Living Corpse (Black Clover F...

By SeverelyEven

6K 236 48

A girl named Demi was born with a non-beating heart. She is emotionless and could not feel any pain, physical... More

Chapter 1 (Demi)
Chapter 2 (I'm Sorry)
Chapter 3 (Asta and Yuno)
Chapter 4 (Magic Knights Exam)
Chapter 5 (Black Bulls)

Chapter 6 (Other Recruit)

760 42 9
By SeverelyEven

This chapter is dedicated to eduardamariasousa, hope you enjoy!


"... I am cursed"

Everyone was surprised, even Captain Yami was taken aback because of Demi's revelation. No one dared to talk for a while. They were digesting what the girl had said. "A curse you say... Well that explains everything."

Yami was the one to break the silence. Everyone looked at him, expecting him to say more. "Is it the reason why your grimoire is like that? Now that I noticed it, if you look closer, your grimoire is also a five leaf clover. Like this little twerp, Ah what a pain... What's with this people with five leaf clovers all of a sudden?"

Demi remained silent for she also didn't know the answer to that question. Her mother's grimoire were once a four leaf clover. But it changed when she died. And after ten years, the grimoire, became hers. "Five leaf clover? Really? I've never heard of it though. Have you captain?" Vanessa asked Yami, all of the other members too hasn't heard any of the sort so they were curious as well.

"No, I have no idea." The captain scratched his head. Everyone was slumped to the ground because they expected something serious from the captain. "Well now that the so called 'initiation' is finally finished. I think it's time to give the new members their cloak." Finral took out a cloak and gave it to Demi, while Magna was the one to hand Asta's cloak to him. Vanessa used her magic to put the cloaks on the new members. "And while we're at it..."

She also stitched Asta's hairband with the Black Bulls insignia. While she made a choker for Demi with the Black Bulls insignia as well. "Looks good on them. Don't you think so, Mister Yami?" Magna was behind Yami watching the two newbies. "They look pretty bland to me." Yami's response was unenergetic.

"And now, you two are oficially members of the Magic Knights Squad, the Black Bulls! You better work hard not to shame Mister Yami or the Black Bulls!" Magna cheered for the two, the other members cheered as well. Magna was a little guilty for doubting Asta and Demi he wanted to apologize. "Hey you two, I'm sorry if I doubted your abilities and intentions. Let's start off again. My name is Magna Swing, nice to meet you two!"

They introduced each other once again. Soon everyone was talking to them, making them feel welcome. Demi noticed Luck injuries, she wanted to say sorry for hurting him. She slowly approached him and tapped his shoulder.

"Luck senpai, are your injuries alright? I'm sorry if I hurted you." Luck was smiling at Demi, admiring her cuteness. "I'm fine, you don't have to say sorry. But if you really insist... Why not be my sparring partner?! Then we could always fight each other. Sounds good right?"  Luck's grin was getting wider.

Demi considered Luck's offer, Luck was a strong opponent, it could serve as her training. Then she will become stronger. She agreed to Luck's offer and the boy was jumping over and over because of excitement. But suddenly he stopped when he felt something on his cheeks. Demi's lips was on his cheeks, she was kissing him on the cheek. Luck was startled because of what the purple haired girl did.

Demi finally stepped back and looked at Luck's wide eyes. Little did he know, Demi only kissed his cheeks there was a cut there. She wanted to help Luck because she thought kisses could take away the pain. Asta saw this and immediately approached them. "Demi! What did you do?! You can't just do that to someone!" Asta was hysterical when he saw Demi kissed Luck's cheek. And he was jealous too of course.

"Why? I just wanted to help him. So his wound pain would go away." Demi innocently answered. "I really love you innocence Demi but this is not the right time! When you kiss someone, they will misunderstand!" Everyone was now looking at them. Luck was still in a daze and Magna was shaking him. "Why would they misunderstand though?" Demi tilted her head because she couldn't really understand what was happening. Asta had no choice, he whispered something to Demi's ear and afyer a while she nodded.

