The Blue Wave of Gunma

By Rubyfanguy12

7.8K 291 142

It was the early 2000's, and Project D were doing their thing, going out to different prefectures and beating... More

A Looming Danger
The First Race: R32 vs WRX
The Next Step
A Beautiful Battle: FC3S VS WRX
The Cost of Popularity
At My Limit: FD3S vs WRX
Ultimate Rematch: FD3S vs WRX

The Mysterious Blue Wave

2.2K 62 39
By Rubyfanguy12

-???'s POV-

It was a warm and calm spring night. The air was humid, but clean. It was late, the crescent moon and the stars being the only things in the sky. The boys and I were done with our usual practice runs on the Myogi Pass. I am the fourth best in the Myogi Night Kids next to Miyahara and his MR2. I drive a Toyota Supra (A80), the fourth generation, and I do some of the uphill battles. I looked up to Shingo and Takeshi, as they were the #2 and #1 on the team, but they were not in fact friends or anything in any way, I swear. One day, I'll surpass them and become the number one in the Night Kids myself. I stood next to my car at the top of the pass, looking down the mountain. The others were talking to each other about their times on their runs. Takeshi and Shingo didn't show up tonight, as they were taking a break from racing for a day or two, so it was just everyone else in the team there.

"Oi! We're getting kinda tired, so we're probably gonna call it a night!" One of them called to me.

"Alright!" I yelled back. "I'm probably going to do one more run before heading home!"

"Okay man! Good luck! See you tomorrow night!" Another one yelled to me as I got back into my car while waving to them. The others got into their cars and drove down the mountain and I followed behind them. When I got to the bottom, I turned my car around and prepared for my last run of the night. I got myself situated and took a deep breath before stepping on the pedal, blasting myself forward. I drove fast, drifting around the corners as I gained elevation. No one in front of me, and no one behind... Perfect. I was going to beat my time if things were to stay this clear. This Supra of mine was the perfect ride for me. It's very fast, it's also unfortunately heavy, but at least it's great at cornering. It's a rear wheel drive with a 2JZ-GE engine, meaning it wasn't the turbocharged one. Plus, it hits well with the ladies.

I was already halfway through the course and I decided to look in my rear view mirror, only to see two headlights coming ever so closer to my car from the distance behind me.

(Crazy Night / Boys Band)

"Huh?" I squinted my eyes as I looked back in the rear view mirror again, trying to make out what the car behind me was. I couldn't see it well because it was still a bit behind me and it was pitch black out, but it was catching up to me, and fast. "What is that? Is that one of ours? There's no way, they all went home. He's going pretty fast so he can't just be a normal driver."

It got closer and closer until the headlights were just on my rear bumper. The car was blue, a bit bulky, and it didn't have pop-up headlights.

"Is that a Three-Four or a Lan Evo?" I asked myself out loud. The car's blinkers flashed on and off, signaling that the person inside wanted a quick race. I didn't expect to have an actual race with another person tonight, as I was just trying to beat my uphill time. It definitely wasn't one of our own. I smirked to myself. "Eh, maybe I can kill two birds with one stone. Alright, let's do this! I can take him on!"

I put my foot down on the gas, sending the Supra forwards, the blue car following behind. We were on a straightaway for another second before the next corner. I quickly braked and downshifted, throwing my wheel along with the clutch, oversteering into the turn. My car almost went sideways on the huge corner.


The tires screeched as I performed a drift around the corner at a fast speed. The exit speed wasn't as fast as the entry speed, though that wasn't going to be a problem as that blue car had no chance of catching up with me. That was just something I had to work on for later. I pulled the next corner off pretty easily as it was an easier and a slightly more wider turn. I looked behind me to see the car still a couple yards off.

"Alright, Alright. He's not bad. He's able to keep up with me. Though, that's alright. Just you wait, I'll lose you faster than my last girlfriend!" I drifted the next bend, exiting faster than the first two turns. The next corner was a straighter turn, so I used Takeshi's gripping technique to force myself faster through it. It was harder since my car was a RWD and Takeshi's was an AWD, but I was able to manage under his guidance. "My A80 is the perfect car!"

