Love Is Toxic (Rewriting)

By xXVredeXx

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PREVIOUSLY KNOWN AS TOXIC! ****************************************** "Oh right, the waitress. Sorry I can't... More

Please Do Not Ignore This! (Old and New Readers!)
Character Aesthetics
Prologue (Rewritten)
1. Who Are You?
2. Wanna Be My Date?
3. It's History
4. Prowling The Streets
6. A Night To Remember

5. Mind If I Come In?

132 35 208
By xXVredeXx

After hours of talking to Sven, he insisted on leaving. I did not want him to go but all good things come to an end.

I rest my hands on the door, looking down at the tiled floor beneath, placing my toes between the grout, replaying the events through my head. A smile develops on my lips as I turn my back against the door and bite the inside of my cheek. Time to go to bed, Sky.

I have a long day tomorrow. I have an art piece to work on for my practical exam. I walk over to my room in a daze and get dressed into something more comfortable. Noticing my notification light flashing while slipping in under my covers, I grab it from the nightstand. Scrolling through the messages, two causes my fingers to come to a halt.

One New Message-PLUTO

Hey, Sky. I didn’t see you at the club, are you okay? Please call me as soon as you see this message!

One New Message-Dwayne

Hi, Sky. Sorry for pushing things with you, I didn’t mean to upset you. Please, can we just forget about it?

I ignore both messages and put Dwayne on mute. Setting my alarm, and putting the device on charge, I place it back on the nightstand beside my bed and roll onto my side, and sleep devours my being for the first time in months.


“Skylar!” Someone yells, dragging me out of my sleep.

My heavy eyelids struggle to open, adjusting to the light, entering my room. I observe my surroundings to identify the culprit of this persistent yelling.

“Sky, someone’s here for you!” A familiar voice calls for me, down the hall.

Who? Erina has a key, and Lizzy knows who Dwayne is. Oh no! Oh God no! It can’t be him! Can it? I rush out of bed and give my best attempt at trying to make myself look presentable.

“Sky, you awake?” Lizzy asks, popping her head in through my door; her brown eyes, complimenting her blonde hair, locking with mine.

“Yeah, nice seeing you, Elisabeth,” I reply with a tight smile.

“Thanks,” she replies, furrowing her bushy brows, “Here’s a guy for you, he’s at the front door, should I let him in?” She asks, folding her slim arms over her flat chest, resting her back against the doorpost.

“Did he give a name?” I ask, passing through her.

“Yeah, Steven, or something like that,” she responds, scratching her head.

Sven!” I exclaim, dashing past Lizzy, earning myself a scowl.

My eyes grow wide with excitement, rushing to the door. A few meters away from my destination, I come to a halt and smooth out my hair and calm myself down before proceeding. The door is standing open, the gate still locked and I eye the familiar figure standing before me.

The dimples on his cheeks starts to show as his smile reaches his sparkling eyes. I don’t hesitate to grab the keys from the counter to let him in. Unfortunately, I’m a klutz, so the keys fumble in my grasp as I try to put it in the lock. At long last, after managing to open the gate, I step back and eye him even more, not being ashamed one bit of ogling him. 

“Sven, what are you doing here?” I ask, exasperatedly, placing my hands on my hips.

He cocks his head and casts me a sly grin, closing the gate behind him before shooting back, “Is that how you normally welcome your guests, Sky?”

“Very funny, Sven. But seriously, what are you doing here so early? My alarm has yet to go off,” I respond, placing the keys back on the counter, switching the on the kettle.

“Sorry, I came to pop in to say hello, wanted to catch you before church,” he replies, following me.

I turn my figure to face him, and give him a scowl, “That is very bold of you to assume that I go to church.”

“I suppose you’re right, sorry for assuming, and my Dad always told me that assumptions are the mother of all fuck ups,” he says, looking embarrassed.

“That, love, is a wise man, and no, I don’t go to church. I’m agnostic, how about you?”

“My Dad was never big on religion, but I was a Christian and later turned into an atheist,” he replies, now standing next to me.

