A Second Chance (Harry Potter)

By rivenX-

42K 1.6K 527

π‘‡β„Žπ‘’ π‘…π‘œπ‘™π‘’ π‘œπ‘“ π‘‘β„Žπ‘’ 𝑄𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑖𝑠 π‘‘π‘œ π‘π‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘‘π‘’π‘π‘‘ π‘‘β„Žπ‘’ 𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑔... Valerie Riddle. One Daughter... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 7

1.4K 62 4
By rivenX-

Gasps filled the Atrium. 

Valerie stood up and raised her hand, bringing the body of Dolores Umbridge to the center of the Hall. Waving her hands, Dolores was brought back into consciousness. 

Valerie climbed down from the platform, her heels making her even taller than she actually was. She strode to where she brought Dolores, the crowd automatically parting for her. 

Their faces were etched with terror, wondering what fate Dolores Umbridge would face.

Valerie looked down upon Dolores Umbridge, now dishrivelled and untidy. "You dare to interrupt me?" she snarled, her dress trailing behind her, her eyes vivid with anger.

Umbridge cleared her throat in a girlish voice, "No, your Majesty, I thought you were done speaking so I.."

"Silence! You do not talk back to me when I address you, is that understood?" she growled, her gloved digits curling around her scepter.

"Your Majesty, I am..."

"Is. That. Understood?" Hissed Valerie, completely ignoring Dolores Umbridge.

"Yes, Your Highness," chirped Umbridge.

"Good. Now tell me why you were late," ordered Valerie.

Dolores Umbridge instantly puffed up her chest, trying to look intimidating and important. If it was one thing she hated, it was being publicly humiliated. 

She tittered, "Well, you see, as being the Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic, I had to attend a very important hearing...." 

"That couldn't wait until the end of the coronation?" asked Valerie, interrupting Dolores and raising an eyebrow.

"Well, yes, it was..."

"Hmmm," mused Valerie sarcastically, something which Dolores Umbridge didn't detect, while the rest of the public were silently pleading they wouldn't be next. "And I suppose, that this hearing was more important than the coronation of your Queen," she said, furrowing her brow dramatically.

"Of course it was, Your Majesty," cried Umbridge.

"And what was this oh-so-important-hearing that couldn't wait until after my coronation?" asked Valerie mockingly, dangerously glaring at Dolores Umbridge, a trait she had inherited from her father.

"Underage use of Magic in front of muggles," said Umbridge promptly.

"Ah, and who's hearing was this?" gnarled Valerie.

"Harry Potter, Your Highness," stuttered Umbridge.

"Harry Potter. Harry Potter. And what, did Harry Potter do that he had to attend such an important hearing that made Dolores Umbridge miss the coronation of the Queen of England?"

"I used the Patronus charm," declared Harry, coming forth before the Queen. 

His voice was bold and honest, and his emerald eyes bored into Valerie's. Arthur Weasley summoned him back non-verbally, silently begging him not to do anything foolish in front of the Queen, but Harry ignored him.

"And it was a fully-fledged Patronus, too," added Umbridge, hoping to blame it on Harry Potter.

She ignored Umbridge, silencing her with a glare.

"Why?" demanded Valerie, looking deep into Harry's eyes, observing the confidence he held himself with. She could do with a few fearless people in the Kingdom, instead of cowards who faint as she even so much as looked at them.

"Dementors," stated Harry.

"LIAR! He's lying to you, Your Majesty. He was practicing his spells to use against you and the Ministry," blurted Umbridge.

She cleared her throat. "So you're saying that there were dementors in a muggle area," she hissed, looking at Harry.

"Yes, Your Highness, that's exactly what he's trying to say.."

She banged her scepter on the ground, the noise echoing through the Atrium. "SILENCE! You will speak only when spoken to, you imbecile," she hollered, towering over Umbridge.

She looked at Harry, expecting an answer. "I swear, there were dementors, Your Majesty, in Little Whinging, I saw them," he gushed.

She looked at him, and bored into his mind. 


He tried to close his mind, but he was inexperienced in legilimency, and had no clue how to make her stop searching through his brain. She smirked at his attempt and continued searching his memories, looking for the right one.

She saw how he had threatened a muggle boy, pointing his wand at the boy's neck. She felt the memory get darker and more intense. Then she saw the dementor in his memory, and a stag erupting from the tip of his wand. 

Having got what she wanted, she left his mind. He looked at her, confusingly, and pressed his hands to his temples, rubbing them gently.

"I believe him," she stated, ignoring the gasps of Dolores Umbridge.

 Harry breathed a sigh of relief. 

Valerie spoke, "but here's the real question. How on earth did dementors end up in Little Whinging?"

Umbridge let out a guttural squeak. 

Valerie turned to her immediately, "Yes, Dolores, entertain us. Do you know how dementors ended up there?" asked Valerie incredulously.


"Yes, don't be shy, now," cooed Valerie dangerously.

"I- I- I sent them there," squeaked Umbridge.

"Come again?" asked Valerie.

"I sent them there," admitted Umbridge, in a small voice. Gasps were heard, and quills were scribbling words endlessly. Camera flashes went off.

"YOU WHAT?" yelled Valerie, her scepter banging on the ground. "So you mean to tell me, that Harry Potter, is here at the Ministry, for a crime he supposedly committed, while defending himself, just for something you did?" declared Valerie, looking at Umbridge with malice and annoyance.

"Yes, Your Majesty, that's exactly what she means to tell you," blurted Harry, interrupting her.

She would have yelled at him, but instead, she smirked. "Ah, Potter, you know how to play," she mused, finding the situation incredibly amusing.

Dolores Umbridge choked, glaring at Harry, who looked away, not meeting her beady eyes.

Valarie clicked her tongue. "and you have the audacity, to say that this hearing, is more important than my coronation?" asked Valerie rhetorically.

Dolores Umbridge nodded meekly, a sound escaping from her throat.

"You, are no doubt, a lost cause, if you are even smart enough to understand what that means. I wonder if you do understand anyway. Never mind, I'm just talking to a rubber duck. I wonder how the Minister deals with you," she said harshly.

She banged her scepter one more time, and Umbridge choked again. Valerie looked at her pathetic face, revolted.

"You disgust me," she said in revulsion, walking away from the toad faced woman on the ground.

A/N: I love this chapter. Next chapter won't be out for some time.. Please comment, thanks for reading.

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