Hereditarily THUG (Thug Obses...


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Seventeen year old Ozias Jacobson is the son of retired drug pins Issac and Naomi Jacobson. His father has di... Еще

|Fourteen|Part 2
|THIRTY TWO| Final Chapter
|The End Of This Book|


325 21 2

I leaned back against the chair in my office that Antonio gave me. A month ago on that night when I planned to go back to the street life things changed. Me and Nio became strictly business, as hard as it was I kept my distance from him knowing it was for the best. He spent most of his team either working or going to back classes and picking out things with Arin. Day in and day out when I came back to his house I'd go right to my room. We'd occasionally cross paths but we wouldn't say a lot.

It's hard going without talking to the main person in the world you want to talk to but it's for the best. The truth came out that night he was drunk and truthfully he's happy where he's at. I thought maybe things would be different that I actually had a chance but I can't compete with a baby. And I can't expect him to put me first. So for the time being I've been saving up every single amount of money I make and putting it towards buying my first house in a gated community.

I watch as his eyes move up and down me with a look of lust in his eyes. His fit muscular body, tattoos on just about every skin noticeable, his trimmed beard, plump juicy lips, tall hovering frame, freshly cut waves. I could tell just by this mans energy he's nothing like Nio. Nio is a cruel rude hood dude with a good heart. Once you get comfortable with Nio you'll see how sweet and caring he is about the people he loves. But this man? I can see the anger and rage in his eyes even with a smile he throws on his face. I can feel the anger radiating off of him. His hand is even bruised and cut up bleeding a little bit and he doesn't seem to wince at all by it.

"I'm guessing my brother has told you nothing about me." I didn't know if I should believe him. I've known Antonio damn near my whole life and I've never heard of a brother. Nor have I ever seen this man before.

"No he hasn't. What's your name again?"

"You can call me Vonte." He introduces his voice low and raspy. Similar to Antonio's but a little more dangerous tone to it. Like he sounds angry when he talks. "I find it crazy my brother ain't tell you about me. Ain't you his girl?"

I look away momentarily adjusting myself in my seat. "No I'm not his girl."

"Awl shit my bad," he chuckles licking his pink plump lips. "I must be thinking about that other girl. You know who I'm talking about?"

"Actually I do." I say moving my hair out of my face. I could tell the type of person Vonte is already. He's the kind of guy to manipulate you and play mind tricks with you. Use the information he knows about you to taunt you and joke with you. I could hear it in his voice he was trying to be funny and sarcastic.

He snaps his finger almost making me jump. "I got it now! Arin? Yep ain't that his baby momma? Yeah Arin knows all about me. Now that I think of it it's crazy how y'all was both his girls before and she knows more than you do. You would've thought he would've told you. I mean he was fuckin' you right? Who lies to somebody they fuckin'. Typical Antonio though. I expect that kind of pussy ass shit from him."

I almost let his words get to me. They did hold some truth. I didn't know whether or not I should trust him since he seems to be playing games with me. But regardless I know there must be some reason Nio lied about having a brother. Why would he? What's happened between them? Where has he been this whole time? But the one question that stuck out like a sore thumb in my mind is Why not tell me? This man clearly knows Arin. And Arin knows all about him. Everybody including Nio had me under the impression that he loved me way more than Arin. So how did she know and not me? We've had so many deep talks and he just looked me right in the eyes and lied about being an only child. Was everything else about the story true?

"I don't believe you." I tell him crossing my arms over my chest. He's not the only one that knows how to play mind games. Right now I'm pretending that I'm not buying it just so he can tell me more.

"Oh really?" His eyes darken and he lifts his hand up running it over his waves. "What else did he tell you huh? That our mom had cancer? That she died that way?"

I give a fake laugh. "Oh he told you that bullshit didn't he?" Vonte continues. "My brother is a pathological liar. You know how our mother really died? After she got pregnant with me she was depressed and got hooked on drugs. Our dad was very abusive and after a heated argument he left with me and his shit. She ain't let him take Antonio with her. A while after that she overdosed and flatlined. Ever since then he's lived his own life doing his own shit and avoiding me. He blames my dad for what's happened and blames me too because she was pregnant with me and that caused her depression. So he leaves a lot of shit out when explaining himself. He's still hung up on how she died so he spits bullshit about her having cancer. We know the truth tho."

My head was hurting just hearing all this information. He lied about his entire life and child hood. The only truth being how messed up his dad was. He looked me right in the eyes and lied to me so how am I supposed to believe the rest is true? That he really loves me. I mean it doesn't even feel or sound right. "Yeah right." I say sarcastically trying to cover up my doubt.

