By WilliamsTerryann

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you could say it was a bad case of blue, to describe it one didn't need to be discrete for it was at a point... More

chapter 11
chapter 20


55 7 0
By WilliamsTerryann

Lloyd wasn't  sure how to go to monique  to tell her he would  like a divorce, it's been almost  two week since he told her about  the baby on the way, she was still angry about  it for she haven't said  a word to him since each time he's there and she look at him it was with disgust it was almost as if they were back to where they were before  now it didn't bother  him much now, he got to the house before  she did on Thursday since he told her about  the baby they haven't been sharing room again  she started closing it once more, but he came to find it open now he went in picking up the few things  that came back to take out, he open the drawer that has her underwear in it going through  it he found some receipts under them some from  a long time, a few recent  he found the receipt from the ring and cringed he still Can't believe she stole the wedding ring, he unfold a paper and the word abortion came in his vision, it was a reminder  of the fact his wife took an abortion and it was because  she was sick he wonder if he was too reluctant  to notice  she was sick and got pregnant thinking  he didn't  thought  it through  when he told her about  the baby, he still haven't learn what sickens it was that make her doctor took such  hasty decisions, he strolled down the paper with eyes and fingers  but no sickness  name he came back to the top the date on it make him open his eyes a bit wider the date was saying  August  in the late twenties those times he and her wasn't  sleeping  together  it was  a long time at first  he was thinking  she was pregnant  but to the time  he was thinking  that and by then she would  show she would  be too late for that to happen  if they were going to take the baby it would  be like some time,  take  some monitoring even  for her to be admitted for to the time they slept together  and the time of the abortion she probably would  even  give birth he look the paper  over again  sigh for he wonder what he wasn't  clear on what he was missing but definitely he was missing  something,
"When did you do the abortion?" Lloyd  ask soon as monique came in the door,
She look up at him he held the piece of paper up to her,
Monique  look up at it, "it was, it was" she bite her lips "sometimes  in February , no March"
"March how comes?" He ask, for here it's  saying  August" he was sure  that  they weren't having  sex around  those times for her to become pregnant  to take an ababortion  in those times, "what am I missing here?"
"It's  a mistake  I told  you its between  those times, are you doubting me you think I'm lying"
"About your sickness what did the doctor told you about  that for I, I haven't learn yet what  is wrong"
Don't  act to be concerned now, you got a baby on the way"
"If you hadn't pushed me away none of that would  have happened she open up for me when  I needed  that one moment of love and affection  she gave it to me and didn't care what time or where"
"What kind of bitch sleep with a married man?"
"There would be no one else I've love you my whole life back then I felt I didn't know you I made appointment so we could have counselling you made me look foolish for I had to go on my own just to talk to someone about  it"
"It's  not like you haven't already  told mark and his bitch our business"
"I told mark and you know what he said  it must be work stress, but now I want to believe it's more to it"
"What you trying to say?" Monique ask stepping closer to lloyd,
"For get it"
"I told you lloyd  I got the date all wrong I'm not sure if it was the pill they gave me but all I know I'm telling  you the truth"
Lloyd  look at her but she wasn't looking  straight at him, he reach across her to took his things off the table going  to the room down  the hall she call after him but he just shut the door,
Monique Ross the cushions  step over them and went to the bed room she barely  close the door when the phone rang,
"What is it you want?" She shout on hearing Laurence voice,
"I seems to got the wrong  number  I'm to call your husband" he said  hanging up,
She dial his number back but it turn up busy, she push her head out the door and hear lloyd's phone ringing she went down  to listen if it really  was Laurence calling him, but from the line of his conversation he couldn't tell and she couldn't hear everything,
She ran ip the hall way when she heard his footsteps to sat on the sofa he came up to go to the kitchen  followed him there, he was grinning as he talk with mark, shelly  and the others on the three way call, mark, shelly, odane and nelisa hang  up leaving him with aliyah he turn and saw monique "I'll call you a little  later" he said
"Yes" aliyah answered  handing  up he shove the phone in his pocket
"Was that her?" Monique ask
Lloyd  didn't  answer
"Why did you hang up? You could  go a head and talk it wouldn't bother me one bit"
"I didn't  hang up because you're here, I simply hang up because  I want  to" he hiss turns to the refrigerator to take something   to eat,
He turn around  to find she was still there, he went around  her
She watched him out the kitchen,  before  going  back to the room, monique  ripped up the paper curse Laurence, curse herself  for being so stupid he brought  her in to this if he never  gone to do stupid  things bringing other women in his life they could  still be together  now he took everything  from her she was left to scrabble with what little  she's  working  for since  Billy case no big money came her way, and her husband  only pay the bills  now she thought about  the baby he got on the way, the one she couldn't carry, it turn out  to be a rough night  one that seems was going  to follow  her all the rest of her life for she wasn't sure when her husband  would  leave then it was going  to be up to her by herself  to keep a roof over her head,
Aliyah  lift her head off the pillow  at six thirty in the morning  she figured it to be nelisa,  shelly or lloyd  calling  she could  expect them to especially lloyd when he didn't  stay over, "I'm still  sleeping  you people" she said
"I'm sorry" a voice aliyah  remembered  but wasn't  really  familiar with  she sat up, "Bessie!" She said  surprise  to heard from her,
"Yes it is Bessie are you busy today?" She ask
"Not really"
"Can I invite  you to lunch?"