Takeshi dislikes drifting and thinks it's just some flashy move to put on a show for the spectators. He is more invested on the pro-like gripping of the tires, which he and his Three-Two were great at.

"This is good! This is good!! This is what I wanted! A fun battle! Let's GO!!" I blasted forward again on the next straightaway, sending my car faster up the mountain. I took the next corner hard and it shot me out like a cannon, causing me to use the momentum to take the next corner even faster. I barreled down the next straightaway. I thought of the perfect line to follow throughout the rest of the course. "Why am I even worried about this? I mean come on dude, this should be nothing. I'm in a Supra for God's sake."

The only two sounds that night were the roars of our engines from our cars going head to head, minus the chirps of the crickets and the tweets of the birds. We kept going around bends and drifting around corners. I knew I had to be far from him there was no possible way he could be behind me after what I pulled.

"HAHA!! Come on! I know this course inside and out. Let's see you try and keep up wi-!" I looked in my rear view to see the blue car right on my rear bumper. He didn't catch up to me or anything, It... It never left... It was as if it was glued to my bumper. "What?! How the hell?! How the hell are you still there?! How is it even able to keep up with me?!"

I started sweating. He was pressuring me, hard, and I was terrified. I didn't even know what the car was and here it is, just behind my bumper. I drifted the next corner and my tires began to slide a bit uncontrollably due to wearing of the tread. "Shit shit shit shit!!"

My car started to drift off the inner line to the outside. The blue car pushed forward to try and overtake me, but I fixed it and quickly got it back in control before the guy behind me could pass. The other car braked a bit to stay behind me but kept its speed in sync with mine.

"Damnit, my tires are losing their grip!!" I yelled furiously. "Don't make a fool of me! I'm in a Supra!"

I was beyond frustrated. It felt like this guy was holding a gun against my head, just that monstrous feeling behind me. I went around the next turn a bit slower, but more controlled before blasting down the next straightaway. I pulled the next corner the same way, going faster after exiting. That's all I had at the second. I could only go slower and then speed up really fast on the straightaways to gain some distance, but at the corner's he'd speed up on me and get behind my bumper again.

"It's okay, It's okay. There's only a couple left before hitting the finish line. If I can keep him back there, I can pull a win. As long as I can make it to the long straightaways, This race is mine!" The next hairpins were going to be the last bit before the long straightaways. I cornered hard on the first one. "Come on!!!! You can do it!!"

I yelled at my car, begging it to hold on. On the second corner, I turned hard again, my car holding on barely. I didn't know when my tires would give out, but it was going to happen soon. We were on a short straightaway and the blue car decided to try to pull up right beside me on the outside.

"From the outside?! Are you serious?!" On the third and final hairpin, I turned with as much speed as I could muster, only for my wheels to slip again, but worse.


"Shit!!! Damnit!!!" My tires screeched once more as my car slipped to the outside line and the blue car immediately switched from the outside to the inside line and started to push forward next to me on the inside. I slammed on the gas to try and push myself through the corner without crashing into the guardrail. I looked to my left to see the blue car overtake mine. After he passed me, My eyes widened to the sight of the back of the other guy's car. My eyes were glued to one thing, and one thing only, and it wasn't the large blue spoiler. I stared at the three silver/grey letters... W...R...X.

(Stop Eurobeat)

"WRX... He's driving an Impreza! How did he even pass me?!" I was able to readjust my car again, but I decided to go slower to the finish and let the other guy finish on. I clearly lost this race. When I got to the finish, I saw the Subaru turn around and head back down the mountain. I got out of my car to get a breather. "Damn, didn't even have time to get out and talk? Asshole..."

A couple minutes later, another car reached the top, a Black Three-Two. It was Takeshi Nakazato. He stopped next to my car and got out.

"Takeshi? What're you doing here? I thought you were taking a break." He pulled out a cigarette and lit it. He breathed in and out, letting out a puff of smoke.

"Well, I decided to come up here because it was a nice night out. Did you just finish a run?" He rested his hands in his pockets.

"I just lost a race." His head perked up and his eyes went over to me.


"Yeah, I got passed by an Impreza."

