-ONGOING- Save Us.. (KPOP Mur...


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//escape the night kpop version// Sorry if your favorite idol dies. creds @-S1LLYARL0- published november 19t... More

Warnings and About the Book
Season 1 Characters and Roles
Chapter 1 The Invites
Chapter 1 The Invites (2)
Chapter 3 The Invites (3)
Chapter 4 The Invites (4)
Chapter 5 The Invites (5)
Chapter 6 An Invitation
Chapter 8 An Invitation (3)
Chapter 9 An Invitation (4)
Chapter 10 An Invitation (5)
Prolouge to Machine Mayhem
Chapter 11 Machine Mayhem

Chapter 7 An Invitation (2)

34 3 17

Dokyeom's POV

When Chan had said that, It was different it felt scary..I can tell he is lying, just by looking in his eye. Theres something he doesnt want me to know..

Third Person POV

A gong rang..ding dong, signaling that dinner is ready.

"Dinner is now ready, please head to the dining room." Chan announced.
"Ooh yommy, I cant wait to stain my white dress." Solar said sarcasticly. All heading to the dining room.

Dokyeom pulled one of the girls aside.

"Uh hey Irene..wanna go look around?" DK asked the girl. "I mean I am the journalist so why not." Irene agreed knowing that what happened earlier was very shushpicious.

As everyone walked to the dining room, Irene and Dokyeom wandered to the stairs, heading up but wished they never went up...

They walked up the stairs seeing a pair of legs getting dragged leaving a blood trail. Dokyeom gently pushed Irene behind him as he heard footsteps coming from the body. The maid. "Dinners ready..you should be downstairs." She said pointing towards the stairs.

Dokyeom told Irene to go, but slowly so she could watch them both incase something happened.

DK walked up to the maid "I know what your doing" He whispered in her ear. She just stared at him. Irene was waiting there for him, as he caught up to her they both walked down silent.

They walked in the dining room and heard cheers.

Third Person POV

"LOOK WHO DECIDED TO JOIN US!" Jennie pointed at us following with some claps. "Where were you guys?" Chan asked smirking.

Chan's Mind:

"A part of me feels a little disrespected that they didnt listen to me but its whatever."

Back to TP POV

"What yall eating?" Dokyeom said trying to change the subject. "Oh shut up dont try to change the subject you little ding dongs." Johnny alarmed

"I was in the bathroom." Irene said stuffing her face. "With Dokyeom?" Solar raised an eyebrow.

"I was waiting outside calm your tits ladies." He fired back. "Why were you guys gone for so long though?" Chae said analyzing their very moves. "I was pooping!" Irene yelled. "For that long?" Chae attacked her.

"As much as I love a good makeout I was pooping." She clapped back. "Yeah sure okay." Chae rolled her eyes.

Irene and Dokyeom were both thinking the same. They both knew eachother saw what happened but decided to keep it silent because they didnt want to ruin the other guests night.

Everyone went back to talking like there selves after the Irene and DK incident.

"So how is the house?" Chan directed towards Solar. "Its...fine, I guess." She simply replied looking around, her hands together. "Oh wow." Chan rolled his eyes. "Hey I was handed most things in my life Im sorry your estate didnt make an impression on me." She snapped.

They laughed. Arthur coming in with a telegram handing it to Dokyeom, everyone prying him to open it.

"Yall jealous?" He stuck his tounge out teasing the rest.

DK opened it then closed it after a few seconds, his face turning all serious, poking his cheek with his tounge.

"What does it say?" Taehyung asks.
No reply.

All of a sudden Dokyeom starts coughing up blood on the table suprising everyone..
Arthur helping Dokyeom lay down so he doesnt choke. His breathing getting heavy

Sana grabs the telegram and reads it.
"Guys...hes..hes been- poisoned." She says alerting everyone.

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