
By mixedxangel

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- Mpreg - Rape - Abuse More

Not An Update


1.4K 19 1
By mixedxangel

Colby POV

Once I was done getting dressed, I rushed downstairs and out of the house. I saw him in the car staring at his watch making me nervous before rushing in the car. ".... Just on time a minute later you would've seen your butt all over your school." he said smirking before locking the car and drove off. "I hate you" I mumbled as I put my seatbelt in. "I love you too Colby" he said smiling. "Whatever so why are making me go to work with you?" I asked and his smirk only grew. I rolled my eyes , "Well because little brother it's take your kid to work day today!" He said happily and my eyes widen. "Stop this car I'm going home and I'm not your kid!" I said annoyed as I started to open the door but my luck it's on child lock. "You are right but your my KID brother so I'm taking you no matter what plus mother called and told me to do it so get used to it and being in the company after all that's where your going to work after school."he said happy and I growled annoyed. "I'm only going to do this for mother." I said sighing looking out the window.
" Soo.... anyway how's Sam?" Brennen said as he started parking the car. "What do you care and I'm not to speak to him remember?" I told him lying straight through my teeth and he's probably at home covered in my marks from so many times I've banged him. Damn now I'm getting horny just by thinking of banging him again. "I never said you couldn't talk with him I said you couldn't fuck him while your with Katrina he's not your toy Colby." He said as we got out of the car. "Whatever and stop talking like he's your yours he's not he's mine." I said annoyed walking ahead of him. "Not anymore for all we know Sam found himself a boyfriend already after all he's really beautiful for a guy and probably has a line of men getting ready to fuck him." He said. I stopped in my tracks 'Sam with someone who isn't me!' "My ass he is , he's mine!" , "He's not going to date or be with anybody but me! Plus everyone at school treats him like trash so there's no way anybody sees him in that way! " I said with anger. How dare he say that! Sam is mine! I was his first everything ! And I'm going to be his last everything! And nobody is going to touch what's mine! "Really? Poor Sammy maybe I'll invite him over and give him a makeover this way everyone can see how beautiful he is and help him find someone after all he's not yours no matter how many times you say it he's probably at his home being banged by someone" My older brother said smirking grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the company.

What he said still going in my head not carrying that he was dragging me at the moment. What if Sam was letting him self get banged be someone else right now?! After all he heals really fast so there's no way I'll notice if he's been touched be anyone else. No that's impossible he's mine and nobody touch's Brock property I'll make sure nobody ever figures out how beautiful he is. After high school I'm going to buy him a house for him and I and he won't be aloud to leave that way nobody else can see him and he will never betray me. Yes that's a plan I'm going to lock him away from the world. "Colby?!" I heard my brother whisper - yell at me as he got me out of my thought and back into reality as we were at the company doors "What?!" I yelled whispered and he sighed "Stop making that face we are here now behave yourself and stick to my side at all times." He said and I sighed annoyed and stuffed my hands in my pockets. "I'm not 4 I know how to behave and act like an adult" I said and his smirked appeared , " Your in no way to be an adult if you don't know how to keep it in yours pants." He said and before I could say something at him he pushed me in the company.

