the adventures of ironsky

By author-spear

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The story you are about to read is about a war-torn planet on the border. Each country has a duty to protect... More

The Dream
death runs in the family
the weep of the fallen
Roy's nightfright

a long road to ruin

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By author-spear

The night was long and cold. The silence and anxiousness kept the crowd on edge.

Morning broke and the alarms blared. The screams from above are heard by all.

They quickly put on their armor and weapons. Roy and filamer stumbling over one another as her bowstring caught on roys leg, and roys coat catching her head. As they fumbled around. the elevator shaft is activated. The cables rolling. The elevator opening. Gordon and sergeant salts stepping out.

Gordon taking the lead. " Roy, filamer, budrik, and pasha follow sergeant salts." Gordon shifting his glance to the others " will, hendrum, Loki, and heliny follow me."

Filamer fiddling with her bow "What's happening out there?"

" the war is at our front door. We are evacuating your group. Everyone else is currently holding the line." Gordon smacking the keyboard on the wall. Sparks flying. " now Mr. salts have the battle to get to so we need to move."

Two doors opening. Salts taking the left and Gordon taking the right. As they divided following closely to their leaders.

Down the hallway of dirt walls and barely held up the ceiling. Dimly lit lanterns lighting the way forward. Explosions shook the walls as patches of dirt shifted, falling to the ground or on the group.

The hallway narrowing as the end neared. A metal vault door blocking the path. Salts sighing as his metal arms clanked on the bar. He spun the bar till a click echoed down the path. His boots sinking into the ground as he pushed the door open. The hydraulics pushing and steaming. Salts was grunting lightly but the door opened. The sweat was very visible. The light was bouncing off of it.

Salts whipping his forehead with his arm. " everyone in now" he said. Roy entered followed by filamer, pasha, then budrik. Salts entering the room closing the door behind him, it was almost carefree when he closed it.

Lights flickered on showing the metal box of a room. The only thing in this bland room were four pods. The doors were all open. It seemed padded. It wasn't visible to anyone.

Roy turned his head to look at salts " what are these?"

" enter now,  they'll drop you into your carriage" salts spreading his legs slightly as the steam rises in small plumes. " everyone else is waiting on you guys. Follow the instructions Gordon gives." a large explosion shook the box. " hurry I have to lead the battle"

Without another world like a dog that got yelled at by its master. They quickly slumped away into the pods.

The cushy fuzz pads of each one. Handles on the side to grip. A plaque on the top of the door that read " hold tight"

Roy gripping the handles. Filamer and pasha each getting in a pod. Budrik barely fighting into his pod.

Salts close each pod. Hitting the pod door twice on each door. After the punches, the pod would plummet into a tube system underneath the facility. The four being jostled around. The padding didn't help. A sudden stop as they fell onto a springy surface. The pods turning. They could feel they were laying on their backs.

The pod door sprung open. Giant mechanical arms tearing the pods apart. Some even grabbing the four. Lifting them and putting them on patted seats. The pods being added as armor to a large beast like that of a buffalo. Its tusks digging into a wall. The four sitting behind it. Two reigns fell into roys hands from the ceiling. Roy looking side to side. The creature scratching more and more.

A hologram sparking to life directly onto the wood in front illuminating a bit of the area. They were sitting in a sleigh, the wood was Forrest green only the front half. It looked almost incomplete.

The hologram upon further inspection was Gordon.

His voice static and broken " move... to the... southern..... Attachment..... Waiting"

The hologram waved as static erupted cutting the hologram short. A small shiver in the tunnel a light directly ahead blinding them. The earth wall dropping down. The creature roaring beginning to walk out. Dragging the sled behind. The rocks made the ride uneasy.

Smoke was seen overhead dozens of thick plumes rising as the screams of battle cries overhead. The creature marched around. The cries filled the air no matter how far they went.

A strange wooden object sat on the road ahead. None could make it out. As it strolled closer they could make it out more and more. First, they saw a roof then the walls with windows. The giant wheels under this structure. When they were close enough they saw the others laying and relaxing next to the carriage.

