Incapable of Love | IwaOiKage

By Boke_Beany

363K 13.5K 12.8K

Everyone is born with a soulmate mark, placed somewhere random on your body. Some easy to cover, some hard. S... More

I'm Strong, Right?
Why am I Surprised?
Who is He?
Screams and Shouts
Seijoh Match
Grocery Shopping
All Their Fault
We Will Win
Impress Me
A Glance: Kindaichi
Christmas Special
The Week Isn't Over Yet
Ferris Wheel
A Glance: Yamaguchi
Ignore It
What They Asked For
...what's a Goody Two Shoes?
A Glance: Rei Ikumoto
Inevitable Announcement


11.4K 407 198
By Boke_Beany


This chapter contains graphic (it's not TOO graphic, but pretty unsettling if you imagine it) and mentions of self-harm. If you are not comfortable with this, please skip this chapter.


"What're you doing Papa?"

His papa looked his way, a smile on his face.

"I'm practicing. Wanna join Tobio?"

"Practicing what?" said 4-year-old Tobio stepping closer to his papa.

"I'm practicing volleyball. It's really fun, here,"

Kaito handed his volleyball to Tobio. Tobio took the ball in his tiny hands, feeling the rough surface.

"Are you good at it?" Tobio asked, taking Kaito by surprise.

Suddenly, Kaito burst out laughing. "Tobio, always as blunt as ever, even for a four year old".

Kaito hoisted Tobio spinning him around. Tobio giggled.

"Hmm... Let me think.. I think I was pretty good. I did get the Best Setter Award when I was in high school"

Tobio eyes widen, sparkles in them. "Woahh!!! Really??"

Kaito smirked, nodding his head and outing Tobio down.

"Then in that case... I wanna be like Papa!! I'll get The Best Center Award too!!"

"It's best setter, not center." Kaito ruffled Tobio's hair. "And how are you going to do that fi you don't know how to play?"

"Uhhhh... I don't know..."

"C'mon, I'll teach you."

"Yay!! Papa is the BEST!!"


"Tobio, why don't you go play with the other kids? I heard they play at the playground around this hour."

Kaito said, reaching a hand to hold Tobio's shoulder. He was sick again, it practically came every month.

Tobio shook his head, volleyball in his hands.

"I want to keep Papa company! Since Papa is always sick, I thought you would be lonely..." Tobio's cheeks went red out of embarrassment.

Kaito smiled, ruffling Tobio hair.

"Papa!! I told you not to do that anymore!!" Tobio pouted, blowing the hair out of his face. "I'm a big boy now!!!"

"Oh are you now, Tobio? You may be a big boy, but are you a strong boy?"

Tobio thought about it for a second.

"Yea! I can carry my own backpack!"

"That's not what I meant."

Tobio tilted his head, confused.

"You have to be kind to others, don't let them discourage you."

"You", Kaito pointed to Tobio's chest, where his heart is, "have to be strong here, in your heart. Be strong for me, ok? I can't be strong for you now, but I'll always be watching over you, ok?"

Tobio scrunched his brows. "What do you mean you aren't strong. Papa is the strongest person I know?"

Kaito let out a laugh, it sounded odd to Tobio. It was... sad.

"I might have to go away someday..."

"Huh? Where?"

"Somewhere far away, but it's ok. Because by then, you'd find someone that loves you, takes care of you."

Tobio didn't understand, but nodded anyway. That's when the door opened.

"Tobio, your Papa needs to take his medicine. You want Papa to heal right?"

Tobio nodded vigorously at his mother.

"C'mon, you can go play with your ball outside?"

Tobio's eyes lit up and he ran straight to the backyard to practice.


"Tobio, I'm home." Kaito appeared by the doorway, hanging his coat on the coat rack. "Tobio? Are you home?"

The house was silent.

Worried, Kaito walked to the kitchen. He saw a yellow sticky note and relaxed.

Kaito let out a sigh.

"I went to babysit Kira. Mrs. Tsukahara and Hikaru-kun had to go to a hospital because Hikaru-kun sprained his ankle. I know you said I didn't have you help you, but she offered to pay me and I know you need more pills. The dinner's in the fridge, just heat it up in the microwave for 20 sec at MEDIUM-LOW papa, please don't over boil it. I made your favourite pork curry. The rice is in the rice cooker. I don't know when I'll be back, but I brought the spare key so you don't have to stay up. Please rest papa.


Tobio, what would I do without you...

Kaito opened the fridge to see exactly what Tobio said in the note. He heated it up, scooped some rice, and ate his dinner.



"How to remove a soulbond"

Middle school Tobio stared at his screen, scrolling through the various Google search answers. Most of them were

"Why scientists say removing a soulbond is IMPOSSIBLE"

"DANGEROUS: Never Block A Bond!! This Could Happen"


The last one got Tobio's attention. He clicked on the link, and it brought him to an article by a news company. Reading through, he found the link to the "crazy" scientist's blog, where he wrote the steps to remove the soulbonds permanently.

How To Permanently Remove A Soulbond: Step By Step

Step 1: You must be sure that you want to remove your soulbond; as this process is NOT reversible.

No problem, I'm sure Oikawa-san and Iwaizumi-san would be happier if I do this.

Step 2: You must be sure that removing the soulbond is worth is, since the process will injure you GREATLY, please be sure to do it somewhere close to an ER, just in case. You don't want to die, just remove the soulbond.

A little pain is fine, do it for Oikawa-san and Iwaizumi-san's happiness.

Step 3: I recommend you do this step in a bathroom or shower, so you can wash of the blood and make sure you have a first aid kit.

You will need; a sharp item such as a knife, razor, or if you don't have any of those, scissors will work (though I do not recommend).

This sounds like... cutting. I guess it'll be easier than I thought.

Step 4: Start scraping your soulmark. As you know, the soulmark will be filled in when you have skin to skin contact. You only have to scrap the outline, the one you are born and start your life with.

I guess it's harder for me... I have two marks. But... I could do this.

Note: This only works for bonds that are block by the other party. If the party that wants to remove the soulbond isn't blocked by their soulmate(s), this would not work.

Anddd, Tobio let out a sigh of disappointment. He couldn't do it, he couldn't break the bond. If the block was two-sided, his mark would be black immediately, like his papa's, but his mark is just a deep colour, not quite black.

A knock on the door brought his out of his sad moping.

"Tobio, wanna play volleyball?" the voice said from the other side of the door.

"Yup! Coming!"

Quickly, Tobio deleted his browser history and closed his laptop.

"Let's go!"


Edit 7/12/2020; I realized that Kyoutani wouldn't be his neighbour yet, so I change the name to an Oc. Don't worry, the oc will be appearing sooner or later.

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