"Really? I see... so that's why." Demi approached Luck and bowed towards him. "I'm sorry for what I did. I hope there won't be misunderstanding between us. Please forgive my ignorance." Magna and the others sweat drop from Demi's actions. 'I think that's too much' They all thought. "I-Its alright really. You don't have to do that (bow I mean) . And I guess thank you for trying to make me feel better?" Demi stood up and nodded at Luck's remarks. Everyone started heading back towards the hideout.

Demi stopped when she felt a presence on the balcony, she looked up and saw a girl. The same age as her, wearing the Black Bulls robe.  'She must be the other member.' The girl noticed Demi's stare and immediately left the balcony. "Where have you been Nero? Have you been watching us since earlier?" The bird who just landed on Demi's shoulder nodded. They started walking and headed inside the hideout.


"Demi, this will your room. Our bedrooms are much bigger than the boys because there's only a few of us girls in the Black Bulls. I'm sorry if it's a bit filthy, no one really cleans the unoccupied bedrooms." Vanessa was the one to show Demi her room. It had a white bed in the center of the room, a closet on the right side of the room, and a table with a mirror on the left side.

"No it's actually fine, I can clean this room myself, I'm used to cleaning back in the church." Demi reassured the pink haired woman. Soon after that, Vanessa left and Demi was now all alone in the room with Nero on her shoulder. After a while of cleaning, she was finally finished. She laid down on her bed, sweat rolled down her forehead.

She was about to close her eyes but she remembered everyone in the church. She promised them that she would write a letter to them. She took a paper and a pen, sitting down, she began to write her letter. She wrote than everything that had happened. How she won the battle between him and the noble. How she picked the Blaxk Bulls along with Asta and how the Black Bulls accepted and welcomed both of them.

'You don't have to worry about me anymore, I will be fine with Asta and everyone by my side. I will sure get stronger and stronger then one day, I will be able to defeat him. And also if you have anything you need, just tell me. I will immediately go there. '

From: Demi

Demi sealed the letter in an envelope. She was looking outside her window. Looking at the moon, she thought of Yuno. She hoped that he was doing fine just like her and Asta.


It was already the middle of the night and Demi was still awake. She couldn't bring herself to sleep. It was her first time sleeping alone for a long time. She's not used to it. Back at the church, she was always sleeping between Asta and Yuno, feeling their body heat made her sleep peacefully.

Meanwhile, Asta woke up from a knock on his door. He groggily stood up and walked to the door. He was surprised to see Demi at his bedroom door. He was wondering what brought her here. "Asta, I can't sleep. Can I sleep here with you?" Asta understand what Demi mean, they were always sleeping together back at the church. Even him was not used to sleeping alone. But because he was tired he managed to sleep.

"Of course Demi, you're free to sleep in my room." Asta and Demi were now laying in the bed, facing each other. Demi kept getting near Asta's body, cuddling him. Asta loved this side of her. She loved cuddles and warm hugs. Soon they felt asleep, hugging each other.

The next morning Asta woke up early. He immediately searched for his robe thinking that yesterday was just a dream. "It wasn't a dream." Demi was woken up by Asta's voice. She sat up and looked at Asta adoring his Magic Knight robe. "Oh, I'm sorry for waking you up Demi." Asta apologized at the purple haired girl. "No it's fine, I think it's time for me to get back to my room, I should get ready for the day." Demi got up and thanked Asta for letting her sleep in his room. "You're always welcome to sleep in my room Demi! You know that."

Demi left Asta's room and headed back towards her room. There she saw Nero, sleeping on her bed. She felt bad for not taking Nero with her, she must've felt alone last night too.