Gordon standing up waving Roy forward. The beast stopping in front of the carriage.

" Good work guys took you long enough tho," Gordon smirkingly said.

Roy hopping down from the driver's seat. " we couldn't hear your message all that well. You kept breaking up"

" for an age of technology, we still can't work out reception under three-hundred feet under steel, cement, and dirt"

" that is true technology will eventually advance enough" Roy looking around seeing budrik hendrum and Loki were connecting the carriage to the sleigh. Pasha was shyly trying to talk to heliny but heliny was disinterested. Renee and filamer were playing a little game. " high powered warriors on a special squad, on a quest to find a powerful relic"

" that is the short version" Gordon turning walking to the vehicle.

" where do we start?" Roy walking with Gordon.

"an old ruin we never got to search because of the war. Its village has been protecting the area for us. These ruins have a strange aura random things happen in the center of these ruins. Look" Gordon tapping on his wrist, a small map showing a red dot and a green dot on opposite sides of the border.

" We have to march into enemy territory? "

" sadly yes we had the village as our land a diplomatic sanctioned land but they saw us messing around in the ruins. They didn't know what was happening. Sadly no one has gotten to the cube neither have they." Gordon tapping his wrist again, the map disappearing.

Roy rubbing his chin " if we go to this village we run a great risk of being attacked."

" no we won't the invasion force is behind us already," Gordon said

Both looking to the smoke the cries of battles were yells of victory.

" load up we are heading out now, we have a long road ahead of us," Roy said

Gordon whistling loudly catching everyone's attention. "let us move out our captains' orders"

Renee being swooped up by filamer. She giggled as she was playfully thrown onto the carriage. Budrik smiled walking to the back of the carriage. Loki and hendrum taking either side staring out the windows. Roy jumping onto the driver's seat in the carriage. Filamer and pasha both going in the carriage. Wil climbing the ladder getting on the roof of the carriage. Heliny getting into the sleigh sitting with Roy.

Everyone was set. With a crack of the reigns, the beast began marching forward. It was a little faster. The road was still rough it jostled the carriage.

The ride was filled with laughter and jokes. Roy could hear someone cooking in there. Heliny and Roy were silent till the city was far out of sight. The Forrest was the only thing that surrounded them. It was dense trees blocking their vision to the sides they could only see in front of them.

Heliny said, " Roy what's your experience in leading that a general is willing to work under you?"

Roy sighing " a hunter like you should know the phrase. The white rose falls tonight"

" your right I do." she fell silent for just a moment. " you don't seem like him in the slightest but if what you say is true then you have my respect"

" you should know my word is true. Youll see proof before this war ends that I promise you"

"I can prove it right now" heliny breathes in a strong burst of hot air pulsated from her body.

" ten-thousand impressive but you need to practice more to enter my level" roys eyes locked ahead of him.

" thank you. Only a few have the eyes of god its a precious gift"

" a curse actually being able to beat everyone you see shouldn't be a certainty. It's also not the only thing you can do" Roy glanced to the left sharply.

" What else can they do?" heliny turning to look at what Roy was seeing. There was nothing but dense forest.

" it can summon the twin daggers of life" Roy standing up handing the reigns to heliny.

She quickly took them gripping tightly.

Roy grabbing the metal rod. It extended into a polearm. Rustling in the bushes Roy flicking his pole slapped an arrow from hitting heliny. The arrow falling onto the floorboards. A piece of paper attached. " read it heliny I want to hear what our attacker wants to say"

Heliny grabbing the arrow she untwisted the paper. Unrolling it had no words no scribbles it was blank. " its blank Roy"

"A blank page. There's nothing I can say no one I know has a calling card like that." Roy leaning down grabbing the reigns. " keep your eyes peeled we have a very long trip ahead of us"

" yes, captain" heliny leaning into her seat. Roy sitting back down.

Night fell before anyone realized it. Lanterns illuminating a little of the surrounding area. Gordon swinging his head out of a window.

