PRIMUS (Paul Lahote)

Por king_namjoon

88 5 0

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15 1 0
Por king_namjoon

"Hey kid, how was the flight?"

Jamie shrugged, even though her brother wouldn't see it. "It was alright."

Right as she landed in Port Angeles's airport, Jamie immediately called her cousin to update him. She once made the mistake of not informing her brother of her arrival that one time she went to Japan. Let's just say that the Japanese did not take Tony Stark hijacking their TVs and radios very lightly. She definitely learned her lesson.

Just as she was told, the brunette phoned Tony right after she landed. Jamie was just chatting with him while she waited for her luggage, her silver eyes darting around the Port Angeles Airport's lobby.

"You have your keys right? I've already-" Jamie chuckled when she heard Tony shoo away an employee, "I've already sent your car over. It's just sitting there in the parking lot." 

"Yep. Just waiting on my stuff."

"Good, good. I still can't believe you woke me up in the middle of my beauty sleep just to go back to-" Tony gagged, "Forks."

"Forks is my home, you dick! Don't sound to disgusted by it." she laughed, "I happen to love it here. And having a beauty sleep actually entails sleeping Tony, not doing some blonde bimbo reporter!"

"What. Ever." Tony scoffed, "How can you even want to go back? It's so dank and quiet and boring over there! Might as well call it a ghost town, J!"

"Grow up Antonio!" Jamie rolled her eyes and her cousin's whining, "You always take me back here every summer. Just because it's not bursting with people doesn't mean it's a ghost town T. Hold up, I see my bags."

Jamie slipped her phone into her pocket to pick up her dark purple suitcase. The girl had to pretend to have difficulty in picking up her suitcase to keep up appearances. If people saw a petite 16-year-old girl pick up two heavy suitcase with ease, it would definitely raise some eyebrows.

Placing her bags on one of those bag carts, Jamie placed her phone back against her ear and made her way to the exit. She sighed, "You know why I had to return, T. The vision I had... I think some big and bad shit's gonna go down."

"Yeah, yeah I get it. Some confidential supernatural juju I'm not supposed to know about." Tony huffed, "You might be related to some weirdo deity or some shit but you're still my baby cousin. Just stay safe, yeah?"

"Yeah, yeah," she rolled her eyes, "You're essentially calling me a weirdo, you jerk."

Tony scoffed, "What, like you're not? Anyways, I gotta go you brat. Love ya!"

Jamie laughed at Tony who made exaggerated kissey noises before he ended the call. 

Tony Stark walked into his office and slumped in his office chair burying his face in his hands. He may have been an arrogant party-boy billionaire playboy philanthropist who but he was also an incredibly intelligent, loving and caring older cousin. 

A few days after his parent's death, child services came knocking on his door with a little two-year-old. They informed Tony that her parents, Edward Stark and Daisy Raleigh, were recently involved in a car accident and passed away. His aunt and uncle lived in Los Angeles while he in Malibu and, seeing as he's the only nearest living relative, was given the responsibility to raise his baby cousin.

He was about to send them away with some crude, witty remark but when he locked eyes with the toddler, the words fell away from his tongue at the sight her silver orbs. Under the artificial light of the living room, her eyes seemed near-white and he could have sworn they were glowing. His empty being felt whole again as he picked up little Jamie Maria Stark in his arms and slammed the door on that cranky old lady from child services.

From there on out Anthony Edward Stark decided that no one will ever be as important as Jamie Maria Stark and would do everything in his powers to protect her even if it cost his life. It was only after the death of Edwin Jarvis, a man they considered as family, Tony realized that they only had each other.

Tony first found out about her lineage -- her very ancient, very dangerous, and very weird lineage — through a letter from her grandfather in Forks, he nearly threw a fit. He reluctantly accepted her grandfather's offer to train her when his four-year-old cousin sneezed and turned into a grizzly cub. Since then, Jamie went to Forks every summer to learn and control her abilities.

By the time Jamie was 13, she was already traveling all around the world with others like her protecting humans and wild life from both human and supernatural beings alike. Tony understood Jamie's duties but that didn't mean that he liked it. In fact, he absolutely hated it.

He already lost his parents, and God forbid that he would lose his baby cousin. Jamie Stark was one annoying pain in the ass but he loved her and he wouldn't trade her for anything in the world.

The lobby doors slid open as Jamie walked out making her way to her car — a blue Chevy Corvette. The car was her pride and joy. Tony got her the car as a present for her and sixteenth birthday a few weeks a go and she immediately went and started calling it her baby.

Pulling out the keys from her pocket, Jamie unlocked her car and stuffed her suitcase in the backseat before climbing in and backed out of the parking lot.

