The jackass I fell in love wi...

By nezimba

388 4 327

Allisa was a smart high school girl, a new kid name Alex comes into school, but there's something strange abo... More

Allisa's pov
The explanation
Hes not my boyfriend!!
Movie night
The guest room
That morning
A stranger with memories
this is not an update
that morning
He's back
Old and new friends
Not a chapter but an update
Another update
Broken trust

The beginning

39 0 9
By nezimba

Allisa's POV
Let's start from the beginning shall we? It was freshman year, second semester, and this kid walked into class everyone was giving him stares and my best friend came over and whispered "no way that's Alex from my elementary" as she slapped her forehead in embarrassment to see one of her old classmates.
"Oh, so you know the new kid" I replied. She just nodded. As soon as class started the teacher mr.Ben  introduced him "hello guys this is Alex please make him feel welcomed to our new school." I had to admit the moment I saw him he was quite cute, those eyes. His hair he seemed perfect. 

Once the bell rang class had ended so I got up and decided to collect my notebooks and stuff to go to history. History was my favorite class!! I always got straight A's and to be honest it somehow brought be comfort and relief to be in that class. Before I could step out the classroom my teacher called me over "allisa could you come for a minute". He said "I'll catch you later in the hallway ok?" I told my friend. "Sure! I'll wait by your locker" she replied. I walked over to my teachers desk and asked if something was wrong, when I noticed Alex by on the other side of his desk I took a quick glance at him before I gave my attention back to my teacher.

    "What's your second period, allisa" mr Ben asked .
"Hm, history...why?" I replied
"Do you mind taking Alex with you, his next class is history as well."  Mr.Ben asked
"Uhm sure" I said.

I walked ahead, if I walked beside him I only thought that would make things more awkward. I felt him staring at me. no I could basically see him staring at me. I stopped where I was letting him catch up before I asked him,
"What's your third period?" I asked
  He had a flustered face and said "math..."
      "Oh just great" I thought sarcastically. That meant our last period, language would also be together.  I let out a sigh
"Is everything alright?" He asked.
"Yes. Couldn't be any better" as I let out a warm smile that made him even more flustered then he was.

     I remember back  Lexi  (my best friend) telling me she would wait by my locker so I looked at Alex and said "hey wait here don't move I'll be right back". He nodded I made my way to my locker and saw that Lexi was gone I noticed that me and Alex were already 5 minutes late. I ran back to where Alex was.
I took his hand and started running.
"Hurry up run! Or we'll be even more late to class then we already are!!" We were already out of breath by the time we made it too class I opened the door slowly, and everybody stared at us. And there was the teacher, mr. Kennel, looking at his straight A student who has never been late to class with disappointed in his eyes. Even worse I was still holding Alex hand. I slowly walked in making my way to the teachers desk to explain the situation...

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