Lock and Key

By hayliestapher

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"Finn, I really like you. Every time you look at me or touch me, my heart breaks because I know that you can... More

Story Info :)
Accidents and Envelopes
Shopping and Confusion
Pranks and Theater
Paper Balls and Detention
Gum and Bruises
Car doors and Tears
A Fight and a Window
Locks and Promises
Drama and Evidence
Coffee and A Phone call
Hot chocolate and The Truth
Corey and Sam
Glass and Bandages
Horror Movies and Plans
Basements and Darkness
Visions and Group Hugs
A panic attack and the F word
Arguments and Break ups
A Parking Lot and an Ambulance
Hospitals and Confessions

Distractions and a Recsue

54 17 5
By hayliestapher


I took a deep breath as I knocked on the front door of Lilah's house.

Lilah came into my life unexpectedly.

One day, my mother told me that there was a man who was interested in speaking with me. That man, was Michael. He told me that he had a seventeen year old daughter at home, and that he thought that we would be a perfect match.

Of course, right away I said no. This man was trying to set me up with a girl I had never met. My mom had other plans for me though. She made me come to the house that day. I'm glad she did though, because Lilah is the best friend I could have.

Although I know that she has feelings for another, I couldn't help but wish that we could be more.

My thoughts were interrupted when the door finally opened, and I was face to face with the man who ruined Lilah's life.

Although I don't know the whole story, my hatred for this man, grows every time I learn something new.

"Sam! What a pleasant surprise! Come in!" Micheal said, a noticeably fake smile was on his face. It was the type of smile that held every emotion except joy.

"Thank you, sir." I stepped inside. He didn't deserve to be called sir, but I had to keep up the act in order to make a good distraction.

I looked around the room. Nothing seemed out of place, and it looked the way it had when I left yesterday.

"Are you looking for Lilah?" He asked as he sat down on the couch, turning the TV on. The sounds of the football game played throughout the house.

"Yes, sir." I nodded, and sat down next to him.

"Well, I'm very sorry but she left to go run some errands for me." He said, crossing his leg over his other leg.

"Oh, well it's okay. I can wait. I don't mind hanging out with you anyways." I lied.

"She won't be home for a while. Why don't you come over another day?" He suggested.

"Actually, Lilah and I planned a date tonight." I fibbed, and he smiled.

"Hmm... Lilah never told me that. I don't think she's coming home anytime soon. Maybe you should reschedule." He moved his eyes from the TV to me. "I'm really sorry."

He actually looked sympathetic.

"You don't mind if I hang out here for a bit, right? No one is home right now and I don't wanna be alone all day."

"I guess." He said in defeat. "But I have some work I need to catch up on, so only for a little bit."

"Awesome, thank you. Hopefully, Lilah will be home before I leave." I said, and he shifted uncomfortably.

"I actually have to use the bathroom. I'll be right back." He looked like he was gonna object but then quickly nodded his head.

When I got into the bathroom, I called Finn, who had given me his number in the car. He answered right away.

"Finally! We've been restless. So? What's happening? Is Lilah okay?" His voice sounded panicked.

"I'm not sure. He keeps telling me that she went out to run some errands for him. I asked if I could wait for her to return and he said that she'll be a while. He told me I could stay for a little bit but he seems kind of nervous."

"He's definitely hiding something." I heard Luca confirm in the background. Finn must have had me on speaker.

"I think two of you at the most can come in right now. Sneak through Lilah's window. Search upstairs, than text me if you need to come down, I'll find a way to distract him." I whispered.

"Sounds like a plan." Finn agreed. I heard murmurs of agreement in the background.

"Okay. I'll give you the all clear once he's successfully distracted. Don't go into his office!" I instructed, and heard multiple okays on the other side of the line.

"Good luck." I say before hanging up, and flushing the toilet, so Micheal wouldn't suspect anything.

When I walked back out into the living room Micheal had his eyes glued to the TV. He glanced at me once and than directed his eyes back at the TV. I sat next to him and acted like I was interested in the game.

I cursed under my breath as the sound of footsteps could be heard upstairs. Micheal noticed it too and gave me a strange look.

"Did you hear that?" He looked around the room, and then towards the stairs.

"You're right. It is hard to hear. Could you turn it up a bit?" I played it off.

Micheal still looked a little unsure but he nodded anyways, picking up the remote and turning it up.

The TV was thankfully drowning out any sounds of the people upstairs. I let out a quiet sigh of relief.

My phone went off and I looked down at it.

nothing upstairs
we're ready to come down
give us the all clear when ur ready

"So... Micheal. Where do you work?" I asked him, hoping I could create a distraction out of it. Lilah always told me that he was in love with his job.

"Oh, I'm a business man. I work for a company called Hamford Co." He explained.

"Oh, really? I've always been interested in business. You should show me your work."

"Right now?" I nodded. "What about the game?"

"Oh. Okay then, you don't have to." I said putting my head down.

"Oh alright! It won't take too long anyways." He gave in and stood up. "Follow me, to my office."

"Awesome! Thank you." I said following after him. Once, we were in the office I texted Finn.

all clear


My phone chimed, letting me know that Sam had given us the all clear. I nodded at Logan, who was the one who came in with me.

