The Beginning of Something Extrodinary

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Yo guys I am back with another chapter I really enjoy writing this story and I thought this was gonna flop like my two other stories but I can see I was so incredibly wrong and y'all are welcome to comment any suggestions you have or any request. Mr doors are always open. With that being said Let's Get This Party STARTED!!!!!
A/N: We start this chapter off with the new team heading to Dagobah municipal beach to teach the new members.

Alastor: Well that sports festival was extremely good I am excited for the one in are later years.

Mina: I know you guys were especially amazing that mini concert I had no idea you could play drums Bakugo!

Bakugo: Well I don't really like to brag about it so a lot of people don't know.

Einzenn: Yeah but I had no idea how to play guitar though but I somehow knew how to play.

Mina: I'm pretty sure Alastor had something to do with that.

Einzenn: Wait did you really Alastor?

Alastor: Yes I did I quickly brought your musical level up to mine and before you ask no it wasn't just because I wanted you play with us.

Einzenn: Then what was the reason?

Alastor: Because I saw your eyes land on Jiro and she loves music so I figured I would give you a head start on getting her to like you.

Einzenn: What are you talking about?!?!

Einzenn then got a huge blush on his face.

Mina: Ohhhh my god I don't care what you say I am getting you two together!

Alastor: And there she goes on her shipping tangent again.

E&B: Wait this has happened before.

Alastor: Yup regularly.

Mina then got a huge lilac blush on her face.

Mina: Hey I do not.

Alastor: Yes you do and we are here.

Einzenn: WOW that is a lot of trash.

Alastor: Yes it is but this makes it the perfect place to train.

Einzenn: How so?

Alastor: You see we need life force to do magic and what better place to get it then trash which has no meaning to anybody and it also cleans the beach.

Einzenn: So we have nothing but positive outcomes.

Alastor: Exactly now I need to ask you both where you want a sigil to be placed on you.

Einzenn: Umm well do you think I could have it near my shoulder.

Bakugo: For me can I have it on my upper left chest.

Alastor: Both of them are doable.

They soon exposed the areas where they want the the sigil and Alastor ran a hand over them and the sigils appeared.

Alastor: Alright now tell me how you feel.

Bakugo: I feel so attuned and what's this green stuff all around us.

Einzenn: Yeah what is this stuff.

Alastor: So he has taken a liking to both of you that is very good now try to bring the green towards you.

Einzenn: Alright now what.

Alastor: Watch the garbage.

They watched the garbage and it soon turned to dust and both the students look shocked and happy that they could do it.

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