𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓸𝓻𝓬𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓼 ✾|...

Por AthenaWisdom1

54K 1.9K 432

✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・* *・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿   A Soulmate "Is someone who challenge... Más

°•~Rise of the Serpentine~•°
Rise of the Snakes
Never Trust a Snake
Can Of Worms
The Snake King
Tick Tock
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
The Royal Blacksmiths
The Green & Guardian Ninja
All Of Nothing
Rise of the Great Devourer
Day of the Great Devourer
°•~Legacy of the Green Ninja~•°
Darkness Shall Rise
Pirates vs. Ninja
Ninjaball Run
Child's Play
Growing Up, Unfortunately.
The Stone Army
The Day Ninjago Stood Still
The Last Voyage
Island Of Darkness
The Last Hope
Return of the Overlord
Rise of the Spinjitzu Masters
*Bonus; First Impressions.*
The Surge
The Art of the Silent Fist
The Curse of the Golden Master
Enter the Digiverse
Codename: Arcturus
* Special Oneshot *
The Void
The Titanium Ninja
*Finding Emerald*
°•~The Tournament Of Elements~•°
The Invitation
※✥❀✾ Anniversary ❁✿❖✤
Only One Can Remain
Ninja Roll
Spy For A Spy
The Forgotten Element
The Day of the Dragon
The Greatest Fear Of All
The Corridor Of Elders
Bonus: The Date ❦ The Dream
Winds Of Change
Ghost Story *editing*
Stiix and Stones
The Temple On Haunted Hill
Kingdom Come
The Crooked Path
Grave Danger

Double Trouble

829 35 12
Por AthenaWisdom1

® The spells in the book are not owned by me, I made some up while I borrowed some from tv shows and a few books. I repeat, I do not own the spells. ©



At Dareth's dojo, the Ninja are training Lloyd and Lacey to control their powers. Both are trying to light the bulb with their powers.

"Focus, Lloyd, Focus Lacey. Control the power inside you. When you feel a surge welling up, harness it." Jay teaches them.

"I understand. I am in control," Lloyd nods, before looks back at the light bulb and grunts.

"Come on Lloyd, Lacey. You can do it" Jay encourages.

But Lloyd breaks the bulb."Aah!" He groans.

"Speak for yourself, I'm doing just fine," Lacey grins, but at the last minute her bulb also breaks, she sighs. "Darn it," she mutters.

"Stupid light bulb! You're putting too much pressure on us. Let us have one more try." Lloyd said frustrated, his eyes growing tired.

"Ugh, sorry guys, those were the last two light bulbs " Kai tells them, gesturing to the broken light bulbs on tye floor caused by them.

The dojo was messed with lots of light bulbs, broken or shattered, it didn't matter. It was a mess, controlling their powers was alot harder then Lacey thought.

"Clean up, guys. We'll continue training tomorrow." Cole says handing Lloyd a broom and Lacey a dustpan.

However Lloyd starts to punch a punching bag, exasperated. Lacey sighs watching him, playing with the dust pan by levitating it.

"What am I doing wrong, Sensai Wu? I can't seem to teach them to control their powers " Jay sighs.

"You dare to defy the Green Ninja!" Lloyd yells at the punching bag causing Lacey to snicker, he was so cute and innocent. Well, not innocent, but cute and naive, a little naive.

"Patience, Jay. Sometimes, the greatest opponent we face is ourselves, and that's especially-" Wu said but Lacey stopped listening.

Her magic was growing and thankfully she memorized a few spells.

Dexiă is a spell that can turn something or someone into water, temporarily. After a few hours they revived. Lacey can only turn things into water because of her age, and her powers aren't that strong, they're growing, yes, but not fast or strong enough.

Vis Porta is a spell to increase Telekinesis. She's really good at that, brilliant actually. So far she can do it, she's good at Telekinesis. She hasn't lost control...yet.

Nya enters the room, she was wearing a sequined red dress, she looked beautiful. "Hey, guys." She greeted happily.

"Hey Nya," They all greeted back.

"Hey, Jay. Uh, wanna come by the auto body shop later?" She asked coyly, walking up to him, surprisingly.

"Uh, auto body shop?" He asked, looking mighty confused.

"Yeah. I got a part-time job." Nya nods. "Though I could fix up the Ultra Sonic Raider in my off time. Maybe if you come over, I can show you what I've been working on." She smiles.

"Uh, sure, heh." Jay then notices a letter in her hand and points at it, "Uh, what you got there?" He asked.

"Oh, um, this letter came for Lloyd." she said and hands it to Wu.