Vonte shrugs. "What I got to lie for? Like literally what do I have to lie for?" I sat here thinking about what he said.

This man didn't know me from a can of paint. What would he get out of lying to me? I couldn't think of one motive to make him do this. "Why are you here? You waiting on Nio?" I change the subject.

He licks his lips flashing his white teeth off to me. "Nah actually baby I got a business opportunity for you."

"It's Ruby." I correct.

"What?" He raises an eyebrow.

I repeat myself. "You said baby, my names Ruby."

"I like baby better." Vonte says making me laugh.

"Well you don't know me," I state. "So what you here for me for?"

"I think we should work together. Me and you."

I laugh. "No thank you. I'm happy where I'm at." I turn him down.

"Happy what?" He scoffs. "Watching over shit in this bitch? You doing a job he could've gave to one of these young ass teens in here. But you? You a grown ass woman. You deserve to be running shit. All of this shit."

It seems like he knows exactly what to say to get inside my head. But I held my ground. "It's a process. Shit takes time to get where you want." I shrug.

"Well all I know is if you keep waiting on motherfuckas to give you time you ain't gone get no where. You want something? You got to take that shit." He grits as he slams his hand down on the table. "Don't wait in the background while him and his new family he starting gets to reap the benefits."

I laugh as I run my hand over the drugs on my desk. "Look Mr I don't know how well you know your brother but I know enough to know that when he say he got me. He got me."

"Got you?" Vonte asks sarcastically. "Just like Uri had you? Or what about all them so called friends?" He waited seeing the shock on my face. "Yeah I know all about you Baby and I know that you didn't leave for no reason."

"You don't know anything about-" suddenly the office door was opening and a pissed Antonio entered the room.

"Sa'Vonte what the fuck are you doing here?" I can hear the tone in his voice. This moment feeling a little personal so I stayed quiet.

He stands up getting in Nio's face. A smirk covering his lips. "I wanted to see the girl that's making you so much money."

"I'm making so much money, and she doesn't want to see you nor doesn't need to see you." I found myself getting offended. It's as if he completely took credit for everything and said I'm some girl who's been sitting around. I know Sa'Vonte sees it too because he looks over at me and laughs.

"Yeah well that money is about to stop." Vonte warns him.

"Says who? I run this city." Antonio boasts.

"Maybe you did when I was locked up brother. But now that I'm out? You ain't running shit no more." Vonte threatens.

"Will see."

"Yeah we will," Vonte states. "Baby if you change your mind about what we talked about. Here go my number." He leans over writing on a piece of paper on the desk then passes his number to me.

"Baby?" Nio moves his head back frowning his face up.

Vonte just laughs then says. "I'll see you around." To his brother before heading out.

Soon as he's gone Antonio slams the office door and immediately starts going off. "Why the fuck would you let him in? And what shit was he talking about?"

I rolled my eyes standing up. "Wasn't nothing."

"Wasn't nothing like what?" He asks making me stale face him.

I shake my head. "It doesn't even matter."

"You know him? You got some going on with him? Don't fuckin' play with me." He grits with a huge mug on his face. I've never saw him look this angry before.

"No I don't know-" he cuts me off.

"So you just let a nigga you don't know in here? See that's why I ain't want you doing this shit to begin with. You clearly don't know what the fuck you doing." Nio insults.

I move my head back looking at him like he's lost his rabbit ass mind. "Excuse me?"

"You heard what the fuck I said Sadie-"

"Now you gone hear what the fuck I said. I don't know who the hell you think you talking to but don't ever raise your voice and try and talk to me like that. You trippin' on God." I move him out of my way walking towards the door. I feel him grip my arm and he pulls me against his chest.

"I'm sorry baby I'm sorry." He pouts his whole demeanor changing. "I didn't mean to talk to you like that I'm just....stressed."

He could try and pull those lies on me all he wants but I know a lie when I hear one. Antonio as I'm starting to see is full of them. Maybe I was wrong about him all along. Now I can't believe shit that flies out of his mouth. But that didn't stop the warmth of his body from pulling me in. I yearned his touch in a way I've never craved before.

He leaned down kissing me on the cheek. "I didn't mean to disrespect you sweetheart. But Sa'Vote? He's not the kind of guy you want to be mixed up with. Trust me." I could hear the jealousy in his voice. Part of me wanted to ask what happened but I knew if Antonio wouldn't tell me the first time what actually happened he wouldn't tell me this time. Only way I would find out would be from Vonte.

"You meant what you said. About me not knowing what I'm doing." I say lowly. I knew he did and he knew he did. Even with his arms wrapped around me it seemed like I was under his little spell. It's times like this I feel foolish. Letting someone else's man and baby's father have this effect on me. But part of me knew I'd have to deal with it because I was under his terms. Wasn't much I could say or do or feel to strongly. At least not enough to change it.