We both went down the stairs, as quiet as we can. The first place we look led is Micheal's bedroom. Memories of shattered glass and blood filled my head, and I cringed.

I walked to the closet and slid it open. Nothing but clothing. I shook my head at Logan and we continued though the rest of the house, avoiding Micheal's office.

We only had one more room, and that was the kitchen. I strongly doubted that she would be in there but it wouldn't hurt to look.

"Nothing." Logan whispered as he looked around the kitchen. I walked over to the pantry closet, and looked inside. Nothing.

"What does that lead to?" I heard Logan ask. I turned around to see what he was talking about and saw a door that I've never really noticed before.

"I'm not sure. Let's check." I suggested, keeping my voice low. I slowly opened the door, afraid to make any noise.

On the other side of the door it was dark, but I could still see the stairs leading down. A basement. Of course that's where he would keep her.

I gave Logan a small nod and then turned my phone flashlight on, slowly inching down the stairs. I could hear Logan's quiet footsteps behind me.

When we got to the bottom of the stairs I used my flashlight to look around the room. At first I didn't see anything but then the light landed on a dark shadow. The shadow was shaped like an person crumpled up on the floor.

"Lilah!" I whisper-shouted as I ran over to her. She was unconscious and a strong smell that burned my nose filled the air around her.

I hated this scene. I hated seeing her like this.

"She was drugged." I said in a low voice, as Logan started to untie her hands. I untied the cloth that was wrapped around her head to stop her from speaking. Then Logan untied her feet.

Footsteps could be hear upstairs. It sounded as if Sam and Micheal were walking back to the living room.

"We can't take her up that way. Any ideas?" I said, pointing to the stairs.

"How about there?" Logan wondered, pointing up to the basement window.

"That's a tight squeeze but we can make it. I'll go first and then you hand her up to me." I instructed and he nodded.

I climbed up on a shelf that was stationed by the window and I checked for a way to open the window.

"Uh Logan? I don't think this window opens." I said looking down at him. He handed something up to me and I grabbed it. "A hammer? Where did you get this?"

"Your standing on a tool shelf." He stated, gesturing towards the shelf.

"Oh." I said, before looking at the hammer again. "You want me to break the glass?"

"What else can we do? Come on, Finn. We're running out of time."

I nodded and did as I was told, lifting the hammer away from the window. I shut my eyes as I smashed it into the glass. Hopefully it wasn't too loud...

"Okay. Now be careful of the glass when you come up." I said, just as I laid my hand on a small shard of it. I winced as I looked at the glass sticking out.

"You good, man?" I heard Logan ask from below me. I just nodded and plucked the glass out. Then I reached down through the window.

Once I had a firm hold on Lilah, I pulled her through the window, trying hard to avoid the glass. I inspected her once she was fully out. The glass had gotten her arm a bit. It wasn't the first time.

"Come on." Logan said behind me as he pulled his leg through the window. We both got up and started to run to the van.

I stopped and winced as sharp pain went up thorough my leg. I looked down as saw that my jeans were stained red with blood. I must've been cut there.

I continued to run, ignoring the pain.

When we got to the van, Kayla opened the door for us. Logan and I climbed in and Kayla grabbed Lilah from me.

"Is she alright?" Corey asked, turning around in the drivers seat.

"She's alive. She doesn't look like she's in the best condition though." Kayla said, looking at the blood that got on her hands.

"Sorry, that's my fault. We had to break the basement window in order to get her out." I admitted.

"It's fine, as long as she's safe." Catherine said. "Call Sam, tell him everything is okay."

Sam picked up on the third ring.

"Hey mom." He greeted , at first I was confused but then I remembered that he's still keeping a cover.

"Sam. It's done. We got her safely in the car. We're just waiting for you now." I explained.

"Oh, you want me home? Okay. See you in a bit" I heard him hang up.

About five minutes later, the sliding door opened, and Sam climbed in. Corey drove off right away.

"Is she okay?" Sam asked, looking at Lilah.

"She'll be okay. I don't think the injuries are extreme." Kayla confirmed.

"Okay." He said as he settled into his seat.

"Does she need to go to a hospital?" Luca asked from the backseat.

"No. I'll take care of her." Corey said. "I'm a doctor, so it works out perfect."

Corey turned into the parking lot of the cafe. It was dark now, about eight o'clock.

"Does anyone need a ride home?" Catherine asked, glancing in the mirror at us.

"Logan and I came together, I'll take him home. Kayla do you need a ride too?" Luca offered.

Kayla looked longingly at Lilah, and back up at Catherine. Catherine understood and a small smile crossed her features.

"You can stay with her if you would like." Catherine said. "We have room."

"Thank you." Kayla gave her a small smile in return. As everyone got out of the van, Kayla gave Lilah to Corey.

"Come on Kayla. I'll show you to Carly's old room." Catherine said, putting her hand on her back and leading her inside.

"I'm gonna drive myself home. I'll be here bright and early in the morning though." I said.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I called the police." Corey told us. "Can you check my phone for a message?"

I nodded and grabbed the phone from his pocket. I opened the message but my mouth went dry at what I read.

"What is it?" Corey asked.

"They went to the house to get Michael... He wasn't there."

Thank you for reading!! It means so much to me!! Please feel free to comment anything you'd like. It makes my day :)


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