Taga Long

By TwilaJames

169K 5.5K 563

Tabitha Long has always been shy. Past experiences in her childhood left her this way. There was only one per... More

Through the years
Welcome back
The Park
Taga Long
All for fun, not fun for all
Sleep Over
Our Place
Day Out
First Day
Who would have thought
Starry eyed
Suprise suprise
Road Trip
Morning After
Not meant to be
Things we did, and probably shouldn't have
Because I'm a girl
Three can play
Hannah and Caleb
Date night.
To the moon and back.
Picture Perfect
Too perfect
On the clock
Josh Returns
Day out with Daddy
Turning tables
One big mistake
Six Months Later

Quick Stop

2.8K 89 23
By TwilaJames

Things went by okay after Josh and I made up. Him and Caleb still weren't talking, but they were trying to at least be partialy civil. It was more along the lines of you-stay-out-of-my-way-I'll-stay-out-of-your-way. Which would have to do for right now.

Surprisingly, it was almost Thanksgiving break, time was going by so fast. The air at school was stiff with anticipation as we neared the end of the week. I had to admitt, even I was a little excited. The thought of not having to wake at six in the morning was something I could live with.

"Tab, don't forget to stop by the store for me after school." Dad came and reminded me. He was still home because he didn't have to go in until later.

I was standing in the bathroom mirrior doing my best to straighten my hair. His image was reflected back at me. "Alright, I won't." I noticed that he had paused, a certain look on his face. I turned to face him. "What is it?"

He shook his head, a silen, small smile on his face. "Nothing, you just looked exactly like your mother for a moment there." He said quietly.

My face softend, I could already feel the threat of tears, I knew exactly what today was. Exactly four months ago today, my mother had died. Ihad been so preoccupied in my own world, that I had forgotten about the real world. The world where my father was a widow raising his two children, with a late night, early morning shift at the state hospital.

I sniffed. "Oh, dad!" Like a little girl, I ran towards my father and wrapped my arms around his waist. He burried his face in my hair and cried softly.

"I miss her." I sniffed.

He rubbed my back in small soothing circles. "I know baby, I know." He took my face in his hands and kissed my forehead. "But she's not gone, she's here," he pointed to my head. "And in here." And then to my heart.

I nodded, wiping at my tears. "I just wish she was here." I pointed at the spot in front of me. His face saddend and he hugged me closer to him.

"I love you Tabitha." He said gently.

"I love you too dad."

After our short lived moment, I finished getting ready for school, and then left with a hallow feeling inside.

On top of my mother's death being just four months ago, I was now also ten weeks into my pregnany. It was strange, I had seen my doctor so.etime last week and she had given me all these brochures and "things to know..." sheets. From what I had been reading, my baby, which I could now call a "fetus" was developing quickly now, with just thirty weeks to go. My timeto tell my family was running short. I knew this for sure because, all though it wasn't too prominent, my stomach area was firmer. There was no bump, but you knew something was there. For the life of me, I didn't know how, and if I would tell my family that it was Caleb's baby.

I had to make a quick stop by the gas station because I was all but running on fumes. Getting out my wallet, I realized another thing: babies were going to take money. Translation: I needed to find a job. My father had enough on his plate already, so I didn't need to be adding on to it. I could only i.agine how he was going to react when he found out that I was still pregnant. Would he see it as a miracle, or a punishment?

I heaved a sigh as I wrapped the scarf around my neck tighter and got out to pump the gas. I took fancy in lingereing inside the warm quick mart, fishing out a few things that seemed appealing at the moment. When I was done, I took it upto the register.

"Will that be...all?" I looked up from my wallet to see why the cashier had paused to only find a guy who looked to be in his early twenties starring back at me. He had tanned skin with a thick head of curly black hair and bright eyes. His look did not fit his scene, he looked way out of place.

"Um, yes. I think so." I said shyly. He was so friggin hot! I felt like I was cheating just by starring at him for too long. I blinked and looked away, slightly embarassed.

He smiled as I handed him the money. "Thank you, come again." Was it me, or was there a double meaning in his tone?