⊱ ──────────── {.⋅ 🐺 ⋅.} ──────────── ⊰

Jamie pulled into a small parking space beside the stone path of her house. The house (cabin, more like) belonged to her mother, Daisy, who left it to her as her only daughter. [See photo above for the cabin]

Daisy lived on the Quileute reservation just as her family did for generations. Like nearly everyone in the rez, they were all of Quileute descent but the Raleigh's weren't just of any Quileute descent. On her many visits to her grandfather, she was repeatedly told that the Raleigh's were direct descendants from some being called 'The First' and Raleigh's were all spiritually bound to Forks. Apparently, her ancestors referred to them as 'beings' because they didn't know if they were originally human or if they were even human at all.

With just one hand, Jamie picked up both of her suitcases by the handles and walked up the steps of her front porch. She wasted no time in unlocking the door and heading straight for her bedroom where she flopped on her bed.

The girl was extremely exhausted. After her vision, Jamie had Tony book her the earliest flight to Forks. Her flight was two days after she had her dream so while she packed her clothes and belongings, Tony took care of her enrollment into Forks High to keep up appearances. Jamie didn't really need high school seeing as she, like her cousin, is a born genius and is already taking online classes at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

On the day of her flight, Jamie woke up an hour early to do some last minute double checks before Tony drove her to LAX for her 8 am flight to Port Angeles. For the entire duration of the flight, all Jamie wanted to do was sleep but she couldn't. Not when her vision kept replaying behind her closed eyes.

It also didn't help that she was thinking of the many ways to beat the shit out of Edward Cullen. Trust me, there was a lot.

It was at times like thins she was thankful of how her lineage made her immune to most vampire's special abilities. Edward wouldn't be able to read her mind, Jasper wouldn't  be able to influence her emotions and Alice would most definitely not see her coming.

Jamie first met the 'vegan' covens, the Cullens and the Denalis, when she visited Alaska a few years ago. Of course, she knew about the vampires -- the 'Cold Ones' according to Quileute legends. The Alaskans were starting to notice how the large family seemed to barely eat anything and how they seemingly never aged a day. 

As a descendant of The First, aside from being a protector of humans and nature, she also serves as a mediator between supernatural species and also as a judge, jury and executioner if the situation calls for it. 

In fact, she was the one who assisted the Cullens to move to Forks and with reinstating their treaty with the Quileutes. While she assisted the family, she got the chance to get to know a bit better and out of everyone in the family, she was closest to Edward and Rosalie.

Edward was the cliche tall, dark and broody guy who mostly kept to himself. Though to others he might seem stuck-up and unapproachable, he was the family's golden boy who kept everyone's best interest at heart like Carlisle. He reminded Jamie of her own cousin in a way.

As for Rosalie, if Edward looked unapproachable, then she was purposely unapproachable. The gorgeous blonde practically invented the resting bitch face. She's mastered it to the degree that even the bravest men would most probably shit their pants with one withering look. She was never really fond of humans like the rest of her family but seeing her laugh and joke around with Jamie was a welcomed surprise.

Emmett looked like a typical boneheaded football jock but the guy was as soft as a teddy bear. Alice's bubble personality kind of threw Jamie off at first but she easily bonded with the pixie over clothes and celebrity crushes. Jasper, on the other hand, took a bit longer for him to warm up to Jamie for fear of being tempted by her blood. He was pleasantly surprised that Jamie's blood never provoked the temptation and the two, unexpectedly, ended up bonding over a similar taste in music.

Now, Carlisle and Esme were few of the kindest and most compassionate people she had ever met in her life. Though they're not really related by blood, the two loved their family as if they were. She was also quite impressed by Carlisle's immunity to the temptation of blood and was extremely impressed with how well Esme can cook despite being unable to eat human food (she makes one mean lasagna.)

The Cullens even had the pleasure of meeting her cousin a few times. When they first met, they were a bit nervous about his reaction to the vampire family his sister associated herself with. They all breathed in relief as a wave of appreciation rolled over them when Tony Stark treated them like they were normal breathing people. Tony immediately hit off with Carlisle and Alice.

Tony and her grandfather were the only family she has ever known and now, Jamie considered the Cullens as family as well. As her eyes fluttered close, her only thought was how she would protect her family and all of Forks from the coming danger.

⊱ ──────────── {.⋅ 🐺 ⋅.} ──────────── ⊰

Two hours later, Jamie woke up from her nap and went to the kitchen to fix herself some lunch only to find that there was nothing in the fridge and pantry. So, an hour and an unpacked suitcase later, she was making her way back to Port Angeles for lunch and for some last minute school supplies.