The sound of the kettle interrupts the silence and I make myself coffee, and tea for Sven. Handing him the mug, we place ourselves on the sofa. A familiar set of footsteps enter the living room, who can only be Lizzy.

“Lizzy, this is Sven,” I introduce with the mug against my thin lips. 

“Hello, Sven, my name is Elisabeth, but you can call me Lizzy or Libby, whichever you prefer,” she replies with her all too friendly, melodic tone.

“Nice to meet you, Lizzy. Do you study at Stellenbosch as well?” Sven asks, arching a brow, placing his mug on the wooden coffee table.

“Yes, it’s my last year, actually. If all goes well, I’m getting my honours in Bio-technology this year,” Lizzy replies with a smug grin, heading over to the flask to make her some coffee.

Sven’s eyebrows shoots up in astonishment and a smile spreads across his lips, “That is impressive, wow!”

“I know, thanks! Anyways, I’m off to my room, just came to relieve my caffeine addiction,” she replies, walking back to her room, “Nice meeting you, Sven,” she adds, lifting her mug.

“Likewise,” he responds with a gleam in his eye, but she’s already gone.

“Any plans for today?” I ask, Sven, placing my mug on the counter, placed behind the couch.

He lifts his perfectly plucked eyebrows and turns his posture to face me, “Not really, you?”

“I have an art project to get started on, the theme is ‘Scars Of Society’. Then, I have to talk to Erina and Dwayne,” I reply, crossing one leg over the other, letting a sigh out on just the mere thought of the drama that I'll be faced with Dwayne.

“Who’s Dwayne?” He asks, looking intently at me. I watch as his jaw clenches, and his action takes me aback.

A sigh escapes my lips before answering, “We have a history, things got complicated and I need space from him at the moment. We both need it.”

“Well, I find it weird that you still talk to him. I don’t mingle with my exes,” he responds, shrugging his shoulders.

Why does it bother him? It has nothing to do with him in the first place. I bite the inside of my cheek, contemplating whether that is normal or not. He is just stating his opinion, Sky. Don’t overthink it. I straighten my shoulders and give him a tight nod before answering, “Well, Dwayne is, was a really good friend of mine since the age of ten, I did not want to just write him off like that immediately.”

“Understandable, so what made you want to do that now?” He asks, moving closer, his thigh brushing against mine.

“I don’t want to talk about it, Sven,” I plead, standing up.

“Alright then,” he replies in a low mumble, grabbing my wrist, causing me to land on his lap.

A smile tugs up at the corners of his lips and his hands moves around my waist. He leans in closer, stopping mere centimetres away from my lips.

“Do you know what’s my favourite part of a kiss?” He asks, cupping my cheek.

Unable to answer, I shake my head and continue to stare in the green pools that are his eyes.

“This part, the anticipation. Right before our lips connect,” he mumbles, examining my features, his eyes locking with mine.

He quickly moves away, causing my heart to drop to my stomach. Thinking about it now, that is my favourite part of kissing. Just before the lips lock. My brows furrow, as he continues to scrutinise me, “Why did you pull away?”

A chuckle escapes his mouth, “I like you a lot Sky, but I don’t want our first kiss to be you having morning breath.”

My mouth hangs open at the audacity of his ridiculous statement, “Oh piss off, Sven! You really know how to spoil the mood, don’t you?” I scowl at him, crossing my arms over my chest.

He pulls me closer to him, causing my cheeks to turn crimson, “I’m just messing with you. By the way, I booked us a reservation at around eight,” he replies with a wink, placing me on his lap.

My arms are still crossed over my chest and I'm still scowling at him, “Who says I want to go on a date with you?”

“Oh, trust me, love, I know you do,” he replies with a wink, and I don't know what pisses me off more -- the fact that he knows exactly how to play his cards, or the fact that it's completely going to work.


“Skylar!” Erina calls out from the foyer.

Setting down my paintbrush, and turning down the music, booming from my speaker; situated on my windowsill that my cousin got me as a birthday present years back, I trudge out of my room.

“Yes?” I ask, annoyed, as I was in the middle of painting.

