The Radio Demon

By code430

123K 2.2K 2.1K

What if one of hells most powerful psychotic demons escaped and started searching for a person who has lost h... More

The new radio demon
The entrance exam
The first day
A/N please read
Combat training
A/N full explanation on the mind scape
The USJ Sluaghter
The Teacher and The Student Part 1
The Teacher and The Student Part 2
The Teacher and The Student Part 3
Welcome To The Show Part 1
Welcome To The Show Part 2
Welcome To The Show Part 3
We are Legends Part 1
We Are Legends Part 2
We Are Legends Part 3
Welp what do you know Part 1
Hey guys!
Q/A and #*@&$'$&@#*^
Special chapter #1
All units be advibed.
Halloween pt.1
Well um yeah
I'm back bitches

The Beginning of Something Extrodinary

2.6K 43 70
By code430

Yo guys I am back with another chapter I really enjoy writing this story and I thought this was gonna flop like my two other stories but I can see I was so incredibly wrong and y'all are welcome to comment any suggestions you have or any request. Mr doors are always open. With that being said Let's Get This Party STARTED!!!!!
A/N: We start this chapter off with the new team heading to Dagobah municipal beach to teach the new members.

Alastor: Well that sports festival was extremely good I am excited for the one in are later years.

Mina: I know you guys were especially amazing that mini concert I had no idea you could play drums Bakugo!

Bakugo: Well I don't really like to brag about it so a lot of people don't know.

Einzenn: Yeah but I had no idea how to play guitar though but I somehow knew how to play.

Mina: I'm pretty sure Alastor had something to do with that.

Einzenn: Wait did you really Alastor?

Alastor: Yes I did I quickly brought your musical level up to mine and before you ask no it wasn't just because I wanted you play with us.

Einzenn: Then what was the reason?

Alastor: Because I saw your eyes land on Jiro and she loves music so I figured I would give you a head start on getting her to like you.

Einzenn: What are you talking about?!?!

Einzenn then got a huge blush on his face.

Mina: Ohhhh my god I don't care what you say I am getting you two together!

Alastor: And there she goes on her shipping tangent again.

E&B: Wait this has happened before.

Alastor: Yup regularly.

Mina then got a huge lilac blush on her face.

Mina: Hey I do not.

Alastor: Yes you do and we are here.

Einzenn: WOW that is a lot of trash.

Alastor: Yes it is but this makes it the perfect place to train.

Einzenn: How so?

Alastor: You see we need life force to do magic and what better place to get it then trash which has no meaning to anybody and it also cleans the beach.

Einzenn: So we have nothing but positive outcomes.

Alastor: Exactly now I need to ask you both where you want a sigil to be placed on you.

Einzenn: Umm well do you think I could have it near my shoulder.

Bakugo: For me can I have it on my upper left chest.

Alastor: Both of them are doable.

They soon exposed the areas where they want the the sigil and Alastor ran a hand over them and the sigils appeared.

Alastor: Alright now tell me how you feel.

Bakugo: I feel so attuned and what's this green stuff all around us.

Einzenn: Yeah what is this stuff.

Alastor: So he has taken a liking to both of you that is very good now try to bring the green towards you.

Einzenn: Alright now what.

Alastor: Watch the garbage.

They watched the garbage and it soon turned to dust and both the students look shocked and happy that they could do it.

Alastor: That is what happens when you take all the life force from something. Now try to Chanel that life force into something you want our a blast of sorts.

Soon a phone appeared and a pair of sneakers appeared.

Alastor: Good you have mastered the very basics of black magic congratulations.

Einzenn: This is so cool!

Mina: Right that's how I reacted when I first did it very cool right.

Bakugo: Yeah I am almost speechless is this what you guys see everyday?

Mina: Yup we do how do two like it.

Einzenn: Like it I love this and I'm pretty sure Bakugo loves it too.

Alastor: Well that's enough of that you will both learn everything when you meet him.

Einzenn: I am very curious as to who this he is.

Mina: He is our master.

Bakugo: Master?

Alastor: Yes and don't be afraid when you first see him he is a really big softie.

Einzenn: Really?

Alastor: Yes and he really likes you both as well if he gave you the ability to see life force without trying to.

Einzenn: Well I will be glad to meet him and I also have a question?

Alastor: What is your question brother?

Einzenn: Shouldn't you bath have sigils?

Bakugo: Yeah actually now that you mention it yeah where are your sigils?

Alastor: Well as you can see mine is right here.

Alastor pulled down his collar to show it was on his neck. Mina took off her left glove and showed her sigil.