Demi was now ready, she already took a bath and she was now wearing her Black Bull robe. She headed towards Asta's room once again, she wanted to explore the base with him. She stumbled upon an Asta whose face was against a wall. "Ow... Was this pillar here yesterday?" Asta wondered. "Asta, are you okay?" Demi neared Asta. "Of course, this nothing! I'm totally fine!"

Magna was the one appointed to tour the newbies. He saw the them and started to approach them. "Hey newbies! Did you sleep well?" Asta turned to see Magna walking. "Ah, g-good morning! Um, senpai, about this pillar... I don't think it was here yesterday." Demi was confused too, the base definitely changed. But why didn't she noticed it? "Don't worry about a pillar. The base itself changes it's shape all the time."

Asta was confused and amazed at the same time. "Really?!" He yelled. "All right, let's go." Asta followed Magna as well as Demi, the two were behind Magna. "You're in for a treat. I'll personally show you around the Black Bulls super cool base! Follow me, Shrimpsta and Demi was it?" Magna wasn't sure of the girl's name, Demi simply nodded. They all went to many places, with Magna being their guide. Asta's eyes were sparkling everytime they went to a new place.

The last one they went to was a large cell with beasts in it. "This is the beast's room!" Magna stated. Asta was terrified to see the big beast inside the prison, they were bigger than him. Demi however was calm, she wasn't scared of them. She was actually curious. "Beasts'? What for?" She asked Magna. "This is Mister Yami's hobby." Magna fixed his sunglass and tapped the newbies shoulder. "Asta, Demi..."

Both of them paid attention to what their senpai was about to say. "I'll let you two have the duty of taking care of all the animals. It's a very honorable role. I really don't want to let both of you have it, but I will." Magna was acting like he was really reluctant about giving them the job, but deep inside he was actually glad. "Okay." Asta was shocked because of what Demi had said. "Wait, what?! Why Demi?!"

The girl answered Asta calmly. "They're not really that scary, and I also want to take care of them."  Magna sighed out of relief. "Feed them twice a day, in the morning and at night. Go on, give it a try." Demi was the first one to try. She cautiously approached the cell and stretched her arms out holding the food. "Here's your food, please eat it." Both boys were scared for Demi.

After what Demis said, the beast's started to calmed down. They ate the food peacefully and nothing happened to Demi. The scene suddenly changed to Demi patting the beasts head. Both Magna and Asta were shocked to witness this. 'Now that's new' Magna thought as he was watching Demi. Asta who slowly walked towards Demi, he wasn't scared of the beasts anymore, thinking that they were actually nice. "Hahaha, I'm sorry for misjudging you, I thought you were scary beasts! I hope you forgive me. Here, why don't I feed yo—"

Asta's words were cut off when his head was suddenly inside one of the beasts mouth. The three of them started to run. Asta was dragging Demi with him while him and Magna were shouting. And with that they continued to explore the other places of the base. After running around the base for a while. Magna finally stopped, making the other two stop as well.

In front of them was a girl with silver hair, probably the same age as Asta and Demi. She was the one Demi saw last night. "Hey Asta, Demi... That's your colleague. She's the other new recruit this year!" Asta was excited because of the word colleague. He wanted to be friends with the other new member. "Hey! I'm Asta, amd this is Demi! Were from Hage village! Let's do our best together! It's nice to meet you!"

Asta had his hands out and offered for a handshake. But the girl didn't accept it, instead she slapped it away. "I didn't give you permission to speak to me. I barely sense any mana from you, you lowly insect." Asta and Magna were both affected because of what the girl said. They unconsciously imitated what the girl had said with anger. Meanwhile, Demi didn't like what the girl had said at all.

"My name is Noelle Silva, I belong to the royal family of this kingdom." She was talking highly of herself, making them confirm that she was indeed a royalty. "Who're you calling an insect, huh?! We're supposed to be colleagues as Magic Knights! Who cares if you're royalty?!" Asta was frustrated because of what the girl had said. Magna too was frustrated but he was trying to hold it in, seeing as he was their senpai.