"Wait, you mean the one I just passed on the way up here? What happened?" He asked calmly.

"Yeah, my tires were worn out so I couldn't corner well and he just overtook me on the inside."

"Mmm, that's unfortunate for your tires. What was he like?"

"I was driving my absolute best and he was just glued to my bumper and didn't move. When he passed me, his car looked like a wave passing me; a kind of tsunami overtaking me. It was a forceful feeling." I explained to him. I really couldn't tell him more about the car as I wasn't really chasing it.

"You're car is heavy so it made sense he could pull a move like that on you."

"Right.... I'm thinking that might be someone scoping the place out, trying to practice the course to race us officially later."

"That's possible, but if it's true, then we'll just race him. I'll race him."

"Hell yeah!"

"You go on home, put new tires on and get some rest. I'm going to practice a bit."

"Alright! See you tomorrow night." I got back into my car and took a leisurely drive back down the mountain and went home. Nakazato got back in his car, preparing for a downhill, and then an uphill afterwards.

"A Subaru Impreza..."

-Y/n's POV-



I smacked the snooze button on my alarm clock, turning off that annoying sound.

"Mmmmmm I don't wanna get uuuuuuup." I groaned, closing my eyes again. I laid there for several minutes before hearing my stomach growl loudly. I sighed to myself before sitting up in my bed. "Guess I'll get up then. Damn you stomach for needing proper nutrition!"

I slowly got out of bed, my hair in an absolute mess. I put my hand over my mouth as I yawned, stretching my everything afterwards. I took my normal morning shower and got out, getting clothed in my everyday clothes. I went down the stairs to the kitchen and grabbed some cereal for breakfast. I lived alone, technically speaking. This is my fathers house, though unfortunately, he's in the hospital sick and left me to take care of it. It was Sunday. I did need to go to the market and grab some food for the house. After eating breakfast, I walked outside, locking the door behind me. It's a great house. Big, but simple and cozy. There was a Garage behind the house, though dad told me to never go in there, as it was locked anyways. We lived out in the mountainside close to Shibukawa, so it wasn't that bad of a drive to the town. The air was warm and a bit humid. There were clouds covering the sky, though there wasn't going to be any rain anytime soon. I got into my car and turned it on, letting the engine purr a bit.. I took in a deep breath and sighed before looking at the gas gauge.

"Damnit... I really shouldn't've gone out last night..." I facepalmed. "...but I really wanted too. Now I gotta go spend money on gas. Oh well."

I got out of the driveway and headed towards the town. As I rolled in, I slowed my car down. I looked around as I found the gas station I normally got my gas at. I looked at the sign.

"Ugh... The prices went up again? You have to be kidding me!" I sighed angrily. I needed to find a new gas station that wasn't so damn expensive. I rolled on as I found another one not too far from the location. I looked at the sign and saw that It was definitely cheaper, so I decided to stop by and get some gas. As I pulled into the gas pump, two employees came over, one of which practically waltzed over.

"TAKUMI~!!" I heard one of them yell while laughing.

"Alright, Alright, settle down." The other one said as I got out of the car.

"TAKUMI~, TAKUMI~, TAKU- Wait you're not Takumi." The shorter one stopped his antics and looked at me with a confused face. He was then bonked in the head by the taller one. "OWW HEY!!"

"Sorry about him, he thought you were somebody else." The taller guy seemed a bit more calm and collected. "What'll it be?"

"Ah, high octane and maybe a bit of a windshield cleaning."

"No problem." The taller guy smiled. He started pumping gas while the shorter one started cleaning the windshield and the windows.

"A good friend of mine's dad owns one of these and he occasionally swings by, so when I saw yours.."

"You thought it was him, right?"


"Sorry bout that."

"It's no worries." He smiled happily. "So I'm assuming you race with that car?"

"Yeah, It's my dads actually. He taught me how to race up and down mountain passes a couple years ago, and I kept practicing and got super good at it, but right now, he's sick in the hospital, so I have to take care of the house and the car."

"Wow, I'm sorry to hear that, man. I hope he gets better..."

"Thanks, I do too." The taller guy then changed the subject.

