Flaming Hearts ~Fire with Fir...

By Namifangurl07

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"You know. . . Despite our differences, we both have the same flame inside of us. " I told him with honesty a... More

The main Cast of the Story (Yours truly)
CH1 - Like Movie Clichés
CH3 - Forced Invitations
CH4 - Getting Stronger - Part 1
CH4 - Getting Stronger - Part2
CH4 - Getting Stronger - Part3
CH4 - Getting Stronger - Part4
CH5 - New Members. . . . ?
CH6 - Crazy Boat Rides and Night Visits
CH7 - The Dark Tournament Begin
CH8 - The Little Mighty Foe
CH9 - The Element of Surprise
CH10- Rose With Many Thorns
CH11 - Playing with Fire
CH12 - The Drunken Warrior - Part 1
CH12 - The Drunken Warrior - Part 2
CH13 - The Knife Edge Death Match
CH14 - Night Talks - Part 1
CH14 - Night Talks - Part2
CH15 - Old Memories
CH16 - A day in waiting. . .
CH17 - Fighting For What's Right - Part 1
CH17 - Fighting For What's Right - Part 2
CH17 - Fighting For What's Right - Part 3
CH17 - Fighting For What's Right - Part4
CH18 - Team Urameshi vs Team Masho
CH19 - The Art of Fights
CH20 - Determination - Part 1
CH20 - Determination - Part 2
CH21 - A Brother's Rage - Part1
CH21 - A Brother's Rage - Part2
CH22 - Fighting With The Wind
CH23 - The Spirit Wave
CH24 - Reverse Decisions
CH25 - Matter of Love and Death
CH26 - In The End of The Day - Part 1
CH26 - In The End of The Day - Part 2
CH26 - In The End of The Day - Part 3
CH27 - The Masters Arrival
CH28 - Before The Test
CH29 - Decisions of our own
CH30 - The Urameshi Siblings' Big Trial
CH31 - Team Urameshi VS Team Uraotogi
CH32 - Hiei Battles on
CH33 - Many Faces Many Forms
CH34 - 'Yoko has returned' they cry. . .
CH35 - Behind your Reflection
CH36 - Accept it. . . Embrace it. . .
CH37 - The Cape of No Return
CH38 - Miyuki's Strength
CH39 - Suzuka's Challenge
CH40 - Arch Rivals and Old Enemies
CH41 - Another Loss To Bear - Part 1
CH41 - Another Loss To Bear - Part 2
CH42 - Overcoming Grief - Part 1
CH42 - Overcoming Grief - Part 2
CH42 - Overcoming Grief - Part 3
CH43 - The Night Before The War - Part 1
CH43 - The Night Before The War - Part 2
CH44 - The First Match of the Finals
CH45 - Kurama's Last Stand
CH46 - At The End of the First Match
CH47 - Beneath Bui's Armour
CH48 - Wielder of the Dragon
CH49 - Waiting and thinking
CH50 - Old Enemies. . .
CH51 - Fire With Fire
CH52 - The Shadow of Elder Toguro
CH53 - Sakyo's Proposal
CH54 - Yusuke vs Toguro
CH55 - Toguro's Full Power
CH56 - Yusuke's Despair
CH57 - Toguro's Desire
CH58 - Out With a Bang
CH59 - The Start of the Last Chapters - Part 1
CH59 - The Start of the Last Chapters - Part 2
CH60 - Talk Between Brothers
CH61 - Going Home
Last Page - Author Note

CH2 - The Nightmare Begins

339 14 9
By Namifangurl07

The next day came, the very last day of the school year, but even though it is considered as the students' best day of their lives, I felt like total shit. No surprise there. The dream kicked me out of my normal sleeping circle once again. My brother even questioned about my tiredness, only to get no verbal answer but my silence.

 For the entire day I told myself that it was just my mind making up things and these missions are just stressing me out. But after countless dreams like these, it was hard to convince me anymore.

