Skies & Stars | S.B. |

By shesaworkoffiction

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She had tried to warn him not to fall in love with her, that she could not be loved. She was as unreachable a... More

Skies & Stars |
Epigraph |
Chapter One |
Chapter Two |
Chapter Three |
Chapter Four |
Chapter Five |
Chapter Six |
Chapter Seven |
Chapter Eight |
Chapter Nine |
Chapter Ten |
Chapter Eleven |
Chapter Twelve |
Chapter Thirteen |
Chapter Fourteen |
Chapter Fifteen |
Chapter Sixteen |
Chapter Seventeen |
Chapter Eighteen |
Chapter Nineteen |
Chapter Twenty-One |
Chapter Twenty-Two |
Chapter Twenty-Three |
Chapter Twenty-Four |

Chapter Twenty |

412 15 9
By shesaworkoffiction

October 1976

 Midnight stood in the middle of a field, the air as cold as the dead bodies lying on the ground. At least she assumed so; she could not feel the air. She could not feel anything, though her uneven breath came out as thick fog before her eyes and she was wearing a winter coat. Despite the screams of the many people around her and the verbal spells being cast, there was silence, deafening silence. Someone stood behind her, their back flush against her own, with Remus standing to their right. Each had their wands pointed at black cloaked figures, blinding light emitting from the cluster they had formed. It felt like they existed for this moment. To fight for their lives alongside one another and protect each other at all costs. The person behind her defeated the figure they had been dueling and stepped into view. Sirius turned to Midnight, his dark hair sweeping over cloudy gray eyes full of worry. He spoke to her, his lips moving, but the words lost on the sound of ruin around them. Hesitantly, he reached out to her, but the touch of his fingertips never came.

 Gales of laughter and shrieks of fright could be heard as Hogwarts ghosts' uttered tales of horror. A looming fog obscured the view of the starry night sky. Jack-o-lanterns glinted above heads and bats flitted in the biting breeze. It was the week of All Hallows Eve and the Great Hall was filled with the chilling sounds and sweet scents of the harvest season. However, not even the loud festive nature of the Great Hall could drown out Midnight's thoughts of the reoccurring dream she had been having for four successive nights.

 Sage had woken Mid from her slumber each night, saying that she had been yelling and thrashing about in her bed. Mid's actions and her apparent nightmare had begun to scare her dorm mates. Even Emma, who was a very heavy sleeper, had been startled awake. Only it was not a nightmare. After her racing heartbeat slowed and the pain in her neck subsided from jolting awake abruptly, Midnight had asked Sage what it was that she had been yelling. She had always been curious as to whether she said anything of value in her sleep. Her words had reputedly been the same over and over.

 "I can't hear you."

 Midnight mumbled, staring at nothing in particular as she scooped mashed potatoes on the golden plate in front of her. The girl was lost in thought and trying to refrain from glancing at Sirius Black, the boy who suddenly plagued her dreams. She had been caught staring at him more times than she was willing to admit and she did not wish to embarrass herself further. The way she was doing at that moment, shaking her head and mumbling, continuing to pile mashed potatoes high on her plate. Regulus sat next to her watching with amusement dancing in his eyes, attempting not to laugh at his friend. It was when the white substance began to overflow from the plate to the wooden table that Reg's nose scrunched in disgust.

 "I don't think you have nearly enough potatoes on your plate."

 Regulus' smooth sarcasm drew Midnight out of her reverie. She turned to her best friend, but heeding his raised brows, followed his gaze to the table. Mid's blue eyes widened at the mess that she had made. Lightly patting her hand, Reg took the serving spoon away from her, as though she was going to use it as a weapon against him. Midnight gave a distressed sigh and placed a spoonful of potatoes into her mouth, causing Reg to chuckle. The boy grabbed a boat of gravy and poured it over the mountain of potatoes. Dipping his own spoon onto Midnight's plate, he helped consume them, as was customary in their friendship to steal one another's food.

 "While you're very endearing when you're mumbling to yourself, I'm worried that you have gone completely mental, an absolute nutter."

 This comment earned Regulus a scowl and a playful shove to the shoulder. He offered Mid a sheepish grin and scooped in another mouthful of potatoes, though not before Midnight saw a genuine look of concern flash in his eyes. Leave it to Regulus to mask his sympathy with sarcasm, compliment and insult her at the same time, all while lifting her spirits. It was times like these that Midnight desperately wanted to reveal her abilities. Reg was her favorite person in the Wizarding World. The one she could trust with anything, possibly even the one thing she had been instructed never to disclose.

 Midnight opened her mouth to speak, yet thought better of it and closed it again. Noticing the grim look that had settled over her features, Regulus poked Mid in the side and the girl squirmed. As the two friends fell into their routine of taunting one another, the turmoil that weighed heavy on Midnight's chest began to dissolve. It was only when Mid caught sight of a certain blonde fifth year moving from the end of their house table to where she and Regulus sat, that Midnight shrugged Reg's arm off her shoulder where it had been resting lazily.

 "Allura's coming over here."

 She whispered. Regulus stilled, dropping his spoon onto the table with a clang. Their housemates sitting closest to him glared, as did Midnight. Regulus furrowed his brows at her words and asked,

 "Are you certain?"

 "Yeah, pretty certain!"

