A Hero's Bizarre Adventure:...

By FanficWriter0416

29.9K 270 264

In a world of quirks and heroes, there is a boy. His name is Izuku Midoriya. He is quirkless and is thus mad... More

What Can I Do With You - Chapter 2
The Battle - Chapter 3
Training For 1.5 Years - Chapter 4
Meeting Them - Chapter 5
UA Exams - Chapter 6
First Day At UA - Chapter 7
The Spin - Chapter 8
2nd Day And Battle Training - Chapter 9
USJ - Chapter 10
Secrets - Chapter 11
Onko Shinzui - Information
Spin Training And Encounter - Chapter 12
Killer Queen - Chapter 13
UA for Onko and Act 2 - Chapter 14
Training with the Class - Chapter 15
Showing - Chapter 16
New Moves - Chapter 16.5
Crush - Chapter 17
Sequel is Out!

That Day..... - Chapter 1

6K 56 72
By FanficWriter0416

In a world of quirks and heroes, there is a boy.  That boy's name is Izuku Midoriya.  He is quirkless and thus made fun of.  Until the day everything stopped.....

"Ow.  Stop Please!  I beg you!"  It was my birthday for crying out loud, and I get treated like this!  As I was shouting the bullies looked at me with a death glare and there was my best buddy, although after this he won't be,  Katsuki (Kacchan) Bakugou.    He was the ring leader of the group that was bullying me.  He then said to me "Get up weakling! We're not done yet!"  "No!  Please no!  STOP!!"  There it was, a yellow figure protecting me he looked small like me but was very powerful, I would soon learn.  

The figure went behind me and raised its arms.  Right as Bakugou was about to punch me, he threw his arms around me in a half-hug position.  Then everything stopped and turned a grayish color.  I was confused but quickly jumped out of the way of Bakugou's punch.  Then everything's color started to return, and I realized that, out of my intuition, they were about to move again.  As everything started to move, they realized I was gone, and the explosion didn't hit me.  They looked around and saw me standing right next to them.  Bakugou yelled "DEKUUUUUUUUUUU."  "Here," I said in a tone that felt cocky.  I then realized that I have never spoken like that in my 10 years of life.

He then saw the yellow figure that was behind me, and yelled: "What the hell is that."  He then realized that I suddenly teleported if you can call it that.  "How did you do that!" He yelled.  I then realized that I didn't even know what I did.  "What," I said, "This" hoping that I could do it again.  Suddenly he did the same arm movement, and everything went gray again.  I then moved behind Bakugou.  As everything's things color started returning, I realized that everything only stays gray for 1 second.  As Bakugou saw it I teleported.  He said "H-how."  He was scared and I enjoyed it.  After 6 years of torment, I finally had the power to beat him.  

He then regained his composure and threw an explosion at me.  The figure proceeded to, block the explosion and successfully counter by throwing a punch of its own.  As it punched Bakugou, I felt the force of the punch in my hand.  "Any damage or force it takes must go back to me," I muttered to myself.  As I started on my way back home, I realized that there was a clock on the wall, and the figure pointed to it.  "Um what, is the clock broken." It then turned everything gray, and the second hand stopped moving, but as everything regained color, I wondered what that was.  I then realized that the hand stopped moving "TIME STOPPED!" I blurted out, and once again everything lost its color.  "Y-you can s-stop time," I said to the figure.  The figure nodded.

I then started to experiment with the ability.  Apparently the more I use the ability the stronger it gets and anything I hit won't take damage until time moves.  One more thing that happened is that I have a hobby of throwing knives, and when I threw a knife while time was stopped, it hung there mid-air.  When time started moving the knife flew in the direction I threw it in.  

A/N  The cooldown is 3 times as long as the time stop and he has to wait half the time to use a time stop of a shorter interval.  EX.  2 second time stop 6-second cooldown or 3 seconds if he only wants to stop time for 1 second.

I then decided to name the ability in my notebook.  The figure grabbed a pencil and wrote something "The World?" I questioned.  The figure nodded.  "Okay then, how 'bout when I want to stop time I will yell out Za Warudo or Za Warudo: Toki wo tomare."  The figure looked excited, I think he liked the names.  "Okay then." I said, "Let's get to work!"  For the rest of the day, I trained and improved my time stop by up to 2 seconds.  (Yes I know this sounds op af, but it will be much harder to get further.)

 "Happy birthday!" My mom said got you something for your hobby, knife holsters!"  There were 4 of them, each being able to carry 3.  Then she saw it, she saw The World.  She stammered "W-what is t-that." "I don't know." I said, "All I know is its name and ability."  "W-what its n-name."  I then said "The World."  She then asked "W-what's its a-ability" "To stop time!"  She was terrified.  At that moment she passed out.  I had to take up to her bedroom.  As I took her up I noticed another gift on my bed,  ultra-durable knives!  They were designed for the holsters, and it said they never broke.  "That's convenient," I said.  As I went back downstairs with my gifts, I decided to do 2 more experiments.  Experiment number 1:  Can I throw multiple knives with one hand.  The answer was yes, I could also do it in time stop.  Experiment number 2:  Can The World throw knives.  The answer was also yes, I could also do this in time stop.  I then decided to go to bed.

Also, check out RMP on youtube. Their music sucks, but it's really funny. I recommend their first song, Ice.

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