Love Is Toxic (Rewriting)

By xXVredeXx

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PREVIOUSLY KNOWN AS TOXIC! ****************************************** "Oh right, the waitress. Sorry I can't... More

Please Do Not Ignore This! (Old and New Readers!)
Character Aesthetics
Prologue (Rewritten)
1. Who Are You?
2. Wanna Be My Date?
4. Prowling The Streets
5. Mind If I Come In?
6. A Night To Remember

3. It's History

134 41 126
By xXVredeXx

"What did Dwayne want to talk about?" Erina asks over the phone.

I lean my back against the kitchen counter, running a hand through my locks and let out a sigh before answering, "He basically apologised and, apparently he also has feelings for me."

"What?!" Erina exclaims, causing me to pull the phone away from my ear and give it a grimace.

I tell Erina word for word of what happened at the park and she's just as shocked as I am. Dwayne didn't show any evidence that he harboured any feelings for me, especially when he snogged that girl.

"So, what are you going to do?" She asks, intrigued.

"I don't know, Erina. I'll go with him to the party but that doesn't mean I'll jump into a relationship with him. I'm too busy at the moment and I'm still hurt and need time to process this mess," I reply, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Makes sense, go with the flow I guess? By the way, I'm getting ready for the party at Koda's."

"Alright," I respond, drifting away into my thoughts, contemplating whether I still want to go or not.

"See you later?"


"Alright, bye then. Love you."

"And I, you," I greet, ending the call.

What are you going to do, Skylar? I turn around, gripping my hair in my hands with my elbows resting on the counter. Take a few breaths. After calming myself down, I stand up and retrieve my phone and message Dwayne.

Hey, Erina is getting ready at Koda's. You can get me at seven? If that's alright with you?

Not waiting for him to reply, I head over to my room to get ready, seeing as it's already five pm. You might be wondering why I'm so introverted. Well, I was never shy when I was younger. On the contrary, I was outgoing but I guess it's what people do to you that makes you close up like a shell.

Throughout my childhood, especially my awkward teens I've embarrassed myself, countlessly. Like this one time, I had an oral and in the middle of it, I choked up and what did I do? The worst thing I could possibly do at that moment, I cried.

Yes, I cried. That has made me self-aware during public speaking. I don't know what happened that day, I stood in front of the class and it felt as if everyone was judging me but that had a lot to do with the toxic friendship I was in.

Erina and I weren't that close at the time, we were friends but not as close as we are now. This was in the middle of ninth grade. I was friends with a girl named Cassandra. She was new, and everyone hesitated to talk to her, even Erina.

What did I do? I felt sorry for her and gave her a chance. Through the course of our friendship, Cassandra used to talk me down. Make fun of my art, talk shit about my mom not having a job, mocked me about my weight and height. I always brushed it off because she had issues, and in the process of this, I did not listen to Erina. I thought Erina was being unreasonable.

What did I get in return? On the day of my oral, she sat at the back of the class, and gave me a smug, taunting smile. Made vile gestures throughout my speech. I eventually stopped in the middle of it, and I'm ashamed to say I cried.

Want to know who was there to console me? Not Cassandra, but Erina. She's always been there, no matter what. Also, not only did Cassandra do that, she wrote a story about murdering me and played dumb. I don't blame Cassandra about what happened, or about ruining my self-esteem. That happened over a long course of time, and no good deed goes unpunished, I guess.

This is also why I love Erina. She does the opposite of Cassandra. She always tries to get me out of my shell, and to be comfortable in my own skin. My self-esteem has improved. If you told me a year or two ago that I'd be going to a party, or to a pub, I'd laugh in your face.

Time to grow up, Sky. I think to myself as I open the closet doors and take out the black mini dress that Erina helped me pick out a few weeks prior. I sprawl the suede fabric across my purple covers, grabbing the black, leather high-heels that matches the dress.

I head over to the bathroom and switch on the shower and wait for the steam to fill the interior of the room and open the window, because our bathroom doesn’t have a vent for the steam. I wipe the water vapour off of the mirror and place my hands on the countertop, next to the basin for a moment to get my thoughts together. Catching a grip, I brush my teeth and slip out of my clothes and watch as the fabric falls from my pale body to the white, tiled floor.

