The Prodigy's Twin (Avatar Th...

Deotakukids द्वारा

256K 6.1K 1.9K

You are Fire Lord Ozai's second son and Azula's twin. Azula is a prodigy as she can bend blue flames. But you... अधिक

The School and A Friend
Searching the Earth Kingdom
Meeting The Team
Ba Sing Se
The Date
Things Are Looking Up
The Fall of The Earth Kingdom
The Aftermath
The School
The Beach
A Friendship Tested
The Puppet Master
Nightmares and Daydreams
The Day of The Black Sun [Part 1]
The Party
The Day of the Black Sun [Part 2]
Q&A answers
The Western Air Temple
A Time To Learn and Relax
The Boiling Rock Pt.1
The Boiling Rock Pt.2

The Runaway

17.8K 420 163
Deotakukids द्वारा

No One's POV

(Y/N) was asleep in the back of a cart that was attached to a horse carriage. He was just going to get some food, but before he could get off a man closed the lid of the cart and locked it. So now (Y/N) was trapped and it was definite that he was going to be caught. He laid in the wooden cell for an hour until it finally stopped, but that meant (Y/N) did not have much time left. He was weak, hungry, and sleep deprived; so what he decided to do was sleep and let fate takes it's course. The lid was unlocked and opened for an averagely tall, medium built man with green eyes, black hair, and lightly brown skin to look in. The first thing he saw was the sleeping boy who barely had any meat on his bones, "Now how did you get here?" The man picked (Y/N) up to begin walking towards his house as it was surrounded by a farm.

A few hours later (Y/N) woke up to feel something that he has not felt in a while, a soft bed. (Y/N) sat up to stretch until he heard, "He's alive." He looked to his right in a doorway to see a little girl with blue eyes, long black hair that was done up in pigtails, and pale white skin. To her left was a young boy with short brown hair, green eyes, and lightly brown skin. (Y/N) awkwardly waved at them, "Hello." The young kids did not say anything as they walked away. (Y/N) did not think much of it as he looked around, until he looked down to see that his cloak was off and he was wearing only his fire nation clothes. He began to worry for the man who carried him appeared in the doorway while holding a paper bag. 

It was silent for the man to not break eye contact, "Why are you here?" (Y/N) did not break eye contact either, mostly from fear though as the man gave off an intimidating aura, "I- I'm running away sir?" The man tossed the bag at (Y/N) for it to land in his lap. The man began to walk off, "Get dressed. Breakfast is almost ready." (Y/N) waited until he could no longer hear him. When it was silent (Y/N) got up to look in the bag to see Earth Kingdom clothing, "I guess I crossed the fire nation border. How long have I been in the Earth Kingdom?" (Y/N) put the clothes on to walk out of the room, and carefully walked through the house.

He soon reached a wooden staircase to walk down. When he reached the bottom he was enveloped in the smell of delicious eggs, pancakes, and bacon. He looked to his right to see a table with everything mentioned on plates as the children from before sat together. The man was sitting across from his children for a woman to set down a pitcher of milk. The woman had long brown hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. She noticed (Y/N) before she sat down, "Come on and sit. Don't be shy." (Y/N) looked at the family nervously as he slowly walked towards the table. He took a seat for the woman to begin fixing a plate by putting two of everything on. She set the plate in front of him, "Go on and eat dear." She sat down for (Y/N) to somewhat examine the food, but his hunger took hold of him as he decided to take a bite. His mouth exploded with joy as it got to eat something with flavor once again.

He began eating quite fast as he forgot how to eat with manners from the palace. The woman looked at him with concern, "You must have been starving dear." The man began eating as well, "When was the last time you ate son?" (Y/N) paused his eating to think, "Four days I think." The woman was a little aghast , "That's awful. Well you can eat as much as you want." (Y/N) stuffed his mouth with eggs and bacon, "Thank you Mrs..." "Oh my name is Jie." She then looked at the children, "That is my daughter Meifen and my son Zhang." She then looked at the man, "And this is my husband Hong." "It's nice to meet you all." "And what is your name dear?" "Oh, my name? Well um it's... Haruki." "Haruki, that is such a nice name." 

