๐€๐‹๐‹ ๐…๐Ž๐‘ ๐”๐’

By celeneee2x

6.2K 262 4

"I'm taking it all for us, all... Doing it all for love..." ~ From a regular human, to a powerful immortal. ~ More

๐€๐‹๐‹ ๐…๐Ž๐‘ ๐”๐’
1: Meeting Him
3: Friday Night Bites
4: Family Ties
5: You're Undead To Me
6: Lost Girls
7: Haunted
8: 162 Candles
9: History Repeating
10: The Turning Point
11: Bloodlines
12: Unpleasantville
13: Children of the Damned
14: Fool Me Once
15: A Few Good Men
16: There Goes the Neighborhood
17: Let the Right One In
18: Under Control
19: Miss Mystic Falls
20: Blood Brothers
21: Isobel
22: Founder's Day
23: The Return
24: Brave New World
25: Bad Moon Rising

2: Night of The Comet

402 13 0
By celeneee2x

Dear Diary,

Last night ended with a good note. I met this guy who is much like me. He just moved back into town with his brother. We spent most of last night chatting at the Grill. Hopefully I get to see him again.

Another thing that happened last night was that Vicki was attacked by the animal that has been attacking all over town. Jeremy is a bit shaken up about it since he was the one that stumbled upon her. I've been there and spoke to him to make sure everything was okay. But as always, he assured me that he was fine.

My sister on the other hand she's been all about Stefan. I told her about the crush that Caroline had for him but she simply shrugged that under the rug. I spoke with Carolina but she also assured me she was okay.

Today is a new day, and of course I have a positive attitude. I have hope for today. Hope that I get to see him again.

Eliana, Caroline, and Bonnie, strolled through the halls of school towards their lockers. They were having a conversation that was mainly led by Bonnie.

"I'm confused. Are you psychic or clairvoyant?" Caroline asked Bonnie as they continued walking.

"Technically, Grams says I'm a witch." Bonnie responded as Eliana simply listened carefully as she walked between them.

"My ancestors were these really cool Salem witch chicks or something. Grams tried to explain it all, but she was lopped on the liquor. So I kind of tuned out. Crazy Family? Yes. Witches? I don't think so." She said getting Eliana to sigh.

"Yeah, well, feel free to conjure up the number of that guy from last night." Eliana said as they arrived at her and Caroline lockers.

"You guys seriously didn't exchange numbers?" Caroline asked her best friend as they both went to open their lockers.

"No. We held great conversation that we totally forgot we were strangers who didn't have each other's numbers." Eliana said as she opened her locker.

"Did you at least get his name?" Bonnie asked as Eliana sighed turning to her.

"Damien I think. I don't remember that well okay. I blame the drinks that me and Caroline had at the party plus the bourbon that Tim gave me." Eliana said as she went to take her books out.

"And you say he just moved back into town with his brother?" Caroline asked getting Eliana to nod. "I'll see what I can find." She said before closing her locker and turning to Bonnie and Eliana.

"Caroline..." Eliana said about to protest but Caroline cut her off.

"See you later Eli." Caroline said before walking away getting Eliana to turn to Bonnie.

"That's her detective mode activating isn't it?" Eliana asked the Bennett girl who simply brought a smile onto her face with a nod.

"Great." The Gilbert girl mumbled as she closed her locker and placed her forehead against it.

Damon got out of his car and made his way up the porch of a small home. Before he could even knock, the door opened and he came face to face with Sheila Bennett.

"There's only one reason you'd be at my doorstep right now." She said as she glared at the man up and down.

"I need to know." Damon said as he looked down at her.

"I won't be inviting you in, so get comfortable." Sheila said before stepping back into her home.

After a few minutes she returned with an image in hand. She handed it to Damon and his eyebrows quickly furrowed up.

Novalie 1298

"Wait..." Damon said before Sheila quickly cut me off.

"She's a doppelganger." Sheila said with a sigh as she pointed to the picture Damon had in hand. "If you're here at my doorstep, it's because you've felt the immense pull towards her. The feeling of wanting to drain every ounce of her blood." She added getting Damon to look down at the image that looked exactly like Eliana.

