𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓸𝓻𝓬𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓼 ✾|...

By AthenaWisdom1

53.3K 1.9K 431

✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・* *・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿   A Soulmate "Is someone who challenge... More

°•~Rise of the Serpentine~•°
Never Trust a Snake
Can Of Worms
The Snake King
Tick Tock
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
The Royal Blacksmiths
The Green & Guardian Ninja
All Of Nothing
Rise of the Great Devourer
Day of the Great Devourer
°•~Legacy of the Green Ninja~•°
Darkness Shall Rise
Pirates vs. Ninja
Double Trouble
Ninjaball Run
Child's Play
Growing Up, Unfortunately.
The Stone Army
The Day Ninjago Stood Still
The Last Voyage
Island Of Darkness
The Last Hope
Return of the Overlord
Rise of the Spinjitzu Masters
*Bonus; First Impressions.*
The Surge
The Art of the Silent Fist
The Curse of the Golden Master
Enter the Digiverse
Codename: Arcturus
* Special Oneshot *
The Void
The Titanium Ninja
*Finding Emerald*
°•~The Tournament Of Elements~•°
The Invitation
※✥❀✾ Anniversary ❁✿❖✤
Only One Can Remain
Ninja Roll
Spy For A Spy
The Forgotten Element
The Day of the Dragon
The Greatest Fear Of All
The Corridor Of Elders
Bonus: The Date ❦ The Dream
Winds Of Change
Ghost Story *editing*
Stiix and Stones
The Temple On Haunted Hill
Kingdom Come
The Crooked Path
Grave Danger

Rise of the Snakes

1.9K 53 9
By AthenaWisdom1


Long before time had a name, the First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago using four elemental weapons.  But when he passed, a dark presence sought out to collect them all–Lord Garmadon. So I, Sensei Wu, his brother, sought out find four Ninja to collect them first.

"And this is where it all began.....

The Five......

The Most powerful ladies in the realms....

The legends....the baddest bitches of them all.....

The sexy, hot, beautiful, gorgeous, best ladies in all the lands....


"Lianna, Shut up!"

"What? I was just introducing the beginning of our story. How it all started?"

"Yeah, well, no one gives a damn. Just let them see...."

"Ugh, your no fun Lace. Fine. Go ahead...see for yourselves. But be warned. Our story...is a long one...."

"....You done?"

"...yes. Continue."

"Thank you."

"And good night!"


The young girl was walking in the mist, it was dark. Beyond dark, with a white haze and mist.

She coughs slightly. "Where the heck am I?" She questiones

She looks around until she hears her name being called:




It whispers mysteriously and with a hollow tint to it's voice. The air around gets a dark look, like a dark presence, and a light presence.

Laçiaña Night

Laçiaña Night

Laçiaña Night

"Who are you!" She yelled into the mysterious fog. The air felt more thicker, like there was presence with her.

"Who I am does not concern you, what I am, it does," it said with a starchy and deep voice.

"You are one of two, you are his. But you shall not defeat me. I will turn Ninjago mine! I will destroy you and your green prophesied savior." It said laughing darkly

"Who are you?" Lacey whispered with fear etched on her face

I. Am. The. Over-

Laçiaña Night woke up with a jerk, looking around wildly. She had a nightmare, but she couldn't remember it.

Like all those other ones.

She sighed, this was the fifth one this week. She had been having a lot of nightmares and ended up not remembering them.

What was happening to her? She knew what she was and what she was to the Green Ninja, but didn't exactly understand, what exactly was a soulmate?

She shook her head and got up, quickly getting changed and walking outside. She smiled as she took in the fresh cool air. She looked up and saw the dark blue sky, turning lighter and lighter, it had a hue of yellow, orange and pink.

The sun would be up in a few hours, she frowned in confusion.

She was the future Guardian Ninja, she was supposed to fight alongside the Green Ninja and their four protectors.

Their four protectors....

Lacey has been with Sensai Wu ever since she could remember. According to him, she was born here, in the monastery. Her parents had been of the Night Clan, a group or family of powerful sorceresses and sorcerers.

She was a 9 year old kid, she wasn't supposed have this burden. She wasn't supposed to take this as a burden. Yet, she did. What was held for all of them in the future?

She started heading back, walking back inside.

Lacey heard arguing when she was walking back to her room. She stopped and entered the game room, a confused frown on her face.

"Just because Lord Garmadon escaped through a vortex doesn't mean he won't return one day for the Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu," Wu said in a scolding tone to the four guys currently sat in front of her. She sighs.