"Hmm. It's from Lloyd's old school," Wu replied, opening it and readings it's contents.

"The Darkley School for Bad Boys?" Cole asked.

"Formerly bad boys. Since the last time we were there, they've changed to the Darkley School for Great Children," Wu answers.

"Heh, wait. They've turned good?" Kai asked in disbelief.

"Hmm, it says here there's going to be a ceremony," Wu says.

"I love ceremonies. That means there's going to be cake." Cole grinned. 

"Lloyd's change inspired them. Now they've invited Lloyd to give him an honorary degree in excellence," Wu explains.

"Are we sure we're talking about the same Lloyd?" Kai asked, raising an eyebrow.

Meanwhile, Lord Garmadon had made copies of the Ninja. Kai, Jay, Cole and Zane. Using the Mega Weapon and their Gi, he made evil versions of them.


Lacey was sat beside Lloyd and was practically clinging to him. Or to his arm, and kept looking down, scared.

"Whoo-hoo-hoo! Now that we can ride the Dragon, we should get to Darkley's in no time!" Jay cheered.

"If Lloyd can get us there in one piece" Kai commented, looking over the boy who had the reins in his hands.

"You said it," Lacey muttered.

Kai looked at her and snickered. "You okay, princess? You look a little..sick."

"Perfectly fine," She sqeaked out. "I just really hate heights. You know, high heights especially," She whispers.

"Don't worry, according to my database the Ultra Dragon won't let you fall. It's loyalty to you will make sure nothing bad happens to you. Plus, since it's loyalty to Lloyd is far greater than it was to us, and since you and Lloyd are connected. It won't let anything bad happen to you. Though, if you fall from a 90⁰ angle, there's a possibility it will not cat-" Zane grunted as Kai elbows him and gives him a WTF look.

"Your still scared of heights? I thought that was over." Jay frowns.

Lacey scowled. "I'm not scared. I just don't...like...heights," She hesitatinly looked down and let out a small screech gripping onto Lloyd more.

Lloyd laughed slightly. "Don't worry, you won't fall,"

She scoffed. "You don't know that," She looks at him.

"Don't worry I'm in control here,"

"Just be gentle. Any sudden moves can cause him to-" Cole starts to say.

"Any sudden what?" Lloyd asked and pulled the reins.

The Ninja scream as the Dragon dives down below.

"Pull up!" Lacey screams in horror. "PULL UP DARN IT! LLOYD! PULL UP!"

"The reins! Let go of the reins!" Cole yelled. Lloyd does so and they land on the field in front of the school.

"Hehe. At least I'm getting better," Lloyd says laughing slightly.

Lacey glares at him. "You call that getting better?" She said lowly.

Lloyd chuckled nervously. "Heh heh,"

They all got off and started to walk towards the entrance.

"Lloyd?" A boy asked, he wore a school uniform.

"Uh, Brad?" Lloyd asks in confusion.

"You came! So good to see you." He said, looking happy.

"It is? You put fire ants in my bed." Lloyd says while Lacey raised her eyebrows, she eyes Brad skeptically.

"Please forgive me. I wasn't myself and have learned the error of my ways." Brad says and looks at the Ninja and Lacey. "And you must be the Ninja,"

"Uh, guys. Meet Brad Tudabone." Lloyd introduced them.

"Such a huge fan," He shakes all their hands and when he gets to Lacey he grins, Lloyd frowns a bit in envy. He shakes his head, looking confused at the sudden flare up.

"Go good! Haha. Uh, please, will you not follow me to see the Principal?" Brad asked.

They all follow him and enter the empty building.

"Uh, shouldn't you all be in class?" Cole asked, he looked at all the empty classrooms, void of any children.

"Actually, today is a new Darkley School tradition; Ninja Day. We stay out of sight to honor the way of the Ninja for showing us the light," Brad told them.

"Huh, this is a good school. I'm impressed," Cole complemented.

Brad than looks at Lacey, "You must be the Ninja of Magic. The Guardian Ninja, not to mention a Sorceress, right?" He asked smiling at her.

Lacey slowly nodded, giggling slightly "I am. How'd you know?" She questioned him.

Brad grinned. "Well, I don't mean to be a brag Brad but I've read a lot about the Ninja and about the Night Line. It's impressive how much magic they, you, have," he told her.

Lacey grinned. "I see," She smiles as her cheeks turned pink a bit. But where did he learn all that, and how did he learn all that?

For all she knew, the books that told information about the Night line were very rare or something. Not many books told stuff about her heritage.