"I'll meet you at hub city scoops"
"What? Hub city scoops  for lunch that's absurb" aliyah  said
"I know I want to go but I enjoy it better with  company"
"This means I can invite my friend?"
"Sure" Bessie said  they hang up on bidding goodbye she call nelisa  soon as to invite her, "how would  you like to have lunch at hub city scoops?"
"What? Hub city  scoops for lunch, that's a bit absurd" Nelisa  said
Aliyah  grin, that's what I said"
"So why we going?"
"Bessie invite  us"
"Bessie?" Nelisa  ask
"The lawyer from lloyd's family  place"
"Oh" nelisa  said  agreeing  to do lunch, they hang up and aliyah  push out of bed she took a sharp shower  barely  finishing when her phone rang "still in bed?" Lloyd ask
"No I'm already  up"
"So soon?" He asked
Monique  came in the kitchen  with out him knowing
"What?" Aliyah  ask
His phone was loud so she could  hear,
"I was hoping  to come  by and catch  you in bed"
"I can  always  crawl  back in and wait for you" she told him,
"Nah, don't  bother the mood  is already  ruined for you are a wake  and even  the sleep is gone from your  voice"
Aliyah  laugh, "ok so come over later stay the night  and then you could  have your way in the morning"
Lloyd  laugh, "ok so I'll see you later"
"Ok" she end the call leaving  him with  a smile it then turn to a frown  for he saw monique  looking  at him, he took up the water  and left the kitchen  he was gone through the front door when she came out his van leave shortly,  she too left for work,
Aliyah  pick up nelisa at work they both head to hub city scoops to meet Bessie who was already  waiting aliyah  look at the time for she wonder  if they were late, "hey i got here a little  early  i didn't  order  yet for i want to be sure what you two want,
"I'm not picky when it comes  to ice cream especially at city hub" nelisa said
"It's  just that we never have lunch over here" aliyah  said  
"It's  ok we won't have a  long stay" Bessie  said
"We know"
"So what you girls having?"
"A have a pineapple flavour drumstick" aliyah  said 
"Do will i" nelisa followed
"Then I'll have one too" Bessie  said  calling  to order 
They were serve all halfway through  their drumstick when  Bessie  lift her head wipe her lip, "you were right  about  Laurence deer with Monique,  they did have an affair,  the guy he partners with  a friend of mine knew  him, his name is Billy   he  told me she work on a case for Billy but things started  going  down the hill for he started bringing other girls around  and Monique didn't  like it, she started  going over board about  it didn't  turn up for court on time so that's how he started defending Billy  it was him who actually  send his men to trash the place she was pregnant  and he wanted her to abort it"
"Say what!?" Nelisa  shout, causing  almost  every one to look their way, "so it was his baby" she said  talking  low she turn to look at aliyah  with  open mouth,
"It look as though  because  Laurence  not bothered with her she is trying  her way with  her husband, I always  thought  she was no good  for him",
"Did you date him?" Aliyah  ask
Nelisa  look at her
"We had gone out once but he only saw me as a friend"
"Was he a busy guy?" Aliyah ask
Bessie chuckled "in high school he was he had went off to college  I guess  he change on meeting  Monique"
"When did you went out with  him?"
"From high school"
"Does this mean you're over  him?"