"Why do I feel that way around this particular girl?" Damon asked the witch who simply held her head up high.

"She's the first doppelganger of Novalie. A powerful immortal that once walked this earth." Sheila said as Damon furrowed his eyebrows.

"But why do I feel this way? Why me?" Damon quickly asked as Sheila shook her head.

"It's not just you. Why do you think your brother has an interest in this girl as well? Any vampire that gets near her will feel the pull. Will feel the sudden urge. Which is why you and your brother need to leave Mystic Falls." Sheila demanded with her head held high.

Eliana walked through the halls of Mystic Falls High School. She was heading towards her locker to gather her things for cheer practice when suddenly someone joined her walk.

"Eliana." The younger Salvatore said getting Eliana to have a small smile form on her face.

"Stefan." Eliana said getting Stefan to smile softly.

"Where are you headed after school?" Stefan asked as they arrived at Eliana's locker.

"Well I have cheer practice in a few." Eliana said as she went to open her locker.

"Bummer." Stefan said with a fake disappointed look. "I was going to invite you to the Grill." He said catching her by surprise.

"We could go after if you'd like." Eliana said getting Stefan to smile with a nod.

"Yeah. Totally. I would love that." Stefan said as Eliana put her books into her locker and took her cheer bag in hand.

"I'll see you at the Grill then. Is 7 okay?" Eliana said getting Stefan to nod as she closed her locker.

"Yeah 7 is perfect. I'll see you then." Stefan said before turning to walk away.

Eliana was left with a small smile on her face before she went to walk towards where the cheerleading team was set to meet. As she made her way over, Caroline quickly made her way over to the girl.

"You're meeting Stefan at the Grill? Is it like a date?" Caroline quickly asked wanting to get all the information out of her best friend.

"No Care Bear. It is not a date." Eliana said as they made their way towards the girls locker room.

"Then what do you call it when two hot people meet up to have dinner together." Caroline said getting Eliana to shake her head with a laugh.

"There's other things to call it, not just a date. Plus, Elena has her eyes on him. I just kindly accepted his offer as a friend." Eliana said getting Caroline to smile.

"Sureee. If that let's you sleep at night." Caroline said getting Eliana to laugh.

"I'm serious Care." Eliana said as they both shared a laugh.

"Anyways, I was asking around about that Damien guy and nobody has heard of anyone that goes by that name in Mystic Falls." Caroline said getting Eliana to furrow her eyebrows.

"That's weird, it's a small town. Maybe I got the name wrong." Eliana said with a small disappointed look.

"If he moved back into town then I am sure you will run into him again at some point. Like you said Mystic Falls is a small town." Caroline said getting Eliana to nod as they entered the girls locker room.

"Yeah." Eliana simply mumbled back with a small smile before she gained the attention of all the other cheerleaders that were ready to start practice.

Eliana walked towards the Grill where she was set to meet Stefan who was already waiting for her inside. Before she could even make it inside somebody brought her to a stop.

"Eliana." The young Lockwood kid said as he took a hold of Eliana's arm.

"Tyler." Eliana said as she removed her arm from his hold.

"Can we talk about what happened?" Tyler said getting Eliana to furrow her eyebrows.

"Why? We agreed that what happened over the summer was just something meaningless." Eliana said as Tyler shook his head.

"For me it wasn't." Tyler said getting Eliana to sigh shaking her head.

"Tyler what happened that night was just a one time thing. I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing. It's something that shouldn't have happened." Eliana said getting Tyler to furrow his eyebrows.

"You're saying it was a mistake?" Tyler asked with an expression that showed he was hurt.

"Yes Tyler. It was." Eliana said as she nodded. "You have to understand that me and you would never work." She added as Tyler furrowed his eyebrows once again.

"Why? What's so wrong about me and you?" Tyler quickly asked taking a hold of her arm.

"For starters when I got to college you'll still be in school and I'm not the type to do long distance." Eliana said as she removed her arm from his. "Plus, you're with Vicky." She added getting Tyler to shake his head.

"You should know I'm just with her for the ride." Tyler said with a fake laugh.