It was silent with the sound of the family and (Y/N) eating disturbing the silence. As they were eating (Y/N) looked around the room, "So are you all farmers." Jie nodded, "Yes, we make quite a lot from all of the crops and animals we raise here. When the time is right we sell what we have in town." "That sounds like a hard life." Hong nodded his head very little, "It is, but it's an honest living." The five continued eating for everyone to be done in fifteen minutes. Jie collected the dishes and went to clean them for Hong to stand up and lightly hit (Y/N)'s right shoulder with the back of his hand, "Come with me. You are going to earn that meal." He walked towards the front door and walked out as (Y/N) got up.

He walked out of the front door to see Hong heading towards a barn. He walked towards the barn to look around and see animals in pins. When he reached the barn he saw Hong collecting hay and beginning to put them in bales. Hong looked at (Y/N), "Pick up some hay and gather them into a pile. I will put them in a bale." (Y/N) walked towards the piles of hay, "Okay." (Y/N) began doing what was asked of him for Hong to do the same, "So, why did you run from the fire nation?" "I didn't like how the fire nation did things." "What do you mean exactly?" "How everything was always a competition for everything. How if you weren't strong you were looked down upon." "I thought the fire nation was a great and strong nation." "It's strong, but not great." 

Hong walked over to (Y/N) to put his pile in a bail, "Well like my wife said. You can stay here for as long as you need." "Thank you." When they had enough hay Hong picked two bales, "Grab one and follow me." He watched (Y/N) pick a bale to walk out and head towards a pin that was filled with open field and animals. Hong threw the bales over the pin for (Y/N) to do the same. (Y/N) looked around, "So what animals are in this pin?" "Only two." He pointed at a large animal that looked like a hippo with some cow patterns, "Those are Hippo Cows." Multiple animals then ran up to the hay to start eating for (Y/N) to look at them in awe. Hong noticed his reaction, "You like these guys." (Y/N) nodded for Hong to cross his arms, "Those are Ostrich Horses." (Y/N) watched them for Hong to pat his shoulder, "If you want I can teach you to ride one." (Y/N) looked at him, "Really?" "Sure, when we have free time. Come on we still have work to do." 

1 Week Later

(Y/N) was sleeping on his bed for him to be woken up by two little children jumping onto him. He shot up for Meifen to look up at him, "Dad told us to wake you up." Zhang looked up at him as well, "He says that you're going into town with him." (Y/N) turned his body to have his feet on the floor. The two kids got off of the bed a ran out as they went downstairs for breakfast. (Y/N) got dressed as he yawned and walked out of his room. He went downstairs to see Hong fully dressed as well as he held two sacks. He handed (Y/N) a sack to walk towards the door, "Come on. I already packed up the wagon. We'll eat on the way to town." (Y/N) just went along with it to follow Hong and sit on the front of the wagon for two Gemsbok Bulls to pull the wagon. (Y/N) looked in the sack to see two rolls, wrapped bacon, and cheese. He made a small sandwich out of them to hear Hong, "Don't eat it all. That's your meal back as well." The two were on the road for a while for Hong to clear his throat, "If you don't mind me asking, do you have any siblings?" 

(Y/N) took a bite of his food, "An older brother and a twin sister." "Why aren't they with you? If I'm not prying to much." "No it's fine. My older brother you could say already left home. But it was because our dad banished him from our home two months ago. My uncle went with him to make sure that he doesn't get into trouble. So now they're somewhere in the world." "And your sister?" "She... She's still home to my knowledge." "What were they like?" "My brother Zu---mi, yeah Zumi was nice. Although his actions seemed shadowed from always trying to get our father's approval. He can also be hot headed at times. Then there was my sister, ummm, Kali. Kali is very smart and always thinks ahead. She is a great firebender and she was always father's favorite. Everyone was scared of her, which was reasonable as she doesn't really like anybody. Except for her friends, Zumi, and me."

Hong looked at him, "What was your relationship with your twin like?" "We got along sometimes, other times not so much. But she seemed to always deal with my annoying excitement and I dealt with her sarcasm. We fight from time to time. We would makeup the next day though, sometimes she would even apologize. But before I left we fought, and we never made-up." "Well, I bet you two will makeup. All you have to do is say sorry." (Y/N) looked down, "It's a lot easier said then done." Hong looked at (Y/N) down for him to sigh, "You've got a lot on your shoulders for your age." "You're telling me." After a while the two arrived at the village for Hong to hop off, "Kuzai Village." (Y/N) hopped off, saved some bacon for the ride back, and went behind the wagon and helped Hong unload everything as they set up a stand. Hong then bended to create a stone fireplace with gaps that would let fire come out and let the meat sit and cook. Hong pulled out some logs of wood from the back of the wagon and set them in the fireplace. He then got on a knee to feel his pockets, "Crap, I left the spark rocks at home. Can't make fire without them." (Y/N) looked around to not see anybody watching, so he got on a knee next to Hong as he put his hand in. He created a small spark to spread it between the logs creating a perfect flame.

