Not Living With The Biggest K...

By StormyRawr

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Last time Naruto and Harmony talked, it was when she confessed her feelings for him. Even though she's nervou... More

Not Living With The Biggest Knuckle Headed Ninja Anymore!
Naruto Recieves Private Lessons From Kaka-Sensei
Do You Know What It's Like To Give Birth?
What Was That Old Sag?
Off On A Mission To Save A Hair Color Stealing Punk!
Ironic Ninja Situations
A Promise To A Friend
Can I Make Having No Kazekage Jokes? Too Soon?
Shut Up No Pupils Boy
I Can Kick My Own Ass
One Thousand Chances Technique
Philosophical Usagi
13. No Matter What It Takes
14. A Live Kazekage
15. A Crash Course in Manners
16. Test Subject Friends
17. Do the Ninja Thing
18. To be stupid with Pride or stupid with Anger?
19. A week in Prison
20. Whatever we are
Chapter 21. Learning to Carry Others
Chapter 22. No Matter How Difficult Things Become
Chapter 23. More People to Guide
Chapter 24. Wrecking Things
Chapter 25. A Reunion of Idiots
Chapter 26. He's Surprisingly On Time For Once
Chapter 29. Hokage Fangirl
Chapter 30. Trying to Impress Naruto's Dead but not Dead Dad.

Chapter 27. One Stubborn Human Vs. Another Stubborn Human.

1.9K 92 27
By StormyRawr

"We both know that Naruto's going to find out about the war no matter what. As soon as he finds out, he's going to go straight to the battle field and we know this. He cares too much about everybody and would feel too awful to know that the war is about him. We both know Naruto." I explain to Tsunade. 

The two of us had begun arguing about Naruto and whether or not I should be with him. Both of us were headstrong people with short tempers but attempted to manage them at times. Surely someone was to die. Whether it be the inside or out was okay with both of us. Both of us had goals we wanted to achieve with this meeting of ours. 

"Yes we do, which is why he will stay on that island for as long as possible. Everybody else on there is aware of the war and will keep Naruto there when the time comes if he finds out." She explains and I roll my eyes. 

"We both know one way or another, he's going to find out. It's pretty difficult to hide the fact that a war is going on away from somebody. Even if they are on an island or live under a rock, and the Rock village people know what's going on so it wouldn't be difficult for Naruto to find out either. Someone will let it slip up and he'll flip. Naruto is just as stubborn as us. Actually, he's more stubborn than us. He's shown that with Sasuke and with his training. He's more willing than anybody to help protect others. Which is why I should be in the same rotation as him." I said and stood a few feet away from her desk with my hands on her hips. She buried her face in her hands for a few seconds before answering me. 

"Listen, you are barely making any sense. Naruto isn't going to be in the war and that's final. I don't know where you got this silly idea that he'll be in it but-" 

I interrupt her without any apologies. Formalities have long left our fights. On second thought, they were never there in the first place. "It's because I just know Naruto. I'm one of the few people who have known him for so long and we both know this. He has shown in the past that he's willing to do whatever it takes for him to help people that he cares about. He'll worry that the people he loves will be in this war and he'll want to help because to him, that's how he does things." 

She slams her fists on the table and I jump a little from being startled. "Do you know how much danger Naruto would be in if he were to join the war? He's exactly what the enemy wants. The safest place for Naruto is on that island and we both know it. You need to stop being a love sick child with insisting to be around him. Both of you have safe places. Yours is in the village and his is on that island. Do you really think I'm going to let you go on the battle field in the first place? Your ass is staying right here in the village because that's what works best for everyone. You've still been popping up everywhere and there's no need for you to put yourself in danger by helping battle with the other villages. There are many people who have been harmed by your clones and will believe that you were the one responsibile for it. So grow up and stop thinking like the child you used to be."

My body began to shake with anger. I knew she was right, but god damn, I was a person who argued even when their main reason was gone. She just threw new weaponized words at me that I couldn't stand by and take without a fight.