I blushed and mumbled a quiet thank you, already on my way out from his intimidating gorgeousness.

"Um, miss," he called out. I turned to see a slick smile on his face, amusement in his eyes. "You forgot your change...and your bag."

I looked down, embarssed to realize that I was about to walk out with absolutely nothing in hand. Ergh! Why did he have to be so absolutely gorgeous!? He made me forget why I had even walked in here!

Bright as a beet, I smiled sheepily and took the stuff from his open hands. That's when I noticed the Jobs Avaliable sign. At first I hesitated, did I really want to work at a gas station store? A job was better then no job.

"A-are you...hiriring?" I asked.

He nodded, a huge smile on his face. "We most certainly are!" His enthusiasm was a bit much for seven in the morning. Without my asking, he handed me an envolope from behind the counter. "I'm sure you'll get it."

I rose a brow and thanked him polietly for it. With a shake of my head, I finished pumping the gas, and then drove off to school.

I got to school moments before first hour bell would be ringing. Meaning, there was no timefor me to stop and talk to anyone, I didn't like being late for class. I was so set on arriving on time, I hadn't even been watching where I had been walking, so I yelped in surprise when I walked right into someone else.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so s-oh, hey Amber." I said sheepishly. We hadn't really conversed these last few weeks, just simple byes and hellos. I felt as if she silently blamed me for she and Caleb's breakup, which she had every right too.

"Oh, hey, in a rush?" She laughed a little.

I nodded a little. "Yeah, just running a little late."

She nodded, not really saying anything. I nodded, this was beyond awkward. Finally, sparing us both the discomfort, she spoke. "Welp! Guess we both better get going!" She chirped.

"Yeah, see you around." She nodded, her heels making a loud clicking soud down the almost empty hall.

I got to first hour in the nic of time. Why I had rushed to get to such a boring class, even though the teacher was hot, was beyond me.


"But it's not plagerism. Redoing a classic video as Tribute is just that...a tribute." I argued.

"No, I disagree. It's okay to copy a dancemove here, and a dance move there, is okay. But downright mimicking it almost perfectly, is plagerism." Josh said with a shrug. We were having a debate second hour, and things were becoming pretty heated on each side. Our teacher was back now, so our days of movie watching was over.

"Not exactly. If the artist pays respects, then it's okay. It's like...Grease, or Hairspray, and countless other movies and shows. They are simply remade in to a more modern, relatable version. What's not to say that the remake won't be remade too within the next decade?" I countered.

A lot of students nodded their heads, clearly agreeing. A guy in a track suit shook his head. "All I'm saying is, if you're going to-" The bell ending second hour went off, sending students into an excited murmur, the debate already forgotten.

"Alright! Don't forget page 137 through 150 tonight!" We groaned as we exited. Did she not realize that we had break. I mean come on, as good of a student as I was, I woukdn't even be doing it.

Josh took my bag and tossed it over his shoulder in one swift motion. I laced my hand in his as we headed towards the cafeteria.

"Well that was intense." I said casually.

He rolled his eyes. "Try absolutely dry and stiff to the bone."

I laughed and cocked a brow. "What, you didn't like it?" He gave me a look that made me laugh.

"Anyway, what are your plans for the holidays?"

I shrugged. "I think I'm just going to stay home with my family. There's nothing special planned." This would be the first Thanksgiving without my mother, the first real holiday where she wouldn't be there. I squared my jaw, trying to push the thought away.

"Wish I could do the same." He took his other hand and ran it through his hair, blonde curls still falling into his face.

"What?! You won't be here?" This was just getting better and better. I had become so use to always having him around now.

"No, sorry love, the family's going to Greenwich." He had a sympathetic smile on his face.

We had stopped as I put my stuff in my locker. He leaned himself up against the other ones and I had to remind myself to breath. His physicue showed through the long-sleeve thermal he was wearing. Ergh! He was just so damn hot!

I shut my locker and turned to pout at him. He chuckled and pecked me on the lips. "Don't look so sad, it's only for a few days."

