Mafia Roulette

By moonjuncore

662 15 0

In which Jeonghan and his friends decide to spend the night at his house, but when an unexpected guest arrive... More



56 1 0
By moonjuncore

"How do you guys feel?"

There was no response.

There had been a long awkward silence and Soonyoung thought it'd be a good idea to break the silence. When no one answered, he awkwardly nodded and went back to picking at his fingers. He was starting to develop a habit of picking his fingers.

The boys had made it to the hospital thanks to the help of Seokmin and Jihoon who alerted the police officers and told them about their friends. When they arrived at the hospital, everyone was immediately checked for injuries, Jeonghan, Wonwoo, and Mingyu had to be taken in for surgery. Luckily, the injuries weren't too bad. Mingyu and Jeonghan had to get the bullets removed from their bodies. The blonde also had to get his nose fixed because Sehun's aggressive punch broke it. He had been asleep for a while and had only woken up a few minutes before Soonyoung's awkward attempt at conversation. Junhui also had to have surgery on his broken arm, which was put into a cast afterwards. The doctor suggested the other boys sign his cast which they gladly obliged to.

After everyone settled down, the boys were brought to a room. When asked if anyone would be staying for the night, the boys all raised their hands. The nurse stared at the boys dumbfounded before insisting that a few people go home but no one wanted to. None of them really wanted to be left alone. It was about three in the morning and no one had left. They didn't want to sleep alone after what they experienced. The nurse ended up letting everyone stay and that's how they ended up where they are now: a room full of awkwardness and silence.

None of the boys could really sleep so they just watched whatever was playing on the small little TV, occasionally commenting on the show. A few minutes after Soonyoung had asked his question, Jeonghan turned off the TV which caused an eruption of complaints.

"I'm sorry, but I think we should talk about what happened. We can't ignore it forever," he says quietly.

The room is quiet again.

He continues, "After witnessing everything that happened tonight, the injuries, the betrayal, the death. I," he pauses, choking back his tears. "I apologize for everything. Letting Sehun stay at my house was a really bad idea and can't even imagine how you guys are feeling right now. You probably hate me and you have every right to, so I understand if being friends is no longer an option after tonight."

Jeonghan sat up the best he could and bowed his head, apologizing for everything. He silently cried, feeling horrible about what he put his friends through.

Half of the boys looked at Jeonghan sadly while the other half stared at the floor. A few minutes passed before anyone spoke. Jeonghan kept his head bowed to avoid looking at anyone.

"I think," Jihoon starts, "I think that what happened wasn't entirely your fault. Everyone was partially at fault. We should have gotten rid of your friend sooner, but everyone was unaware of what would happen. Don't blame yourself," he explains.

Jeonghan looks over at Jihoon. The younger smiles a small smile. "I forgive you."

Jeonghan smiles weakly, before nodding and bowing to the younger.

"I still think the deaths could have easily been avoided," Mingyu mumbles quietly, but loud enough for the others to hear.

Everyone nods sadly. "Everything happens for a reason. Just remember that guys," Junhui says as he adjusts his position on the hospital bed, which he found really uncomfortable.

"I miss them so much," Jeonghan sniffles, feeling more tears fill his eyes before spilling over.

After that, no one talked for the rest of the night. Some of the boys managed to fall asleep on Mingyu, Junhui, or Jeonghan's bed. Jihoon, Jeonghan, Junhui, and Mingyu stayed up. None of them made an effort to speak to each other, too tired to even mutter a word.

They stayed away for the rest of the night and once it was morning, the sun shone through the hospital windows' blinds. The rest of the boys woke up when they were offered breakfast. After they ate, they were questioned by a 'scary looking police officer' according to Seokmin. The officer told the boys that Sehun was arrested last night and sent in for interrogation. When he was found guilty, he was put in prison. Wonwoo's shot didn't kill him.

Once the officer left, the boys danced around happily, glad that they were safe. A nurse came in a few minutes later to tell them that their parents were trying to get a hold of them.

They each took turns speaking to their parents on the hospital's phone, hesitant about telling them what happened at Jeonghan's house. Everyone's parents arrived as soon as possible, keeping their distance from Jeonghan and forcing their sons to do the same.

The blonde boy quickly got on the ground, bowed, and apologized. None of the teens' parents fully accepted his apology, some even whacked him on the head which he let happen. His friends tried to stop them though. Seungcheol and Chan's parents came too, sobbing uncontrollably, causing a crying Jeonghan to once again apologize. His apology was not accepted, which was something he fully expected. The boys' parents even tried to get Jeonghan's father to arrest his own son. Luckily, he didn't, although he was extremely disappointed.

Once everyone settled down, it was time to leave. The eleven boys gave each other a hug and then formed a group hug. The hug lasted for about a minute because the boys weren't sure when they'd see each other again. Sniffles and sobs could be heard among the males.

"We'll see each other again soon, okay?" Soonyoung stuck his fist out, his pinky finger poking out to initiate the group's cheer. The others each did the same, linking their pinkies together. "Thirteen forever, alright," Seungkwan asks the boys. They all nod and Soonyoung starts the countdown from three. The boys cheered loudly, breaking apart after and saying their goodbyes.

Jeonghan and his dad were left in the hospital's hallway alone. His father put an arm around his son. Although he was disappointed he was also proud of how his son and his friend's handled the situation. "You did the best you could. I'm proud of how you handled the situation."

A small smile spread on Jeonghan's face as he leaned his head on his father's shoulder.

"Thanks, dad."

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