"Say, you seem like a foreigner, your Japanese is pretty damn good."

"Ah really? Thanks man, I've been studying really hard. I've been here for several years though."

"Where're you from originally?"

"I'm from (Country)."

"Really? Wow that is something."

"Yeah, my mom and I never really had a good relationship, so she sent me here where my dad stays."

"Ah, I see." He pulled out the a gas nozzle and put it back into the pump.

"I'm Y/n L/n by the way. Nice to meet the both of you. The other gas station I used to go to became too expensive to get gas from, so I'm going to get my gas here from now on." I bowed slightly. I could tell they were a bit older than me, so I showed a little respect.

"I'm Iketani Koichiro, and that's Itsuki Takeuchi. We happen to be members of the Akina Speed Stars."

"Ah, You race too? I should've figured since you asked me about my car." I stood up straight.

"Yep! and I'm the leader of the team." Iketani pointed to himself.

"Woah that's awesome. I guess I could consider myself a lone wolf when it comes to racing, as I don't really have a team."

"That's pretty cool." Itsuki said, finishing up on the windows and windshield. "I drive a Levin Eight-Five. Just got a new turbo for it and it's totally kick ass. I can finally beat your S13, isn't that right Iketani?"

Itsuki elbowed Iketani's side.

"So have you won any battles recently?" Iketani asked. "You've had to have won a couple in this baby."

"Heheh, well, I haven't officially raced anyone, I've only ever passed people as they were practicing. Like last night." I scratched the back of my head with a slight giggle.

"Last night?" Itsuki looked up at me.

"Yeah, I was at Myogi and I passed an A80."

"YOU PASSED ONE OF THE NIGHT KIDS?!" They both yelled simultaneously.

"Uhh... what?"

"You passed one of the Myogi Night Kids' members."

"Yeah! They're the sole pride of the Myogi Pass and you just passed one of them?"

"I guess. When I came up on him, he looked like he was practicing an uphill run, so I decided to have a little fun and start a quick little race, in which I won." I explained.

"How did you even pass an A80?" Itsuki asked. "Aren't those things like super fast?"

"Yeah.. but they're really heavy and after a while the tires will definitely start to wear down and it'll cause the car to slip to the outside like any other car would."

"Ah, I see, I see."

I ended up giving them the money for their service and got in my car, rolling the window down.

"Say, do you know where I can get some good food? I normally cook for myself and I haven't really gone out to eat much around here, so I wanna know what's good."

"If you're in the mood for tofu, that same friend of mine and his dad owns a small shop not too far from here; Pretty famous if you ask me." Iketani suggested. Tofu did sound nice, fried tofu in fact sounded pretty great right about now.

"Alright, I'll be sure to look out for it. Thanks guys."

"No problem! Hope to see you up at Akina pass someday!"

As I pulled out of the station, Itsuki bowed and yelled, "Thank you for your business!"

"Y'know Itsuki, I wouldn't wanna go up against him in a battle, neither uphill nor downhill." Iketani readjusted his hat as Itsuki walked back over to him

"Well duh, he's driving an Impreza. He'd school you in a car like that."

"Yeah, yeah I know, but something about him seemed different to me."



I drove on throughout the town in search of this famous tofu place until I stopped at a place called Fujiwara Tofu Shop. It had an Eight-Six in the small alley on the side of the shop. It was a classic 80's ride. A cute Panda Trueno with a nice carbon fiber hood. Whoever was in that shop had good taste.

"Is this the place?" I asked myself. I parked my car in the front and got out, walking into the store. "Hello? Anyone here?"

I yelled out. I didn't hear anything else until I heard footsteps in the room in the back. It was probably a house as well as a shop. I heard a long sigh as I saw an older man, probably in his early forties or so, come out of the back room.

"Yeah? What is it?" He asked stubbornly but calmly, scratching his chin. His eyes were in a squint and the smell of cigarette smoke filled the shop area.

"Uh, hello. I would like four pieces of fried tofu please." I gave him an honest smile.

"Alright, That'll be eight hundred and fifty yen." As I handed him the money, I could see his gaze move from me to my car outside the shop window. "Hmm? That yours?"