Hong got up, "I could get used to that. Now go get the rest of the wood. We'll need it to keep the fire lit for the rest of the day." (Y/N) listened to do just that for Hong to begin cooking the meat as (Y/N) watched carefully. Hong began to season them with some pepper and salt, "Would you like to learn?" (Y/N) nodded for Hong smile, "Then scoot closer." As Hong taught (Y/N) people began walking by as the sun went up for a man to stop by the stand, "Good morning Hong. What do you have in-store this week?" Hong looked at him, "The same as usual." "Well then I'll take a block of cheese and bread." (Y/N) gathered all of the groceries for Hong to bag it and hand it to the man. He paid for it and left for Hong to look at (Y/N), "You can learn a lot from one day in the market." (Y/N) looked at him, "Really?" "Just watch." The day really began to start for people to walk by and would either stop to buy goods, say hello, or just walk past. (Y/N) watched everyone and how they acted nice and kind to others, even if they were strangers. It was better than the fire nation as a salesman would not call a child a thief just because they wanted an apple.

Many people said hello to (Y/N) with a kind smile for him to return their hello with a smile of his own. When it became noon it was the busiest time of the day as everyone was hungry and came to the market to eat. Many customers came to Hong's stand to buy chunks of cooked meat, bread, cheese, and milk. As the amount of customers died down Hong handed (Y/N) his pouch of money, "Go get us something to eat." "Can't we eat what we have?" "People don't trust those who eat their own products. Makes them think they're being scammed as we try to give them as little as possible." "Ooooohhhh. Okay." (Y/N) ran through the streets to stop as he looked inside a store. His eyes brightened as he examined a bow with arrows next to it. He looked at the pouch and then at the weapon to shake his head as he kept running. He soon arrived back to Hong with a few vegetable and meat kabobs. 

When it nearly became dusk a woman with a baby in hand, a young boy to her side, and a girl (Y/N)'s age in tow. The woman smiled, "Hello Hong." Hong bowed, "It is good to see again Huni." "What do you have left for the day?" "Just some milk, a few eggs, and some ham." Huni looked at what was left, "Well, I guess I can try to make this last for a week." "I'm sorry Huni, I tried to save enough for you." As Hong was putting everything together (Y/N) put his finger up, "Wait a minute!" he ran off to come back with his sack. He handed it to Huni for her to look in, "This should be enough. How much?" (Y/N) looked at Hong, "It's mine right?" Hong nodded a little, "Yeah." (Y/N) then looked at Huni, "It's free." Huni's eyes became warm as she hunched over to kiss (Y/N)'s forehead, "Thank you young man."

Huni paid for everything as her and her children carried the products. As they left Hong began to take down his stand for (Y/N) to help. After a few minutes (Y/N) and Hong got on the front of the wagon for Hong to look inside his money pouch, "Was able to sell everything today." He then looked at (Y/N), "You may be the reason. People seem to like give money to happy children." Halfway back (Y/N) stomach growled for Hong to hand him what he had saved for dinner. Hong pat his stomach, "I had more kabobs then you. You need it more than I do." (Y/N) took what was left to begin eating, "Thank you." 

2 Years Later

Jie was sweeping the floors as her husband tended the animals and her children played around the farm. As she finished sweeping she walked around the house to see if anything else needed cleaning. She went to the kitchen to open the cabinets to see something missing. She walked out of the house to call out, "Haruki!" (Y/N) heard Jie to quickly come to her call, "Yes ma'am?" "Can you go to the village? We're nearly out of tea." "Sure thing." (Y/N) walked in, "I'll be back before you know it." He ran upstairs to grab a sturdy bow that he carved and stringed, after multiple failed attempts before. He put his left arm through the bow for it to stay around his back and chest. He quickly walked out to grab a small bag of arrows and put them on his back. 