The steam surrounds my figure, embracing it as I step into the shower, and I welcome the warm droplets on my now red skin. My head goes wild with thoughts and suddenly, a calm over comes me; replaced with excitement. I’m excited to go to this party. I’m excited to go to this party with Dwayne, as my friend again and to see how Koda’s changed.

I’m excited to step out of my shell and to explore the world out there and just for one night, one night to not be concerned about work or my grades. To give myself a break and to have fun, for just one night.

A smile spreads across my features, stepping out of the shower with a clear head and a positive attitude.
Walking up to the dress, I trail my fingers over the fabric and let the white towel fall to the ground, now a warm yellow because of the fairy lights shining on it. I grab the dress and slip it on. Erina and I loved it at first sight because it has a built in bra.

The fabric hugs my figure in all the right places. It sits mid thigh and compliments my snow white skin. The back is a curved, low cut but makes me feel confident showing this amount of skin, as it covers my rolls at the same time.

My arms don’t show because of the long sleeves, also protecting me from the breeze outside. The neckline is high, covering my breasts which I like because it brings the element of elegance to the dress but making it sexy at the same time, with the legs and back.

Grabbing the shoes, I slip them on and they fit like a glove. They aren’t uncomfortable like most high-heels I wear. I leave my hair loose as the short, red curls add to the outfit.

I finish the look off with a maroon lip, and a light, nude smoky-eye. Taking a look at the time, I have fifteen minutes to spare, so I take a photo and send it to Erina.

You look stunning! She replies.

She sends a photo of her outfit and I’m speechless. She left her hair natural, the curls framing her face, falling to her waist. She's wearing a beautiful pink, two-piece outfit that compliments her golden skin. It’s a blush pink crop top, showing off her toned stomach but also covering her breasts, matched with a tight mini skirt that reaches mid thigh, with white pumps.

You look like a goddess! I reply.

I notice that Dwayne replied a while back and for once, my heart doesn’t stop when seeing a message from him.

It works for me X.

Before I can answer I hear a knock at the door and I immediately know it can only be Dwayne. I rush over to and unlock it and I’m stunned to see him. My heart melts at the sight of his warm smile and the rich cologne enters my lungs that I recognise as Dunhill Blue.

His piercing blue eyes take in my presence and I can’t help but blush. He has a navy blue, buttoned down shirt on that brings out his eyes and goes with his ghostly pale skin. His hair is combed and gelled neatly to the back and he’s shaved, but the presence of the beard is still there.

“Hi, Sky,” he greets, embracing me

I return the hug and trail my hands down his arms as I let go. Although I told myself that I do not want to jump in a relationship with him, I can’t get him off of my mind. You just have to, Sky.

“Shall we go?” I ask.

“I guess so,” he responds, placing his hand on the small of my bare back. The touch of his fingers against my naked skin spreads an electrifying feeling throughout my body.

The sun is just starting to set and it looks breathtakingly beautiful. I take my seat in his silver Toyota. Dwayne doesn’t study, never had the money or the grades. He isn’t stupid, he’s far from it. He was just lazy and didn’t care. He currently works as a manager at a cell phone accessory  store but plans to go into IT one day. 

Throughout the drive, it’s as if time never passed between Dwayne and I. There isn’t a moment of awkward silence. Let it be pointless debates, reminiscing about the past or just singing along to a song on the radio. At this moment as I look at him and see the last rays of the sun shinning on him, enhancing his chiselled jawline and the highlights in his brown hair, I realise now how much I’ve missed him.

I don’t want this drive to end. I want to live in this moment forever. No worries, not a care in the world. Just, nothing. But sadly, that isn’t life. The drive comes to a stop at the large block of apartments.

The drive took long because Koda lives in the heart of Cape Town, where the wealth is situated. The traffic was no joke but I didn’t mind it at all.  

Finally, arriving at  the door to Koda’s penthouse, I raise my fisted hand, not hesitating to knock. I give three powerful knocks, booming over the deafening music. The frosted glass door opens and I’m greeted with two familiar figures that causes me to smile.