Alastor: As you can see we both have one. Now anymore questions?

Einzenn: Can anybody learn or is it a select few.

Alastor: Good question you see not that many people can learn a quick way to check is to place a sigil on someone and if a sigil does appear that means they can learn but that also means they have a certain unborn evil in their hearts.

Einzenn: So we have a certain unborn evil in us.

Alastor: Yes and this can be related to anything. Anyways we better get going and we are staying at Mina's house since we have to keep a eye on you.

Mina: Alright a big slumber party I will let my parents know!

Mina: Quickly texted her mother that she was having people over.

Alastor: Alright now you cannot tell people about the sigils tell people it is a tattoo to prove that you are on a team.

Bakugo: Wait so we are a team now and this proves it?

Alastor: Yes now let us move to the train or should we teleport.

Einzenn: I wanna teleport I don't think we can make it to the train in time.

Alastor: Very well teleport it is come now.

Alastor opened a portal and once they all walked through he closed it.

Mina: Come on guys let's head in. My parents would want to hear my about my new team.

Einzenn: Is she always this energetic?

Alastor: Ja, ist sie.

They all walked in the front door and took off their shoes.

Mina: I'm home!

Mike: Hey there is my little hero. You were so good in the sports festival I had no idea you were that strong.

Mina: Yeah I have been working with Alastor a lot.

Alastor: Hello again sir.

Mike: Ahh Alastor it's good to see you I was surprised that you both won the festival and the mini concert you had was so good. Ahh it's the two that helped him play.

Alastor: Allow me to introduce them sir this is Bakugo the one that was on drums and this is my brother Einzenn.

Mike: WOW I didn't realize you had a brother Alastor.

Einzenn: Well he isn't my brother by blood or genes but we got matching tattoos to say we are and that we are part of the same team.

Alastor pulled down his collar and showed his sigil. Einzenn then showed the sigil on his arm.

Mike: WOW well it's nice to meet you both come on my wife has almost finished cooking make yourselves at home.

E&B: Thank you sir.

Mike: Honey Mina is home with her friends.

Alastor: Hey Mina you can go help your mom if you want I will introduce them to your brother and sister.

Mina: Thank you I don't want to deal my sisters questions.

Alastor: Alright come on guys let's introduce you to her brother first.

Alastor, Einzenn, and Bakugo walked up stairs and knocked on Macs door.

Alastor: Hey Mac you in there.

Mac: Ohh hey Alastor I'm in here come in.

Alastor: I wanna you to meet my friend and brother.

As soon as they entered he got excited and instantly jumped up.

Mac: It is so good to meet you both in person can I have your autograph.

Einzenn and Bakugo got shocked by this but gave him his autographs.

Alastor: This is Bakugo my good friend and Einzenn my brother. Guy's this is Mac Mina's brother.

Einzenn: Nice to meet you Mac.

Bakugo: Same.

Mac: Umm I can my friends over to meet you guys were in a band together and we watched your mini concert and they really wanted to meet you guys.

Alastor: Sure I don't have a problem with it. What about you guys?

Einzenn: I don't have a problem with it bro.

Bakugo: Neither do I.

Mac: Alright they live close by I will be right back.

Mac then ran out of the room and grabbed his coat and quickly took off.

Alastor: Alright while we wait for him to comeback let's have you guys meet Mika. Now I do have to warn you guys she asks a lot of questions.

Alastor knocked on the door.

Mika: Who is it!

Alastor opened the door and as soon as she saw the three she got starts on her eyes and to begin to ask a whole sorts of questions and they answered all of her questions and soon they heard the front door open and close quickly.

Alastor: Ohh looks like Mac is back we have to go greet his friends see you at dinner Mika.

Mika: See you later big bro.

Alastor, Einzenn, and Bakugo all went down stairs and they saw three guys and one girl.

???: My god you weren't kidding Mac.

Alastor: No he was not. It is nice to meet you all.

???: Hi my name is Adrian. I am the other guitar player of the band.

???: Hi I am Grey the drummer.

???: Yo I am Ayden the bassist.

???: I am Sophia the singer and It is really good to meet you guys.

Alastor: It is good to meet you all.

E&B: Same.

Alastor: You guys want autographs don't you.

A&G&A&S: Yes please.

Einzenn, Alastor and Bakugo started to sign their autographs for them.

Sophia: Umm Alastor can you help me right a song please!

Alastor: Sure I don't see why not.

Grey: Can you teach me how to drum better Bakugo!

