Dreams Do Come True

By DucksGo_Quack

145 22 6

Carmen always knew she was different. I mean come on. Having wings wasn't normal. As she grew up, she had one... More

The Intro


37 4 2
By DucksGo_Quack

A/N: English is in brackets and sorry to all those french speakers since sometimes I might be using Google translate since I am not that good with french. By the way any phone numbers I put in my book are fake so don't try to dial them ;)

"Merci!(Thank you!)"

"De rien.(You're welcome)"

The customer walks off and out the door. And no, I didn't decide to be like this, but here I am. Serving as a waitress at my own bakery in France. I grab some coffee and walk over to the front door, flipping the open sign to close. Just as I was walking back to enjoy my hot coffee I hear the sound of the doorbell at the door. DING DONG! Another customer stumbled in.

"Excusez moi mais nous sommes pas ouvertes.(Excuse me but we are not open.)" I look over to the door with a perplexed look on my face. I had forgotten to lock the door.

I shift my gaze and see the new visitor. He was hunched over and he looked broken and bedraggled. He had brown hair with some stubble. Judging by the way he looked he might have been eighteen to twenty. He didn't even seem to notice me as he walked toward to sit at one of the seats by the window. He ran a finger over the fog on the window, a frown on his face.

"Est-ce-que vous êtes d'accord?( are you ok?)" I murmur approaching the stranger. He let out a long sigh.


"Eum.. Voulez-vous quelque chose?( Do you want anything?)" I ask.

"Non..(no...)" He mutters again. I guess he wasn't feeling very well. Maybe a breakup or maybe even something to do with a friend of his . I walk over and sit next to him, placing my coffee mug on the wooden table.

"Hé... Qu'est qui c'est arrivé?( what happened?)" I ask him calmly.

"Mon ami m'aimes plus. (my friend doesn't like me anymore)" He answers. "I mean it's not a big deal." He transfers to english. Luckily I took english classes back in highschool so I could understand him.

"Hey... It's ok. It happens sometimes." I respond with a slight french accent. He looks over at me suprised.

"I didn't know that you spoke english..." He says. I smile at him.

"Well few people do."

" My name is Vincent." Wait a second... Vincent. I knew he looked similar!

"THE Vincent! You're a6d? Like the youtuber!"He blushes shyly.


"Cool. I've been watching a lot of your youtube and I heard about Zak. Is that why..." I ramble on.

"Yeah..." He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. "It was an accident but Zak won't forgive me... I don't know what to do."

"Well maybe you could talk to him."

"I can't he's blocked me on everything!" Vincent says.

"Well... I'm sorry. I don't know what to do. I've never really been in a situation like that..." I mutter. "W-well maybe we can go get some coffee sometime!"

"That would be great!" Vincent grins and checks his watch. "Well I got to go! See you later!" He hands me a folded up piece of paper. Probably a phone number. I look up and watch him exiting the door. I felt good. I had helped someone today. I smile and grab my now cold coffee, placing it on the the kitchen counter. I grab a mop and start mopping up all the coffee spills and sprinkles from pastry's.

"Right!" I say, remembering the door. I hurry over and lock the door of the bakery. That way no one else could intrude. I smile, and get back to work.

Time Skip

"Oh God!" I exclaim, collapsing on my bed. After mopping and cleaning all that mess, I was ready to take a long nice nap. My wings were so tired from staying hidden for so long. I stretch them wide though the hidden holes that I have in all my clothes.

"I wonder what he would think of me..." I thought about Vincent. If he knew about me... My wings. No. He wouldn't find out. Besides all these years I had kept them hidden. How was Vincent any different from the others? I sigh and unwrap my waitress apron. I hang up on a hanger. I go into the closet to dress in pajamas.

I settle down in my plushy bed with pillows so fluffy you could get lost in them. Just as I was about to grab a book a booming voice sounds from my door.


"PAPA! Tu es venue! (DAD! You came!)" I exclaim, jumping of my bed.

"C'est pas tu... C'est nous!(It's not you... it's us!)" My mom exclaims.