My race of thoughts soon ended when the school bell rang loudly. Within that second, all of my classmates ran out of the door. I was the last one to come out.

While walking aimlessly on the long hall with my gaze looking at the clean floor for a while, until I decided to lift it up and by chance, I saw Mr. Yoshida office door right next to my side.

'That's right.' I exclaimed mentally as I reached into my bag and pulled out the wrapped-up present. Just as I was about to knock on the door, the man himself opened it.

"Oh, hello there Ms. Urameshi!" He greeted me with a friendly smile. I bowed my head respectfully to him.

"My apologies for the disturbance but. . . ." I apologized to the man before trailing down and hand him the gift.

"What's this?" My favourite teacher asked as he took it.

"Uhh. . . a gift." I told him a little awkwardly since due to my lack of social skills. "Since we won't be seeing each other, I wanted to give you something in return for everything you had taught me."

"That's really generous of you, but you didn't really have to do that." The teacher told me with a warm smile.

"I wanted to." I replied before covering my mouth with my hand because of the yawn that was just about to escape from me.

"You look a little tired." Pointed out, my teacher. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes." I replied as I try to rub the sleepiness out of my eye. "I had a rough night, that's all." I explained.

"And how are your injuries?" He asked me a little concerned once again.

"They are doing much better." I answered once again.

"I'm glad to hear it." Mr. Yoshida said with a small smile as he fixed his glasses on. "You are a great actress and I wouldn't like to see my most talented student waste away like that."

"Your 'only' student you mean." I pointed out. Yes, they weren't many students who are really interested in his Club, and I was one of them, but. . . my curiosity made me go and since then I had no regrets.

"Still, you have potentials, don't let others drag you down just because of some nuisance they made up about you and your brother." Told me the man before giving a small pat on my shoulder. "Have a nice summer vacation." With that, he began to walk away to the other end of the hall. I followed him with my gaze for a while, then with a sigh I began to leave the school. 

While walking I closed my school bag.

"That was really sweet of you." I hear a very-very familiar voice say right behind me. I turn around and long and behold, it was Ms. Blabber mouth.

"Tell this to anyone and I won't hesitate to end you." I threatened her, but in reply, she only giggled with amusement.

"Oh, your secret is safe with me Miyu. I promise." She then lifted her hand up and crossed her heart.

Yeah, like she is the one to talk.

"Oh, actually, I also wanted to give you something." Botan announcement caught me by surprise, because what? Then she gave me a small shopping bag, made out of paper material. I rose an eyebrow before my eye looked into the bag. I feel gobsmacked, because of what was inside.

"Botan, did you steal this?" I asked in a whisper shout as my eye narrowed at the blunette figure. "I already told you I hate dresses!"

"Well, it looked nice on you when you had it on." My assistant pointed out batting her eyelashes innocently like she has no idea what . "And I just thought that maybe, just maybe, I will get something nice for you for a little change. I mean who know, you might need it for a special event. . . like a date or something." She then let out a nervous giggle while I can feel her fangirling from where I was standing.

"BOTAN!" I spit through my gritting teeth as I try not to just explode into her face. On cue her kitten face showed and just ran away before the bomb was dropped. I took a deep inhale and just shake my head. I take one glance at the light blue dress again and just carefully stuffed it inside my school dress.

Later on that day, the two of us began to walk out of the gate where I see Kuwabara walk out with his gang and Yusuke, who was trailing down not too far behind. Botan and I of course followed them.

Kazuma was far ahead with a dazed look on his face as his eyes held a mixture of misery and disappointment. He was masking that of course, but I was able to see through it.

Meanwhile, his friends are betting on what made him act like this in the first place.

"Something is really come over him." Okubo stated as he held up his palm with a coin in his grasp. "I bet he is changing his image."

"I bet he saw a movie and now he is acting it out." Sawamura guessed as he placed his own coin down.

