DC X male reader Insert (the...

By lowerbirth

59K 1K 241

when a boy who was abandoned by everyone decides to become what his mother loved will he get her attention? I... More

a shocking new bat
meeting among the league
first contact
just chillin
schools and home problems
what happened?
family reunion
this isnt good
jail time and questioning
bit of a scare
green finger
the asylum in the hands of the guards
guess who's back
a small gift comes with a price
getting Greek help.
getting a gang together
the power of the sword.
Red clan vs the devil
Bad news
Deaths and a funeral
laying a hit


8.2K 121 28
By lowerbirth

Okay everybody here is the first chapter of my DC and I want honest criticism about it since this will be quite different from how I usually write. Now I wanted to ask all of you for a question of the day and that is which super heros son or daughter would you want to be? For me I would say Bruce Wayne since I would be rich and all I would need to focus on was studying to take over the company and not fighting. I'm a pacifist so I would not make a good hero or sidekick. Now with this all said and done let's get on with this.

Joker POV

I was loading up the cash into the back of the trunk while Harley and the goons helped out, the guards are having quite a laugh HA HA HA!

Harley:"hey Mr J do you think we will meet bats again?"

I looked over to her and saw her lifting up one of the sacks of cash.

Joker:"don't care Harley dear, but I can tell you right now that he will have his hands full dealing with the coming gang war. HA HA HA!!!"

While I'm laughing I hear something from above which I knew wasn't bats since he wasn't that sloppy, I didn't see anything and decided to have a little laugh.

Joker:"who's up there?"

I spoke in a singing tone since I can do whatever the hell I want!

Joker:"come out, come out wherever you are?"

Quickly I pulled out a gun and began to shoot up at the ceiling at different parts until I was out of ammo.

Thug:"hay boss, you okay?"

I pointed the gun at the man and clicked the trigger, to my surprise there was still one bullet left in the gun. I looked down at the man.

Joker:"are you crazy! Do I look okay to you!?"

I then started to laugh again but then I heard something land on the ground floor, I spinned around to look at whoever this prick was. I looked like bats but the person was thinner and the pajamas were more edge looking a leather black tail coat, with the mask having spikes where his eyes were.

Thug 2:"it's bats!"

batman:"what do we have here? Is it a rat or is it a cat but which is the rat and which is the cat?"

Now this wasn't batse since this new guys was making jokes, then a smile as big as my own appeared on his face.

Joker:"shot this bastard!"

Then the lovely sounds of guns began to fire while I spinned around enjoying the madness of all this, I could tell that the man was moving around dodging bullets as he did so.

Harley:"should we get out of here Mr J?"

I stopped spinning and looked at Harley.

Joker:"of bloody course we should!"

I skipped along to the truck to make my great escape from this imposter, before I entered my truck I saw one of my men fall to the ground with one of the copy cat's batarangs in-between his eyes.

Joker:"ah shit."

I got back into my truck then sticking my head out to turned to my crew.

Joker:"looks like this bat man isn't after to kill us! Have fun everyone!!"

I floored it to get away from here before this imposter can kill me, though that would be quite a joke, HA HA HA. After five minutes of me driving around and on top of people I look out the window and to my surprise I'm not being followed.

Joker:"guess this bats lookalike isn't that good when it comes to his ride."

I continued to dive to the fair ground with the money I stolen, some of the men I left behind as I kept driving forward till I crashed into the roundabout.

I kicked the door opened and I looked at my clown themed men.

Joker:"okay bitches let's unload this crap!!"

I walked forward humming to myself  while noticing that my men were not moving even a little bit.

Joker:"are you all deaf!?"

I marched over to one of the men who was closest to me and slapped him across the face like I had to do when Harley was being a bitch. The man fell the the ground and I heard a snap come from the ground, when I looked down I saw there was a broken wooden pole coming out of the ground, the other part of the pole turned out was up the man's ass. I looked at the rest of my guys to see they all got the same treatment.

Joker:"what! You all couldn't resist shoving stuff up your asses that you decide to kill eachother!?"

Just as I was getting mad the worst was yet to come.

???:"sorry about that Mr J!"

The voice sounded like someone was mimicking Harley and it came from above me. What I saw was bat fake holding my unconscious girl, using her like a dummy, the bat threw her down next to me and the poor thing was all battered and bruised.