"Yeah, well, it's actually my dad's. He's in the hospital sick, so I take care of the house and car."

"Y'know, I have the same one and I must say I'm starting to really like it. My son is out messing with it as we speak."

"Your son?"

"Yeah, He owns my old Eight-Six outside the shop and he races for an expeditionary team." He went on and started getting the tofu fried and packed up.

"I see. It is a cool old thing. Not many people drive those anymore though, unfortunately."

"Yeah. It is old, but I spent years perfecting that car, and now it's exactly where I want it to be for Takumi to use." He put everything in a bag, giving a good sigh afterwards. "That boy, hasn't even lost a race yet."

"Woah, Really!?"

"Surprisingly. He's a genius like his old man."

"Dang." It was something I thought about. I never really raced for glory, or money, or fame or any of that stuff. I did it for fun. That power you have behind your foot just to step on the gas is like a drug. I love driving more than anything I can think of. I loved looking at and understanding the opponents car and how it worked compared to mine. The man handed me the bag of tofu. "Thanks sir."

"It's no problem, now go on. I have things to do." He tried shooing me out of the shop.

"Alright, Alright. See ya." I walked out of the place and got in my car. "His son is Takumi Fujiwara. Alright, hopefully I can meet him one day and maybe race him."


I then decided to go to the hospital to check on dad while I was out. I did regularly check on him every two weeks or so to see how he was. I parked in the lot and got out, going inside the main doors. The nurse at the front had a smile on her face from seeing me walk in.

"Ah, Y/n, it's good to see you. You're here to see your father as usual?"


"Alright, I'll get someone to come down and bring you to him."

"Thanks so much." I gave her a kind smile. I sat down in a chair in the waiting room, eating the fried tofu I got from the shop until a male nurse came over. I greeted him. "Sup Haru."

"Good to see you again, Y/n. I'll take you up to see your father."

"Okay." I got up and followed him up the large elevator to the fourth floor and to room 412. He knocked on the door.

"Come in!" A female voice called from the inside. He opened the door as I went inside to see my dad in bed with the TV on. He didn't really move much. He had tubes going in different arms and in his nose. It was a hard thing to see, but I've gotten used to it and kept my smile as I always did.

"That you... son?" His voice was gravelly as normal, and it was welcoming, though he seemed somewhat dazed and very tired. He's been through a couple surgeries since he got in the hospital a year and a half ago. The nurse that accompanied him sat in a chair a couple feet from the bed.

"Yeah, It's me." I went over and rubbed his shoulder a bit before l looked over at the nurse. "How's he doing?"

"Same as he usually is, though I still don't think he's going to get any better than he is right now." She explained. I gave a hard sigh.

"He's tough, I think he'll pull through and get out of here in no time."

"So how've you been these past two weeks?" He asked me.

"My driving has gotten better. I went out to Myogi pass last night and overtook a Supra. Goodness, it was so much fun."

"Heheheh. That's my boy... Getting better every day." He coughed a bit.

"Yeah, he seemed to be a part of a full on team, so I'm all worried now that I'll be targeted by the team leader or something." I scratched the back of my head while giggling a bit.

"Even if you were... I believe you'll be alright."

"Awe jeez. Thanks dad."

"Have you heard from Mom recently?"

"Nope, as per usual..."

"Thought so." He sighed. It was a bit awkward to talk to him as he was sick, cause I didn't want to be a bother to him while he was trying to rest, but I promised I'd see him as much I as I could.

"Have you been... doing alright?" I asked him personally, even with the nurse telling me his condition. He gave me a long sigh.

"As the nurse said, I've been the same. I haven't really gotten any better."

"Well at least you're not getting any worse. Which that's a good thing."

"Yeah, that's good.... Have a girlfriend yet?"

"What?! Nah, I've been so busy with taking care of everything and driving. I really don't have time to worry about girls." I waved my hands in defense. He gave a hardy laugh followed by a large series of coughs. The nurse got up and to his side to make sure he was alright before turning to me.

"Alright, I think that's enough time for today, he needs his rest." She stated. Though my time with him was short lived today, I was still happy to talk to him. I nodded with a sigh before looking back at my dad once more.