Bessie and nelisa  both share the same  look,
"I am we're  friends  and that is going  to be a long term thing"
"So this mean we're  good?"
Bessie  nod
"Good for I want to be sure I can invite you to our baby shower" she said "baby shower? Bessie and nelisa ask , nelisa look at her then to Aliyah "I didn't  know about  any baby shower?" She said
"Well you know now" aliyah told her with  a smile, "and I think since it's still early  we should  take the trip to Nashville after Thanksgiving and treat lighting ceremony then we go to Nashville  for a week"
"I thought  you wanted  to wait until  you got your house"
"Things don't always  went according  to plan"
Bessie  smile she too knew that things can change and have no problem  with  changes
"You're invited to Nashville  too"
"I am?"
"I'll let you know when I'll call you"
"Ok" Bessie  said  with a wide grin
Aliyah  orders two more drumsticks  and some some wipcream
"Wipcream?" Nelisa  ask
"Yeah, Wipcream  well you see Lloyd  is coming  later he might  enjoy  eating  it from my breasts"
Bessie  laugh
Nelisa  shook her head, "let's go" she said
They walk to the front to the car park bidding goodbye
"I still  can't  believe it" nelisa says
"Believe what?" Aliyah ask
"A bout Lloyd's wife"
"Forgive me if I don't act surprise"
"You going  to tell  him?"
"You think I should? Then let him think I was eager for it to be so, hell find out in time"
"I think  so too" nelisa said
Aliyah  nodded
She dropped  nelisa  back at the office "I'll call  you later"
"Ok" nelisa  said
"That depends on what time Lloyd  got there" she grin
Nelisa  flag her off. Her grin became  a laughter making  nelisa smile,
"Love you" she said
"Same here" nelisa replied they both move off at the same  time nelisa  went in the building  that host  her office  and aliyah  drove off going  to her work place,
Lloyd  spoke with  mark for a some time while driving  to aliyah's he had call him up while he was gathering sweets for her, he talked  to him about  Monique  and mark say it out to him for the first  time that he really  believe she must have had an affair Lloyd  admitted to mark as he to himself  that he too believe that now, but wasn't  sure how to find out the truth, 
He walk in to find  aliyah  in the kitchen came up behind  her kiss her chin "mm" he mumbled "he lady"
"Hey man" she said  back turning to grin at him,
"Wipcream?" He ask reaching  for the pan facing him on the counter"
"We're  having  Wipcream on the vegetables tonight?" He ask holding it to her face
"No it's mustard cream  on the vegetables tonight"
"And the Wipcream what is it for?"
"Me I meant to say  you, or I should say us"
"Ah for us, sounds  nice, and if you got somethingspecial in mind"  he laughs
"Can't I?" She ask
Lloyd  nodded "hungry?" She asked
"Give  me a minute to slip into something  more  comfortable"
"Go ahead" she said  sending  him off,   he moved  from her mark realized  he did and laughed
"Its good to see you and her back on track"
Lloyd laughed  too then sigh he had a feeling  this was their  last breakup to make up for he felt he's all in now, they hang up he took a shower put on a sweat bottom  and joined  her back in the kitchen  she already  set the table as they sat down to eat "look what you got me doing  so often" she complained with  a smile
"Cooking?" He ask
"Mmmmh" she nods
"Bet cooking  isn't  the only thing  I got you doing  often"
"What else?"
He shook her head smiling,
She watch  him while he eats the smile  never  left his face,
"So I'm going  to have a heated night  with  Wipcream" he said pouring  some on her shoulder  then eat it away, he run it around her lips eating  it the same,
She wrapped her arms about  his neck "let's leave the dishes for later"
"Oh yeah" Lloyd said  lifting  her carefully so he doesn't  hurt her taking her off to the room with  the Wipcream grip tightly in his teeth he lay her on the bed and she got to her knees to remove her shirt, not wanting to waist anytime, they got in to loving  moving  quickly  and hastily they finish a whole pan of Wipcream  before  giving  up going  back to the kitchen she did the dishes  with him  stucking to her back "I've invited Bessie to the baby shower"
"You're having  a baby shower?"