"Good Morning everyone this is Colby treat him with the same respect as you do with me." My brother said to everyone I rolled my eyes as I heard girls squeal , I look around and there's kids around my age and some other who are still in grade school and great there's fan girls everywhere in this place. "Mr. Brock I didn't know you had a son? A handsome one as well" said one lady as she said with her daughter winking at me. I scoffed and looked over at my brother and gave him that look and he got the sign. "Uh no he's my kid brother and I'm guessing this is your daughter" he said noticing I wasn't liking the way she was looking at me. The lady looked over at me and grabbed her daughters hand and said "This is my daughter Shea" She looked down and had a seducing look and blushed. "It's a pleasure to meet you Shea" I said extending my hand for shake but instead she hugged me. I backed up a bit and her still hanging on me for dear life. Her mother gasped "Oh my! I'm so sorry! Shea! Get off him! I'm so sorry Mr.Brock she's never acted like this before!"  I looked over at Brennen and he was smirking making me irritated. Her grip got tighter  , "Excuse me but can you let go of me" I said knowing I couldn't push her off cause if I did Brennen would get trouble by the company. "Please go out with me I promise I'll be a good girlfriend!!" My brother started laughing while as I saw some girls were glaring at her. "Oh Shea I'm sorry to inform you but my brother already has someone." My brother said and I saw her loosen her grip enough for her mother to pull her off. "No! Please , I'll be better then the girlfriend you have now!!" She said trying to get out of her mothers grip. "Girlfriend!??, oh no my younger brother actually has a boyfriend, he's gay!" My brother said and I saw everyone freeze same thing with myself and before I could say something he pulled me into the elevator. Once the elevated doors closed "what the hell Brennen!! I'm not gay I'm dating Katrina!!" I yelled at him and he only sighed. "I tell everyone I'm gay as well brother it keeps them from jumping on me so you should be thanking me if anything I saved you from that mess" He said and I glared at him . Once the elevator doors opened letting us out. He sighed and walked out as I followed behind. "And I know do know younger brother that there will some news on television announcing that your gay but just trust me Colby I won't let that happen" he said smiling . My eyebrow twitched just thinking how such news would go on television for that. "Brennen!!" I heard a loud blond yell at my brother before he could reply he rapped his arms around my brothers neck and kissing him. My eyes widen as I noticed him kissing back after a few seconds they separated and the blond guy looked over at me "so that's your brother I know him?" Brennen nodded as he put his hand behind his head blushing. "This is my boyfriend Mathew he's a blond just like Sammy" he said snuggling against Mathew's neck.
I knew who he was , he was Mathew Espinosa he's in all my classes but I rarely even notice his presence "So your gay? I asked now sitting in my brothers office. Mathew sitting in his lap while I sat in my own chair in front of them. "Yes my younger brother I'm gay" my brother replied calmly and I slowly nodded. "Why didn't tell me you were gay" I asked and he shrugged "you never asked and I didn't think it was a big deal. Love shouldn't only have to be a specific gender or anything, love to me is  when you care for a person or will protect them at any costs and just because you love the same gender doesn't make you less of a person it's just means your willing to open your heart to new things, love is LOVE" my brother said leaving me in shock. "You know like your love for Sammy" my brother said bringing me out of shock , "I don't love Sam he means nothing to me" I said annoyed I don't love that nerd he's just a toy, "who's Sam? Matthew asked and I just growled doesn't he know him he's in all of our classes. "Oh Sammy shouldn't you know honey he's in your classes with Colby , he's blonde too oh and also you both have the same both blue eyes"(pretend Matthew has blue eyes💀).  My brother said and I sighed. "He doesn't have the same eyes as Sam" I mumbled. "Oh but I think there the same" My brother said and I looked at Matthew's eyes and studied them. "There not! Mathew has more of an ice blue or baby blue color, very soft and not out there. But Sam's has more an ocean blue with a mix of sky blue making them unique and different they shine bright both day and night and if you stare at them to long you can see the ocean making you feel relaxed and calm so no there nothing alike." I said harshly as I looked away from both of them now thinking of those beautiful eyes.
"You know a lot about Sammy even though you claim he means nothing to you" my brother said. "Ohhh does your brother love Sam?" Matthew asked and I felt my checks heat up a bit. "No I don't! Like I said before he means nothing to me plus I have a girlfriend." I said in an annoyed tone.
"What a shame maybe we should find some one for Sammy since Colby doesn't want him" Matthew stated , I growled "that's what I was thinking too I think you would love him Matt we should invite him over and give him a whole new look and since Colby already said his best feature is his eyes we should definitely find someone for him before the end of the day" My brother said I was pissed "I already told you Sam doesn't need anyone he's fine the way he is so leave him alone already!" I said angrily why does he want to find Sam someone I told him he's mine!
"He means nothing to you so why do you care so much brother?" Brennen asked "I don't care at all" I said through my teeth getting annoyed. "Then it's fine, we will figure it out right Matthew?" "Yes I'll ask some of my friends to help us out get someone for Sam." Mathew said I frowned , great what are they gonna do with my Sammy.

Sorry I haven't been updating I'll upload tomorrow

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