"MAMAN!(MOM!)" I rush forward into my parents arms. They hug me warmly and I bury my face into their soft clothing. They almost never came to visit me here. They were the only ones who knew about my wings. They would always help me through complicated and stressing times in my life and they never ever judged me. I look over at my dad. He had big blue eyes and soft features with blonde hair. Whereas my mom had black hair and sharp features that for some people would make her look scary. Not for me though. They get me go and we all sat on the fluffy sofa's that were in my apartment.

"Carmen, on veut savoir tous que vous avez fait aujourd' hui! (Carmen, we want to know all that you did today!)"

" Aujourd'hui était génial! J'ai aidé in garçon. Il était déprimé parce que son ami et lui on disputé et me l'ai consolé! J'ai même son numéro de téléphone! ( Today was awesome! I helped a boy. He was sad because him and his friend had an argument. I calmed him down. I even have his phone number!)" I unfolded the crumpled paper that I was holding from the moment he gave me it.

"Ça dit merci pour m'aidé avec tous ça. Tu es génial :)
784-777-089 -Vincent (It says thank you for helping me with all of this. You're awesome :) 784-777-089- Vincent)."

"Il est un gars trés gentil!(he's a very nice boy!)" My dad exclaims with a smug grin on his face.

"David! Arrête! Tu gêne notre fille! (David! Stop! You're embarrassing our girl!)" My mom exclaims, slapping my dad lightly on the shoulder. He chuckles loudly.

"Tu ne peux pas arrêter papa de le faire! Il est très motivé pour son fille d'être content (You can't stop dad from doing it! He is really motivated on making his girl happy!)" I grin and lean over to hug him.

Time Skip

We spent the rest of the day together until 7:00. I sigh, cleaning up the mess left after dinner. I went to the walked over to my room with my phone in hand, pondering over weather I should call him or not. You know exactly who I'm talking about. But I know I shouldn't. I mean, what would we talk about. The amount of seagull poop on the window of our cars? No, I don't think so. I set my phone on my bedside table. Then I pick up my duvet and fall asleep.

I dreamt of that boy finding out about my wings that fear that I wake up to every day. Of someone finding out. I woke up with a cold sweat dripping down my back. I breath in deeply then out. I needed control. My wings were going crazy. One of them were hidden the other wasn't. How was I going to go on in this state? I couldn't even hide them. Calm, calm. I was fine. I had hidden them for 22 years as far as I know and this boy was no different. It wasn't like they would just be revealed by this random guy that I met. Right?

Time Skip

I was getting ready to go to the coffee shop but I couldn't choose what type of clothes I should wear. Finally I decided on a plaid skirt with a nice blue button up shirt.

Then I tie up my hair in a fishtail braid, grab my phone and the scrap of paper with the telephone number and dial the number on it.


The telephone rang once, then twice...


"Oh- Hi! I was just wondering if we could go get some coffee maybe at a- a coffee place or um- do you have a place in mind?" Really! Did I just say coffee at a coffee place. I subconsciously kick my self. I hear soft laughing coming from the other side.

"Yes I have a place in mind..." Then he have me the address and hung up. Well then I'm now I need to go. I grab my purse and stick my phone and wallet in it. I walk downstairs to my coffee shop, leaving the close sign on my door. Hopefully my mom and dad wouldn't visit or they would wonder where I was. You know what. I snatch a tissue and write a little note on it.

Mom Dad just so you know I'm out to coffee with Vincent.
- Carmen

There. Then I walk out of the store, locking the door behind me. I check my phone for the address. Ok. Got it. I stare at my GPS while walking. Right left right...

"OOF!" I bump into a middle aged guy who gave me the stink eye. I quickly walk away.

I find my way to the coffee shop, not even glancing at the sign above it. The room was about the size of your average coffee shop. I scan the room for Vincent and I find him sitting in the corner by the window.

A/N: Thank you to @TheQueenOf_Mirkwood for making the beautiful cover page . You're a really good friend :) I hope you guys enjoy this book!

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