By yurdaddyy

260K 1.9K 1K

You/Hannah is scrolling on tiktok "ooohhh this boy sure is hot" she says. Bryce Hall Pov: ooh this girl sure... More

~o n e~
~t w o~
~t h r e e~
~f o u r~
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~s i x~
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~e i g h t~
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~t w e n t y f i v e~
~t w e n t y s i x~
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~t h i r t y~
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~t h i r t y t w o~
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~t h i r t y f o u r~
~t h i r t y f i v e~
~t h i r t y s i x~
~t h i r t y s e v e n~
~t h i r t y n i n e~
~f o r t y~
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~f o r t y t w o~
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~f o r t y f o u r~
~f o u r t y f i v e~
~f o u r t y s i x~
~f o u r t y s e v e n~
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~f o u r t y n i n e~
~f i f t y~
~f i f t y o n e~
~f i f t y t w o~
~f i f t y t h r e e~
Just a Question! (Please read)
This needs to stop
Update on the last chapter

~t h i r t y e i g h t~

2.5K 24 10
By yurdaddyy

Bryce's POV

I woke up with Hannah sleeping on my arms. I kiss her forehead and get up to get ready. This is the day im asking her. I think to myself as I go downstairs to make breakfast. I hear a knock on the door, that's weird, I thought all of the boys were asleep..? 

"Yes?" i say as i opened the door revealing Amelie, Avani, Quen, Larri, Brady and Dixie. "Where's Hannah?" Dixie says looking around. "Oh, she is sleeping. You guys can go wake her up while I make breakfast." I say. They all go in me and Hannah's room and do whatever the fuck they needed to do.

I cooked eggs and ham with avocado toast on the side for everyone. Yes everyone includes












That was the most I've cooked ever.


Bryce is being a little too nice. I'm sorry but him cheating 3 times gave me trust issues. I hear a knock on the door. "I'll get it" Larri says and goes downstairs to open the door.


I hear a knock on the door so, since me, AKA  the nosiest bitch to ever exist said i'll get the door. I go downstairs and open the door revealing......Addison.....? Um excuse me but why is this ugly ass rat standing here in front of me. "OMG HI LARRI!!!" She says with her fakest smile ever. "What do you want" I say looking at her. "Ohhh I just want to talk to my boyfriend!! Is he here?" Addison says. "Bitch who the fuck would want to be your boyfriend?" I say giving her a weird look. Addison rolls her eyes. "Just let me talk to my fucking boyfriend" she says as she walks in the door. I roll my eyes and hope that Bryce is not "her boyfriend".


I heard footsteps coming towards my door so I decide to open the door. I open it and see a smiling Addison which that smile fades when she sees me. "Umm where is my boyfriend?" she says looking around the room. "GO AWAY YOU BIG FAT DOODLING DUMB ASS MITHER FUCKING RACIST ASS BITCH" Quen yells at Addison which, somehow scares Addison away. I can't help but laugh. Wow, I'm laughing when Bryce said that they don't talk anymore. 


Bryce gets home and comes inside of our room. Everyone already left. "hey babygirl what's wrong?"

"Addison came and said she was looking for her so called boyfriend. Why didn't you tell me you guys were talking again?" I say while looking at me

he then says..............................

HAHAHAHAHA I LEFT YOU GUYS ON A CLIFFHANGER. (also i did this on my computer so yuh)

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