"But it's going to feel like a lot longer then that. And our-"

"Two month-aversary is this weekend. Yes, I'm aware." He took my face in between his hands and rested his head on mine. "That is why I'm taking you out tonight."

I smiled. "You remembered?"

"Pssh, of course!" I cocked a brow. He made an offeneded expression but I knew he was just teasing. "I'm serious, I realky did remember. Just don't expect me to remember a year from now." I smacked his chest and he laughed, kissing me on the cheek. "I'm kidding."

"So, what are we doing tonight?" He draped an arm around my neck as we made our way to lunch.

"Uh...that is top secret information. If I told you, I'd have to kill you."

I rolled my eyes. "Josh, come on seriously, what are we doing? You know I hate surprises." I whined.

"Tab, come on seriously, you know I can't tell you!"

I punched him in the arm as he mimicked me in an annoying, high pitched voice. "I do not sound like that!"

He smirked. "Sure you don't."

"You really get on my nerves sometimes." I scowled.

He laughed and kissed the side of my head. "And yet you still love me."

"I wouldn't bet on it."

He rolled his eyes as he waited with me in line. "Anyway," he dragged out. "What I can tell you is what we'll be doing later on." He whispered in my ear, pulling me towards him.

I swatted his hand away and blushed. "Stop that!"

He laughed and pinched my cheek. "You're so cute when you blush." I shot him a look as one of his friends came up to him an started talking.

Hannah, Caleb, and a few others were there when we sat down. Amber had been sitting with us every now and then, but today she sat with some of her other friends.

They all chatted excitedly about plans for break, I wasn't really intrested, seeming that the holidays would no longer be the same at my house.

I couldn't eat my lunch because I couldn't even stomach the smell of it. I ended up giving it to a guy named Tyler, who's stomach was like a bottomless pit. I just had to get it out of sight before I puked my guts out. This baby was really starting to take over my body. Nothing I did was for me now, it was for the both of us.

"So what are you going to do Tab?" Hannah asked.

I shrugged, trying to keep the contents of my stomach inside my stomah. "Nothing really. Just going to catch up some sleep.

"Boy, do I hear that!" She laughed. "My family and I are flying to California tomorrow morning."

I gawked. "Seriously? That's like on the other side of the country! How cool." The farthest I had been from home was 14 hours away down in Florida.

"I know, I can't wait to meet some hot surfer dudes. Maybe I'll even find me a hot Hollister model."

"Find one for the both of us!" We both laughed as Josh and Caleb both shot me a look.

Hannah and I had actually grown pretty close. If you would have told me a year ago that I would become friends with one of the prettiest girly girls in school, I would have laughed and walked away. Yet here I was, siting right next her. We had gone shopping together, well she had forced me to go with her, went to the diner together, and simply just hung out like teenage girls did. I don't know why it took me so long to realize that Hannah and I were actually friends. I guess I just wasn't use to the kind of thing.

When school was finally over, Hannah and I stayed after with the guys while they had practice. Today would be shorter since everyone was looking forward to break. We sat in the bleachers huddled under one giant blanket. A lot of others were doing the same, the temperature had dropped quite a bit. I was glad the end of football season was just around the corner.

"You are so lucky I like you." Hannah bit, little tufts of smoke coming out every time she spoke. That's what living so close to Canada got you; lots of cold air.

I felt my eyes roll. "Oh please, you know you came to only watch Caleb. Ever since he and Amber broke up you've been making goggily eyes at him." It came out a little harsher then I intended. I mean, of course I didn't mind, I wasn't with Caleb. But I had to admitt, I was slightly irratated, and even a little jealous. Afterall, I was technically in love with him too.

Jush pushed me sideways. "Shutup, I do not!"

"Okay." I rolled my eyes.

We sat there talking about everything and nothing while waiting on them to finish. She was super excited about going to California because she was "in dire need of a love life".

"You guys look cold." Caleb commented as he walked up to where we were now standing.

"And you look sweaty." I retorted. For the life of me, I couldn't understand how athletes managed to stay warm out in the cold.

