
By sephmeadowes

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All Jessica knew is that she hates Edward Cullen. She can't seem to escape him no matter what she does. She... More

Like Ever
If You Give A Vampire A Brownie
An American Werewolf In Forks
Pity Party
Cullen's Anatomy
Secrets Keep Us Safe
Sweater Weather
That's What You Get
Mixed Signals and Other Things
Wolf's Out Of The Bag
Bad Liar
Chicago Blues
Edward Sparkles
Stupid Cupid
Winnie: Fully Loaded
Top Of The Morning!
Remains of the Day
Like A Virgin
Alice in Fashion Land
Prom Queen
How Soon Is Now?
Summer Stock
College Daze

Old School Romance

1K 62 23
By sephmeadowes

Lauren's car was waiting outside the Home Slice and Jessica got inside quickly. Both her friends could tell she was upset and asked her what happened. She told them about her conversation with Edward, his confession, and the crap pile of insults he threw at her. She was so incensed at the end that both Lauren and Angela were both quiet, trying to process all of it.

Angela was the first to recover. "So...Edward Cullen is in love with you."

"He thinks he's in love with me," Jessica rubbed at her temples. "Apparently he hates that he feels any sort of emotion for me and somehow it's all my fault."

"He's an asshole," Lauren remarked. "Who can fuck off in a cave or bridge of wherever vampires dwell in."

"He didn't articulate himself very well," Angela said. "How do you feel about this, Jess?"

"I want him to go away and leave me alone," She leaned back and wished that she never met Edward Cullen. "He always makes me feel like garbage and I hate him."

"You should hate him," Lauren agreed. "Anyone who makes you feel that way is not worthy of your time."

"I know."

She knew it now after the previous year of Mike and Edward throwing mixed signals at her. She was so done with boys. She used to obsess over the fact that the boys she liked never liked her back. In reality, she just had the worst taste in boys and was wasting her time.

They dropped her off at her house. Angela stepped out of the car and gave her a hug. Jessica accepted her comfort, not wanting to cry but it was nice to be held by someone she knew really loved her. Angela told her that she would call later and she got back in the car.

Jessica made her way back inside and her mom must've sensed something was off because she was being extra nice. Her mom suggested they watch a movie together. Even Emily was allowed to stay past her bedtime for it.

"I thought you said no movies on school nights," Jessica remarked as they she set up the DVD player.

"Sometimes you have to live a little," her mother replied, salting the bowl of popcorn. "Besides, Gene Kelly never gets old."

Emily fell asleep half way through the movie and their mom carried her into her room. She returned to the living room and they watched Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds dance together. Her mom smiled and hummed along to the song. Jessica watched her expressions and wondered how many times her parents watched this movie before she was born.

"Hey, mom," she said. "How did you and dad meet?"

Her mom smiled wider as she began to reminisce. "We met at Bates College in Maine. Your dad was on the rowing team and I was in an acapella group."

"What? You in an acapella group?" Jessica was surprised as her mom never sang outside of the shower. "No freaking way."

"Yes, I was," her mom explained. "I met your dad at a party. It was Newman Day and he was drunk as a skunk. He tried to hit on me and I turned him down. I didn't really like him at first."

She had never known that. As far as she could remember, her parents had always acted as a unit and seemed very in love. Too much if she was being honest. She used to make faces when they would kiss in front of her.

"What happened? What made you change your mind about him?"

"I saw him on campus the next day. He was so hungover he could barely see straight. He apologized for the previous night and asked me if we could go to lunch together," Her mom shrugged. "I don't know why but I said yes. We bonded over a mutual love of ABBA. And a few years later, we got married and had you."

Jessica was smiling so much her cheeks were hurting. It was mind-boggling to know her parents had whole lives before but also that her parents didn't have a good beginning. Thank God they worked it out. And she owed her existence to Honey Honey apparently.

After the movie was over, Jessica got ready for bed. Sunny was already lying on the bed and taking up most of the space. She pushed Sunny a bit to make room for herself and got under the covers. She was about to turn off her bedside lamp when a snowball flew out of nowhere and hit the window.

Sunny was startled and began barking at the window. Jessica got up and warily made her way to the window. Pushing it open slowly, she looked outside and saw Edward Cullen standing outside in the snow. Scowling, she moved to close the window but he stopped her.

"Please, don't," he begged. "I'm sorry for earlier. You're right I'm a butthole and I don't deserve you."

"Go away," she hissed. "We have garlic in the house and I'm not afraid to use it."

He sighed. "That won't work on me."

"Sounds exactly what a vampire would say."

She wasn't falling for it. Of course he'd say garlic couldn't hurt him so she would let her guard down. Then when there was no more garlic to protect her, he would chump down on her neck. She was B positive and had to taste good.

Sunny was still barking at him. Her mom heard it and called out, "Jessica, is everything okay in there?"

"Everything's fine, mom!" she replied. "Sunny just saw a cat pass by!"

Jessica turned back to Edward and gesticulated for him to go away. She had no idea why he knew where she lived and she never wanted to see his smug face again. He refused to budge and pulled out a big dog bone out of his jacket. He threw it into the room and at Sunny who quieted down immediately. So much for a dog's loyalty.

"Can I come in?" Edward asked. "Please. I just want to talk."

