, but it wasn't the regular teacher.  "Good morning class.  I am Dr. Alcott St. Croix.  I am your new teacher.  Your previous teacher quit from, what I have been informed, too many accidents."

Rapunzel glanced at Varian, fearing how he took this.  Varian's face was unreadable.  She didn't know if this was worse or not.  His face was slightly paler than usual, but other than that, he was unreadable.

"It is sudden, but yes, I am informed where to begin.  So you needn't worry of having to start over.  Now, to begin…"

As the lesson went on, Rapunzel risked another glance at her friend.  Varian's face was confused as he stared at the board.  What was he confused about?  Then she saw his eyes widen as if suddenly, something clicked.  He raised his hand.

Dr. St Croix noticed it.  "Yes, what is it?"

"Sir, I think you have the wrong equation,"  Varian answered.

"Pardon me?"  The teacher's face grew red with anger.

"You have the wrong problem.  See, you have…"  Varian explained what that problem was for and what problem was supposed to be used.

(Forgive me here, I'm not a science nerd like Varian.  I'm called a nerd because I'm more like a book and random facts nerd)

The kids looked from Varian to the teacher.  The doctor scowled furiously at the teen.  "Certainly you have been mistaken, young man."

"I mean I could, but I'm pretty sure that that's the wrong equation,"  Varian repeated.

"Young man.  I am a scientist.  I have studied science for years."

"So… so have I…"  Varian pressed.

"No, you are mistaken.  Don't think I don't know who you are.  The boy who keeps almost burning down the school with his mistakes."

Rapunzel wanted to punch the man for being so cruel as to say something like that.  She was shocked at her urge to throw her book and tell him what's what, but she knew it was wrong to address an adult in such a manner.  Even if the adult was being cruel.  It just wasn't her place.  That didn't mean she wasn't going to bring this issue to her father when she got home.

Varian's face burned red.  "If you were a scientist, then you would be able to accept it when you make a mistake!  Everyone does it, even scientists,"  Varian snapped back.

"And what would you know?"  the man sniffed.

"Because I was taught by the best scientist!  My mother, Dr. Meyer, was amazing,"  Varian gritted his teeth.

Rapunzel bit her lower lip.  Varian wasn't helping by arguing, but he was hurt.  It still wasn't an excuse.  Now she wouldn't be able to have as good an argument to her father if Varian continued to back talk.  She gently kicked the boy in the leg to tell him to stop.

"Right.  The scientists who died in the fire,"  Dr. St. Croix snapped.

Varian's eyes widened at the cruel remark.  There was a harsh silence in the room.  The kids stared at Varian until he did what they were waiting for.  He bolted out of the classroom, not even closing the door behind him.

"Varian!"  Rapunzel called, but he didn't hear or didn't listen.


"Let me get this straight.  All this happened over an equation?"  Rapunzel's father, Fredric, rubbed his forehead.

"Equations are really important to scientists, dad,"  Rapunzel pointed out.

"Just for curiosity's sake, was the equation wrong?"  Arianna, Rapunzel's mom, asked.

Rapunzel nodded.  "One of the kids, Brad, looked into it.  He claims that Varian had the right problem for it."

Frederic's eyebrows creased together in confusion.  "Now I'm confused…"

"What I'm saying, dad, is he said some unforgivable things to Varian.  Whether Varian was right or wrong, he should have never said what he did about his mother.  It was so cold and uncaring.  It was just cruel,"  Rapunzel said.

"So he was an adult acting like a prideful child?"  Frederic tried.

Rapunzel nodded.  "A cruel one."

"Sunny, I know you care deeply for your friends and hate seeing them hurt.  Are you sure you're not slightly exaggerating?"  Frederic asked.

"Mm-mm."  Rapunzel shook her head.

"Fred.  If you really doubt it.  You can always just pull up the footage,"  Arianna said.

"True," the man said thoughtfully.  "It's not that I don't trust you, Sunny.  It's, you might have missed something, but I promise you, I will look into this."