"Well then if that's the case maybe you should let her go. It's not cool for you to string her along while in doing so she's also stringing along my brother." Eliana said as she shook her head slowly. "Tyler me and you are never going to happen. I just don't see you any other way that's not my sister's friend. I'm sorry." She said before she sent him a sympathetic smile and turned around to head back towards the Grill.

Yet before she could make it to the door she was stopped once again. This time it wasn't someone's voice or touch, it was just someone making their way towards her.

"So what was that all about?" Damon asked as he went to stand in front of Eliana.

"Long story short we hooked up over the summer now he has developed feelings." Eliana said trying to fight a smile that threatened to form on her face.

"Ah, so you're a heartbreaker." Damon said with a smirk getting the smile to appear on Eliana's face.

"Something like that." Eliana joked as Damon couldn't help but give a little laugh.

"Care for a drink?" Damon asked nudging over to the Grill behind them.

"Actually I'm meeting someone already." Eliana said getting Damon to nod slowly.

"I totally understand." Damon said before an idea popped into Eliana's head.

"Why don't you join us?" Eliana said with a smile, a smile that Damon couldn't say no to.

"Sure." Damon said as Eliana smiled before turning to walk into the Grill.

Once inside Eliana looked around for the younger Salvatore. Once her eyes landed on him she started leading them towards the booth he was seated in with his back to them.

"This is Stefan. Stefan Salvatore." Eliana told Damon with a smile as she introduced the two having no idea that they already knew one another.

"Funny." Damon said as Eliana furrowed her eyebrows looking at the two brothers stare at one another.

"I'm guessing you two already know each other." Eliana said looking between the two as Stefan went to stand up.

"Yeah he's my brother." Stefan said as he glared over at Damon.

"Oh." Eliana said as she continued looking between the two. "Well isn't this weird." She said before running a hand through her hair.

"But let's not let this throw our panties in a twist." Damon said before taking a seat in the booth trying to diminish the awkward silence.

"Right." Eliana said before she went to sit beside Damon as Stefan took his seat once again.

"So. Why did your family decide to move back to Mystic Falls?" Eliana asked as she tried to make conversation.

"It's actually just Damon and I living with our Uncle Zach." Stefan said getting Eliana to nod as she took in that the oldest Salvatore name was Damon and not Damien.

"Our family moves around a lot due to military assignment." Damon started getting Eliana to turn to him. "But I decided to part ways from them since I was tired of the constant travels. And well, Stefan here, decided to join me." He said getting Eliana to look over at Stefan.

"Out of all the places in the world y'all chose crappy Mystic Falls. This town is boring, there's nothing interesting here." Eliana said as Matt walked over to them with some menus.

"Thanks Matt." Eliana said to him with a smile as she received the menus before he walked away.

"That's where you're wrong Eliana. There are many interesting things here." Damon said sending Eliana a smirk as she smiled while Stefan glared at their interaction from across.

After making sure Eliana got home safely Damon walked into the Salvatore Boarding House ready to just lay down and relax. Yet he was quickly brought to a stop when he spotted Stefan standing in front of the fireplace with a drink in hand.

"What's got you hitting the bottle?" Damon asked in a teasing way as he walked into the Living Room.

"Why go for Eliana? Why not choose any other girl in Mystic Falls?" Stefan questioned as he kept his eyes on the fire in front of him.

"Great." Damon mumbled as he rolled his eyes. "Why are you so worried about Eliana anyway? Don't you have your hands full with Elena." The older Salvatore quickly questioned.

"Damon stay away from her." Stefan said turning around to face his brother.

"Or what?" Damon quickly asked in a challenging way. "Don't tell me you've pulled a Katherine and fallen for both." He said getting Stefan to shake his head.

"Just stay away from Eliana, Damon." Stefan said as he made around Damon's question and went to look back at the fire.

The next day, both Gilbert sister's made their way to town square to help hand out flyers for the Comet. Eliana parked her car and both girls got out and quickly got to work. Bonnie soon joined the two in passing out flyers.

"Tonight, night of the comet." Eliana told a woman as she handed her a flyer with a smile.

"Would you like a program?" Bonnie asked a family that was walking beside them.

Eliana caught a glance of Elena who had a brooding face making her feelings known.