"No way." Kirishima said cockily. "I bet he finally confessed to Miyuki and got rejected by her." That very one made my stomach do a flip while my brother was laughing at it like it was a great joke.

"Well, not really but he did get rejected by someone." Yusuke pointed out, still laughing.

"Now wait." Botan chimed in. "Kuwabara did not get rejected." She stated out a little firmly.

"Well, what else do you call Yukina dumping out on him and running back to the ice world?" My idiot of a brother asked pointedly.

"It's a long-distance relationship." Botan said dreamily. "It's romantic." Jeez, she won't stop with her crazy shipping?

I turned my attention back to Kazuma, only to see him walk away with sadness in his eyes. His friends immediately ran after him while I can't help but pity him.

"He really is down." Yusuke pointed out the obvious.

"Yes." Botan agreed with sympathy. "Not every closed case comes with a happy ending." She added while we began to walk away.

"Guess that goes for Hiei too." My brother said.

"Yes, I know." The blunette girl agreed. "I've heard he refused to tell Yukina that he is her brother."

"That's right." The punk replied sadly. I looked down at my shoes as I was swimming deep in my thoughts.

"Well, there's plenty of good news too." Botan tried to cheer us up. "You guys did kill the Toguro Brothers and save Yukina. And Hiei was kept from killing Tarukane." Then she paused for a second. "I would have hated ordering the two of you to arrest him." Even though I didn't show any reaction like usual, the sentence still made my heart stop for a second.

"Give me a break!" Yusuke exclaimed. "That would've sucked."

'Yeah, no kidding.' I thought to myself as I try not to think about it.

"And that is precisely why there was so much ado in Spirit World about letting Hiei find out." The blunette girl informed us. "He's considered a very valuable asset now. Now you see why we sent Hiei with the videotape. Just to keep him distracted."

"Are all you people in charge of Spirit World just stupid?!" My brother asked. "What if he's looking at the tape? Ever think about that?"

"Maybe." Botan replied. "But the fact of the matter is he didn't, so ha!" The blunette laughed as she slapped my brother in the back sending him to stumble a few feet forward. "Enjoy your shopping." With that, she walked off, probably going back to Spirit World.

"What?" My brother asked a bit puzzled. Uh-oh, did he forgot about it?

"Yusuke!" I hear my other childhood best friend call out to my sibling who turned around a little nervously.

"Yeah, hey!" My brunette friend waves her hand with a smile before that turned into a small pout. "You're late." From the corner of my eye, I see my brother dearest begging for help with his eyes.

"Uh-" He started to mumble but I cut him off.

"You're on your own." I blankly told him before walking away, leaving him to his 'girlfriend'.

I don't know where I was going, but I didn't really care, I need to walk off my stress that I still have from that dream. When Botan mentioned the Toguro brothers, it came right back out and I hated it.

Out of nowhere, I feel someone grasping onto my shoulder. In reflex, I grabbed a hold of the person's wrist, turn around, and pushed him down to his knee with his arm behind his back.

"Okay. . . You got me." I hear the person wince. My eye widened as I took notice of his red locks and magenta uniform.

"Oh, sorry Rosehead." I told him as I let go of his wrist who just laughed it off.

"It's alright." My redheaded friend reassured me. "Well next time, I'll try to warn you somehow." Shuichi said as he rubbed his wrist. "But what are you doing here?"

"Just walking." I shrugged my shoulders. "And thinking."

"About what, if you don't mind me asking." Rosehead asked me and by the look on his expression I can tell that he was a little concerned. "I called you like three times before I finally caught up to you."

I sighed and was about to answer but before I did that, my eye suddenly caught two girls in red uniform rushing toward our direction and they looked like they were about to explode.

"HEY, YOU!" One of them cried out as she and her friend stood in front of Shuichi protectively. "Who are you and why did you hurt Shuichi?"

"Huh?" I hummed out questioningly as I looked at Rosehead for an explanation.

"Don't try to play the innocent here." The other girl with strawberry-blonde hair stammered while trying to act all tough. "We saw you attacking him."

