Behind the Mirror (Yandere Ja...

By christianna18

1.1K 51 2

What happens when the daughter of Eris, goddess of discord becomes a stepmom? The chaos caused by her for the... More

Chaos and Survival
First Meeting and threats.
Enter the stage
Imperial Nonsense
Time to talk
New arrivals.

Precious plots

97 5 1
By christianna18

Things began to improve for you and the kids now that Lahan was working as a guard on the palace. You didn't go to the market often to steal anymore, instead you focused on cultivating Asad to become a good merchant and take over his father's position. The rest were too young to work but you didn't neglet their studies, making sure they were taught well and that they weren't mistreated by anyone. Though you weren't the best at managing the duties of a merchant, you were doing well thanks to your powers.

You also began focusing on keeping nobility, envoys and other people under a watchfull eye. You could tell that they were eyeing Lahan and Asad, hoping to send a daughter to marry either of the boys.  They knew that you had earned the favor of the king and Ja'far, which would be usefull if they ever run into trouble in the future. Because of your attitude towards them, they knew that sending someone to marry you wouldn't work, you were strong, determined and had the power to survive on your own.

This didn't go unnoticed by Ja'far either, he watched as you worked hard to raise the children and earn a living. He would see you always eager to learn more about everything around you, teaching some of the things you'd learn to the children and preparing them to face the world. Your image remained in his mind, he began passing judgement on some women, thinking about how some of them willingly did nothing to help their families and only using others to gain what they wanted... it was dissapointing, really. The women that worked hard were many, some of them being as passionate as you... but not as beautifull or carefull. Even when people offered you a deal that seemed too good to pass, you'd find fault and ensure that things went your way. You trusted no one, you suspected anyone you worked with... and he couldn't help but think of it as attractive. Your cunning nature, your calculating gaze and your carefully phrased warnings, compliments and concerns were amusing.

Unfortunately, Ja'far had seen all of that from afar, rarely revealing himself and greeting you like a good friend. He knew that you'd suspect him if he began interefering out of nowhere. So, he simply kept everything to a limit, never asking too much and never proposing something that either supported or opposed you.

"So, I take it that Lahan is doing well with the king?" You asked as you walked down the street with him, Ja'far smiled and nodded happily.

"Yes, I've also been making sure that Sin doesn't  get him drunk and drag him down." He said, though you detected the annoyance hidden behind his smile.

"Thank you, you have it rough. Hopefully things will improve and you'll not have to deal with that little bad habit of his majesty, in the future."

He chuckled, the way you were putting it made it sound like something that was easily corrected. It made him feel better and decided that this form of encourangment was the best he could get, given his current role in your life. 

"Thanks, though I doubt he will ever stop drinking so heavily."

"In that case, you can just ensure that when he does get drunk, he's inside the palace and is kept in a controlled space." You replied and Ja'far nodded, it wasn't that he hadn't tried it... but Sin was just too sneaky and knew how to escape.

"That's a good idea but..."

"He has escaped many times, right?"


"Then you simply need to check the routes that he uses, the places that he is most likely to go when outside of the palace. If so, you can all be prepared and avoid a disaster." You said and Ja'far thought that this would be easy, following Sinbad rather than trying to stop him would be a good idea. 

"I'll try and see if we can finally minimize the scandals that occur because of his reckless actions."

"I wish you the best of luck. Now if you'll excuse me, I must return home and finish my remaining duties." You said with a polite bow before leaving Ja'far alone to his own thoughts.

You weren't interested in starting something with him, even when you'd begin thinking about remarring, you'd choose another merchant or perhaps a minor noble. Having too much power only ensured a life filled with worries, conspiracies and conflicts... and you've had quite enough of all this nonsense. 

Upon returning home, you read the invitations to different events as well as marriage proposals for Lahan and Ashad. You snorted and burned the majority, you knew most of them and you knew that if you ever agreed to any of their requests, it'd be your undoing.  You sent a reply to each of them refusing their offers as politely as possible while also showing that you were firm on the decision you had made. You weren't aware of Ja'far spying on you from a nearby rooftop, his gaze filled with curiousity and admiration, he wasn't sure when he began feeling the need to watch over you. He only knew that because you were such a special existence, you were also at risk of getting attacked by people who were greedy and wished to rise at the expense of another person's life... and so he had taken it upon himself to defend you from the shadows. 

Today wasn't any different, the only reason he had appeared before you was by accident, after he had killed a couple of men that decided to have fun with you when you'd pass by a nearby corner to inspect a few items. He was quick and made sure that there was no blood on him, then he appeared before you, holding a scroll with a few items that he had to inspect as well. He was lucky that you weren't really all that interested, though a bit dissapointed as well.

You both had plots for different matters, both keeping your precious information hidden and ensuring that no one got in your way and ruined everything. But you both had to wonder what would happen if you both ever revealed your schemes and what you were both trying to achieve... what would be the result?

Thankfully, neither you nor Ja'far were willing to reveal anything yet. It'd be a long time before you either showed what you were aiming for. 

At least, that's what you both wanted.

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