She turns to face me and looks appalled, before answering with a chuckle, “You’ve got paint on your forehead, Sky.”

“I do?” I ask in confusion. I turn to face the mirror and furrow my brows in the process. My jaw drops open, eying the blue acrylic above my brow. You can never go a day without messing paint on you, can you, Sky? I shake my head and turn my figure back to Erina.

“On a serious note, Sky, why are you ignoring my calls?! I thought you were dead or something! You just disappeared in thin air last night!” She yells out frantically, waving her arms in the air out of frustration.

“Whoa, Pluto! Calm down. I went out with Sven last night, I wasn’t in the mood for Dwayne. I then arrived home and saw your message, I fell asleep and it slipped my mind to answer you back,” I reply, shrugging my shoulders as I walk to the living room.

“Slipped your mind?!” Erina exclaims, following me, with her hands still in the air.

“Seriously, Erina, it’s not such a big deal,” I shoot back, scowling at her.

“Sky, of course this is a big deal!” She yells again, before taking her seat next to me. The scent of her perfume entering my lungs.

“Oh, really?” I ask, rolling my eyes.

“Yes, really. Sven is still a stranger and you decide to just spend the night with him like it’s no big deal? You don’t even message me to tell me where you are, and above all that, it slips your mind to answer me? Unbelievable!” She finally finishes, looking at me with an all too unpleasant expression on her face.

She has a point, Sky.

“I know, I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking straight. I just desperately needed to  get away from Dwayne and I want change in my life, Erina.

"I’m tired of the same old boring routine; day in and day out, and Sven is the perfect distraction that I need. He isn’t so bad after all, I was just in a sour mood tha day at the pub,” I reply, brushing my fingers through my curls.

She lowers herself to face me, placing her elbows on her knees, letting out a sigh, “I can understand that, but just be careful and let me know where you are, in the future. Please, Sky, we live in a dangerous world, just be careful.”

“I promise, I will. I’m going on a date tonight,” I squeal with excitement.

“Seems like love is in the air,” she replies, crossing her legs over each other.

“Indeed it is, but first I have to sort things out with Dwayne.”

“Oh dear me, over the phone or, what?” She asks, furrowing her brows.

“I’m going over to his place, we need to talk and I just need to rip the band-aid off,” I reply, pressing my lips together in a brooding line.

“Yeah, poor guy,” she pouts.


My car comes to a halt in front of a block of apartments that I recognise as Dwayne’s. It not in the good part of town; the place looks a bit sketchy, but I haven’t been mugged here before. I think it’s kind of funny, seeing as Cape Town is ranked as the third most dangerous city in the world, I’ve never encountered any sort of dangerous situation before, probably all thanks to my resting bitch face.

I climb out and take a look around, eyeing my surroundings. Let’s just get this over with, I tell myself, gritting my teeth. Knuckles clenching, trying to calm my nerves, I push open the dirty glass door, filled with greasy handprints and enter the lobby.

This section needs drastic cleaning, it has an outdated red carpet, filled with particles and a layer of dust, suggesting that this floor hasn’t been vacuumed in an astronomically long time. Nobody is situated at the front desk, the walls are cracked, due to the water retention in the cement. I take for the stairs, seeing as the lift is also out of order. Nice.

At least Dwayne lives on the first floor, so it isn’t that much of a climb. I refuse to place my hand on the grimy staircase-railing, God knows what pathogens live on that thing! Finally, reaching Dwayne’s flat, I hesitate at first before knocking, but before I connect my fist to the cheap door, it swings open and I’m greeted with an all too stunning man in my view.

You can’t think about him in that way! I internally scold myself. Dwayne’s eyes grow wide with surprise, mixed with a hint of excitement. He drops the trash bag beside him, on the wooden floor and the corners of his lips tug up into a broad grin.

Looks like he just rolled out of bed, even though it's the middle of the day. His hair is a bit messy, not wearing anything, besides boxers, which showcases his buldge. Poor guy always struggled with morning wood. That is the dead giveaway that he just woke up.