Kai, The Master of Fire

Jay, The Master of Lightning

Cole, The Master of Earth

Zane, The Master of Ice

They were Ninjas and Sensei's students, they each wielded one of the Golden Weapons. They were also like her big brothers. Kai was a hothead, Cole was rock solid and serious, Jay was the funny and talkative one, Zane was the literal and weird one. Not to mention Nya, who was like a big sister to her.

"But Sensei Wu, ever since he's been gone, Ninjago has had nothing but peace." Zane said pointedly, he didn't look worried.

Jay scoffed, "Yeah, peace is boring. There's no one to save. There's nothing to do." he said, a slight whine to his voice. It had been getting boring, with peace, no battles meant no fighting.

Cole laid down on the ground and folded his arms behind his back. "We can train tomorrow." he said, letting out a relaxing sigh.

"Never put off until tomorrow, what can be done today." Wu states using his wise mind. He looked at his students pointedly, giving them scolding looks.

"Well, I was gonna eat this pizza tomorrow," Cole said holding up a slice of pizza, "so if that's the case..." he almost took a bite but Wu slapped it out of his hand, stating "No pizza for you!"

"Ow!" Cole yelled as Wu continues, "In order to reach your full potential, you must train," he said pointing at them.

"Uh, remember when we did a little thing called the Tornado of Creation?" Kai said, albeit a bit smugly. "I thought that was pretty insane."

Wu sighs, "You four have merely scratched the surface to your full potential," he said as the four guys continued laying down, looking bored. The wise Sensei continues speaking, "There are still so many secrets you have yet to unlock. You haven't even begun to tap into what powers your Golden Weapons hold." he explained, frowning at them.

Lacey glanced at The Sword of Fire which had a pizza on top of it, it was heating it up. She sighs as she stared at it. The guys were way to immature..... wait...what was she saying? She was 9, and a kid.

She smiled, carry away you immature guys.

"You wanna talk secret powers?" Cole said sitting up and grabbing the Scythe of Quakes. "Check this out," he than proceeds to plug the cable back in the outlet and the game starts up again.

The Ninja all start laughing

"Don't worry, Master," Zane said as Wu stroked his beard. "We will be ready when lord Garmadon returns."

Suddenly, Nya burst in the room, causing the young girl to yelp in surprise.

"Guys, Lord Garmadon, he's returned!" Nya yelled "He was spotted approaching Jamanakai village,"

The guys immediately begin to panic, clearly not expecting it. Nya crosses her arms and looks at them, annoyed. The guys run out and Nya, Lacey and Wu follow them. They get on their dragons and fly away.

"Will they ever reach their full potential?" Nya questions Wu.

"In time," He answered "Maybe a long time, but in time."

Lacey tilts her head, "When can I help them?" She asks frowning.

Wu glanced at her. "When you are much older and better equipped." he said before walking towards the stairs.

The young girl immediately scowls, causing Nya to burst out laughing. "Come on, Lace. Why don't we go train? Hmm? We can try to beat the guys highscore." she smiles

Lacey immediately grinned, "Now that, I can do. Or try." she laughs.

. . . .

The guys enter Jamanakai village where all the people are screaming and running into their homes, a dark shadow looms over, looking like Lord Garmadon. The Ninja all take out their weapons and get in a defensive position.

"Stay sharp, fellas. Whatever happens, never let you guard down." Kai tells them as he narrowed his eyes in apprehension

The laughter turns out to be a little boy, no older than ten. He was wearing black clothes with a black hoodie, he had platinum blonde hair and bright green eyes. He laughed evilly, or tried to atleast. "It is I, Lloyd Garmadon! I demand all the candy in town, or else!" He yelled

"Lloyd Garmadon? I thought we were gonna face Lord Garmadon." Jay said grunting

"It's his son." Cole said "Looks like he escaped his boarding school for bad boys again. And to think we could've been doing Spinjitzu already," he said with a scoff

"Er...er...gimmie your candy or else I'll release the Serpentine on you!" Lloyd yelled as the villagers start booing at him. He opens a can full of fake snakes but the villagers start throwing vegetables at him.

"No way! I asked for candy, not vegetables! I hate vegetables!" Lloyd yelled as he tried to dodge the incoming things that were being thrown at him.
He scowls and falls down.

"He's gonna have to do a lot better than use an old bedtime story to scare people," Kai said, rolling his eyes.

"The Serpentine are real, Kai. They're not something to joke about." Zane said as a matter of factly.

"Serpentine? Real? We're talking about the ancient race of snake people who once ruled Ninjago and were supposedly locked underground," The Red ninja scoffs.

Jay whimpers, "Sealed in five different tombs to separate the warring tribes and ensure they don't unify to exact their revenge upon those who put them there." he said in a nervous voice, looking scared.

"It was an old wive's tale to teach kids not to poke their noses where they don't belong. Don't you think it's a little suspicious no one's ever found one of their tombs?" Kai asked, not believing the story for a second.