"Last time we talked, you kept insulting me," she pointed out. "You didn't get all of them out so you needed a part two?"

"No. That's not it at all," He shook his head, looking weary. "I realize I can be insensitive and I say horrible things to you. I never mean to hurt you-"

"You just do."

He held up his head to let him finish. She complied.

"I never want to hurt you. Yes, I said I didn't want to be in love with you but I never really wanted to be in love with anyone," he admitted. "It wasn't something I looked for even when I was human. You grew on me-"

"Like a fungus?"

He gave her a look. She smiled sheepishly and gestured for him to keep going.

"You surprised me. You're funny, smart, and so open with your emotions. You love with every ounce of your being," he said. "And I think you're beautiful, Jessica."


"Wow," She didn't know what to say. "That was better than your first try."

He pulled out something from his jacket again. Was it like Mary Poppins' bag? Did he just have magical pockets? He was holding a red rose. Where did he even get flowers in the winter?

He offered it to her, hesitantly. "Please just give me a chance."

She took the rose because it was pretty. And she wasn't gonna turn down flowers.

"I'm still trying to wrap my head around the vampire thing," she admitted. "You're old enough to be my grandpa."

He sighed, unable to really say anything to that. He leaned against the window frame and bumped his forehead against it a few times. She resisted the urge to laugh at his misery. He turned to leave but she stopped him.

"How did you know where I live?"

He froze. She could see how tense he was. She waited. He turned back to her, the guilt all over his place.

"I drove you home that one time, remember?"

Oh. She forgot about that.

"And..." He hesitated before admitting," I stalk you."

Dang it. Why can't he be normal? Here he was at her bedroom window like a modern day Romeo and he had to ruin it by being a creep. Why did she never like nice boys?

"Edward, that's not okay," she told him. "And hand me a snowball."

He knew what she was going to do but picked up some snow on the ground and made her a snowball anyway. He handed it to her and held still as she threw it at his face. She smiled as he wiped the snow out of his eyes. She closed the window shut.

"See you at school tomorrow," she said as he left.

She pulled her curtains closed over the window and went back to bed. Placing the rose on her bedside drawer, she wondered where he got it. No matter. She'd ask him tomorrow.

Jessica found Edward waiting at her locker as she arrived at school. Their classmates were staring at them in passing. She ignored them and smiled as Edward handed her another red rose. Lauren and Angela lingered and she gestured for them to go. Lauren shot a glare at Edward and he pretended like he never saw it.

She twirled the rose by the stem. "Where are you getting flowers in January?"

"You wanted romance and I'm complying," he replied. "And I'm not telling you how I'm getting them. It ruins the mystery."

"Whatever you say, Eddie."

"It's still a bit early before class, you want to come with me somewhere?" he asked. "I have something to show you."

"Your cave?"

He looked confused. "What?"

"Doesn't your kind live in caves?"

"We're not bats," He rolled his eyes and held out his hand for her to take. "This will take five minutes. Please?"


She took his hand and tried not to shiver at how cold his touch was. He felt as cold as the snowy parking lot. He led her down the hallway to the music room. It was currently empty and he made a beeline for the piano.

He took a seat and she decided to stand as he started to play. It wasn't a piece she'd heard before. It was slow with a simple but sweet melody. There was almost something melancholic about it.

Edward played it confidently and with no need for sheet music. His long pale fingers played over the keys smoothly and she could not look away. She wondered how long he'd been playing to be this good. She remembered he was as old as the hills so probably a while.

He gave her a look. She shrugged. It was his own fault for listening in on her thoughts. The music picked up and it was soothing and even joyful before ending softly.

She clapped and he smiled widely at her.

"Very nice," she said. "Who wrote it?"

"I did," he replied. "I wrote it about you."

She didn't know what to say. She clutched unto the rose and tried to make sense of her own emotions. There was surprise, gratitude, and finally happiness. Nobody had ever made something for her like this. No one had ever been inspired by her to create something so pretty.


He got to his feet and leaned down to tell her, "Yes, Jessica. Oh."

He looked like he wanted to kiss her. His golden eyes were staring at her lips but she didn't want him to. She still had reservations about what he was and what this thing between them was supposed to be. The age difference between them was a huge barrier on its own. She didn't know how she felt about kissing somebody older than sliced bread.

He cleared his throat, pulling away. "We should get to class."

"Baby steps," She took his hand again as he led them out of the music room. "We're taking baby steps."

"I can wait," Edward said as they walked through the hallways. "I'm very good at waiting."

Jessica wanted romance so Edward is trying to his best.

1. Jessica's mom being in an acapella group was inspired by Anna Kendrick being in Pitch Perfect.

2. Jessica has no patience for Edward's stalking tendencies. And she shouldn't. Stalking is creepy.

3. The song Edward plays for Jessica is called 'Arrival of the Birds'. It's one of my favorite pieces. You can find piano covers on Youtube.

4. Fun fact: Edward is older than sliced bread. Sliced bread was invented in 1928.

5. Chapter title is a reference to Edward's old fashioned way of courting and also cause he's old.

Do you like how I write? You might want to check out my original fiction. I joined a writing contest so if you would like to support me and help me win by reading, I would appreciate it. The book is finished and you can read it for free on Radish, it's called Bedroom Hymns by Seph Meadowes.

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