
By sephmeadowes

27.3K 1.2K 282

All Jessica knew is that she hates Edward Cullen. She can't seem to escape him no matter what she does. She... More

Like Ever
If You Give A Vampire A Brownie
An American Werewolf In Forks
Pity Party
Cullen's Anatomy
Secrets Keep Us Safe
Sweater Weather
That's What You Get
Wolf's Out Of The Bag
Bad Liar
Old School Romance
Chicago Blues
Edward Sparkles
Stupid Cupid
Winnie: Fully Loaded
Top Of The Morning!
Remains of the Day
Like A Virgin
Alice in Fashion Land
Prom Queen
How Soon Is Now?
Summer Stock
College Daze

Mixed Signals and Other Things

994 49 7
By sephmeadowes

Exams week was finally there which always put Jessica's anxiety on another level but she felt she was doing great so far. Her relationships with her friends had improved though remembering that they were keeping secrets still bothered her. It left an underlying tension no one wanted to address. Angela tried to fix things by baking more and bringing treats to school. Jessica wasn't sure if it helped but she would never say no to baked goods.

Edward was back in school and she was trying her hardest to ignore him. She tried to forget the past few weeks of him being somewhat nice never happened. Like a weird dream you'd have after eating something before bed and you'd wake up wondering what was wrong with your subconscious. She knew that if she even tried to dwell on her emotions around him that she would punch his stupid face and she did not want to deal with the consequences.

For the most part, he was back to being that impassive loner that talked to no one. Having been burned by him twice, she had no patience to try and decipher what emotions he was refusing to show. Maybe he had no emotions. It would certainly explain how it was so easy for him to treat people like they were nothing.

After their chemistry exam, she did not say one word to him as she left the classroom. She was going to have two weeks free of not seeing his ghostly presence and she was looking forward to it. He could go away back to Alaska or whatever. No one certainly missed him when he was gone after Thanksgiving.

Making her way to the cafeteria, she went in line to buy her lunch as her mom needed to go grocery shopping later and there wasn't enough for even a sandwich in the fridge. The pizza on Wednesdays was hit or miss but she hadn't much choice. She might get Eric to swap with her if she sweet talked him enough. And she had Angela's red velvet cupcakes to look forward to at the least.


She nearly jumped and turned to find Edward behind her in the line. She pretended she never saw him and eyed the back of Ben Chenney's head to move the line faster as if he had control. Edward cleared his throat behind her and she rolled her eyes. No dice. She wasn't going to even consider playing his evil mind games again.

"Jessica," He sighed. "You're really going to keep up with the silent treatment?"

Too bad for him, she could keep up the silent treatment forever. She and Emily did it all the time when they got on each other's nerves. There were times they did it simultaneously and the Stanley household was filled with silent passive aggression. Their poor mom ate through a lot of silent dinners.

"I realize I may have been insensitive about what happened between us," he started. "I never meant to hurt you."

Oh like that made things better. Tough lucky, buddy. He still hurt her and he could shove it up where the sun didn't shine. Insensitive was an understatement.

"I want to say I'm sorry," he continued. "I never want you to think that I think you're not good enough or that you're nothing. You''re far from average, Jessica Stanley."

Far from average? That was almost glowing praise coming from him. It didn't matter. His half-baked apologies were too little too late.

It was finally her turn and the lunch lady handed her the tray of food. Edward continued to follow her. God, he did not want to give up. Why was he even doing this? Did he just want to laugh at her again?

"That is not what I – Jessica," He grabbed her elbow preventing her from moving further and turned her so she could see his frustrated face. "I'm trying to fix this. I want us to be friends."

"You said you didn't want to be friends."

"I said we shouldn't be friends, not that I didn't want us to be."

"Doesn't matter what verb you used, the intent was the same," She retorted. "You made this bed so just lie in it and die."

She shrugged off his touch and made her way to the table with her friends. They were staring at her curiously and she gave no explanation. Taking a big bite, of her pizza slice, she concentrated on eating. Food was more important than moody boys who couldn't make up their dang minds.