A tall man, probably about two meters, with black hair and small chestnut brown eyes, stands besides Erina with his hand resting on the small of her back, who I recognise as Koda. His high cheekbones are accentuated by the lighting that also brings out his tanned skin, with a petite nose resting in the middle of his face. Just below, a smug grin is showed on his thin lips.

“Finally,” Koda laughs out, running a hand through his long hair.

“You know I live about an hour away from you, right?” I shoot back, crossing my arms over my bust.

“He’s just yanking your chain, Sky,” Erina responds, hitting Koda’s shoulder.


“Happy birthday, dude,” Dwayne, greets Koda, breaking the tension.

“Thanks, man!”

Stepping inside, the music sets me into a trance. I don’t recognise the genre but it calms my nerves and causes my body to move to the rhythm. The site of this place is magnificent. The main colours throughout the interior is black and white.

Koda does have taste, what I hate most is that you get rich people with cheap taste, but Koda on the other hand lives for luxury. The bottom floor is just the living room connected to the kitchen, and it flows in so beautifully that you can’t tell where the one room ends and where the other starts.

They weren’t lying about this just being a get together. Not much people are here. I spot a few figures lounging on the leather couch by the infinite fireplace, watching the highlights of the previous rugby game on the flat-screen TV against the brick wall.

“Hey,” Dwayne greets me from behind.

I turn around to face him and force a smile on my face. I’m only here for Erina, not Koda. Just a few more hours of faking it, Sky. I encourage myself, biting my tongue.

“Hi, Dwayne.”

As if too scared to ask or tell me something, he stands in front of me with two drinks in his hands, licking his lips, now coming closer.

“What is it, Dwayne?” I ask, agitatedly.

“I brought you a drink,” he replies handing me over a glass of red wine.

Eyeing  it, I take the drink and cast him a smile, bringing the contents to my lips.

“Couldn’t help noticing you being hostile towards Koda,” Dwayne starts, bringing the beer to his full lips.

“Was it that obvious?”

“Pretty much, what’s the deal?” He asks, necking his drink, placing the bottle on the black granite counter beside us.

“I adored Koda at first but then things got complicated.”

“Meaning?” He pushes, placing his hands in his pockets, scrutinising me.

“Koda and Erina are in an on and off relationship for about three years now. Through the years, Erina noticed that Koda developed a drinking problem and this troubled her because her father is an alcoholic and she begged Koda to go to AA meetings but he denied that he had a problem at the time,” I respond, finishing the contents in my glass welcoming the warm feeling down my throat.

“I see, and then what happened?” He asks, with his mouth forming a brooding line.

“Things started to get out of hand. They got into heated arguments. Cheated on Erina in the process, threatened her. Intoxicated her. She decided she had enough, he chose his alcohol above her and that hurt her deeply. Through everything they’ve been through he cast her aside like a piece of shit and Erina just goes crawling back each time. It sickens me,” I say crossing my arms.

“Sky,” he starts, moving closer, looking intently at me, “You can’t blame Erina for her behaviour. Like you’ve said, they’ve been through thick and thin. Maybe she feels as if she’s betraying him in a way if she just drops him like that. He’s sick, Skylar, understand that,” he says coming closer, placing a hand on my arm.

I let out a sigh and look at him, biting the inside of my cheek.

“Koda’s changed, Sky. I understand why you’re upset. You’re scared that he’ll fall back to his old ways and hurt her again. He’s going to AA meetings, not just for Erina but because he wants to change, Sky. Cut the guy some slack.”

I look over his shoulder and see Koda standing amongst a small group of people next to Erina. He notices me looking at him and gives me a smile. I guess Dwayne’s right.

“Truce?” I mouth, causing Koda to raise a glass of water with a nod. I cast him a broad smile in return and face Dwayne again.

“Sky?” He asks, confused.

“You’re right. Koda and I just called it truce,” I say with a smile, reaching my eyes.

His brows furrow in confusion and looks sceptically at me, then looks over his shoulder and sees Koda. He puts two and two together and dares to move even closer, making me a tad uncomfortable.

“So what now?” He asks in a whisper.