My eyes trail to his defined abdominal muscles, and for once I notice that he’s no longer the awkward teenager I grew up with, but now a man. My eyes meet him and it feels as if my chest is being torn apart from the guilt that’s boiling from the inside.

“Sky,” he manages to say in a groggy voice, with an undertone of surprise.

“Mind if I come in?” I ask, lacing my fingers together.

“Yeah, yeah, of course,” he spits out with a stutter, “Let me just put this out,” he adds, pointing to the black trash bag.

“Sure,” I reply with a tight nod.

I eye the backside of him, and notice how his back muscles recoil as he sets down the bag in the corner, next to a pile of identical trash bags. He turns around and walks back, giving me a smile.

“Come on in,” he says, holding the door open for me.

Stepping in, nostalgia hits me. It’s not the most beautiful flat you’ve ever seen, it’s far from it but I’ve never felt more at home this place. Walking over the creaking, rotten floorboards, I place my figure on the worn out sofa, where Dwayne and I have spent many nights watching movies on the laptop.

“I’m so sorry, Sky. I did not mean to push things with you last night. I’m so terribly sorry,” he spits out, sitting next to me as he places his elbows on his knees, examining my face for any expression at all.

I don’t respond, I straighten my shoulders and mentally prepare myself for what’s to come.

“Do you want something to drink?” Dwayne asks, breaking the silence.

“No thank you, I want to keep this short,” I reply with a tight nod, noticing all hope draining from his body as it slumps into the old cream cushions.

“Alright,” he manages to breathe out.

“Dwayne,” I start, taking in a deep breath, “I don’t know how to say this but, I think we need time—”

“But—” he interrupts me.

“Please, let me finish,” I shoot back.

“Alright,” he answers with his voice cracking.

“As I said, we need time. I tried to go to that party with you as just a friend, but you pushed things a little too far. I don’t blame you for that, on the contrary, I understand why, Dwayne. I still have strong feelings for you—”

“But then what’s the problem, Sky?” He blurts out, clenching his sharp jaw.

“Let me finish, Dwayne. I need change in my life. I want to escape the ties that bind me to my boring life. It’s the same ritual each and every day. I also don’t think that it’ll be healthy for us to jump  straight in to relationship right now, we need time to heal by ourselves, we are both hurting, Dwayne,” I try to explain with tears in my eyes.

“It’s cause of that guy that was with you last night, isn’t it?” Dwayne asks, his voice cracking as the tears trickle down his pale face.

I don’t answer because he isn’t entirely wrong. And for the first time ever, this silence it not something that’s comfortable, it’s far from it. It’s not even awkward. The atmosphere is filled with misery, despair and guilt.

My eyes trail across the living room. You can’t see anything beyond these four, beige walls. It’s so empty and it feels even more so because also, for the first time, I don’t feel welcome here. The place that once felt like home, and the ice cold words, filled with hatred that escapes Dwayne’s  lips, proves me right.

“I think you should go.”

I’m unable to respond and I continue sit there like a stupid statue, glued to the couch. My eyes trail to find his, but he refuses to look at me. The tears are dripping from his chiselled chin.

“Leave, Sky!” he yells out, looking at me. There isn’t a hint of anger in his blue eyes, just hurt and anguish. His voice, cracking on each syllable as he yells one more time with tears now streaming down his face, his eyes red and swollen with misery.

I bow my head down and rush for the door, dashing down the stairs, trying to fight back the tears that are trying their best to escape their hold. Only when entering my car do they spill out. The salt, spilling over my taste buds as they drip on my lips. I’ve never felt this empty in a very long time.

Fuck!” I yell out on the top of my lungs, slamming the steering wheel in the process and feeling how raw my throat is.

You had no choice, Sky. I console myself, looking in the mirror at my puffy, red, tear stained face in the reflection.


Okay, this chapter was intense. Even I was alsmost in tears, writing that encounter between Skylar and Dwayne.

Jeez, I have to recover from that. The next chapter will be called: A Night To Remember. It has a double meaning, that is the only hint that I'll be giving you guys.

I'm proud of the new version, I really am and thank you guys for the support you're showing me. You seriously don't know how motivating it is!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

[3 296 Words]

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