"It wouldn't hurt to smile Elena." Eliana said as she had a smile on her face as she handed another person a flyer.

"He didn't call, huh?" Bonnie asked as she saw her best friend's face.

"Or text." Elena said as Eliana continued to hand out flyers.

"Who?" Eliana asked as the three girls walked through the town square.

"Stefan." Bonnie said getting Eliana to nod slowly.

"Oh. I was with him yesterday. Well him and his brother." Eliana said getting both the girls to turn to her.

"You were?" Elena quickly asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"He has a brother?" Bonnie asked at the same time as Elena with furrowed eyebrows as well as they both came to a stop.

"Bonnie to answer your question he does, and I was with them at the Grill last night. Although Stefan left early said he was going to meet you." Eliana said as she started walking again.

"I didn't see him last night." Elena said shaking her head.

"Well Elena, I don't know what to tell you." Eliana said with a shoulder shrug.

"He's lying already and hiding things. Like why wouldn't he tell me he had a brother when we talked the other night at the back to school party." Elena said as she handed out a flyer.

"Look Elena you're making up excuses to not give whatever you two have going on a try. Maybe you should just look past all of this and just relax. Let things flow the way they want to flow." Eliana said as she came to a stop getting Bonnie to nod.

"Eliana is right. Maybe you're just over reacting. I mean it's not like he kept something huge from you like a crime he committed." Bonnie said getting Eliana to chuckle.

"Yeah now that would be a deal breaker." Eliana said getting the three to laugh.

Back at the Boarding House, Stefan was getting ready to join the others in the town square to watch the comet. He was getting dressed as Zach made his way into his room.

"What is Damon doing here? Why did he come home?" Zach asked as Stefan stood in front of him buttoning up his shirt.

"Cause I came home. He wants to make my life miserable. That's how he enjoys his." Stefan said getting Zach to shake his head.

"Well, he's putting us all at risk. This girl in the hospital could talk." Zach said getting Stefan to furrow his eyebrows.

"She won't. I took care of her." Stefan quickly said getting Zach to sigh.

"Well, what about Eliana?" Zach quickly asked getting Stefan to turn to him with a curious face.

"What about her?" Stefan asked getting Zach to take a closer step towards him.

"You and Damon being on either side of her is putting us all at risk. By all I mean everyone in this town." Zach said before Stefan grabbed his jacket ignoring him.

"Stefan." Zach said getting Stefan to stop from walking any further out his room. "I don't think she's worth risking us all." He said before Stefan simply sighed and continued walking out of the door.

Eliana walked into the Grill by herself as she was set to meet Caroline. As soon as she entered she came upon Vicki talking to her brother. While her eyes were on the two someone went to stand beside her.

"What are we looking at?" The younger Salvatore asked as he tried to see where Eliana's eyes were located.

"Stefan." Eliana said bringing a small smile onto her face as she took notice of him.

"I'm sorry for walking off last night." Stefan said as Eliana shook her head.

"It's alright, don't worry about it." Eliana said before she turned to where Vicki and Jeremy stood seeing Tyler join their conversation.

"How about one night we try it again. Although without my brother this time." Stefan said getting Eliana to turn back to him.

"I don't think that's a good idea Stefan." Eliana said getting Stefan to furrow his eyebrows.

"Why not?" Stefan asked getting Eliana to sigh.

"Look Stefan, my sister really likes you and I honestly don't think it's right for me to go on dates with you." Eliana said remembering what Caroline said about two hot people having dinner together.

"Yeah but I mean it'll be as friends." Stefan said as Eliana simply shook her head.

"I don't think that's a good idea Stefan." Eliana said as she turned and saw Vicki walk away from Tyler and Jeremy. "Excuse me, there's something I need to do." She said before she walked away towards Vicki.

"Vicki!" Eliana called out for the girl that was making her way towards the bar.

Vicki turned around to see who had called for her. When she took notice of Eliana she rolled her eyes slightly and brought her hands onto her waist.

"What Eliana?" Vicki asked with an annoyed tone.

"Could you stop stringing my brother along for your enjoyment." Eliana said getting Vicki to furrow her eyebrows.

