Larry Family Sickfics (Comple...


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Louis and Harry are parents and the other 3 boys (Zayn, Liam and Niall) are their adopted sons. this is the... Mer

Introduction (important)
Sick at Kid's school (Harry)
Everyone seasick (except Niall)
Harry Sick after fight
Liam Sick
Louis Sick when Harry's not home
Niall - UTI
Harry Catches Liam's Stomach Flu
Niall Tonsillitis
Niall And Louis Tooth Troubles
Sick at first football game (Niall)
Tries To Hide Being Sick (Harry)
The End

Liam sick, Niall faking??

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This one was a prompt from @Katie-bug19. Again @HarryGoldenAngel and I worked on it together. Louis is alone with the kids since Harry is out, touring. Enjoy!!


3rd Person POV

Monday mornings, the one morning no one likes. 'Why did Monday even have to come? Why can't it remain Sunday all the time? ' was the thought playing in little 8 year old Niall's mind. Liam on the other hand, violated all the norms of a typical teenage boy, he hated parties and his favorite place in the school was the library, not the football ground like all other boys his age. He loved every bit of school and for him, taking sick days off was an extremely rare happening. 

Niall was like every other child, hated Mondays and only went to school to meet friends and play games. He had devised a plan to get the day off, fake sick. His Papa always believed what he said and had a special liking towards Niall. Niall knew that and he also knew a simple stomach ache will be good enough to get his way. Liam woke up in the morning, feeling horrible. Saying he felt like shit would be an understatement. As much as he loved school, he didn't want to go that day. He had an unbearable headache and excruciating pain in his stomach. He was curled up into a ball when Louis knocked on the door and walked in. 

"Liam, wake up buddy" He screamed adding to the throbbing headache. The boy groaned and didn't move. Louis shook him. "LIAM, UP NOW" "I don't feel good" He said. "What doesn't feel good" Louis said feeling for a fever. "Head hurts like hell and so does my stomach" Liam told his father. "You don't have a fever, Liam, how bad is the ache" Liam held up 9 fingers, raising one more as pain shot through his skull. How he wished Harry was there. Louis let him stay home, but wasn't convinced that his oldest was indeed sick. He had 30 minutes to wake Niall up for school and he was one grumpy kid on Mondays. 

Louis made his way, down the hallway to Niall's room. 

"Niall, baby, get up" "Papa, my tummy hurts" he whined and hugged a pillow to his chest. "Not you too" Louis sighed and sat down next to his son. "What do you mean by 'too'" Niall asked, curious at his father's usage of words. "Liam said he's sick, but I think he's faking again" Louis said, Niall immediately felt guilty. 'Liam never fakes sick, well other that the other day a few months back' Niall thought, an unaccustomed lump forming in his throat. Liam had faked being sick a few months back because he didn't want to go to the theme park but at the same time, he didn't want to spoil his younger bothers' day so he had good reason to do so. Louis and Harry left him alone at home, knowing as a responsible 16 year old, Liam would be able to take care of himself. Louis stayed in Niall's bedroom rubbed the boy's tummy. Niall desperately wanted food, but he couldn't ask for some, that would just blow his cover. "Niall, I know you're not feeling well but you have to eat something" Louis said. Niall did a little happy dance, this was the moment he was waiting for. He nodded and tried to not let a smile creep onto his face. 

In the meanwhile, Zayn had woken up and when he found Liam still in his bed, even though he was only 3 and had barely known Liam for 2 years, he knew something was wrong. "wat wong li li, zawy gonna elp" He said, pouting cutely. When Liam turned to face Zayn, that cute pout disappeared. He was as pale as a ghost. "li li sick?" Zayn asked and Liam nodded. 'A 3 year old has more sense than papa' he thought. Liam felt a sudden wave of nausea pass through him and he gathered all his strength to get to the bathroom. He knelt in front of the toilet, hovering over the bowl for a solid 10 minutes before bringing anything up. Zayn who was siting on the bed, heard Liam's gagging and went up to him and rubbed his older brothers back. "Li feels icky" he said. "Zawy call Papa" Zayn said but was told not to by Liam who was still gagging and puking. 

Zayn kept Liam company in the bathroom, till he was done and had enough energy to get back to bed. He kept the trash can next to his bed and fell asleep cuddling his pillow. Zayn stood awkwardly, watching his brother sleep. The little boy felt his stomach rumble and signalling that he need to eat something. He pulled with all his strength and opened the heavy door, luckily it shut by itself. Back in Niall's room, Niall was getting pampered with blankets and movies and all the freedom in the world to sleep whenever he wanted to but the thought that Liam might actually be sick was haunting him. Niall decided to sleep, to make himself worry less, he had a day off school and he was spending it worrying about Liam. 

In the kitchen, Louis gave Zayn toast and he nibbled on it. "You feeling alright bud" Louis asked his youngest noticing the disinterested nibbling. Zayn nodded and continued nibbling. Louis knew Zayn was too young to hide if he was feeling ill and that he got extremely clingy and emotional when he was ill. Since he wasn't either, Louis assured himself that Zayn was fine. He took Zayn and went to check on Niall. Zayn wanted to go to see if Liam was alright, but in his fathers lap and strict instructions from Liam to not tell anyone, he was left helpless. When they found Niall sleeping peacefully, Louis decided to check on Liam for once. Zayn felt relieved when they reached Liam and his room. 

The sight awaiting them was something Louis hadn't expected. Liam was bent over the side of his bed, trembling and retching violently into the bin. Louis felt guilty for not believing Liam at first and glad that he had let Liam stay home that morning. As Louis stood in shock, Zayn jumped out of Louis arms and went over to Liam. "Don't wowy li li, Papa come" Zayn said as Louis came back to his senses and rushed over to comfort his sick son. He helped Liam sit up and placed the bin in his lap only then realising that it was over half full. Zayn rubbed his big brothers back like he had earlier that day while Louis held the bin in place for Liam who was dry heaving and occasionally bringing up a little stomach acid. He was crying hysterically "Calm yourself down Li, you're making yourself sick" 

Niall had got up to get himself some water when he heard the sound of gagging coming from Liam's room. He immediately knew that Liam was being sick and opened the door slowly. He saw Zayn rubbing his back and Louis holding the bucket for his trembling brother. His heart sank to the bottom of his stomach. He had been wanting so much attention and all this while Liam had been so sick. "Papa" he started and Louis looked at him. "I was faking the whole day, 'M not sick" he completed and broke into tears. He felt so selfish and kept blaming himself for absolutely nothing. Louis didn’t have time to scold Niall since Liam shot forward towards the bin again. He brought nothing up and kept dry retching and gagging.

He brushed the hair off Liam's sweaty forehead and noticed the heat radiating off of him. "I think you have a fever, Niall get the thermometer" the boy nodded and got one for his father. Louis took Liam's temperature and just as he saw the numbers, he wet a bunch on washcloths and covered Liam from head to toe. The poor boy’s fever was skyrocketing and Louis knew he was dehydrated. His shirt was soaked with sweat and he had puked up nearly a bin full of food in his stomach.

The washcloths did a decent job bringing down Liam's body temperature but he was having trouble getting food into Liam's system and Liam was having a even more difficult time keeping it in. Louis was afraid Liam might end up in the hospital but luckily this fear was only a fear and Liam was feeling great and back to himself in a couple of days.


Sorry long time no story update but tell us what you think and give us your honest feedback. We love reading the comments you leave so please don't hesitate in leaving them.


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