"That's right." The previous girl, who was a brunette once again chimed in. "So stay away from him before we call the cops on you?"

I didn't say anything, just raised my eyebrow at these two.

"Girls please, it's quite alright." Rosehead insisted as he walked around the girls and stood next to me.

"But Minamino, she hurt you." One of them said as the other shoot daggers at me.

"Hn, it's called self-defence." I pointed out sternly as I cross my arms over my chest.

"Who are you anyway?" The bossy looking Strawberry-blonde demanded as she gave me the stink eye. Oh, now I know. These must be some of Shuichi's fans because I remember how many people, mostly girls from his school are adoring this Fox-boy.

"My apologies for my girl friend here. She is usually like that when someone startles her from behind." Rosehead replied before I can even open my mouth. I snapped my head at my childhood friend and look at him in complete disbelief.

He did not just say that!?!

"W-what?" One of the girls gasped in shock.

"Y-your girlfriend?" The other one questioned in a stammer.

"Yes." This stupid fox nodded his head with a fake smile while he wrapped one arm around my shoulder. Man, I feel awkward as heck now, but at the same time I felt anger bubbling up within me for this stupid lie. "And now if you excuse us, I have some matters to discuss with my little Phoenix here." With that,  we began to walk away from the girls wo just stood there mouth agape like some gold fish.

After we made sure we are far away from the school's area, Shuichi let go of me while giving me an apologetic look.

"I'm really sorry about that Miyuki-." My childhood best friend apologized but I cut him off by finally pushing him away from me, now that I finally got to my senses. 

"You better!" I snapped harshly as my eye narrowed at him while my hand grabbed onto his red locks. A habit of mine that happens, whenever he or my brother did something really stupid. "Did you really have to come up with that lie about me being your girlfriend?" Literally, for a smartass like him, he do many reckless and stupid things. And by the looks of it, this bad habit haven't changed ever since we were kids. 

"W-well, it was not really a lie-." Poison Ivy tried to defend himself as I see that big bullet of sweat drop rolling down from the side of his face while he was as white as a ghost.

"What makes you say 'that' Smartass?!" I asked through my gritted teeth and I swear I was ready to rip those red locks off of his head.

"Well, you are a girl who is my friend." Shuichi began to explain. "And I never really said you are dating me. . . . So you see, I wasn't really lying." Now at that I let out a warning tiger growl. "In a technical. . . manner. . . And well, this was enough to distract the girls. . . And get them off of you." He then took a hard swallow right after that sentence he was bold enough to even say. Is he trying to get on my bad side?

"You are one Sly Fox, aren't you Rosehead!" I scolded at him, but I eventually let go of his hair and just turn away in a huff, not wanting to make a scene in public or upset Shiori by ripping the boy's 'wig' off. 

"Eh. . . " He laughed nervously as he  rubbed the back of his neck. "But really, I didn't mean to cause you discomfort and I just had to come up with something quick and well, it slipped a little. I'm really sorry Miyuki."

"Hn." I scoffed as my arms crossed over my chest. Just then I feel my wrist warming up, making me mentally groan. "Looks like we're not alone." I announced as I looked around. My eye caught the amused look on Rosehead's face.

On cue, Shadow Lord appeared in front of us.

"Hello, Hiei." Kurama greeted him. "How can we help you?"

"Hn, asking for helping is not really why I am here." The fire demon said in his monotone voice but his eyes were glaring daggers at my friend. "Toguro is here in the city and Yusuke is with him. " At that, I feel the energy drain itself out of my body.


That bastard survived as well?! How is 'that' possible?!?! 

All three of us exchanged glances between each other.

"Where are they?" I asked with a serious tone.

"Not far." Hiei said while turning to me. In a flash, he pick me up in bridal style. I didn't object and let myself automatically wrap around his neck. With that, all three of us left.

This is a total nightmare. 

Will it ever end?

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