The Bet

By geliyenstacy

31.6K 1.3K 124

Placing a bet to pursue the bad boy Forth, but after a while Beam started doubting if this pursuing is really... More

Ch 1 | The Bet
Ch 2 | Another Bet
Ch 3 | Gay or Not
Ch 4 | The Angry Boss
Ch 5 |Special, Only For You
Ch 6 |Nowhere Time
Ch 7 | Start Anew
Extra | ParkLam - A Status

Ch 8 |The Final Bet

3.3K 131 17
By geliyenstacy

"Uwahh..." Beam had a big yawn while sitting on Forth's bike.

Forth looked at him from the rear view mirror and smiled. "Slept late again?"

"Mm." Beam answered lazily and hugged him then leaning his head on his back, he closed his eyes to sleep.

"Don't fall okay?"

"Mm." Hearing his lazy reply again Forth chuckled and focused in front.

When they reached their school and parked his bike, they met their friends waiting for them.

"You both are late again!" Phana yelled at them, the bell rang already, they should be in their class now, but no, these two rascals always have to come late.

In a reply Beam yawned again, contagiously making Kit yawn too. Phana glared at him and Kit hurried to close his mouth.

Forth came while putting his hand on Beam's shoulder. "Well we were having a quickie." He winked at Phana.

Phana ignored him and glared at Beam. "He's lying, mom was at home so we were late." Beam had to tell the truth.

Then they didn't waste any more time and went to their classes. On the way Park asked Lam. "What connection is in between their being late and his mom?" He asked while showing a confused expression.

Lam gave him a look then sighed. "It's better for you to not pressure your mind."


Forth started laughing, Lam left the confused idiot behind and came to Forth. "So how's it?"

"How's what?" He asked back.

Lam answered. "Dating him."

"I can't put it in words." He smirked at him. "He is so good in bed."

Lam rolled his eyes and left this idiot behind too. Forth laughed again. Actually the first sentence he said was true, he really can't put it in words. Dating Beam is fantastic but at the same time so real.

It's only been a month since they started dating but he feels like he should cage Beam, he becomes scared thinking how will he live if Beam left him.

Damn... A delinquent boss thinking about these things is not funny. That's why he doesn't talk about these kinds of things with anyone, not even Beam. 

Words have power but putting everything in words is not powerful. It'll be better if he showed it by making it true of their future.

All three of them went to their class, again as expected the teacher was already inside but the teacher didn't care who was coming who was going or if someone was even listening to him.

Forth went inside and rested his head on the desk to sleep. This time Park sat with Forth and Lam sat behind them. Park saw Forth sleeping but as a trouble maker how can he let someone sleep so soundly.

He hit Forth on leg and asked mischievously. "Yo boss, was last night so intense you didn't get any sleep?"

Forth raised his head to look at him then he looked behind him. "Why did you let this idiot sit here?" He asked Lam totally ignoring Park.

Lam lowered his head to his book. "Two idiots should sit together."

"Oh that's why you both always sit together?" Forth asked.

Lam didn't look at them and started reading his book.

Forth turned back to his seat and asked Park. "Fighting? Once again? Can't you live without it?"

Park lowered his voice. "This time it's his fault, I wanted to know the wish he would ask you for winning the bet, but he's so secretive."

A disbelief expression spread on Forth's face. "That's the reason you are fighting for?"

Park nodded, not getting Forth's meaning at all. "We are friends, what's the need to be so secretive? If he had asked me then I'd have told him. But look at him. Clearly his fault but still he's the one sulking around." He raised his hands in air.

"I heard that!" Lam yelled from behind. Instantly Park lowered his whole body intending to hide away.

"You know what? Don't disturb my sleep for your meaningless fight." Forth warned Park and rested his head on the desk again to sleep.

Park didn't disturb him again, he peeked behind on Lam, at the same time Lam looked back at him. Their eyes met and Lam snorted coldly.

Park gulped. He's angry.

Later when lunch break came Forth left them both behind to rush to Beam. Lam also followed him, Park hurried up to Lam.

He tried to talk with him but Lam didn't reply at all. Park sighed. "Oh fine my fault, don't ignore me now."

Lam gave him a look then snorted again. "It's my fault but still I am the one sulking around. Oh why don't you go sulk too if you care about it so much!"

"You wouldn't come to make up with me then." Park murmured then sighed again.

He saw Lam is not going to give up any time soon, thus he grabbed his wrist and dragged him to their secret place, behind the building. He pushed him on the wall and put his hands on both sides of him.

"Don't be angry anymore." Park hissed.