"You know how I feel about you and I don't want this kind of life for you. It's not one that you should be in. You deserve more." He expresses.

He hovers over me and were staring deep into eachothers eyes. So much passion and intensity in the air. "How do you feel about me?" My voice comes out in a whisper.

He moves in closer and closer till our lips are only inches apart. Both of us breathing heavily. I try to move in too but he quickly moves away. "My bad look we got this meeting we got to get to."

"Yeah...your right."


We all sat in an overpriced restaurant. And by all of us I mean even Uri. Uri, Arin, Ben, Will, Logan, Nikki, and Antonio.

"Who knew he was back out?" Antonio asks. I keep my head low slipping my eyes up just enough to see Arin's baby bump.

"I found out today." I looked over at Uri narrowing my eyes. Sa'Vonte seemed like he knew a lot from Uri and I have a gut feeling that she knew that he was getting out today way before today.

"Well he showed up at one of the traps talking about some other shit to Sadie." Nio motions to me.

Lo scrunches his face up. "You think he got some shit planned?" Uri stayed surprisingly quiet.

"What would he want with her?" Arin stank ass questions.

The sound of me dropping my short against the glass plate gets everyone's attention. I laugh a little leaning back against my seat. "I ask myself the same shit about Antonio. What would he want with you?" I snap back.

"If you were fucking me and tasting this pussy you would know." She licks her lips shooting Antonio a glance.

I smirked preparing myself to crush and pop her whole bubble. "How about you ask Nio how it felt to fuck me and how good I taste-"

"Woah woah." Antonio says. "Let's all just chill out."

Will was laughing hysterically. "That escalated quickly as fuck."

Nikki minded her business and Ben was on the phone arguing with who I think is his wife. "I'll be back." He mumbles with the phone against his ear he stands up walking towards the bathroom.

"Have fun with a stretched worn out pussy. If that shit wasn't lose already." I snap again.

"God your a bitch-" I cut her off.

"Takes one to know one. As far as I'm concerned after that baby drop I'm gone whoop that ass." Though my voice was nonchalant everybody knew what I meant.

"No you're not." Antonio's voice comes out authoritative.

"Says who?" I raise an eyebrow.

"She's pregnant with my baby and she's the mother of my child I'm not going to let you hurt her." Each word being a reminder.

"So what? I'm just supposed to let her talk about me? Disrespect me? I mean all y'all heard her she's been having shit to say from the jump." I defend myself looking around at everybody. "Nikki?" She just sat there minding her business. "Lo? Will?" Everybody was silent. Antonio's face wore sympathy and Arin were a big ass smile. Uri looked at me like she wanted to say something but didn't. "You know what fuck this." I mumble standing up.

"Sit down." Nio orders.

"What the fuck are you running? Huh? News flash you're not fucking me no more and I ain't pregnant with your baby. Save the orders for Arin's ass who you got your head stuck up." It was like I spiraling and mostly because I felt played. I should've never came back here and as much as I thought it'd be better it wasn't.

"You are so fucking bitter. Why don't you just go be homel-" my phone ringing cuts Arin off. I stare down at my screen to see Unknown appear.

I stand up taking that as a sign that I shouldn't continue this conversation with them. I knew it would only get worse. "Hello?" I ask trying not to sound irritated. "Who is this?"

The windy air hit me as I started to walk down the street slowly. "Ru please just listen to me."

I sigh the sound of his voice bringing the worst of my emotions out. "Why are you calling? I told you I ain't never want to speak to you again."

"I'm sorry. Okay? I'm so sorry. I didn't you dirty and I'll do anything for you to forgive me. Can we start over? I'll leave college, I'll quiet basketball I'll do anything for you to forgive me. I've prayed on this and everything and you know how I feel about God.." he rambled his voice heavy and sounding like he was crying.

I stopped walking and just stood there. Part of me was tired of broken promises. Tired of sorries. All I've been hearing is excuses and how everybody's so sorry. I fucked up my own life thinking of others, feeling sorry for people, keeping promises, living life trying to help everybody else but myself. When am I going to reach that point where I say fuck everybody else? When do I get to make myself happy? To live for me? As fucked up as it is to admit the most selfish people are the happiest. The people that say fuck everybody else and do what they want are the happiest and prospering. And I can't do that when I'm focused on forgiving and helping Ozias or trying to mend and fix a relationship with Antonio while he's off trying to be boyfriend and father of the year. Fuck everybody else.

"Don't ever call me again."

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