Bakugo: I don't mind.

Adrian: Can you also teach me how to play like you Alastor!

Alastor: I don't mind helping you out.

Ayden: Yo Einzenn can you teach how to bass better?

Einzenn: I will be glad to help.

Mina: Well you guys will have to wait after dinner luckily my mom made extra.

Alastor: Alright sweetheart.

Sophia: WOW you really are dating Macs sister.

Alastor: Yes I am now come on let's eat.

Soon everybody sat at the table and started eating and talking about the sports festival and the mini concert soon everybody was done and the new band showed them where they play which happened  to be in the Ashido's garage and they started practicing. As they were playing Alastor saw multiple errors they made and understood why. Soon they finished and looked at the three expectantly.

Alastor: Well you guys did very good but there are a few mistakes that I saw and I think the others saw it as well for the guitarists and singer I will talk to over here. Bakugo will talk to the drummer and give him a few pointers. Einzenn will also give some pointers to the Bassist.

Alastor: Alright for you three Mac you did good but you have to sync with the others and try not to pull ahead. Sophia I would try a higher pitch here and here.

Alastor pointed to the lyrics she should sing at a higher pitch.

Alastor: Adrian you had the same problem Mac did a little while ago you are reading the notes but you aren't feeling it it might be a little hard to understand so I am going to do the same thing I did with Mac.

Alastor put a hand on his shoulder and raised his music attributes to his own and then let go.

Alastor: There we go and try to play in sync with the others.

Alastor: Hey I have an idea why don't we play a song we have been working on to show you how to be in sync. Hey guys we are playing that song we have been working on to show these guys how to be in sync! And Mina can you help us!

Mina: Sure!

E&B: Alright!

Soon they all got there instruments and tuned them and Alastor quickly raised Mina's musical skill to the right place and started playing.

Alastor: Do you guys get how to be in sync now?

Mac: Yeah we do but can you please play some more we want to use some as reference.

Alastor: What do you guys think?

Mina: Sure but which one.

Alastor: Ummm how about monster?

Einzenn: Yeah we could do that the song is finished anyways we were about to record it and release it so it doesn't mater if they hear it early.

Mina: Works for me.

Bakugo: Sure I don't mind.

(Mina is also playing guitar for this one)
Alastor: Do you have anymore requests?

Sophia: Yeah what is your guy's band named.

Alastor: Abyssal.

Sophia: alright I am gonna search for you guys when it comes out.

Alastor: Alright.

Alastor, Mina, Bakugo, and Einzenn made a band without even realizing it but they knew they were good so they could actually pull this off.

Alastor: Umm mom and Sir can I talk to you real quick in private?

Cassandra: Sure.

Mike: I don't see why not.

Alastor and Mina's parents left the garage to talk and the others understood what he was going to ask them.

Alastor: Well Umm all of us decided it would build a lot of chemistry if we got a house together and moved in with each other.

Mike: WOW well can we see the house first and make a choice then?

Alastor: Ohh absolutely you don't have to make a decision right now ummm how about after school tomorrow?

Cassandra: That works for me what about you honey.

Mike: Yeah that works for me but if we do allow her she has to visit every now then alright.

Alastor: That works for me sir.

Alastor then walked back to the garage and the others were waiting for him to say the verdict.

Alastor: It's a maybe they want to see the house first.

Mina: Well that's better then nothing.

Mac: What's better then nothing?

Mina: I might be moving in with these guys so to build chemistry and we can focus on music and school.

Mac: Ohh I see will you visit?

Mina: Of course I will what kind of question is that.

Mac: Okay and Alastor you remember our promise right.

Alastor: I don't break promises.

Mac: Alright but you better send us a copy of your music.

Alastor: We will I promise.

Mac: Sweet and come on guys you better get home.

S&A&A&M: Oh no we forgot see you at school tomorrow Mac!

Mac: Bye guys! Anyways I got homework to do so I will see you guys tomorrow!

Einzenn: So are we actually gonna go through with this band idea.

Mina: I don't see why not we are pretty good and it's a source of income and Alastor won't need to ruin the economy.

Bakugo: True and my mother will like the idea of my talents not being wasted.

Alastor: So we are doing this. We should probably keep our identities a secret until we are older and when we are heroes.

Einzenn: Yeah that's a good idea but what about the house that doesn't exist.

Alastor: I believe I can fix that problem for us. The hidden house remember bro?

Einzenn: That's right we can do this let's rock.

Bakugo: Couldn't have said it myself.