Lam crossed his hands on his chest, hissing too. "Who's angry?"

"You not gonna give up?" Park asked the last time and Lam didn't reply, glaring at him instead.

Park knows how to handle Lam, he forget about talking and kissed Lam. They have done the same routine every time they fight.

Soon Lam's legs became all jelly like, he couldn't stand on his own, Park hugged him and put Lam's legs on his waist, kissing him again.

After their make out session they will forget all about their fight and turn all friendly again.

Meanwhile Beam, Forth, Kit and Phana were eating in their class, they all were eating Beam's hand made lunch.

Phana frowned seeing Forth's lunch box. "I got it you are dating, but do you really had to make a difference in our lunch boxes too."

Forth replied instead of Beam. "Yes, he had to. I will make a clear difference between a best friend and a boyfriend." He firmly declared it.

Kit did not care he was busy eating the delicious pasta, it would have been more delicious if it was warm and there weren't nuisances around him.

On the other hand Phana and Forth started a glaring competition.

Both of them are such children. Beam thought but didn't dare to say it out loud.

When no winner could be found out by their glaring competition, Forth turned to Beam. "Why do you have to make lunches for them both?"

"Oh I would like to know the exact same. Why you have to make lunch for him too?" Phana sneered.

Beam looked in between them, he don't know whom to reply first, or if he should even reply. In the end he chose to stay quiet.

Phana humped at him and started eating his lunch. Forth turned to Beam, and spoke near his ear. "Beamie, can I stay at your place tonight?"

Beam smiled at him, then feed him from his spoon and spoke one word. "No."

"Ow, please I will not do anything." He pleaded.

Beam's reply was still a big fat no. Seeing it Phana mockingly laughed at Forth.

Forth gave him a glare and turned to Beam again, pleading him. "Come on, please..."

Beam pinched his ear. "Today mom will be at home, you and mom, is a combo a student who's preparing for exams should not have around."

Forth grabbed his hand which was pinching his ear then kissed on it. "I won't make noise, so please..."

Beam thought for a second then ended up agreeing. "Fine, but if you both make noise, I will kick all of you out."


"Xiao Chi too, he does nothing other than making noise."

Forth chuckled and kissed his hand again.

"You done? Go to your class now." Phana interrupted in between.

Forth raised his eyebrow and asked to Beam. "He got some problems with us? Always becoming a third wheel."

Beam just laughed and shook his head. Kit perked his ears and jumped up to reply. "Don't you know that already, Phana is our father, to add more Beam is his favorite kid. There's no way he'd just let you have his favorite kid."

Phana smacked Kit's head.

Forth asked again. "Then why doesn't he disturb you and Ming?"

Beam replied this time. "If he annoyed him then who will help him winning that junior Wayo?"

Phana rolled his eyes and finished his lunch.

"If it's like this, then I can also help you, and in a better way."

Phana thought he's just lying and didn't reply, Beam thought the same, only the curious Kitty asked him. "Really? How?"

"Simple, I can invite him at home, and at the same time I will invite all of you too." Forth shrugged his shoulders.

Beam laughed at him. And Phana looked at him in disbelief. "Why would he come to your, a bad looking stranger's home?"

Forth replied to him in the same tone. "Well let's see. How about this Sunday? You can come and see if he's there or not."

Phana and Forth made a bet, if Wayo was really there then Forth would win and Phana would have to stop being a third wheel, while if Phana won then Beam would not make any more lunches for Forth.

"Me too, me too! I also want to bet. I am with Forth... Gosh don't glare like that." Kit said to Phana who started shooting dagger in Kit cause he's on Forth's side.

"Pha, if you loss then you have to stop pestering Ming." Kit completed his sentence.

Beam shouted here. "Aw Pha did you see that, now even in bet someone is adding their boyfriend." He tried to tease Kit. But Phana ruined it. "Aren't you the same?"


Forth chuckled at him.

Later when school ended, Forth and Beam sat on his bike and started going to Beam's home. On the way Beam asked him. "Won't your mom say anything? Everyone coming to your house this Sunday."

Forth asked back. "Why would she say something, actually she will be happy to meet some diligent students, not like me, Park and Lam."

"What about that kid? Will you really be able to invite him to your house?"

"Do you wanna bet too?" Forth smirked.

Beam punched him on his back lightly. "No." Then he started giggling.

When they reached his community, they didn't straight go to home, they shopped around the area, eating ice cream, buying new notebook. When night came they decided to finally go home.

This time the whole community was different, there were people walking around, in every street two police officer were standing on watch and not even a single gangster could be find.