" Roy the guhni cant see where it'll be stepping if we continue we will run the risk of injuring it"

"Your right" Roy pulled on the reigns lightly. The beast slowed then stopped. In a small patch of land. "I don't see anything we should be fine"

Heliny and Gordon both hopping out of their seats. Gordon looking around. " it should be fine. Heliny go take care of the guhni. Dinner is ready"

Budrik walking from the back of the carriage. We walked up to heliny " go ahead inside ill take care of him you go eat" his eyes were soft as he walked by heading to the gunhi.

Heliny with a lit nod walked to the carriage. Entering the carriage was quite strange. It was about twenty times larger on the inside. Everyone had their own room. A full kitchen and an armory. Three stories even tho the outside looked like an average carriage. The inside was plain but each room was designed specifically for the person that was sleeping in them. Heliny saw the anatomy of monsters posted to her walls. And a simple bed candle lighting the room. It was rather bare. She brushed her hand across the bed feeling the wolf's fur blanket. She laid her crossbow on the bed as she hopped in as well. Laying her head on the pillow. The fur was stiffer and short compared to the fluffy blanket.

" weird design choice" she closed her eyes for a couple of moments just to think. " who was the person that shot at us? Why wasn't Roy worried or even report it?"

She rolled onto her side " he must believe it's not a threat" she tucked her hand under her head. Her breathing slowed as she drifted to sleep.

Filamer starting a small fire outside she saw Wil and Renee walking up, beginning to sit around the fire. Renees animals laying next to her. Darwins loud sigh as he closed his eyes shook the flame lightly.

Wil looking up " why did they allow you to come?"

Filamer looking up. " excuse me?"

" you heard what I said. Why would they allow someone like you to come on this mission?"

Filamer furrows her brow as little wrinkles formed on her forehead "I have every right to be on this mission. Retrieving a cube for the war effort." she scoffs as she stares wil with daggers in her soul.

" mercenaries have no reason to even exist. Pick a fucking side bitch" wil standing up. A hand on his shoulder slammed him back down into his seat. He looked up to see the towering mass of muscles known as budrik standing over him with his horrific smile.

" that is no way to talk to a lady or in front of a child"

" what are you covering this skank?" wil grabbing his spiked mace at his side. "I have no problem smashing in all of your fuc-."

His sentence cut short by budriks hand grabbing him by his mouth squeezing as he lifted wil. "I just told you to not swear in front of them and what do you do? You were going to swear. Now I'm gonna put you down and you better head to bed no dinner for you. I will be reporting your behavior to the captain" budrik let his grip loosen. Wil fell on his feet he grunted and walked away slamming his shoulder into budriks as he walked by.

Budrik sitting on the ground. "I hope you two are alright," he said with his sweet smile.

Renee yawning slightly as she rubbed her eyes. " yes we are ok, just tired."

" I'm glad. Time to go to bed little angel. Did you have a good day?"

" yes I did me and Gordon played a really difficult game call 'chest'. He always won tho"

" poor girl you'll get better with practice. Gordon has been playing since he was your age."

Renee yawning as she spoke, " you really think so?"

Budrik picking her up. " yes I am positive you have a lot of potentials."

Filamer watching as budrik continued talking to Renee walking away into the carriage.

She sat there poking at the fire keeping it dancing. She was only alone for a few minutes till pasha walked over.

" may I join you?"

" yes of course" filamer gesturing to the three empty spots surrounding the fire. Pasha sitting close to filamer.

"I haven't had the chance to get to knowsss you" pasha hissing as she stuck her hands near the fire.

Filamer leaning onto the hands. " well what would you like to know?"

" hmmm I never thought on it" pasha holding back her hissing as best she could. " okay letssss ssstart with the basssicssss. Who are you outssside of the forccce"

" a hunter in trainer" filamer rubbing her bowstring. " what do you do?"

" magic. I mussst asssk why did wil bother you earlier?" pasha looking at the fire as she glanced at filamer.

"I have no clue honestly. He has a grudge against me but I've never left the estate before in my life"

" he must know your family then?" pasha smiling " I'm sure it must be nothing"

Filamer opening her mouth to speak but was silenced by a loud thunk. An arrow piercing the ground between Filamers legs.

