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By lmsweeney

44.6K 1.2K 447

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2.7K 101 20
By lmsweeney

It had been a long while since Obi-Wan and Zara had seen each other; Seven years to be exact.

 Zara became a Jedi Knight, and then was given a Padawan. She had no time for love drunk meetings in the darkness.

 But there was a party.

 The occasion: Zara's not quite sure, but she does know a certain Obi-Wan Kenobi would be attending. Again, it would be the first time the two would be seeing each other in seven years, and they both could hardly wait.

 Especially Zara, she couldn't seem to get him off her mind lately. One day he had appeared there, and then he never left.

 Padawan's had the day off today, they didn't need to trail after their Jedi Masters, meaning Zara would have a breath of air to speak with the man she hadn't seen in years.

 When the night came, she was running a bit late, it had taken her a little bit longer than she hoped to get ready, and when she finally arrived, the room was packed full of Jedi and Politicians alike.

 Across the room, she saw him. And as she walked over to him, Obi-Wan noticed her too; In her milky white dress, she seemed to be floating across the floor. Weaving through the crowd of people over to him, a smile on her face.

 She looked the same, yet so different, so much older, yet still so youthful. The dress fit her perfectly, like snowflakes adhered to her skin, outlining every detail of her torso. The skirt fell behind her and rippled like waves with every turn. The sleeves were a bit puffy, and looked so soft, as she stood before him, it took every bit of self control to not reach out and touch them.

 "Obi-Wan," she grins. "It's a party, you're supposed to dress up." She gestures to his robes. The same type of robes he wore every single day.

 "It's my look," he retorts, grinning too.

 "It's everyone's look."

 His Padawan braid was obviously long gone, and he was beginning to grow his hair out a bit. Zara noticed he was beginning to grow a small, patchy beard as well, and she wondered what it would feel like if she lifted her hand to touch his face.

 But she can't do that. So, to distract herself, "It's been so long since I last saw you."

 "Seven years," Obi-Wan sighs. "And look at you...how many years later, and still so beautiful."

 He raises a hand and quickly brushes his fingers across her cheek before pretending it didn't happen.

 He wanted to tell everyone in this room how he felt about her. But he lived by the Jedi Code, meaning admitting to the galaxy just how deeply he cared for Zara Sidereus was something he could never do.

 "How is your Padawan? How are you?" he asks.

 Nash Asteriscus was Zara's Padawan. He was 19-years-old, nearly a Jedi Knight already, oh how time had flown. 19-years-old, the age she and Obi-Wan were when they had that first romantic meeting in the dark.

 "Nash, he's good. Yes, very cocky though," Zara laughs. "I'm..." she trails off. "How are you?"

 "Exhausted," Obi-Wan chuckles, ignoring the fact that she avoided the question. "Anakin is...a handful, to say the least. But Qui-Gon..."

 Zara sets a hand on his shoulder lightly. "Oh," she mutters. "I'm so sorry about Master Qui-Gon, he was a good man, truly."

 "Anakin is very talkative," Obi-Wan changes the subject. "And all he does is think of...Padmé Amidalla," he whispers. Adding, "His thoughts are very loud," at the end.

 "Sounds like someone else I know," she chuckles, moving the hand from his shoulder to finally touch his face.

 It felt so wrong to do this in front of all these people, the gesture felt so...erotic, so bold. The two Jedi felt nineteen again, so filled with the love they had been trying to push away the past seven years.

 "May I have this dance?" Obi-Wan cracks a smile, holding out a hand. Zara gladly takes it and he leads her out to the dance floor.

 He's always been a few inches taller than her, but the only time she ever realized that was when they were this close. Obi-Wan's hand on her lower back, goosebumps erupting underneath the fabric. Her hand on his shoulder, wanting to slip down and run over his chest.

 They're sure every Jedi in the room can sense just how these two feel for each other.

 "I miss it," Obi-Wan began out of nowhere. He sensed that Zara had no idea what he could possibly be talking about, so he explains, "Padawan years. Jedi Knights...have far too many responsibilities."

 "Wish you could go back to the days of sunbathing in the gardens at the Temple," Zara nods. "I do as well. The Younglings have it easy."

 "Oh, I've missed you."

 The night felt just magical so far, felt like nothing could take this feeling away from them. As the music played, the two Jedi continued to dance, catching up on everything they'd missed.

 "I really must meet Anakin," Zara laughs. "If you and I are going to be apart for this long again, I'll have to give him a few pointers on how to push your buttons for me."

 "Well, if you do that," he begins with a wicked grin, "I guess I'll have to give Nash a few ideas on how to torment you."

 They go back and forth like this for another small while, and then are each pulled away to talk politics and such.

 Obi-Wan watches Zara from across the room; A wide smile present as she speaks, her head thrown back as she laughs at something someone said.

 Zara subtly watches him too. Every so often, in between thoughts, she'll glance over at him. He wasn't that little Padawan she had grown up with anymore.

 And it showed; He'd make a joke, and one of the women hanging off his every word would set a hand on his arm as she laughed.

 That wasn't right, that was Zara's Obi-Wan, who did these women think they were? But Zara pushes those thoughts away, she was a skilled Jedi Master now, not some child who dreamed of Obi-Wan's lips on hers.

 "I'm sorry to interrupt," she says out of nowhere, cutting off whoever it was that was talking, "but you'll have to excuse me. I'm feeling a little light headed...I...I need some air."

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