He then ran out to say bye to Jie as he made his way to a pin. He whistled for an ostrich horse to run up to him. He pet it's chin and head, "Hello again Rody. Ready to go on another visit?" Rody pranced in a circle for (Y/N) to open the pin and let Rody out. When the ostrich horse got out of the pin (Y/N) closed it back up as he hopped onto Rody. He pat the animal's neck, "Come on. Let's go." With that (Y/N) rode off towards the village at a fast pace. He arrived after half-an-hour to make Rody stop at a walking speed on the streets of the village. People smiled and waved at the young boy for him to do the same. 

He soon stopped outside of a shop to tie the ostrich horse's reins to a pole, "Stay, and don't cause any trouble." With that he walked into the shop to walk to the front desk, "Can I have a box of Green teas and a box of Hibiscus tea?" The man at the counter headed towards the back, "Of course dear." The man soon came back to give (Y/N) what he needed, so (Y/N) paid for the tea, and thanked him. The young lad walked out, but before he hopped on Rody he overheard two men talking, "It's the craziest thing man. I saw some Earth Nation soldiers fighting two fire benders." The other man rolled his eyes, "Fire benders? Around here?" "It's true man. One of them was this old guy and the other had this big scare on the left side of his face covering his eye." (Y/N)'s eyes widened for him to walk up to them, "Where did you see these two fire benders?" The other man looked at (Y/N), "Don't listen to him kid. He is always making stuff up." "Well it sounds interesting." 

The man who told the story pointed at (Y/N) as he looked at the other man, "At least he believes me." He looked at (Y/N), "I saw them a week ago two villages over. They seemed to be heading Northwest." (Y/N) smiled as he bowed, "Thank you for this information." (Y/N) quickly ran over to Rody, hopped on, and ran out of the village towards the farm. He was happy as there may be a chance he can see his brother and uncle again, but he soon became sad. Because if he wanted to go find them, he would have to leave the farm and the family that had been taking care of him ever since he had arrived. As he got closer to the farm his mind became cloudy as he did not want to leave, but he wanted to see his brother and uncle again.

Before he knew it he was back at what he had called home for nearly a year. Jie walked up to him, "Did you get the tea dear?" (Y/N) hopped off, "Yeah, they're right here." "Great. Now come eat lunch. I just made plates." Jie turned around to walk into the house for (Y/N) to be hesitant for a while. He walked in to eat lunch with Jie, Hong, Zhang, and Meifen. The rest of the day went as normal, but Jie noticed that (Y/N) was acting differently. When night came and everyone was asleep (Y/N) was fully dressed as he pinned a note to his door. He got his bow and arrows, snuck out of his room, and quietly walked out of the door and close it. He made his way to the stables to wake up Rody, "Hey buddy." Rody woke up to nuzzle his face against (Y/N), "No we're not going for a run. I just came to say goodbye." He then heard Jie, "I don't think a note is a good way to say goodbye." 

(Y/N) quickly turned to her to hang his head, "How did you-" "Your eyes. Eyes tell everything. Unlike a note." "I'm sorry. I just didn't want to see anyone become sad or upset." Jie got closer, "Why are you leaving?" "I heard from someone that two people who sound like my uncle and brother were just two villages over. So I need to go and see if they're there." Jie brought her hands up to show a bento box, "This should last you until you get to the next village." (Y/N) took it for Jie to reach in her pocket and pull out a pouch. (Y/N) shook his head, "I can't." Jie put it in his hand, "We'll be fine. There's enough to get you by for a while. Now take Rody. He would be happier running around in the world instead of a pin." (Y/N) looked up at her to hug her, "Thank you." Jie hugged him back as she rubbed his back, "Of course my little turtle duck." (Y/N) parted from the hug to let Rody out and get on him. He set off to look back and wave at Jie as she waved back.

Three Weeks Later

(Y/N) was looking at a map as Rody was at walking speed. They were surrounded by trees for (Y/N) think, "Did the women from the last village say to take a right or a left when you get to the large pond? It was left, right?" (Y/N) scratched his head, "Why does Zuko make it hard to track him?" He soon saw buildings in the distance, "Maybe we can stop here and see if they can help us. Maybe someone here has seen them." He rode into the village that was more like a city with how big it was. As he walked he people stared at him with confusion and disgust as he was on an animal and wore ragged clothes. To avoid stares he hopped of and walked next to Rody to stop at what seemed to him like a small palace as the entrance said "Beifong".

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