:yes, and I think I want to go on that road trip to Nashville before  i really  start showing"
"We could  I can take a week"
"Good" she said smile and kiss him,
"Um" aliyah mumbled on shifting to find Lloyd kissing  her neck
"You're a wake so soon?" She ask in her sexy sleepy  voice  one that  kept Lloyd on edge, He didn't speak he just make love to her never  dear to ruin the morning feelings,
Aliyah  climbed out of bed leaving Lloyd  laying down she took a shower  then head to the kitchen she fix breakfast  as she was about finish to set the table  he walk in already  he was dress for work he came behind  her resting one hand on her tummy  and his cheek in her collarbone the other hand reach out to take up the Wipcream can shook it he almost forgot  they had emptied it she turn and smile at him, "you going to eat?" She ask
"Yes" he answered  taking  up two French  toast  to butter  it he was still  standing  behind  her only  now just his cheek in her collarbone he took a bite of his French toast  crunching into it took another bite just the same crunching  into it he have just one dip of the tea swallowed then kiss her, "I want to come  by later, that is if you can handle  another  couple  rounds" he said  kissing  her shoulder
"When I stop handling  things I'll complain"
Lloyd laughed "ever have it rough?" He whisper
"What?" Aliyah mouth  widen
He kiss it then walk away  pointing a finger with  a smile, aliyah smile too watch him out,
She got dress and left  for the gym had she hadn't plan to stay long,
"How are you best friend?" Aliyah  ask when nelisa  pick  her call,
"You sound  chirpy how did it go with the Wipcream did he actually?"
"Eat it off my breast, he did and off my belly too, the guy is freezing hot"
"How?" Nelisa questioned "how can he be freezing hot?"
"Because he is"
"Yeah I heard you, so what you up to now?"
"Going  to the gym"
"I was thinking of taking  some time class over there, but we end work at the same time"
"You can take a hour in the morning or in the afternoon"
"To pay so much money for a hour"
"I would never charge  you"
"But I can't do it at all times for free"
"It's  not all times  it will  look as if we're on a regular lunch break only we weren't be eating"
Nelisa  laugh "so did you say anything to Lloyd?"
I said I wouldn't, besides we were too busy getting it on and on"
"Does this mean you two are good?"
"I think its save  to say, anyway  talk later say hi to odane"
"Will do"
They bid good by just as aliyah  got out her car, she barely  got out when she met with Roma Roma going up she and her family  telling  her how good things  are thanking her again telling  her to thank Lloyd once more,
After the morning session  and Roma was ready  to leave he invited her to come to the house party she's having on Saturday  and to bring  him,
Aliyah agrees bid her and  her family goodbye  before going off to the restroom, while there  she recalls the first time she came  in contact with Lloyd  sexually it was in this bathroom  she wasn't dwelling on that day anymore for with  Lloyd  a girl can never tell when the best going to come he just keeps getting better  every day,
"Architect Chadwick" someone said  Lloyd turn to look "ah mr deer" laurence came and shake his hand,
"Its been  a while"
Lloyd nod,
"You seems busy"
"I am things got kind of busy at the office  so yes I am busy myself"
"I'm still  hoping  to get you to do that piece of work"
"I'll  look into my schedule and see what i can do, I'll contact you"
"You got to check with  her right"
"Who my wife?"
"You don't need to ask your wife  permission , I'm talking  the pretty one aliyah"
Lloyd  turn his eyes,
"By the way are you willing  to leave your wife for her?"
"Why you ask?"