He smirked amd rolled his eye. "Oh hush before I rub my stinky sweat all over you." He pushed me back lightly as I swatted at his hand, both of us laughing in the process.

Hannah cleared her throat, gesturing towards the now approaching Josh. Caleb took a hint, and the brought Hannah into a headlock, messing her hair up. She squealed and began swearing indecencies at him as she tried to break away.

Josh walked up and pecked me on the lips. "I'll be ready to go in a minute."

I nodded. "Hurry. It's friggin cold out here."

He cut his eyes. "Stop being such a princess." With one last kiss, he disappered into the locker rooms.

"I'm going to my car!" I announced to Caleb and Hannah. They were still messing around like pittle kids. I rolled my eyes as I made my way towards the parking lot.

Once I was in my car, I turned the heat on full blast. My face felt frozen, I was sure my lips were a little blue.

The little envelope caught my eye as it rested on the seat. I picked it up and opened it in one movement.

The application was simple enough and didn't really take much to land the job. Scrummaging through my bag, I fished out a pen and began scribbling down information in all the correct places. When I was done, I sighed. I really hadn't planned on working at a gas station, but I needed a job that I could get quickly so that I could start saving money now. I didn't want to put the weight of yet another kid on my father, because this time, the kid wasn't his, it was mine. Amd I planned to take care of it.

I was startled a little when there was a knock on my window a few moments later. I rolled the window down just as Caleb leaned in.

"Hey." He smiled.

I rolled my eyes. "You're letting my heat out." I couldn't understand why I was irratated with him. Maybe it was the baby, maybe it wasn't.

He chuckled. "Then I guess I'll just have to get in." He cocked a brow.

"Uh, I'm pretty sure your Jeep is equipped with all the same luxieries."

He smirked. "What's with the tude?"

I wanted to smack that stupid grin off his face. "I do not have an attitude." I snapped. He poked me in my side, egging me on. "Would you stop!?"

"Yup, definately an attitude." He laughed.

"You're an ass." I shot.

He raised his hamds in surrender. "What did I do?"

"Why don't you ask Hannah." I mumbled before I could stop my self. I realized a moment to late the error in my words. "I mean, no um-"

"Wait...are you upset because-"

"No!" I quickly jumped to say, and then added at a normal pace, "No I'm not. I don't care. I'm not your girlfriend." I had trouble forming the sentence, of course I wasn't blaming Hannah, I mean she and Caleb had more history then he and I did. Amd in no way did I have any claim to him.

"Tabitha," he started quietly.

"Please just drop it. I said I don't care." I sighed.

"No Tab, you do care, otherwise you wouldn't have been upset." He pressed before adding softly, "There's nothing going on between us."

I shook my head. "It's none of my buisness Caleb." My mind said one thing, but my heart felt another. I felt selfish right now. How was it that I could go around kissing Josh and feel just fine, but the moment I saw Caleb with another girl, no matter who it was, I got this strange impulse of annoyance, something I wasn't entitled to.

"Tabitha." Two voices said at once.

I looked up to see Josh coming towards the car. Caleb shifted from one foot to the other uncomfortably. He drummed against the car. "Uh, we can finish this later." He ruffled my hair before stalking off. He nodded towards Josh stiffly as he walked passed him.

"Hey." Josh breathed, planting a soft kiss on my lips.

I smiled. "You smell nice. It's about time."

He rolled his eyes. "So, I'll be picking you up at six on the dot." He brushed a hand across my cheek.

I nodded. "Okay, sounds good to me." That gave me just enough time to stop at the store for my dad, as well as enough time to change.

He smiled, his eyes light and tender as he opened my door and kissed me full on. I was breathless when he finally pulled away.

"I love you." He said as he kissed me one last time, his lips lingering on mine for a moment or two longer.

"I love you too." I whispered.

With a wink, he headed towards his car. "You better be ready!" He called over his shoulder.

I laughed. He hated when I took for ever to get ready, but never seemed to complain with the finishing product. I smiled, Josh was just that guy to make you do it, smile for no reason.

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