Both jumping. Filamer letting a little scream out. They froze silently staring into the woods. Hearing nothing but the hooting of owls and rustling of animals in the bushes.

After several moments standing there filamer looked around once more. Slowly bending over. She gripped the arrow pulling it from the ground. A piece of paper strung to it.

She unraveled the string letting it fall. She opened the note to find no words just a blank paper.

" Is this some kind of sick joke scaring us." filamer looked around chucking. " ok heliny come out you got us" with a moment waiting for a response she spoke louder. " heliny come out we know it's you."

Filamer waving the paper in the air her complaints stopped as the whistling of another arrow snapped the paper out of her hand pinning it into the fire. The fire burning the paper and golden words formed in the smoke.

Pasha reading it aloud. " twice a letter of warning. Thrice I shall tell. Turn back now for the murder has just begun"

" what does it mean?" filamer pulling an arrow out gripping it in her hand.

"I don't know thissss isss the firsst paper we've gotten"

Roy walking upholding a piece of paper. " no that would be the second. Me and heliny got hit with an arrow as well." he held out the paper. " fire paper for you. Earth paper for me" he knelt pushing it into the dirt around the fire. " first be the hazard the bounty of some shall be an undoing utmost fulfilling. Death beseeches those who walk among the white rose."

Filamer and pasha staring up at the letters darkened like the night sky near the golden lighting that still hovered in the smoke.

" pasha go get the others we must discuss this" Roy spreading his legs stabilizing his stance.

Pasha scurrying to the carriage.

Filamer and Roy standing still in silence.

Roy said "I heard what happened between wil and you earlier. I hope you are alright"

" yes, I'm fine I just have no clue why he was so upset at me. I have done nothing"

" exactly you specifically. Your family are mercenaries. Well so was his. Your families had a clash and he was the sole survivor." Roy shifting his weight.

" that's why he was so angry towards me" filamer looking down in disappointment. " how could my family wipe out another family?"

" war is a hell of a place for questions with quick fake answers. When war ends so do the answers everyone believed in." Roy turning his head slightly seeing the squad walking over.

Budrik and Gordon looking from side to side.

Roy gestured to the logs around the fire. " we must speak immediately we have a messenger of sorts."

The golden words in the air as Roy pointed to them. Budrik speaking up. " an arrow shot into the ground with a note attached that has no words?"

Roy locking eyes as he said. " yes exactly its element paper used by the spies on the border planets."

"I got one on my walk to the base" budrik tapped his sides before pulling out a paper. "I kept it to write holy verses if I needed it"

" Good thing you didn't, you would've destroyed the message" Roy lightly jogging over grabbing the paper. He felt a small amount of liquid. "Water paper? Or?" he blew a small amount of air no golden letters. " must be water paper"

He laid it on the ground. Heliny pulling a canteen out throwing it at Roy.

Roy caught it untwisting the lid. " who is our mysterious messenger lets hear what he has to say to someone who wasn't even aware of a special crew."

Budrik shook his head. Roy pouring water onto the paper.

As it splashed a small puddle formed. Silver words danced along the waves of the water splashing down.

Heliny speaking low and quickly. " death awaits all who follow the pedals of snow"

Filamer and pasha looking at one another. It seems everyone was in silence as they glanced at one another.

Roy staring at the words. " any other papers anyone is hiding?" Roy turning to make eye contact with everyone. The air was still the crackling of a log falling deeper into the flames. "I guess that means not a single person has one." Roy scratched his head. " then our messenger will come again one more time."

Renee looking up to Gordon " why does the messenger not want us going on this mission?"

Gordon smiling rubbing her head, ruffling her hair "I don't know but nothing bad will happen we are all in this together."

Wil voice fill with dread and anger. " not all of us signed up for this bullshit"

" then leave" Gordon snapping back

Wil starring him down his voice with a sarcastic smirk imitating a pompous accent " by order of our beloved mother fucker king with his whore wife. I Wil must go on this fucking mission for the country for our god. Now please tell me what do you think would happen if I left this squad?"