"I've try for many years  to get with  her and you haven't  known her for what a year, we might  not be cool but she's one of the best woman I know and I can tell you this she will take care of you"
Lloyd nod, Laurence  pat his shoulder "I'll be with a listening  ear"
"I'll call you"
He walk away  got in his car and drove off,
Lloyd  roll his head he pick up half a dozen  Wipcream as he had came to the store to do before  he heads over to aliyah's he got some Indian food as well hoping to catch her before she starts cooking  he got there a head off her because like him she stop to shop for Wipcream and with that a new bottle of Italian barolo and some caviar flavored beluga with sterlet and  pink salmon, 
Lloyd  was setting  the table when she walk through  the door "ah oh nice  Italian food, I guess I picked up the right bottle of wine" lloyd smile, he help her to take the things out the bag to put on the table, "more whip cream?" He ask
"What you don't want  to?" She ask
Lloyd took her to the cupboard  open it he too had gotten the same amount, aliyah  laughed she couldn't believe  he went to get them,
"Well let's deal with  it later right now I don't  want my baby  eating dinner cold" he kiss her aliyah  grin at him rub his cheek,
They  both enjoy dinner  did the dishes together Lloyd  by himself  drank the bottle of wine with caviar he was on the last glass now and from the sound of his speaking  he sounded like an horny stallion when she  turned to looked at him she became frightened from the look in his eyes and the way his hardness  push at his pants she remember him asking  if she ever had it rough she did have it rough  it was how she started  out but she doesn't want to have it rough with him she want what they share to be different from what they share with  other partners he pull her to the room with  her on shaking feet, he pushed her to a sitting position  on the bed aliyah  felt like a little  girl about  to be asualt by an over grown  man she dragged herself  up to the head of the bed resting into the pillows he back his shirt  off coming  to her she didn't  notice before he has shove  Wip creams in his pockets 
"You don't  have to look so nervous I'm not going to hurt you"
"I doubt from what you have drink you'll have any control over it"
"just know you won't be hurt,
Aliyah  lift her head to grin at Lloyd  laying  on his back next to her, he smirk pinch her nose "I live up to my promise haven't I?" He ask
She grin and nodded she lay in his arms hug him across the chest,
"Baby I got something to say its important"
"What?" She ask
"It's about the job for Laurence Laurence he's beginning me to help him out"
"You want to do it?"
Lloyd  thought of how to answer  nod finally
"It's up to you, just be careful and don't let him invite you to no where you go in do what you're doing and get out of there"
Lloyd laugh, lean I'm and kiss her, he held her tightly to him and he lay thinking back on what Laurence had said about aliyah  it was so true it was clearer now that she's perfect for him,
Lloyd  sat in his office to call Laurence  "I think I might  be able  to do that work for you" he said 
Laurence  smile fold his fist "you can that's go, that's good"
"I'll get started  started next week"
"I appreciate it, thank you"
They ended the conversation with  Laurence saying "I look forward to seeing you"
Lloyd  rest the phone down ease back in his chair  as he thou heavily on the man, who could  have had a relationship with his wife he thought about  asking and wondered what he would  say,
"Lloyd  is actually going to work for Laurence" aliyah told the girls  while they talk in the afternoon on three way,
"He's going to?" Nelisa ask
"I said  it was ok warned him to be careful"
"I don't think he's out to get to him" shelly said
"What if he is?" Nelisa said  being curious "he was with  his wife, and he wants you aliyah and found that you're in love with  him, he can't have you and probably don't want him to"
"Nelisa!" Aliyah called  to her and they giggled
"I am finally going  to do the job for Laurence" Lloyd told Monique
"You're why, you see what he did to me and you still want  to work for him",
"What is that, you told me you didn't  know him"
"I defended someone he knew and it didn't go well"
"And what he did?"
"He rob the house and rob meat the mall"
"You didn't know who rob you at the mall"
"I didn't know then"
"I'm taking the job Monique  I still have bills to pay" he said  walking away
"Yeah and a baby on the way"
Lloyd turn to look at her but said  nothing  he just goes down  the
hall to the room, she couldn't  believe  him to be doing  that she went to her room call Laurence he pick up coming  on the line with  a giggle, "so your husband  gave you the good news?"
"Why you doing this Laurence?" She ask
"Hey it's  not about  you Monique  I just want  my work  to be done I can bet you neither of us going  to talk about  you at any point"
"Because  we both have someone  better in mind to talk about"
"You'll know soon enough" he hang up and she call out his name, lloyd came to the living room to hear her, push the door to ask what happened "why you saying  Laurence  name?"
"I was, I was just saying  I can't believe  you're going  to work for that bastard"
Lloyd  shook his head turn the door and left,
Lloyd got to office  a bit later today as he had to battle the traffic  from rockdale it is always  easier  getting  there from aliyah's place but she wants to move closer to nelisa  so he have to not get use to not getting  caught  in traffic he went to the lawyer's office  to see him he was in and wasn't busy at the time, "I want to get a divorce he said
He look up at him
Lloyd  pull a chair  and sat down
"You want to?"
He nod
"Give me a deadline"
"Today" he said 
His lawyer smile
"I'll work  on it"
He nod got up and left for his office, later that evening  he swings by to see his parents  his mother  was glad to see him talk excitedly about  aliyah and her baby asked more than once how she was doing,
"Give her my love" they both told  him,
Neither seems disappoint when he break the news about  the divorce  to Monique and at one point  he wasn't  either.

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