A police man came and initiated a talk with Forth. Later Beam asked him. "Your brother really is something, he changed the whole community. Before nobody would dare to step outside at this hour but now all can do whatever they want."

"Well, my brother was happy, that for the first time I am not making trouble instead was helping someone." Forth sighed remembering his brother's over acting when he asked him for help.

"Mom will come late, we might have time for a quickie." Beam winked at him. Forth licked his bottom lip and they rushed to go home.

Right near the door they started making out, Forth's hands slipped inside Beam's shirt and started pinching his nipples. Beam's hands also moved, he reached his pant, after opening the zip he put his hand inside Forth's underwear, stroking his dick.

Forth bit his lips and started stroking Beam's dick too. Just as they were about to reach climax, a certain pigeon jumped up to Forth's leg, startling him.

"Fuck!" Forth yelled seeing Xiao Chi staring at them.

They both hurried to wear their clothes back on, and then they stared back at him.

Suddenly Beam burst into laughter. "Haha, in the end you can't have your quickie."

Seeing Beam laugh, Forth started laughing too, then he grabbed Xiao Chi and flicked his beak. "Bad pigeon. Take this pigeon too this Sunday, I will give him to my sister."

"Okay." Beam said in between his laugh.

He turned to go into the kitchen to make dinner and Forth started wasting his time.

When his mom came, Forth was first to greet her. "Rather than seeing my son, why do I have to see your face first?"

"Ow, mom, you don't want me to come here?" Forth made a fake sad face. Beam's mom pulled his ear. "You brat, trying to be cheeky with me."


"Stop it you both, can't stay quiet for even a moment." Beam humped.

"He's jealous again." Beam's mom whispered to Forth.

Forth whispered back. "Yeah, he's jealous how nicely we get along."

A loud hmphed noise came from the kitchen.

The whole day was spent like usual. Before sleeping at night Beam asked Forth to wake him up next morning.

Forth did wake him up on time, but his way of waking Beam was a bit unique.

Beam woke up by a certain one stroking his crotch. He sat up in his bed, and stared at the man laying beside him.

"Can't you wake me up normally?" He asked still in a daze.

Forth smiled with his eyes still closed.
"There wasn't any different way as pleasurable as this to wake you up."

Beam looked at him unamused, then he lowered his head and bit Forth's shoulder. Forth started laughing loudly. Beam left him there and went to do chores.

On Sunday everyone came to Beam's house, Phana and Kit hasn't been to Forth's house so they waited here for Forth to pick them up together with Beam. Park wanted to visit Beam's house thus he came here too, dragging Lam along. Kit came so how can his boyfriend not come, thus Ming was here too.

Beam's house was only of 2 rooms but so many people came, filling the whole floor. Since it was Sunday, Beam's mother was at home. When she saw everyone she became one of them, Beam felt like he was the mother here, serving drinks to the guests.

When Forth came he was blinded by this whole army. He looked at them all one by one before finally lending his eyes on Lam and Park. "You could have come directly to my house."

"Owh, but we wanted to visit his house." Park said.

Lam corrected him. "He wanted to visit his house."

Park huffed. "Okay, I wanted to visit his house."

Beam's mother came in between. "Don't worry, don't worry, you all beautiful children can come anytime, though our home isn't big it still is capable to take you all in."

Then they all bid goodbye to his mother and went to Forth's house. None of them was actually expecting Wayo to be there, except Forth.

Forth's house was a big villa type one, totally opposite of Beam's.

They looked around for a second and went inside. They rang the door bell and two people came to open the door.

One was a little girl ten years old. And other was a boy Phana and Forth betted about, Wayo.

Phana and Kit's eyes widened, Park and Lam didn't know about the bet so they didn't react, Ming ran to talk with his friend, asking how come he's here.

The little girl ran up to Forth. "P'Forth, where is the pigeon you were bringing?" She asked while jumping.

Beam stepped forward and showed her the box he was holding, Xiao Chi was inside.

The girl's smile reached ear to ear when she saw the brown pigeon. She asked Beam. "Phi, can I take him?"

Beam smiled. "Yes." And gave the box to her. "Xiao Chi is a baby, wait for him to grow up, he might start flying too."

The girl nodded like a chick and ran inside with the box.

Everyone started playing around, Forth took Beam to his room.

When they were alone, Beam finally asked him. "How come Yo really came? Do you both know each other?" Then he lowered his voice and murmured his next sentence. "Like ex boyfriend or something?"

Forth came closer and put a finger beneath his chin, moving his face upwards to him. Then he smiled as he asked. "Why? You jealous?"