"Are foolish peasants unable to understand this with words alone? I guess I'll have to show you with the difference between our magical powers. Know your place."  A large ball made of water was accumulated in Noelle's hand. She was aiming it towards Asta's direction. The attack was released and was now heading towards them. But then it suddenly changed direction right when it was about to hit Asta. Instead, Magna who was on the sideline got hit.

Noelle's eye twitched because of her failed attack. Magna who was drenched in water started to stand and give the royal girl an irritated look. "You little bitch! You've got some nerve! What do you think you're doing to your senior?!" Despite Noelle's failure, she continued to keep her head held high and look down on them. "You were just standing in the wrong spot. Who gave you permission to stand there?"

Demi wanted to butt in to their conversation but she kept her mouth shut. She doesn't want to make the argument worse. Even if she knows that Noelle won't even acknowledge listening to her seeing as she was also a peasant. Magna was now very pissed at the new recruit's bratty attitude. "What?! I don't care if you're royalty or tge Silver Eagles' captain's little sister! I mean, the only person who'd accept a spoiled brat like you is Mister Yami! Be more thankful, you brat!"

"Like I want to be in this pathetic squad!" Noelle took off her robe and tossed it to the ground like it was nothing. After her declaration she walked away like nothing happened. Because of this Magna was shouting angrily while Asta and Demi was processing what the girl had said. 'The robe I worked so hard to get... She just... What the heck was her problem?' Asta thought to himself. While Demi was staring at Asta's reaction.


"I couldn't find the toilet and ended up outside." He said with a dimb look on his face. Asta was walking aimlessly in the forest until he was suddenly hit by a large ball of water. "What? What? What!?!" He quickly looked for the source, there he saw a silver haired girl panting, sweat rolling down her face. She was standing facing a tree, with a few meters between them. The tree was unharmed, however the surrounding was full of wholes caused by her attacks.

"Why? Why won't it go the way... I want it to?! I guess I'm just..." Noelle's thoughts were suddenly flooded by her past memories. She was on the brink of tears.

"Apparently, the youngest of the Silva Family can't even control her magical powers. Who would have thought someone like that would be born into the royal family?"

"What's with that filmsy little grimoire? Are you really royalty?"

"It's just pathetic that you can't even control your powers. It disgusts me that you're my little sister."

"I will not have someone as shameful as you in the Silver Eagles. Why couldn't you have died instead of our mother? You're a complete failure."

Noelle suddenly heard something from the bushes. To her surprise, it was no other than Asta. "Insect? H-How long have you..." Noelle was panicking, she was starting to think of what will Asta say to her, after he witnessed her. She thought he was like her big brothers and sister, she started to step back.

Asta was going to say something but she beat her into it." N.... No!" She made a large ball of water, attempting to aim it at Asta. However, she made it too strong that she herself couldn't even control it. And then her attack backfired as it was sent right back at her.

Noelle was now inside a huge ball of water, drowning from her magic. Her magic was set loose making it go haywire. Everyone in the base felt this strong mana and went outside. When they saw what was happening they were shocked to see Noelle drowning from her magic. "What the heck is that?" Yami was just finished taking a dump when he saw the commotion. "Oh, dear..." Vanessa commented. Meanwhile, Luck was smiling from excitement because of what he see. "Wow!"

"What are we going to do, Captain Yami?" Demi was worried for her new colleague. Even though she was mean to them, it does not mean she deserves to die. "If we attack it with magic, she might not make it out alive. Could you use your spatial magic to scoop just her up?" Yami was asking Finral but the boy wasn't up to it. "Please don't be ridiculous, I can't get near that." He didn't want to do it because he was scared.

"Captain, how about if we nullify her magical power so that she could be free?" Demi proposed her idea to the captain. He just looked at her and rose his eyebrow. "And where do you suppose to find something or someone who could nullify magic?"

