The Mountins (Jayfeather/Half...

By NerdyScarlett1120

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This story takes place in power of three and Omen of the Stars, when their in the mountains, it follows the... More

Chapter 1 -Jaypaw
Chapter 3 -Jaypaw
Chapter 4 -Half Moon
Chapter 5 -Jaypaw
Chapter 6 -Half Moon
Chapter 7 -Jaypaw
Chapter 8 -Half Moon
Chapter 9 -Jaypaw
Chapter 10 -Half Moon
Chapter 11 -Jaypaw
Chapter 12 -Half Moon
Chapter 13
Author's Note -Pls read
Part 2- Prologue
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16- Short holiday special :)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 2 -Half Moon

517 5 27
By NerdyScarlett1120

Half Moons POV

A/N: I typed some of this in first person, and didn't feel like fixing it, so just ignore that please. I might fix it later. If anyone reads this, please cut me some slack, this is the first fan-fic Ive ever written, and when I'd write short stories in my notebooks i always liked first person more.

Half Moon was surprised by Jaypaws anger, but realized after that he probably got annoyed of everyone pointing out he was blind.

I feel bad, I should've thought of that before I talked, Half Moon thought, I'm usually smarter!

"Jaypaw is blind, but he can hear and smell better then anyone else, he's learning to be a medicine cat." Lionpaw defended.

Half Moon felt shocked, how could someone so young, and blind, be their leader.
Screech voiced her thoughts, "How could a blind cat lead you?" She gasped.

Half Moon noticed The black she-cat, Hollypaw, still had her tail in Jaypaws mouth. Half Moon felt grateful, by the look in Jaypaws eyes she knew he would have a lot of mean things to say.

Lionpaw looked confused, "Jaypaw isn't our leader, Firestar is, Brambleclaws our deputy, Jaypaw is learning herbs from our medicine cat, Leafpool. I guess it must be diffrent here."

"Stoneteller is our healer and our leader, when the time comes he'll pick a kit as his successor and teach them everything he knows." Halfmoon explained.

Halfmoon liked the clans way more. There was less power on one cat, and it made it more equal.

"Oh, that's a lot of power for one cat." Lionpaw mentioned.

Half Moon was secretly glad that they seemed to think the same things she did. A lot of her tribemates didn't like her. They said she took after her father, Stormfur, to much. She liked to explore further then she should, and had some trouble hunting in the mountins, since she could never leap quite high enough. The name her parent's chose didn't help. Stormfur gave her a more clan name, that wasn't as long as a tribe's.

Halfmoon noticed Jaypaw looking straight at her and shivered. He had cloudy blue eyes, and a mottled pale tabby pelt. Half moon looked up and met his eyes. They were beautiful.

Hes a pretty cat, Halfmoon thought. Then she shook her head. What was she even thinking, he was a clan cat, besides Half Moon didn't want a mate, she wanted to grow up and travel. She knew this was a silly dream, she'd never be able to leave the mountins. She often wondered what her life would be like in the clans. The clans seemed fair, everyone's voice counted. Here, what Stoneteller said was word, and Half Moon hated it. He was wise, and Halfmoon respected him, but sometimes (most the time) she just wished he would choose his successor, and maybe things would change.

"Half Moon, are you going to eat?" Pebbles voice shook her out of her thoughts.
Everyone was sitting peices of eagle, and it was the most prey any of the to-bes would have eaten in a while. Half moon was surprised she hadn't noticed someone drop it off. She followed Pebble over to where they were eating with Screech. Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Lionpaw were eating together, and Splash and the rest of the To-bes were eating together.

"What were you thinking about?" Pebble asked her.

"Just... stuff." Halfmoon replied hesitantly.

Pebble sighed, "You were daydreaming about exploring again, weren't you?" She asked.

Half Moon lowerd her head. Pebble was her best friend, and the only one who didn't judge her for wanting more. Pebble didn't understand her dreams, and was quite content in the mountains, but she still loved Halfmoon enough to try to be understanding.