"A love sick child?" I snorted out. "You know what, fine. I can see some of your points. It is dangerous for Naruto to be out on that battle field. Yeah, I'm in love with him and want to be around him. You honest to kami can't blame me for wanting to be around to protect him. We're both such idiots with protecting people that we'd actually help keep each other in check. Everybody is going to be in danger with this war and I'm fine with having a bit more danger on my plate than others suspect. I know I'm the one who didn't do those crimes and I'll have a clean concious." 

Her head shakes from side to side. "You're still a child who doesn't know some awful things that people can say." She leans over her desk. "I'm trying to help protect you. You have been through quite a bit and I know that things haven't been easy for you. Things haven't been easy for anyone around here for a while. Most of our forces will be in the war and we need people helping protect the village. I know it seems trivial, but we're going to have just the genin around and having someone with more experience would be a relief. Just please accept this small gift of protection that I can give you to help keep you safe because this is something I can't give to many others." 

My anger had simmered down and I was quiet for a few moments to gather my thoughts. Despite the fact that Tsunade and I have argued so many times and objects in the room have been destroyed because of us, we were both hot headed people who do care for the village and each other's well being. 

"Thank you." I whispered to her. My head lifted up and locked eyes with her. "Naruto will find out though, and when he does, he's going to raise hell. We both know it." A grin formed on my face as I walked towards the door and walked out. Tsunade groaned and I chuckled. 


The next while, I worked at the Academy and assisted in helping guard the gates of the village. After working at the gate a few times, I realized how truly boring it was. While I was guarding the gate, I would usually begin on working on a lesson plan. My usual partner, Akane, was always glad to help me plan the lesson. 

She used to be part of the ANBU a few years ago, but lost one of her arms during a mission and became partically blind in one eye. She was forced to quit the ANBU and began to work as one of the village gate guarders. Some times she would tell me a few stories of intense missions she had and they seemed so exciting.

Most people would assume that her beauty would have been gone or a bit destroyed, but she was a knockout. The way she held herself and continued to smile was amazing. I remember when I first was in awe at her, she just winked at me and told me that she already had a girlfriend. Those following few moments were spent with me having a red face and trying to explain that I was straight.

When I explained to her that I worked at the Academy most of the time and that I was a sensei there, her eyes widened. "You mean those little brats?" Her head shook from side to side. "You've had to have killed at least twenty of them by now. Your patience is shit." 

She was much more blunt than I was and I honest to kami thought that was impossible. Then that chick came in and she just ripped out the truth and said anything she thought was true. I was glad that we had the same rotation and always seemed to be together. We got along pretty great and had a lot of things in common. We both rambled about the people we loved sometimes to each other. 

Her girlfriend sounded really nice, sweet, innocent, and shy. They seemed to really work together despite what people would first thing. They even each other out so well and really care about one another. I remember one night we both had off and she took me out to eat with her girlfriend. She was so nice. Both of us quickly learned that teasing Akane was a great way to pass the time.

One night I was talking about Naruto and shaking my head from side to side as I thought of him with a smile on my face. "I feel like it's been months since I've seen him and I miss him so much. I just know that someday, he's going to leave that island and jump onto the battle field to help everyone and with the small hope of finding me there." Then I wrinkled my face together in disgust. "Ew. I sound like a love sick idiot." 

"You know, if you ever need a day to help find him when he escapes, I'd be willing to cover your ass for a while." She winked at me and grinned. "One love sick fool always has to help another." 

I chuckled and thanked her. Akane was a great friend to have and I felt that she really did mean the words she said. She was ready to make excuses for me just so I could find Naruto if the situation popped up. No way those words were fake, or else she wouldn't have said them. 


Sup guys. How is everyone? Anything new with you guys? What'd you think of the chapter? What do you think of Akane? How's school? I really hope everybody is doing great and that everything is good. On the side is this truly beautiful introduction a friend introduced me to and I just love it so much. 

Have a wonderful day. Farewell homies!

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