"I will also personally confront the doctor for saying such a thing about Varian's mother.  Yes it was stating a fact, but it was cruelly done.  It was not right.  Varian may have not dealt with the situation well himself, but it was unacceptable for that man to do so.  Varian is a child, Croix is an adult,"  Arianna said.

Arianna had to admit that she had taken a liking to Varian when he visited Rapunzel for the fall party.  He was very polite and sweet.  She hadn't known that he was recently motherless from an unfortunate accident until the conversation they just had.  It was heartbreaking really.  He didn't have a mother to go to when he had a bad day.  She couldn't bear the thought of her daughter having to go through that sort of pain.


Quirin knocked on his son's door.  "Varian.  Are you coming out?"

There was no reply.

He sighed.  His son had come home late without an explanation and locked himself in his room and refused to come out.  Quirin rubbed his head in stress.  He honestly didn't know what to do.

"Dinner's ready when you are…"  he tried again.  "Varian."  He shook his head.  He found the key to unlock his son's door from the outside on top of the doorframe.  He opened the door and peeked into the room.

Varian was lying on his back on his bed.  He had a pillow over his face as he squeezed it.  Quirin raised a brow.  "Varian."

The fifteen year old suddenly jumped and sat up.  He had fallen asleep that way.  Quirin could tell.  That explained why he wasn't getting an answer from his son a moment before.  He couldn't really get after him for that then.

"Dinner's ready,"  Quirin tried again.

"Oh, ok."  Varian blinked the sleep from his eyes.

Quirin really wanted to know what had happened, but he wanted to have Varian at least eat first.  Or was more awake.  He would discuss it with his son later.

The two sat down to dinner.  When Varian was almost finished, Quirin cleared his throat.  Varian looked up.  "Did anything happen today that I should know about?"

Varian's shoulders slumped.  "Probably…"

Quirin raised his brows for his son to continue.

"Well… we got a new science teacher.  The other one quit.  This teacher was writing an equation that didn't fit the problem, so I pointed it out.  I pointed it out the way you told me too, but he wasn't happy.  Then he said something that made me mad, so…  I don't exactly remember how it went.  I guess I messed up, but then he said something about mother…"

"What did he say about your mother?"  Quirin interrupted.

"I said I knew the equation because I was taught by my mother, and he said…"

"He said," Quirin urged.

" 'Right.  The scientist who died in the fire.'  It's true, but it was the way he said it…"  Varian looked down.  "It just hurt, and I was stupid.  I ran out… I'm sorry."

Varian looked at his hands, feeling guilt in his chest.  Suddenly, he felt his father hugging him.  He looked at his father.  "Right or wrong, son.  I love you and it was wrong for him to treat your mother's memory rudely.  I understand why you are upset, but, son.  You need to remember your place and your temper."

Varian nodded.  "I know.  I'm sorry, Dad."

"Here.  You take care of the dishes.  I have something I need to take care of outside.  Alright?"

"Yes, sir,"  Varian began to gather the dishes.

Quirin went outside and sat in the car.  He pulled out his phone and dialed the number he wanted.  He placed his cell on his ear and tapped the steering wheel with his left fingers.


"Hi, Fredric.  I need to talk to you about something that happened in the school.  I realize that my son was backtalking the teacher, but something was said about my wife…"

"Yes, my daughter wasn't very happy today.  She was really upset about it."

"Who is the teacher?"  Quirin asked.

"Dr. Alcott St. Croix."

"I see, of course...  I need you to make sure he doesn't say anything about my wife again.  Knowing that man, he'll let it slip.  The information on her death is confidential.  The last thing I need is Varian being dragged into any of this."

"Of course."

"Also, Fred.  Thank you for giving us the grace with the lab incidents."

"We're old friends, aren't we?  Having my own teen, I understand."


"Any time, Quirin."

The phone hung up.  Quirin sighed.  Everything was probably a big deal over nothing.  The drama at high school.  Didn't he remember it all too well?


"Cupcake?"  Eugene asked.

"Eugene.  How'd you know?"