"Well that's because you'd be a fool to look for one. If there was anything I hated more than dragons, it was snakes. Rubber or not." Cole said as he made his way towards Lloyd. "Don't worry, folks, we'll take care of this. Nothing to see here." he said as he carried Lloyd, who yelled "Bow down to me or suffer my wrath! I'll give you to the count of three! One! Two!"


After dealing with the annoying ten year old and finding the prophecy, the Ninja continue looking over the prophecy until Zane speaks up. "Wait, there's something else," he said.

"What?" Kai asked as he held the scroll.

"It says, according to the prophecy, there will be another Ninja who will rise and she will be the Green Ninja's soulmate. And it's..." Zane's eyes widened.

"What?" Kai asked in confusion, his brows furrowed.

"Come on, just say it!" Cole said impatiently.

"Yeah, who is it!" Jay said excitedly, eyeing it.

"Lacey. The Green Ninja's soulmate and guardian, is Lacey." Zane states seriously.

Kai, Jay, Cole all blink in surprise, that was not what they were expecting.

"What!" Kai exploded.

"She can't! She's barely 16! Much less trained to be a Ninja, she's a sorceress!" Cole yelled in disbelief.

Jay shuddered "Yeah. She's way to young," he mutters. "She's only 9!"

Zane frowns, "Soulmates don't always mean that you are lovers, it can also mean-" he said but the other guys continue taking and arguing. Zane only shakes his head.

  ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

Wu closes his eyes as he sat in his room, meditating. He had already informed the Ninja of what was going to happen in Jamanakai village, the Serpentine had been released. More importantly, The Hypnobrai had been released thanks to his nephew, Lloyd.

Not to mention his students had found out about the prophecy and Lacey. But fortunately, the other prophecies and scrolls were kept away somewhere secret. Yes, the Monastery was safe but those had to protected. Some were kept in the Domu Library while some where hidden away.

Wu then takes a deep breath and his eyes immediately snap open when he feels a presence in the room that was of not the living. He smiles fondly as his the corner of his eyes crinkle. "I was wondering when you were going to arrive," he said turning his head around.


The young woman with blonde golden hair smiles, her blue eyes held wisdom and kindness and she was wearing a blue kimono that matched her crystal blue eyes. They looked like sapphires, like diamonds, her hair looked like gold with a tint of the yellow bright sun.

Her lips were as pink as a flamingo's  and her skin was as light and smooth as a new born baby's. But there was another another thing, she wasn't alive nor dead, kinda. She was a spirit.

Wu sighs as she comes and sits down across from him. "How are you, Wu?" She asked softly, her voice smooth as silk. "How is...my daughter?" She said hesitatinly.

Wu smiled. "Laçiaña, she is learning. She is powerful, how are you? And how is that no good husband of yours?" He said a bit teasingly.

"Wu!" She scolds "Be nice," she says as he laughed half heartily. She sighs and continues, "Honestly, he's...different. I've never seen him so...greedy. He wants to see Laçiaña, he wants her. He intends to use her for power, he'll use her to get close to the Future Green Ninja. I'm scared, what if he gets out of the prison?" She whispered a bit horrified.

Wu frowns. "He won't, he won't get out. You've insured that for your daughter's protection." he said reassuringly "But I fear...of your other children," he said giving her a pointed look.

Anastasia swallowed hard, "They'll understand," she states a bit irritated.

"Understand what? That their mother locked them up with their deceitful father? Or for that fact that they have a younger sister they don't know about?" Wu questions with a raised eyebrow.

Anastasia sighs. "Wu, I have seen their futures. If they are released than they will harm Laçiaña and try to take her power as the soulmate of the next Spinjitzu Master. She needs to be kept safe, my other children aren't like me. They are...different, like all, like my...father." she said uneasily. "I won't have them harm her, they will be trapped until Laçiaña is of age and I no longer am a spirit of the Spiritual Relam. I grantee that. When my magic gets weaker, they'll be free. But I will hold it up as long as I can." she explained.

"Anastasia, I understand. But instead of fearing them of turning evil. Teach them to be good, release them. But don't releas your husband and Laçiaña's father. You have to be strong," Wu said gently.

"I will be." The Sorceress said "But for now, I will do what is right. I have seen the future, and it will not be easy. Nor will it be happy. If my children are released, Laçiaña will feel immense pain," she said sternly "and I will not have that."

Wu nods. "Then I implore you to be smart about this. Do not release them." he states and Anastasia only nods.

. . . .

Lacey slept peacefully in her bed, unaware of all that was going around her. Her journey will not be easy, and she will definitely not be alone.

It was a journey of a lifetime....



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