Why were boys like that? Kiss you then say they're not interested. Say something then take it back. Do something and say it was misinterpreted.

The whole lot of them sucked. Women should just go to a different planet and let the men kill each other. They could find a new planet and rebuild society. They could print money with Beyonce's face on it and wear flower crowns all the time (also no wage gaps, no sexual harassment, and no pointless wars.)

It was win-win all around. Maybe she should work for NASA and work on building a spaceship.

Jessica was surprised to find Angela was the one driving Lauren's silver Toyota Prius on Friday. Lauren was feeling sick again and was leaning her head against the window as she tried to take a nap in the passenger seat. She was concerned for her friend and suggested maybe she should take a sick day. Lauren refused.

"I can't miss exams," the blonde said. "I've already missed a lot from last month."

"You sure you're not gonna pass out in the middle of class?" Jessica questioned. "Cause I'm not buff like Jacob. I can't carry you."

Lauren insisted, "I'll be fine."

She didn't pass out in classes but she wasn't fully there either. She looked exhausted and was a grumpy to anyone one who tried to engage with her. She didn't eat during lunch and napped in her car instead. By their last class, she was complaining of headaches and that everything was too loud.

Lauren leaned on Angela as they walked out of the school building and towards the parking lot, her steps slow and unsteady. Jessica was readying herself to catch her if she fell. And she was getting so concerned she considered kidnapping Lauren and taking her to the hospital. She hadn't enjoyed the experience last time but she would do it again if she had to.

Angela drove again and Jessica sat in the back seat with Lauren resting her head on her lap. Déjà vu hit Jessica and she did not enjoy it. She caressed Lauren's messy blonde hair from her forehead and checked her temperature. It was uncomfortably hot.

"You're burning up," Jessica pointed out, trying not to panic. "Maybe we should go to the hospital."

"No," Lauren protested. "They can't help."

"They were able to help last time."

"That was last time."

"Just let us help you, Laur," Jessica argued in frustration. "You're so ill you can barely walk."

Lauren peered up at her with heavy-lidded eyes. Her skin was getting clammy from sweat. "I just need to get home and I can get through tonight."

"What's at home that they don't have at a hospital?"

"A cage."

The car swerved slightly as Angela exclaimed in panic, "Lauren! Don't!"

"No, no, Lauren, please do," Jessica countered. "What do you need a cage for, Lauren?"

"Loophole. I can't tell you about the secret we've been keeping," she replied. "I can't tell you everything but I can show you my secret."

"And that involves a cage?"


Jessica trying to lighten the mood as it was beginning to really scare her, joked, "Are you running a secret Fight Club at your house?"


Lauren closed her eyes again and didn't explain any further. Jessica met Angela's eyes in the rear view mirror. She looked upset. Her doe eyes were wide in disbelief and aggravation.

Angela griped, "Jacob isn't gonna like this."

Lauren snorted. "He'll get over it."

The rest of the drive was quiet. Jessica worried over Lauren's temperature. Angela kept shooting worried glances at them from the rear view mirror. Tension cupcakes were back on sale.

Jacob was outside Lauren's house when they arrived. It was snowing and he was wearing only a hoodie and jeans. How was he not frozen or even look a little bit uncomfortable? Angela parked the car and he was there, opening the door to the backseat and taking Lauren into his arms.

She opened her eyes as her head rested on his chest. "You again."

"Miss me, Laur?" He smiled. "You look like one of The Walking Dead."

"Don't make me bite you, Black."

Jessica carried both her and Lauren's backpacks as they went into the house. Angela opened doors for Jacob who carried Lauren like she was weightless. He put her down on the couch and she lied down on the pillow that was already there. Taking the blanket from the armchair nearby, he covered her with it and knelt beside the couch as she settled in.