Asta was shot up to the sky and headed towards Yami. He immediately catches the boy and looked at him. "Oh, I forgot about you. Your sword nullifies magic right? Could you go take care of that?"

Asta looked at what Yami was pointing and yelled 'What?!'. He was hesitating at first, but his comrade need his help so eventually accepted it. "Okay! Wait, how am I supposed to get over there, though? I can't fly..."

"Quit yer yapping. Now is the time when you need to go beyond your limits!" And with that, Yami used his strength to throw Asta into the sky. He quickly drew out his sword and cut the magic. Both Asta and Noelle were now falling from the sky, until Finral used his spatial magic to save the two. Demi helped Asta get to his feet while Noelle was still on the ground, forcing her eyes to look downwards.

"Hey, you!" Noelle was prepared to hear their insults, however it never came. Demi was infront of her kneeling. "Are you alright? Did you get hurt?" Demi was concerned for her new comrade's condition, she actually wanted to be friends with her. "You... have some insane magical powers! That's so awesome!" Asta said.

"Huh?" The silver haired girl was confused because of the two. She was actually expecting them to mock her. "I don't have any magical powers, so I'm jealous l, damn it! If you train so you can learn control them, you'll be invincible, Noelle!" The girl blushed because of what Asta said, soon other's started to talk to her as well. "We're the Black Bulls. We're a whole group of failures! No one cares if you have a flaw or two, you idiot." Magna reassured the new recruit while Vanessa used her magic to put the Black Bulls robe on Noelle.

"Here, take my hand. I hope we could be friends." Demi took out her hand and offered it towards her. Noelle was touched with what everyone said. She didn't hesitate to take Demi's hand. "Of course, I'll accept you as my friend. It's a pleasure to work with all of you."

The next morning, Asta and Demi woke up early to do the chores. Demi slept in her own room this time. She have to get used to sleeping alone if she will stay here in the Black Bulls. Both of them were doing a lot of chores, such as cleaning the library, doing laundry, and feeding the beasts.

Demi was insisting to feed the beasts alone for she doesn't want Asta to get eaten like last time. But the boy was stubborn, he wanted the beasts to get accustomed to him too. However, he ended up in the mouth of the beasts again.

And finally their last task to do was wake up Captain Yami. "Captain, it's time to wake u-" "Captain! Captain Yami?!... Captain! It's morning already!" Demi's soft calling was knocked off by Asta's loud shout and knocking. After a while Yami finally woke up, but he was pissed. "Don't wake me up! I'll kill you!" Asta started to run, dragging Demi along with him. "Sorry about that! Even though you're the one who told us to wake you up every morning!"

Asta was hanging the clothes outside, while Demi was preparing in the cafeteria for breakfast. "Man, I've been working hard since the crack of dawn again. Magic Knights sure have a lot of work to do. Wait, how is this any different from what I was doing at the church?! What are Magic Knights supposed to do anyway?!"

Everyone, except Yami, was now eating at the cafeteria. "Noelle, why don't you help us with the cleaning and stuff?" Asta was seating between Noelle and Demi. Demi heard what he said and turned her head towards them. "Cleaning? But I'm royalty." She answered. However, Demi was agreeing to Asta. "But Noelle-chan, you're also a newbie just like us."

"C-Chan?!" Noelle was flustered because of what the purple haired girl had called her. The royal girl couldn't respond anymore and kept her mouth shut, hiding her blushing face. "So, What do Magic Knights do anyway?" Magna, who was eating in front of Asta, stood up. "What? Are you seriously asking that?" He walked around the table until he was facing Asta. He grabbed the boy's clothes near his face.

"We protect the kingdom and handle security! It's the most manly job in the world, you dumbass! Why'd you decide to join when you knew nothing about it?!" Asta quickly apologized tp Magna and asked the other members for their opinion. Everyone's definition of being a Magic Knight was different from each other.