Lloyd glares at the back of Brad's head with anger, for a brief second his eyes flash gold with red specks in them. He felt angry for some reason, no, what was he feeling? Was he? No! Was he...feeling jealous? Why was he feeling jealous, he shouldn't be feeling jealous. Well...

Stupid mate bond, making me feel stupid things! He thought silently as he fumed, he really needs to learn control. He wanted to rip Brad's head off for even looking at Lacey.

Kai smirks and shares a look with Jay.

The Lightning Master makes his way to Lloyd and slung an arm around his shoulder. "So...Lacey? Looks like someone is jealous," he grinned.

Lloyd scowls "What! No! Why would I be jealous!" He asked obliviously, the kid looked so confused.

Kai grinned. "We'll tell you when your older, for now, keep it in your pants," he says before quickly walking forward as they approach a door.

Jay immediately bursts out laughing, but Lloyd just looks at them confused.

"What do pants have to do with this?" He mutters in bewildered as they entered a room.

"Principal Noble? Lloyd and the Ninja are here for the ceremony," Brad says loudly.

"That, and the cake. By the way, do you know what kind it is?" Cole joked as he got excited for the number one thing he couldn't resist.

"I'll be with you in just a moment," A voice that sounded like the principal said.

"I should get back to the flowers," Brad says and quickly leaves.

Lacey frowned and looked around.

"Um, heh, has anyone seen a teacher yet?" Jay asked.

"No, it's to quiet," Lacey mutters looking around.

"Indeed, their absence is most strange." Zane said frowning.

"I'll see you now. Come in, come in." They heard.

The Ninja walk in but the Principal is revealed to be Gene. "Welcome back, Lloyd," he says, a smirk on his face.

"Uh, Gene?" Lloyd asks confused.

"And welcome, Ninja, Lacey, to the new Darkley's School for Worst Boys!" Gene cut a rope and sandbags fall on them, knocking them unconscious.

"Ugh, Gene, I'm gonna get you for-" Lloyd blacks out.


The Ninja and Lacey wake up in another room with the teachers and Principal.

"But I thought Lloyd was getting an honorary degree," Jay said confused, rubbing his back.

"Oh, that was just the boy's trick to lure Lloyd here and convince him to be their leader " Principal Noble explains.

"What!" Lacey yelled. Lloyd would never turn evil, he was good, he was the Green Ninja. She had full faith in him.

"What? There's not gonna be cake!?" Cole yells in horror as if it was the most cruelest joke in Ninjago.



Lloyd was tied to a chair in a dark room with Brad and Gene, and with a few other boys.

"Welcome to your ceremony, Lloyd. Or, should I call it an evil intervention?" Brad smirked evilly.

"Where are my friends?" Lloyd asked glaring at them slightly.

"Aw, they're better off without you. With friends like you, who needs enemies," Gene smirks.

"You may have forgotten, but we're your true friend. And we want to help undo the damage you've done to yourself and our school's reputation. Be honest. Doesn't a part of you miss being bad?" Brad asked walking closer.

"No," Lloyd glared.

"Oh, it's probably because of Lacey Night. She's a Ninja, and she's good." Gene said.

"You leave her out of this! You hurt her I will-!" Lloyd yelled angrily.

"You will what?" Gene asked smirking.

Lloyd glared at him and stayed silent.

"Thought so," Gene says grinning.

Lloyd's eyes flashed red, "You touch her and I will rip you apart." he said in a low voice.

Gene and Brad look surprised and kinda scared. Many if the boys back away in surprise and fear.


The Bizarro Ninja are wreaking havoc in the city. They're laughing as they walk down the city.


The Ninja and the teachers are trying to find a way out. Zane activities a mode and stiffens up. They ram him into the the door repeatedly, but it does not work.

"We're stuck here," Lacey groaned out

"Ugh. We're never gonna open that door. I hope they haven't turned Lloyd. I don't think things can get much worse." Kai said shaking his head

"Look, don't worry, guys. I told Nya I'd meet her at the auto body shop and since I'm so punctual, if I'm even one second late, she's gonna suspect somethings wrong." Jay explained, looking a little hopeful.

"That's not the only problem" Lacey muttered under her breath.


Fake Jay arrives and Nya doesn't suspect anything.

"Oh, there you are. I was wondering when you'd get back. You're usually not late." Nya said turning towards him.

"It's a whole new me, baby. Heh. Nice work. We should take it out for a spin. Bet we could make a lot of people jealous," Bizarro Jay says smirking.