Angela didn't seem bothered with the display and went to the kitchen. Feeling awkward watching Jacob take care of Lauren, she followed her friend who was opening cabinets in search of something. It wasn't the first time Angela made something in Lauren's kitchen and she found the ingredients she needed easily. Jessica put down her and Lauren's bags on the floor.

"You're not surprised," Jessica said. "With how Jacob is with her."

Angela didn't meet her eye, just worked on what Jessica could tell was ginger ale. "She needs taking care of and she only accepts it from him."

"Well, doesn't that bother you?"

The taller girl sighed. "Honestly, for a while it did. But things are the way they are for a reason."

"What is?" Jessica asked. "Are you and Jacob in an open relationship and he gets to boink who he wants while you suffer in silence?"

"It's not like that-"

"Then explain it to me," She moved closer to Angela and leaned against the island. "What is going on with the three of you? And don't tell me you can't say anything because-"

"It's none of your fucking business," Jacob had entered the kitchen and he didn't look happy. "Whatever is going on is between me, Angela, and Lauren. You are not part of this."

Jessica felt an anger that was so visceral, she was surprised sparks didn't come out of her ears. "Okay there, buddy. I've known both of them way longer than you have so you don't get tell me I'm not part of anything."

He moved closer to her, hovering over with his great height. "You are an outsider in this. You don't get to dictate anything."

"Well, from an outsider's perspective, it looks like you're trying to play both of my friends at once," She argued. "You can't be content with one? Gotta catch them all like a sick game of Pokemon?"

"Oh fuck you-"

"No, fuck you-"

"Nobody is fucking anyone!" Angela interrupted, getting between the two of them and pushing Jacob a step back. "Lauren does not need this right now. It's the full moon tonight and she needs all her strength and focus on that."

Before Jacob could say anything, Jessica joked, "Why? Is she going to turn into a werewolf under the full moon?"

Angela and Jacob both froze, staring at her wide-eyed. She waited for them to start laughing or telling her she was being ridiculous. They didn't. She rolled her eyes, refusing to accept the nonsensical thought that crossed her mind.

"Come on, guys, very funny," She said. "Play a prank on Jess. It's fine. We can laugh at it now."

Jacob turned to Angela and asked, "Did you tell her?"

The brunette shook her head. "No. Of course not."

"Did Lauren tell her?"

Angela winced as she explained, "Actually, she wants to show Jessica tonight."

Jacob sputtered, unable to comprehend what he just heard. "Is she insane?"

He looked at Jessica and glared at her like she was the cause of all of this. She resisted the urge to give him the finger. Angela sighed and picked up the finished cup of ginger ale she made and left the kitchen. They followed her back to the living room and watched as she gave it to Lauren who smiled at her gratefully.

At the sight of Jacob's pissed off expression, Lauren said glibly, "I'm showing her and I'm not changing my mind."

He hissed, "Lauren."

"Still doing it."


"You can't stop me."

He let out a frustrated growl and looked like he wanted to pull out his hair. Angela went to him and patted his shoulder consolingly. Jessica took a seat on the armchair across from Lauren and watched as the blonde sipped on her ginger ale like this was all normal for them. Jessica clutched on a throw pillow and waited for whatever show Lauren was planning.

She hoped it wasn't too bad. But werewolves? Right. She wasn't that dumb.

Sir Edward of the Mixed Signals just can't make up his dang mind. And Jessica has no patience for him yoyo-ing her around. The secrets are all coming out in the next chapter.

1. "I said we shouldn't be friends, not that I didn't want us to be" is something Edward said to Bella and she was annoyed with him too.

2. I should say in advance that I like to mess with the Twilight mythology/canon a bit. Not out of disrespect to the author but because some things may not make sense or are inconsistent to me. And for what you're about to learn about Jacob and the girls, drama and fun purposes. Cause this is a world with sparkling vampires. A little ridiculousness is fine.

Do you like how I write? You might want to check out my original fiction. I joined a writing contest so if you would like to support me and help me win by reading, I would appreciate it. The book is finished and you can read it for free on Radish, it's called Bedroom Hymns by Seph Meadowes.

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