Screech was also one of her best friends (they were her only friends) but he didn't even attempt to understand her, and always tried to change her opinions. It made it harder for her to b around him.

Halfmoon nodded her head.

Screech shook his head, his face showing his judgment. "I don't understand why you'd ever leave the mountins, it's perfect here."

"I love the mountains as much as any cat, but I just don't feel at peace here, maybe it's the clan cat in me." She sighed.

I love my father, and I wouldn't give him up for anything... but everything would be easier if he weren't my father.

"That's nonsense, it's got nothing to do with blood, I think you just know somewhere deep down that you have a bigger destiny, and one day you'll fulfill it." Pebble said, sounding totally serious. Halfmoon shot her a doubtful look, but said nothing. Pebble was the one with a big destiny, she was  happy and energetic, but still knew when to be serious. Sometimes halfmoon thought she should be Stoneteller. She was everything Halfmoon wasn't. While Halfmoon was quiet and shy, Pebble was loud and social, always raising everyone's spirits.

The subject was soon dropped, and they ate in silence for the rest of the meal.

Halfmoom looked over at the clan to-bes, and noticed that they were eating in the same way. I wonder if they eat the same way in the clans, or if they just picked up on what we were doing. Lionpaw and Hollypaw seemed to be having an interesting conversation, but whenever they tried to talk to Jaypaw, he scowled at them, and gave a short answer.

He must be the grumpy sibling...

I finish my meal and curl up in my nest. It took me forever to fall asleep, because I started to feel disappointed. The clan cats could've helped, I could've made friends with Jaypaw. And Lionpaw and Hollypaw too. I wasn't singling Jaypaw out.

I let out a sigh.
I would give anything for them to stay longer.


I woke up and stretched. Nobody was in the to-bes den except me, and I heard a lot of noise coming from the main cave. When I got out every cat was standing there talking, and Stonetellerwas making an announcement. I walked over to the first cat I seen, not bothering to figure out who it is.

"What's going on." I asked as I got closer to the cat. It didn't smell like a tribe cat, which puzzled me. It was a grey mottled tabby, and he was facing forward so I couldn't see his eyes.

Oh, its Jaypaw, I forgot the clan cats were here.

"Stoneteller says the tribe of endless hunting wishes for the clans to help. Guess your stuck with us."

I felt myself growing excited, but couldn't help feeling unease at the way he said, "says", as if hes accusing Stoneteller of lying.

"What were you applying with the way you said, says." Half Moon asked.

Jaypaw looked at her, his face blank.
"Oh, nothing, Stoneteller would never lie." He said.

Half Moon narrowed her eyes, "you just did it again." She hissed.

Jaypaw rolled his eyes, "Stop being a mouse brain." Hollypaw and Loinpaw, who were standing beside him shot him odd looks.

Is there something I'm missing?

"You should really listen to Brambleclaw, you don't want to not know what your doing today."

Brambleclaw? Half Moon looked up and realized he was talking.

"I want you guys to train to figh-." Brambleclaw was interrupted by every cat letting out loud wails of complaints.

Half Moon didnt like the idea of fighting, but the trespassers wouldn't bacon down. This was the only option.

It's only for defense, maybe it won't come to fighting. Half Moon reassured herself. She didnt want to watch cats die again. Like the last battle. She had been two young to fight, but when they cats who fought got back, they were bloody, and carrying dead bodies. Everyone blamed Stormfur. It was horrible. Especially since He  died.

I miss him so much. Half moon sighed. Don't think about that now, it won't do any good.

Half Moon felt fur press up against her. And smelled Jaypaws scent. She realized she was trembling. Jaypaw sent her a reassuring glance, and after a little she stopped shaking. She shot him grateful glance.

It feels so nice, being close to someone. She thought wistfully. Jaypaw pulled away suddenly with a scowl, and she saw that Hollypaw had scent him a warning look.

What was that about? Half Moon wonderd.

When Half Moon looked up, Brambleclaw had stopped speaking and was walking over to them.

Word count- 1340

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