“What are you talking about?” I ask, moving away a few steps.

“Us, Sky,” he states, as if it’s obvious something is happening between us.

“Dwayne, I already explained. I have no time for this, and I need time to process a few things between us.”

“Then why did you say yes in the first place,” he asks, hurt.

“I-I don’t know, okay. Because we are still friends.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to be more than that?” He asks, pushing it with me.

“Dwayne, for the umpteenth time, I only want to be friends with you and right now, with you keep pushing me, I don’t want even want to be that,” I say, turning on my heel, going in the opposite direction of him.

I reach the double sliding doors and open them slightly, to only let my figure out on the balcony. Thankfully, no one is here. The cool night air kiss’s my skin, causing my cheeks to turn rosy. I walk to the black railing and rest my arms over it and stare at the night sky.

I slowly level my eyes with the gorgeous view of the city. Table Mountain resting in the background like a portrait. Elegant cars passing by, my poor Chevrolet would’ve been an outcast among them. 

Funny, even though this place is in the middle of the city, you can still see the stars and the air is still crisp. Probably because it’s the posh area. I hear the door open ajar behind me and a few steps come closer that don’t seem familiar to me. I don’t bother at this moment to register the stranger, until I feel a hand being placed on my shoulder, causing me to spin around.

My breath hitches and my stomach flips. This is the last person that I could’ve thought of being here, but those striking emerald jewels proves that he is indeed standing in front of me.

“Sven, is it?” I ask, placing my hands on my hips.

“Surprised you remembered,” he states, lifting a Lion larger to his lips.

“How can I forget? I mean, you acted weird, no offense, dude,” I respond with a slight smile, patting his shoulder.

“Me, acting weird? You blatantly stared at me, love. Like what you see?” He asks, mockingly, spreading his arms apart to show off his body.

“Right,” I say, with a laugh escaping my mouth.

“Sky, right?” He asks, stepping closer. The light now bringing his eyes out even more now, complimented by his sun-kissed skin, in contrast to Dwayne.

“Skylar, to you.”

“Oh wow,” he says, lifting his hands.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, out of curiosity, scrunching my nose.

“Koda’s birthday,” he states, shrugging his shoulders as if it’s obvious.

“How do you know him?”

“We were friends in university and I recently came back to South Africa, I was in England for a while.”

“Oh, makes sense,” I shrug, turning my back to him, not prying any further because I don't want to show any interest in him.

He steps closer, standing beside me, causing my cheeks to burn up and the butterflies to flutter in my stomach. For the first time in a long while, Dwayne doesn’t cross my mind and I don’t feel guilty for feeling this way, maybe that’s the point of closure.

“Skylar, I’m sorry that I rubbed you the wrong way last night, I didn’t mean to,” he apologises, stepping closer.

“I was difficult, don’t fret about it.”

“Why?” He asks, cocking his head.

“Don’t worry, it’s history,” I respond, turning my head to look at Dwayne, drinking a beer with a couple of mates.

“I see.”

“Hey, Sky?” A voice interrupts us and I jolt at the familiarity of it. I turn around and spot Dwayne standing by the glass doors, running his hands through his hair.

“Yes?” I ask.

“We’re heading to one of the clubs Koda booked, joining?” he asks, awkwardly with his hands in his pockets.

I give him a scrutinising look, and then look at Sven, making my decision.

“I’m good, thanks,” I respond.

“You sure? Want me to take you home real quick?” He asks, with hope cast in his eyes.

Looking at Dwayne, I start to pity him because we need space and I know he’ll try his luck in the car again. I steal another glance at Sven and make an impulsive decision for the first time in my calculated life.

“No, it’s fine, I’ll go with Sven,” I say with a smile.

“Alright then,” Dwayne responds, opening and closing his mouth, hiding the fact that he’s hurt.

It’s for the best, Dwayne. I tell myself, pitying him as he walks out.

“Shall we go then?” I ask, inclining my head to Sven. 


Wonder how the night between Sven and Skylar is going to go? What is your opinion on the new chapter? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter. Do you feel sorry for Dwayne or do you think Skylar is doing the right thing?

[3 537 words]

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