On the drive there, she mulled over her plan of action while The Immigrant Song blasted from her open car. Her initial plan was to talk with Billy Black the moment she arrived but she decided to do it after school tomorrow. So that leaves here with the issue of the dumbassery of Edward Cullen who, she will also deal tomorrow.

You all might be wondering why Jamie needed to talk with Billy but it all boils back to the Quileute legends but that's a story for another time.

Nearing Port Angeles, Jamie switched her radio off before she managed to snag a parking space by the sidewalk. She felt a sense of petty accomplishment as she beat the green Honda to the space. 

Jamie headed straight for the nearest restaurant before her stomach starts eating itself from the inside. She thought about going into that Italian place but she didn't think she had to patience to wait for her food so she decided to head on to Benny's Burgers.

A wave of nostalgia flooded through her as she walked into the diner, reminiscing on the days went there as a kid. Tony would bring her to the diner whenever he visited in his free time. Her grandfather would bring her there too after a particularly difficult day of training. But the most memorable days she had at the diner was when she was with Sam and Paul.

A small smile graced her features as she stood in line when she recalled the days when Sam's parents would take them to Benny's. The trio quickly became regulars of the diner and would always get a complementary plate of fries every time they visited. 

Jamie moved to the endmost booth on the left side of the restaurant -- their usual place. The smile grew wider when she remembered how Sam sat across her with a judging look on his face while Paul sat beside her dipping his fry in his milkshake.

A soft sigh escaped her pink lips at the thought of Paul. It's been a few years since she last saw him and Sam. She never really understood the concept of imprinting when her grandfather first explained it to her but it was only when she met Paul that she finally understood. 

The sound of her order being placed on her table shook her out of her reverie but as she munched on her burger, she recalled the day she first met Paul — the memory so clear as if it happened just yesterday.

Sam and Jaime had just left Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor and were currently strolling through the park where, out of nowhere, some kid on a skateboard slammed right into her knocking her backwards and making her drop her ice cream.

Jamie was about to give the kid a piece of her 7-year-old mind  and a very colorful array of words she had learned from her big brother but when she looked up and locked with the boy's chocolate hues, her mind went blank.

Everything around her fell away except for the boy with kind yet panicked brown eyes. Her tiny heart began to race as she stared dazedly at the boy who seemed to be speaking to her by the way his mouth seemed to animatedly move. Everything changed in that brief moment. All of the sudden, it's not gravity that's holding her to the planet, it's him. Nothing else matters but him.

"-mie! Jamie! J!"

Jamie snapped out of her trance with a sharp shake of her head, "Wha- huh- wuhappened?" 

Sam pulled her up and scoffed, "This dum--"

"I am so, so, sooo sorry!" the boy exclaimed, "I didn't mean to crash into you, I swear! I didn't notice that rock!"

Jamie slowly blinked as she tried to process the situation. She was still a bit dazed from meeting her imprint and to be honest, she thought she would meet him when she was a littler older her grandfather said. Clearly, he was wrong.

"Hey, hey, It's alright," she attempted to comfort the boy who had tears building up on his eyelids. Jamie felt this strange pinch in her chest but she quickly shook it off and extended her hand to the boy, "I'm Jamie! That's my best friend Sam!"

"Hey," Sam greeted, extending his hand. Though he was happy about meeting a new friend, a small frown remained on his features at the thought that his best friend got hurt. 

The boy quickly rubbed his eyes and slapped on a wide grin and placed his hand on Sam's before he placed it on Jamie's, "I'm Paul! I just moved here!"

Jamie gasped under her breath at the brief contact of skin, her eyes wide open as she stares at their small connected hands. She saw flashes of an older Paul laughing as he held her in his arms, Paul pressing a chaste kiss on her lips, a dance under the rain, a giant ash-brown wolf,  an amethyst ring, a little girl running along the beach.

"J?" Sam lightly nudged her, "You okay?"

Jamie looked up and noticed the concerned looks Sam and Paul were giving her. "Uh, yeah... Just a bit woozy, that's all."

"I'm going to replace your ice cream!" Paul suddenly exclaimed before he picked up his skateboard and grabbed her hand and ran away from Sam.

"Hey! Don't steal my best friend!" Sam shouted at the giggling pair before he chased after them, jokingly threatening to kill Paul.

Jamie chuckled at the memory as she stepped out of Benny's. It was still a bit early so she decided to explore and re-familiarize herself with Port Angeles before heading to the school supplies store. She was only a few steps away from Benny's when she caught a whiff of something that makes her stop in her tracks. It was a sort of musky, earthy scent that had a subtle caramel undertone. The corners of her glossy peach lips turned upwards before she swiftly turned left and stalked in the direction of the scent, her heart racing a mile a minute with every step forward.

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