"I love you dad, I'll see you soon..." Haru brought me back down to the waiting room again. "Well that kinda blows, wish I could have seen him a bit more."

"Well as you know, he needs his rest."

"Yeah, yeah. Alright. Thanks Haru. Good to see you again. I'll be back in a couple weeks."

"See you next time." He waved as I left the building. When I got back into my car, I sat and just sighed to myself. I knew in my head that he was never going to get better, it was only a matter of time till it gets even worse. It's always time. I started my Impreza up and drove home to relax a bit. When I got to the house, I parked the car and went inside. It felt good to be home. I sat down and turned on the TV to see what's on. After a while, it became night. I made dinner already and ate it all. It was late, and I was pretty awake. I was watching a documentary on Keiichi Tsuchiya and something in my brain sparked.

I had an urge to drive. I really couldn't explain it. It was like an itch. It wouldn't really go away unless I get in my car and drive out and race or something. It was something that I've been having for a long while now. I sighed to myself before grinning a bit, turning off the television.

"Heh. Might as well try to do a quick uphill on Myogi." I immediately got my keys and went out, locking the door behind me. I hopped in the Imp and drove on to Myogi pass. When I got to the bottom, I was ready. I was hyped. Without a second thought left to offer, I floored it. The car accelerated quickly...

-Takeshi Nakazato's POV-

I was up at the top of Myogi. I had recently just finished a series up uphills and downhills for practice and I stopped to take a break... and a smoke. Everyone else went home and I was the only one on the pass at the moment, at least that what I thought until I heard another car making its way up, and by the sound of the engine, it was doing so quickly. I waited a couple minutes, leaning on the side of my Three-Two to see if the car would pass or stop. After a bit, the car reached the top. It was an Impreza, a blue one. Tonight just got more interesting. It parked off to the side. The door opened and... a kid came out of the car. Looked no older than 18. He didn't seem like he was from around here neither, probably a foreigner. There's no way that could've been the guy that passed the A80. He stretched his arms and legs.

"Ahhhh man that was so much fun! I cant get enough of that!" He yelled. I kept my serious face and decided to engage with the guy.

"Hey kid? That your Impreza?" I asked him. He quickly looked over at me. Guess he didn't notice me beforehand.

"Well, yes but actually no. It's my dad's, but I use it now."

"Alright. I have a question for you."

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Did you happen to pass an A80 last night on an uphill?"

"Yeah. I was doing some practicing and I kinda ran up on him and thought it would be fun to have a little race. So, we duked it out and his tires lost grip on a corner and slid. I took him on the inside."

"I see. Are you trying to scope the place out to try and take on the Myogi Night Kids formally?"

"Oh, you're one of the Night Kids I've been hearing about?"

"I'm the leader of the Night Kids, Takeshi Nakazato. I drive a Three-Two."

"Woah you have a Skyline?! Those things are so cool!" He seemed pretty surprised to see a Three-Two. They were common for street racers, but I guess I couldn't blame him. I too think they're badass. What surprised me more is that he wasn't intimidated in any way by me telling him that I was the #1. "And no, I wasn't scoping the place out or anything. I just use this pass more often than the others because I think it's more fun to drive on."

"You like driving for fun, huh? I drive for the pride of my team and for the pride of winning. Do you not have pride for winning?"

"Not really, I drive and race for the thrills. Heck, I don't think I've even had an official race yet. I've only ever had small little skirmishes against people who were practicing." He shrugged at me. The nerve of this kid. He never even had an official battle before? He's only just been passing others he's ran up to on he courses he's been on? That's about to change. I took out my cigarette and threw it on the ground, stepping on it to put it out. I turned around and got to my car, opening the door.

"Alright kid..."


"Since you haven't experienced your first true official race, I'm going to be your first one. My Three-Two and I are going to kick your ass and show you what it's like to race for real." I got in the car and rolled the window down. I decided it was time for me to bring my winning streak back from the grave with this race.


"We're racing here this coming Saturday, Ten pm, sharp. Don't be late, and you better show up." I quickly rolled up the window and sprinted off in my car, leaving him alone on the mountain top.





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