"I didn't, whatever's going on.  I brought the cupcake as a sorry for forgetting our anniversary of our first date was yesterday.. What's going on?"  Eugene sat down on the window seat next to his girlfriend.

"Oh, it's Varian."

"Another rough day at school?  That's two in a row.  Did something explode again?"

"More like he exploded, Eugene."

"What caused him to do that?"

"New teacher.  He's a big jerk.  Then he said something about Varian's mom and Varian ran out of the class.  Yeah, he was talking back, but he isn't the only one at fault and I think he got really hurt.  His heart, I mean.  His face when Dr. Croix said that… thing.  It like to broke my heart, Eugene."

Eugene sighed.  "Is it just me, or does drama follow that kid about?"

"Eugene…"  Rapunzel said.

"You want me to check up on him again tonight?"

"It would mean a lot to him."  she smiled.

"I will."  Eugene promised.


Varian felt his phone buzz as he closed his bedroom door behind him.  "Hello?"

"Hey, kid.  How are you doing?"

"I'm alright, Eugene…  you with Rapunzel?"

"Yeah, she explained what happened.  Kid, you're really not having your week, are you?"

"Not really, but I'm alright.  Everything just seemed a lot worse in the moment than it really was."

"Don't go in hermit mode on us, ya here?"

Varian grinned.  "I won't, promise.  I just need some time to recuperate with everything."

"Alright.  If there's anything you need, just let one of us know, alright?"

"I will.  Thanks, Eugene."

"Hey, anytime, kid."


The phone hung up.  Varian sighed.  He was lucky to have them as his friends.


"Hey, Cassie,"  Varian said.

Cassandra looked up from her bed.  "Cass,"  she corrected him.

"Have anything new on her?"

She shook her head.  "Nope."

Varian sighed.  "Figured as much."

"Hey, I'll let you know next time I find something, alright?"  Cassandra said.

Varian glanced around her room.  It was the same as always.  "So, what did you text for me to come?"

"Well, your mom was working on a project.  Can you think of anywhere your father would hide it?"  Cassandra asked.

"The attic,"  Varian stated.  "You want me to snoop around and try to find the failed project?"

"Yes.  It could be a clue to what caused the fire to begin with," Cassandra nodded.

"Then I will, first chance,"  Varian promised.


Varian stuffed his hands in his pockets as he walked home.  A black car sat, turned off, sitting on the street.  The person in the diverseat watched after him.

"Eyes are set on the target acquired."

There was a muffled reply on the phone.

"Yes, sir.  I will remember that."  He hung up the phone and started the car.  He turned his vehicle around and drove off.


The school bell rang.  The students entered science class.  Varian refused to say a word.  Even when Dr. Croix forgot to put the decimal on the answer.  All the teens were at least smart enough to not say anything after the day before.  Well, in some cases, they lacked the knowledge that it was missing the decimal.

Nothing was said about the previous day's events.  Varian just recieved a cold stare from the man.  Varian didn't look back, but he wasn't shrinking from it either.

School ended with it being a pretty normal day.  As Varian walked out of the school, a blue car pulled up in front of him.  The driver honked.  The fifteen year old smiled.  "Hey, Eugene."

"Thought I'd take you for a spin.  She just got a fresh wash.  You up for it?  Yep, I did get permission from your dad."  Eugene had the window rolled down.

"You bet!"  Varian grinned.  He hopped in the car and put his backpack at his feet.

"Seatbelt,"  Eugene reminded him.

Varian quickly buckled.

"Let's see, Subway?"

"Sounds good to me,"  Varian grinned.

"Turkey or ham?"

"I am offended you had to ask."  Varian faked a dramatic gasp.

"Turkey it is,"  Eugene teased.

"Ham!  Eugene.  Always ham,"  Varian laughed.

"You got it, Hair Stripe."  Eugene winked.

The blue car drove off.  Rapunzel watched after it, a smile on her face.

End of Episode

When I wrote this, I didn't know how to make characters talk back as well as I have them do now.  Lol!  Funny what happens within months of more practice.

The next episode is-Two Below

We are half way done with season 1 y'all!

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