Alastor snapped his fingers and a hidden house appeared in the middle of the forest but not too far away from the school.

Alastor: Alright it is all set up with our rooms a studio a theatre a swimming pool a good sized living room and kitchen.

Mina: Are we sharing a room Alastor?

Alastor: Yup we are get ready for tomorrow it is going to be a very long day.

Mina: I think you are forgetting something.

Alastor: Oh right your reward.

Alastor snapped his fingers and a box appeared in his hand he opened it and inside was a ruby ring that fit her middle finger perfectly. Mina gasped and took the ring but not before kissing him for 5 minutes. Bakugo and Einzenn left awkwardly and got set up for the night.

Alastor: I take it that you like it.

Mina: Like it I love it.

Mina then put the ring on her middle finger and kissed him again.

Alastor: As much as I would love to continue this we better get going to bed for tomorrow.

Mina then regained control of herself.

Mina: Right come on you are still sleeping with me.

Alastor: But shouldn't I keep the other's company.

Mina: If you are going out there then so am I no argument.

Alastor: Fine okay you can.

Mina: Yay!

Alastor and Mina walked out and snapped their fingers and they were dressed in their sleep wear.

Einzenn: So you two are finally done.

Bakugo: Be careful they might start doing it here too.

Alastor: HaHa you two, we got a long day ahead of us tomorrow so let's get to sleep. Good night guys.

E&B: Good night.

They all went to bed well to the dream scape where they would meet Ignatius.

E&B: Where am I?

Ignatius: Hello you two it's nice to finally meet you both in person.

Einzenn: Who said that!

Ignatius: Woah calm down there my disciples I am Ignatius your master.

Einzenn: Ohh so your the he brother spoke of.

Ignatius: Indeed I am. I am glad to have you both as my disciples. Excuse me but this might hurt a bit.

Both Einzenn and Bakugo fell to their knees from all the memories and spells they could do with black magic. Soon both rose up and begun to ask questions.

Einzenn: What was that?

Alastor: I believe I can answer that.

Einzenn: Brother?

Alastor: Those were all my memories and spells I have learned to do with black magic.

Bakugo: So why was Izuku in there.

Alastor: I saved him and his body it's what I am currently residing in right now.

Bakugo: Saved him form what?

Alastor: His death as you saw.

Bakugo: Why didn't you tell me?

Alastor: Because we weren't on good terms but he is alive and happy in a new body.

Bakugo: Let our a breath of relief.

Bakugo: As long as he is happy I'm okay with it.

Alastor: Good. You can come out now Mina!

Mina: Finally it was getting boring over there.

Alastor: Anyways now that you have met master. Welcome to the brother hood and the life of immortality.

Alastor: Ohh is it morning already well we all have to get up and ready for school so come on you two.

Ignatius: Bye Bakugo and Einzenn.

E&B: Bye master.

They all went back to their bodies and Ignatius was by himself again.

Ignatius: Ohh I'm alone again.~

Alastor and Mina woke up first snuggles against each other and stayed like that for awhile before they got up made breakfast and changed into their usual attire for school. Soon Einzenn and Bakugo got ready and snapped their fingers and were dressed in their uniforms. Soon after they ate they began to walk to school and Einzenn went a separate way from force of habit.

Alastor: Where are you going did you forget we are in the same class now brother.

Einzenn: Ohh yeah sorry force of habit.

Alastor: It is alright brother but remember next time.

Einzenn: Yeah don't worry I won't.

They then walked into the classroom and were talking about each of their experience this morning. But all chapter was halted as soon as Aizawa walked in.

Aizawa: Good your all quiet today we will impact your future as hero's. Today you'll be deciding on your hero names and also picking an internship except you four.

He explained as he pointed to Alastor, Mina, Einzenn, and Bakugo.

Aizawa: No one could teach you anything so you will be training on your own.

Alastor: Huh well that works.

Aizawa: Alright now it's time to pick your hero names.

Midnight then walked in and begun handing out white boards and markers and soon everybody began to think of names. Alastor was the first to go up and he showed his choice.

Alastor: The Radio demon.

Midnight: I like it suits you very well.

Alastor: Thank you.

Mina was the next to go up and she showed her choice.

Mina: The acid hero Acidity.

Midnight: Good choice Mina it goes with your quirk and it's catchy.

Bakugo was next to go up and he showed his choice.

Bakugo: The explosion hero Ground Zero.

Midnight: Very good choice and very historical.

Next was Einzenn he walked up and showed his hero name.

Einzenn: The All seeing hero Seeker.