" Not a damn thing this was a voluntary mission if anyone listened to the end of the message they say very clearly that this mission is by choice. Tell me now show of hands who heard that" Gordon said raising his hand. One by one the people raised their hands the light of the fire brighten and darkening the people's faces.

Roy raised his hand as well thinking " mine was mandatory as well how was everyone else voluntary" he didn't say a word out of curiosity of what everyone else is here for.

Wil snapping Roy back into the conversation as he yelled. " Bullshit!"

Wil ranting once more " pull out the message it says nothing on there of voluntary service to this death squad"

Gordon extending his arm and tapping his wrist. The static robotic voice of a lady rang out.

Hello, the residence of iron sky, please take heed of the recent development on our southern border" the projection showing a map of the landscape, a red dot showing the town you were in and how close it was to the invasion force. The dot only a days ride away from the invasion. " adventurers are commanded to head to their nearest fort to report for battle" the map enlarged showing little red arrows showing the fort was only a couple miles away.

" any civilians must leave and head to a safe shelter or head to the capital. Adventures will guide you once we have a substantial amount." her head showing once more. " you have been selected for a special mission Gordon use the phrase 'the waiting gale' to accept the mission" the phrase now readable as her head vanished. " this mission is optional you must report to base but using the phrase will sign you into the task force" the transmission ended. The hologram collapsed.

The group fell into silence. Wil sitting himself down.

Gordon clearing his voice. " okay, now that it is very clear to everyone this is voluntary and the new information from our little messenger. Does anyone want to leave? Going forward from here means no more complaints, leaving now will not affect you in any way ill see to that"

Everyone sat silently no one raised their hand.

Gordon scoffs as he waited a few moments. " some fucking death squad right Wil?" Gordon standing up. " everyone to bed hendrum, Loki. Neither of you needs sleep so you both will stay on watch"

Hendrum laughing " we might not need sleep but our souls need rest"

" then relax as you watch" Gordon getting up he walked to the carriage. Roy, hendrum, and Loki stayed around the fire.

Filamer closed the door behind her 

Roy turned to the brothers. " listen hendrum you take first watch since there's only one door. I'll take the swing and Loki you take the final watch?"

Loki nodding his armor helm clinking against the chest plate.

Hendrum nodding " that sounds fine. You two off to rest I got this one" hendrum walking to the carriage reaching under the step. He pulled out a greatsword from underneath. He held it in both hands walking to the door.

Roy smiled "I didn't believe we had weapons stored under there"

Loki tapping roys shoulder. His voice weak and silent " who do you think built all of this?" Loki pointing at himself then turning it to point at hendrum.

" this carriage style had to have been five-hundred maybe sox -hundred years ago"

Hendrum shaking his head "It's rude to call an armor suit old. But ill tell you this we were alive before ironsky was even made we were born during the final war of the old kingdom of hazmard"

" hazmard? No no that was the attacking kingdom our kingdom was that of the republic of man" Loki interjected.

" brother no that was the kingdom that tried working when this territory lost our kingdom was Hazmard" hendrum staring at Loki with the blade in hand. " now get it thru your helm before I force it in there"

" oh you giant idiot a moron you believe what you will but Hazmard is the wrong country." Loki crossing his arms.

Roy laughing lightly. " so you guys have been alive for almost eight-thousands years?"
Both answering " yes we are"

The stereo effect rang thru roys head. " I'm glad to see both of you in such great shape no rust on either of you"

Loki bellowing with a weird heaving laugh " yes a witch cursed us with this but it comes with perks as long as we are not stressed or the armor destroyed then we will never rust. But the moment we get under great stress we rust till we die or the stress leaves"

Hendrum sticking the blade into the ground as he himself sat on the ground. "I believe the witch wanted us to die in our first month the constant rusting some days we couldn't move but here we are. Still searching for the bitch"

"Let's pray you can find her" Roy smiling tapping hendrums shoulder as he walked by heading into the carriage. Loki nodding closing the door behind him.

Hendrum sitting down his armor creaked a bit at the legs. He rubbed it and shook his head as the rusted dust flew from his fingers. " not again" he whispered lightly to himself.

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