"I should've known spending time at Darkley's School would turn you into a bad boy " Nya smiled, bashfully.

"Darkley's School? Heh. Is that where we were?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"What's gotten into you-" Nya starts to say but gets cut off when Bizarro Jay kisses her, she freezes and starts to enjoy it. Bizarro Jay takes the keys from her and pulls away, hopping in the Ultra Sonic Raider.

"It's a bad boy thing," he says and drives off.

"Heh. Call me!" Nya yelled flustered, biting her lip.


"If we don't get out, they're going to brainwash Lloyd and undo all the lessons we tried to teach him." Kai frowns.

"Lloyd would never listen to them," Lacey muttered shaking her head. "I have full faith in him."

"Not to mention never taste cake again," Cole commented, looking around in despair.

Lacey rolled her eyes. "We need to get out of here," She sighs.

Zane nodded, agreeing with her. "Principal Noble, how well do you and the teachers know the building?" He asked.

"We barely know it at all, actually. We're new. The old teachers were highly committed to teaching evil and quit in protest when the school went good," Principal Noble said looking back at the other teachers.

"So if the school building was originally built for evil, don't we have to assume there are hidden passages, which none of you would even know about?" Zane questioned.

"Hey, you're right. It just wouldn't be an evil school without hidden passages," Cole agreed, nodding at the tin can.

"Yeah, and if we can find one, we can get out of this classroom." Lacey smiled. 

"Okay, everyone. Look for a hidden switch. It could be anything; a book, a title, a fixture." Kai said as everyone began looking around.

And it took a while until they found it, but spikes and the wall was soon weighing down on them, they quickly exited using the fireplace after a door opened.

But spiders awaited them.

"If we don't get out of here, someone or something, is gonna get hurt. Very badly," Lacey states staring at the spiders.


"Haha. Come on, you can untie me. Really, this is just a huge relief. I couldn't stand being good. Ha. Thank you for saving me," Lloyd lies, smiling brightly at his 'friends.'

"How do we know you're not lying to us just to escape and help Lacey and the Ninja?" Brad asked.

"Well, if I am truly good, I wouldn't be able to lie, which I'm not, but even if I was, wouldn't lying make me evil, thus giving you assurance that you could release me?" Lloyd said trying to confuse them.

"Uh...he's trying to trick us with mind games!" Gene said loudly, looking partly confused.

When Lloyd did break free, he was just tied up again. Meanwhile, the ninja awaited another surprise.

"Ah. Finally, a way out," Cole sighs.

"Guys, why are we staring at ourselves?" Kai asked as they walked out to see copies of them.

"Good point," Lacey muttered, a frown on her face.

"Uh, this is too weird for us. We're gonna stay in here." Noble said and slammed the door to the locker.

Lacey started to back away. "You guys got this, right?"

Jay nodded at her. "Ha. Those who don't fight, teach." He chuckles.

"Drop the boy, uh, me!" Cole yelled, a confused frown on his face.

The Ninja and the Bizarro Ninja started to fight. A feet away Lacey saw Lloyd and a few other boys, Lloyd saw her and he shook his head before he started to back away from Gene, who said something to Lloyd but Lacey couldn't hear what they were saying.

"Uh, guys? How long are you gonna fight them, because it's been like 20 or 30 minutes now!" Lacey said nervously. 

"Ahh, you've been counting?!" Jay yelled after he pushed his copy back and looked at her, she merely shrugged.

All of a sudden students dressed in Red, Blue, White, and Black Ninja gis ran in with Lloyd.

"Are you alright?" Lacey asked him.

Lloyd looked at her and smiled under his Ninja mask. "Yeah. Nothing I can't handle. After all, I am the Green Ninja!" He said proudly.

The Bizarro Ninja's were defeated. The teachers finally came out and everyone had a celebration.

"Oh, man. So great to have the tank back." Jay said sighing in relief.

"You said it, mmm." Cole with a mouth full of chocolate fudge cake, he was riding on the Ultra Dragon, only him and his precious cake.

"Can't wait to hear what Sensei says when he hears about this," Kai said laughing slightly.

"Yeah," Lacey giggles sitting above Lloyd.

"So, it is true. You have destroyed my evil ninja." Garmadon said appearing on the screen.

Lacey glares at him.

"Keep it coming, Garmadon. Your attempts to stop us are only making us stronger," Kai said and Lacey nodded firmly.

"But tomorrow is a new day-' Lacey tuned out what he said. Turns out when he glitched away, Lloyd had did that.

His powers are growing but so are hers....



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