Beam looked in his eyes, nodding slightly. "Yes." He muttered.

Forth started grinning and kissed him. They both started kissing, they kissed for a few minutes when Beam stopped it. He put a hand on Forth's chest and pushed him lightly. "You haven't answered." He said staring in his eyes.

Forth grinned again. Beam became angry. "You..." But before he could say something Forth pecked his lips.

"He's my cousin."

Beam looked at him in a way as if asking really?

Forth's grin was still plastered on his face. He pecked his lips two-three more times.

Beam held his neck and started kissing, a lustful kiss, but before it he managed to say some words. "That's good then."

Forth chuckled in between their kiss, whenever he chuckled Beam made sure to bite his tongue.

At night everyone left for their homes, before going Forth remembered Phana about their bet. "I won, now you can't come between us." Phana rolled his eyes and said whatever.

Then Forth started his bike to drop Beam home. On the way home Forth said to him. "Maybe as a prize I should have said that you won't make any more lunches for him."

"I have to pay him Forth, so even if you ask this prize I would still make lunch boxes for them."

Forth huffed. "How much you have to pay? I can pay it for you."

Beam punched him lightly again. "I can pay them by myself."

Forth understood that Beam's thinking he's talking about his poverty. He corrected his words. "I mean, couples can share each other's money and debt."

"Yeah, but Mr. Boyfriend, you aren't earning any money, it's your parents'." Beam corrected him too.

Forth huffed more. "Don't worry, in university I will start a part time job."

Beam hugged his waist. "Then I am waiting to be a sugar-baby."

Forth laughed.

Later they parked the bike and started walking to his home.

Forth turned to tell Beam something. "I am also going to give the entrance exam of the same university as you. I am trying for engineering."

Beam held his hand as walking. "Why the sudden change? I thought you will apply to some local university without entrance."

"When you are trying your best so how can I stay behind. And long distance relationship don't work." Forth told his real reason for applying to the same university.

Beam again corrected him. "That's not true, if you really love each other then all relationship can work out."

Forth sighed. "I don't know, I just don't want to be far away from you."

"Mm, me too." They held each other's hand more tightly.

After a while Beam asked. "Do you think we can work out our relationship in the future too?"

"Wanna bet?"

"No, I just had a losing experience, what if I lost this too." Beam said in a frank tone.

Forth raised his eyebrow. "Which bet?"

Beam bit his lips. "The bet... about me having sex with you."

"Oh boy, we had sex so many times so how come you lost?" Forth tug on his hand.

Beam put his fingers in between Forth's finger and said again. "I gave up on that bet before we even had sex."

"Wha... when?" Surprise was all over Forth's face.

"After the day when I visited Park's home with you, Kit and Phana were there too and Kit met Ming the first time."

Forth tried to remember about the date then he looked at Beam in shock. "That was right at the starting when I made you my slave."

Beam nodded and smiled at him.

Forth took a deep breath. "Why?"

Beam told him in a low voice. "I fell for you, so having that bet and chasing you at the same time... would be quite bad." He hid the line that in the end it did turn bad for them but thank goodness they were able to come over it.

Forth again took a deep breath. "Why didn't you tell me the truth when I asked you that day?"

Beam kept quiet and didn't answer. He lowered his head, looking at the road.

Forth held his hand more tightly. "You wanna hear something." He tried to chill the mood. "I also made a bet with Park and Lam, about making a Casanova fall in love with me."

Beam looked up at him, then seeing Forth's face he smiled. "You won."

Forth shook his head. "I lost."

Beam opened his mouth to ask how he could lose, Beam really-really has fallen for him. But Forth shut his mouth by putting a finger on his lips.

"That day when I said let's start anew, I really meant it, that's why I cancelled that bet and agreed to them that I lost." Forth took his finger from Beam's lips.

"We both lost the bet, however in real we won. So wanna make a bet? We both will work out this relationship." Forth asked while nuzzling on his nose with his own nose.

Beam grabbed his cheeks. "I bet we will make it."

Forth chuckled. "I also bet, we will definitely make it."

Then Forth decided the prize. "If we won then I will go to your mom asking for your hand."

Beam decided the losing debt. "If we lose then I will go to your brother, asking for him to put you behind the bars."

They both smiled and held both of each other's hands, looking in the other's eyes. Saying together:

"Then it's on."

The Bet!


[ The End]

Finally I finished one of my novels. (≧▽≦)

(There might be an extra chapter for ParkLam.)

I will miss them, this Forth and Beam.


Here are some photos I couldn't help but upload here (~ ̄³ ̄)~




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