???:"she was a fun play thing but I wanted you Joker."

Then man then dropped down with the same smile that was on his face when I saw him last. Then came the man's laugh, an awfully thing that sounded like the scratching on a chalk board. I ran towards this man ready to punch this pricks nose in, the bat fake stabbed me through my wrist with one of his batarangs.

???:"just know that I am fine killing you. HA HA HA."

The man then punched me right in my nose, is stumbled back while the bat fake uppercut me right in my gut, I vomited my lunch out onto this guy's arm.

Joker:"bon appetit."

The man then grabbed the back of my head and brought my head down on his knew making my vision go black.

Bruce Wayne POV

I got out of the batmobile and ran into the fair ground looking for Joker, I was wondering who had attacked jokers men. The person seemed to be a copy cat of me but he has no moral code, I saw some of jokers men standing around the place doing nothing. I noticed that there was a pole holding up the men who were most likely dead by the same man who killed jokers men.

Bruce:"Barbra is the person who did this still here?"

I walked around the fair ground trying to see anything that might help me find out who this person is.

Barbara:"I think so Bruce there's someone moving around the Joker and Harley body though I don't know if they are dead or not. There at the Ferris wheel."

I nodded and ran over to the Ferris wheel wondering what this person has against the Joker, though if he lives in Gotham it could be anything. Once I reached the Farris wheel I saw a man who was wearing a costume similar to mine putting a nuse around jokers neck.

Bruce:"who are you and what do you think you are doing?"

Then man turned to look at me with a creepy smile on his face.

???:"oh, my go its BATMAN!!!"

The man sounded like a teen girl as he ran over to me.

???:"I'm a big fan of yours batman and I thought I would do you a favour by lessening your work load."

The man held his hand out for me to shake, but I wasn't going to since this man reminded me of the Joker.

Bruce:"what are you going to do to Joker?"

The smiling man looked over to Joker.

???:"that's what I mean when I said lessening your work load. When he is gone the city will see a drop in Crime and the other villains start to get the message that they are now at our mercy."

The man then started to walk over to the control board of the Farris wheel and I knew this man had to be stopped, I threw one of my batarangs at this man who just caught it. Clearly a professional.

???:"well I'm guessing that you don't agree with my methods huh, batman? Shame and I had a good name for myself which would have been better if you let me work with you."

The man turned back to me and I knew that just from his smile and eyes this is a person who belongs in Arkham.

???:"I'm the batman who laughed. HA HA HA HA HA!!!"

Somehow this man's laugh was worse than the Jokers and he ruched towards me. The man tried to punch me in my chest with his right hand but I grab his wrist and punch his face. Causing the man to fall back, the batman who laughed got out of my grip but instead of fighting he just started to run away from me, I chanced after the man. As we were running the man was close to the exit but he won't get very far since there was no cars outside. Once the two of us were in the parking lot he turned around to look at me.

Batman who laughed:"now batman this has been quite fun but this is where we must part."

The man reached into his cap and once he brought his hand out it was a button he reached for.

Batman who laughed:"you can either chase me or..."

He clicked the button and the sounds of the fair ground strated to play, I turned around to see he must have turned the power back on as well as the rides.

Batman who laughed:"or save the Joker, now chose."

I heard him run away while I ran over to save Joker of all people, I also had to get the money back before someone else takes it. Once I reached the Farris wheel I saw the Joker was already off of the ground, I threw a batarang at the rope to get him down. When the batarang dropped Joker I could hear the GCPD coming and I left the area hoping that I haven't missed this strange man.

Bruce:"Barbra do you know where that man went?"

Barbara:"sorry Bruce it seems as though he has completely gone, no cameras have spotted him or even left anything behind. Got to say this guy is good Bruce, maybe as good as you."

I hated to admit it but she might be right, is he from the league perhaps?

Bruce:"I'll do a check on people matching this guy's description when I get back to the bat cave."

And done hope that all of you enjoyed this first chapter and please let me know what you think of this story's main character. Now for the bottom question and that is kind of the opposite to the top question, what DC villain would you like to be the child of, for me I would say lex luthor for some of the same reasons as the top. Now with that all said and done have a good life.

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