"What are you talking about Eliana. There's nothing going on with me and Jeremy. It's not my fault he's developed a crush." Vicki said getting Eliana to furrow her eyebrows.

"Do you think I'm dumb?" Eliana quickly questioned as she tried to keep her voice down. "My brothers room and mine are connected by a bathroom. Therefore I hear everything that happens in his room. I hear how he sneaks you in at night." She said catching the older Donovan child by surprise.

"If you're not genuinely interested in my brother then I suggest you back off and get your drugs somewhere else. If not I'll be forced to go to my godmother, the Sheriff, and have you arrested for stealing medication from my home." Eliana said as she got face to face with Vicki.

"Did you really think I wouldn't notice how my pain meds would suddenly disappear every time he would sneak you in?" Eliana questioned as she glared at Vicki who tried to seem unfazed by Eliana's threats.

"Are you threatening me Eliana?" Vicki asked as she tilted her head to the side.

"Oh this isn't a threat. It's a warning. Either you stay the hell away from my brother or be ready to be dressed in an orange jumpsuit." Eliana said before walking away leaving Vicki to stand alone thinking about her options.

From afar, as Eliana was talking to Vicki Damon had approached his brother who had his eyes on the older Gilbert child.

"That must burn. You chose the wrong Gilbert now the other one wants nothing to do with you." Damon taunted his brother as he went to stand beside Stefan.

"I don't have time for your antics Damon." Stefan said as he turned away from Vicki and Eliana.

"Just saying." Damon said with a slight shoulder shrug as his eyes landed on the Donovan girl that was left standing alone. "For all I care you can continue chasing behind both. I, on the other hand, have a certain someone to keep me distracted from the sudden urge." He said as Stefan turned to him with furrowed eyebrows.

"The urge?" Stefan mumbled before he stopped his brother from walking away. "Damon you get that same feeling around Eliana don't you." The younger Salvatore asked his older brother.

"I don't know what you're talking about Stefan. Now if you'll excuse me I have a prey to rile in." Damon said before walking away towards the bar where he saw Vicki headed.

After the event held to see the comet had come to an end everyone gathered inside. Yet currently they were all rushing to find Vicki who had suddenly disappeared.

Eliana walked behind Jeremy as they were going to head outside to look for Vicki. Yet Elena quickly went to stop her siblings from walking out of the Grill.

"You two are coming with me." Elena said taking a hold of both her siblings.

"So that's the story. Jeremy you're dealing now and Eliana you're encouraging it." Elena said getting Eliana to roll her eyes. "Look, I'm sick of the tough-love speech, guys. It's clearly having no impact!" She added as she brought them both to a stop.

"You and Jenna, between the two of you, it's..." Jeremy said before Eliana could even say a thing.

"We can stop if you want! Send you to a therapist where you'll..." Elena said getting Eliana to bring her hand up to her temple.

"Enough! Both of you!" Eliana said getting them both to get quiet.

"Eliana." Elena said getting the older Gilbert to shake her head.

"No, Elena. I've had enough of this constant fighting between you two." Eliana said looking between her siblings. "Elena you need to back off okay. You only make things worse with your wannabe older sister speeches." She said as she looked at Elena.

"And Jeremy, Elena is kind of right. You need to hop back on track." Eliana said as she turned to Jeremy.

"As if you don't get high with me." Jeremy contradicted getting Elena to furrow her eyebrows.

"You still get high with him?" Elena asked as Eliana shook her head slowly.

"That's not the point here. The point is, it's alright to get high to blow some steam, but you can't get distracted from what's important J. Your education." Eliana said turning to Jeremy who simply gave her his undivided attention.

"Guys we don't have our parents anymore. We only have each other. That means we can't be at each other's necks all the time." Eliana said looking between her two younger siblings. "Promise me, we'll give this entire thing a rest." She added as Jeremy and Elena simply glared at one another.

"That means Jeremy you need to get back on track at school. And Elena you need to back off a bit and focus on yourself." Eliana said getting her two siblings to hesitantly nod. "Promise?" She said looking between the two.

"Promise." Both, Elena and Jeremy said getting Eliana to smile.

"Alright, now let's go find Vicki." Eliana said before the three siblings went to walk outside.

❤︎ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡


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