"Well... We keep the citizens safe? Something like that. You might even be able to get closer to some noble when you're assigned to protect them." - Vanessa

"It's a super-fun job where you get to fight with enemies all you want. If their criminals, you can beat them up all you want and not get trouble!" - Luck

"More importantly, it's a wonderful that my sister respects me for having. Isn't she an angel? I can buy her whatever she wants with my pay. But if you lay a finger on Marie, I'll kill you!" - Gauche

"It's the best job in the world, since I get to save girls and be popular." - Finral

"Of course I'll tell you. We're friends after all..." - Gordon

"As long as you're a Magic Knight, you can eat plenty of food! Munchy..." - Charmy

"Well, basically it's a good job. I'm looking forward to working with you on a mission!" - Grey

While Asta was busy listening to the other members definition of being a Magic Knight, Demi was eating peacfully. But then something caught her attention. It was a plate full of sweets. She extended her hand to reach it but it was too far. Magna, who was now back to his seat, notice the girls struggle and helped. "Thank you, Magna-senpai."

The boy blushed because she called her senpai. "No problem." Everyone turned their head to the entrance when Captain Yami suddenly kicked the door. "Let's go, Magna." The atmosphere suddenly changed. Magna quickly stood up with a serious look on his face. "Yes, sir, Mister Yami!"

The three newbies didn't have a clue on what was happening. When Asta asked Magna if he could join the mission, he immediately declined. Saying that it was an adults mission, that they couldn't bring any kids around. Asta was disappointed that he couldn't join them, but thought that it was for the best. 'Captain Yami and Magna both looked serious. What kind of mission could it be?' Little did he know that it was actually nothing more than gambling.


The three newbies were now in front of the beasts room for it was time to feed them. "There, there. Good boy. Here..." Asta was trying to feed the beasts once again. Even though Demi didn't approve of it. The beast ate the food, but it also ate Asta's upperbody, like last time. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!"

"I told you Asta, leave this work to me. I don't want you getting eaten every time you feed them." Demi sighed at her remarks, sometimes, Asta's stubbornness is annoying. She told the beast to behave and it obeyed her. "I just wanted to get close to them, like you did." Asta whispered to himself.

"Hey you! Noelle, why didn't you helped me earlier when I was inside the beasts mouth? You didn't even do any of the chores, you were just watching us the whole time!" Asta was pointing a finger at Noelle as he talked. Earlier, they finally managed to convinced Noelle to come with them, however she was not helping them. "I'm royalty. You should be thankful that I even got out of bed."  She would answer everytime.

A series of laughters were heard, as it approaches towards the beasts room. Asta and Noelle were the first one to notice them as Demi was still busy feeding the beasts. "Captain Yami and Magna senpai...." He noticed that they were the one laughing. "I wonder if they finished their.... mission?!" Noelle immediately turned her head when she realised that they were naked.

Demi heard Noelle's shout and walked towards them. "Noelle-chan, why—" However, before she could finish her question. Everything turned dark. She wasn't able to see what made Noelle shriek. "Asta,  It's so dark, I can't see a thing. Why are you covering my eyes?" Asta didn't want Demi to see the captain and Magna for it will ruin her innocent eyes.

"U-Uhm,B-Because it's so b-bright, Y-Yes! It's suddenly became so bright! I don't want your eyes to be hurt! Yes, yes, That's it!" He was sweating as he comes up for an excuse for Demi. The innocent girl easily believed Asta and nodded. "Thank you, Asta." She thanked him for what he did. "Hey, Stupidsta, Lady Noe, Demi-chan, were back!"

Noelle was blushing and turned her head to the side, not wanting to see the boys nakedness. 'Magna-senpai?' Demi thought as she couldn't see what was happening. "Be happy! You three are going on your first mission as Magic Knights." Magna said which made the tree excited. Demi too was excited but...

"Asta, is it over? Is it still bright?"


End of Chapter 6! Thank you for reading! So yeah... Hope you liked it! Please look forward for the next chapter! 💜 💜 💜

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