Midnight: Good goes with your quirk and it strikes fear into people good choice.

Soon everybody went up and displayed their hero names with only two using their real names.

Midnight: Good job everyone now it's time to pick your internships good luck everyone.

Midnight then walked out of the room and Aizawa handed out their forms and soon everyone picked their choice except the four that were excused from the internships. Soon they were off for the rest of the day and they went to Mina's house to show her parents the house he designed yesterday.

Alastor: Hello Mom and sir are you ready to see the house?

Mike: Yes we are.

Alastor then snapped his fingers and a portal appeared in front of them.

Alastor: Follow me and don't worry the portal is completely safe and soon they appeared in front of what appeared to be a cave.

Alastor: Before you say anything this is merely a front the real house is behind the water fall then walked to the waterfall and soon a speaker came on.

Speaker: Welcome home sir.

After the speaker was done it played a song.

Speaker: The house has been set to a comfortable 79 degrees and the lights have been turned on the pool has been heated and the water is running perfectly fine.

Alastor: Thank you Jarvis you may take a break.

Jarvis: Thank you sir.

Alastor: As you can see Jarvis has handled everything correctly and has the defense mechanism ready in case we ever do get found.

Mike: WOW I approve You can stay here there is no need for us to get shown the rest of the house.

Cassandra: I would have to agree this is just absolutely amazing.

Alastor: Thank you Mom do you want me to drop you back off?

Mike: Wait doesn't Mina need to get her stuff.

Alastor: No need I have moved everything ahead of time with my magic.

Mike: WOW you are on top of everything aren't you.

Alastor: Yes I am sir I like to be prepared for everything.

Cassandra: Well can you drop us back home and Mina remember to visit every now and then okay?

Mina: I was already planning to mom and tell Mac and his friends to stop by whenever they want Jarvis will let them.

Mike: Alright and be safe my little hero.

Mina: Bye Mom bye Dad.

C&M: Bye!

The portal then closed and all of them let out a sigh of relief.

Alastor: Well shall we go in and record that song now?

Mina: Yes let's.

They walked in and went to the studio and summoned their instruments tuned them and Alastor told Jarvis to record it the music.

After they were done Alastor told Jarvis to break a deal with a music agent and make a deal with a music company Jarvis did and within 20 minutes he had already and got the best deal for them.

Jarvis: Sir I did what you asked and have got a 2 million yen deal ready. They extremely eager to start business with you and respect your decision to stay anonymous but they want a album to release until then they will not give us the money.

Alastor: Thank you Jarvis.

Jarvis: It is my pleasure sir.

Alastor: Hey guys I got some big news.

Einzenn: What's the good new brother?

Alastor: As you know I had Jarvis try to make deals with big music companies and we have a 2 million yen deal.

Mina spit out her drink.

Mina: A 2 million yen deal!

Alastor: Yes and that is just the start depending on how well it sells we could make a lot more. The problem is they want an album not just a song so what do you all think.

Bakugo: Well let's get to work what are we waiting for.

Alastor: I have some songs already pre written in case this happened.

Mina: Is it enough to make an album?

Alastor: Including the song we sent them yes.

Mina: Well let's get to rockin' then!

Alastor: Alright come on guys let's start. Hey Jarvis record when I tell you to.

Jarvis: I assume you are making the album sir.

Alastor: Yes we are Jarvis.

Alastor: Guys the song should've arrived in your head and you should know what to do first song you guys ready.

E&B&M: Yeah!

Alastor: Alright in 3...2..1.

Alastor: That was the last song send that to the music company Jarvis.

Jarvis: Will do sir I suggest you all take a break for a couple days. Other wise you might damage you vocal chords.

Alastor: Are you guys okay?

Mina: Yup I am all good and dandy!

Einzenn: Finally done I say we did very good for our first album.

Bakugo: My arms need a brake and some Ice.

Alastor: Sorry my friend but we need to get that to them so they didn't lose intrest.

Bakugo: It will be fine my arms are starting to heal already cause of our powers just give me a minute.

Alastor: Alright how about we all go to bed cause It's currently. Wait what time did we start.

Mina: Around 4:30 Why sweetie?

Alastor: Because it is currently midnight. We uhh better get to bed after we take a shower. Each bed room has a shower so you can wash up there now let's get upstairs.

Mina: Yeah *yawn* that's a good idea.

Soon they all washed up and went to bed quickly.
Wooo this is a very long chapter and they have officially started a Band and released their first album isn't it exciting well I am gonna see you all later. PEACE!!!!!!!!

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