 Midnight shot him a pointed look. Reg gave a quick glance in Allura's direction to see that his crush was indeed making her way over to them. Promptly, he began to run his fingers through his hair in an attempt to smooth down his curls. Midnight noted that while Regulus had many infatuations prior to Allura McKinnon, he had never reacted like a teenage girl with any of them.

 "How's my hair?"

 He asked. Did boys even care about that sort of thing? Mid stared at him blankly and shrugged.


 Regulus huffed in irritation at her response. What did he want from her? He was a Black for Merlin's sake! Of course his hair looked good.

 "You know it looks amazing, it always does! Perfect messy hair, annoying cocky attitu-"

 "Shh! Shh!"

 Regulus cut her off, shushing her and swatting at her hands as she tried to offer assistance with his curls. Allura was now much closer and he did not want to risk her hearing his nutter best friend go on another rant about the Black charm. As Allura came to a halt next to them, Regulus pretended not to notice her presence. Unbelievable, Midnight thought.

 "Hi Reg."

 Came Allura's soothing voice. The blonde glimpsed at Midnight and the mess of potatoes that she had made, a confused yet intrigued look in her eyes. Turning her attention back to Regulus, she tucked a long straight lock of hair behind her ear and smiled. Not only was she blatantly flirting with him, she was also calling him Reg, which seemed very intimate to Midnight for some reason. Regulus proceeded to say something to Allura in French, which Midnight did not understand. Allura laughed and replied in French as well. Midnight narrowed her eyes at the two younger housemates, unaware that Regulus could now speak more than one language.

 "I was hoping we could discuss our upcoming Care of Magical Creatures project."

 Allura said, finally speaking a language that Midnight could understand. The older girl busied herself with cleaning the table, not wanting to be viewed as ill-mannered by the house-elves. They had always been good to her, bringing extra blankets to the Slytherin dungeons when the weather got cooler, offering her and Remus warm cider when they would pass by the kitchens during Prefect patrols.

 "Of course. Will you be alright without me?"

 Regulus turned to ask Midnight. She could hear the smirk in his voice without even looking at him. He was not asking to be polite; he was being a cocky little prat, as if Midnight would be so terribly lost and lonely without him. This may or may not have been the truth, though she would never give him the satisfaction of knowing.

 "I think I'll be fine."

 Midnight winked. She would play along and get her revenge in due time. She was a Slytherin after all.

 "I'm going to grab my textbook from my dormitory. I'll meet you in the common room?"

 Regulus flashed Allura a charming smile and replied in French once more, seemingly no longer nervous around her. Midnight rolled her eyes. When Allura had walked away, Mid decided that the time was now. Turning to Regulus with a sickly sweet smile, she balled up her fist and punched him in the arm.

 "Ow! What was that for?"

 He pouted, rubbing the now tender flesh of his arm.

 "Oh Reg, I can't possibly survive without you!"

 Midnight exclaimed, dramatically. Placing a hand on her heart and the other on her forehead, she feigned desire and acted faint. Regulus merely smirked.

 "It's about time you admitted it."

 The boy quipped, earning a groan from his best friend. Sarcastic boys with messy black hair would surely be her undoing.

 "When did you start speaking French?"

 "I picked it up over the summer."

 He shrugged, nonchalantly. As if it was no great accomplishment. Midnight was certain that only Regulus Black would be like, "Yeah just learned a foreign language in a little less than two months. No big deal." The girl shook her head, letting out an incredulous breath.

 "Are you going to ask her out?"

 Reg released a morose sigh and shot her a look that said, you know I cannot. Allura was fascinating and beautiful, but she was a half-blood. Midnight of all people should understand that. When one had a bloodline as pure as the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, there were certain expectations one had to uphold.


 "A half-blood? Who cares? You like her, don't you?"

 He could only nod at her question, his face remaining solemn. If Walburga and Orion found out, it would be infamy. He would be a disgrace, labeled a blood traitor. The Black family would lose all favor and his parents would disown him, just as they had disowned his brother. Regulus had known since he was a child that he was not as undaunted as Sirius. He could not handle the disappointment, the rejection, the abuse.

 "Since when do you have no regard for blood status?"

 He asked, vehemently. Although his question was direct and slightly accusing, Midnight could see the conflicting emotions in his silver eyes. He needed her to admit her views of blood supremacy before he would even consider doing so. If Mid was being honest with herself, she did not give a flying broomstick whether someone was of pure, half or muggle blood. Yet she hesitated, and when the words did come, they felt foreign on her tongue.

 "I'm not sure I ever cared about blood status."

 Standing from the table, Regulus faltered next to her. It was evident he was eager to put an end to the conversation. He was still battling with his own views of blood supremacy and he cared immensely what his parents thought of him. Midnight considered this for a moment, it was one thing to confess her illegitimate way of thinking to Regulus, but would she ever be able to do the same in the presence of her father?

 "Are you sure it's alright if I leave you?"

 He asked in a serious tone. Mid knew that Reg would stay, if she asked him to. This brought a gentle smile to her lips as she shooed him away, hoping he would take her advice and overlook Allura's blood status for his own happiness. Alone with her thoughts, her mind returned to the dream she had of Sirius. How he had looked at her, reached out to her. It was almost as if she had trusted him. Not only with her life, but with something else. Something more valuable and much more terrifying.

 Just as her eyes instinctually drifted to Sirius, a tap on her shoulder compelled her to turn in her seat. There stood a small, freckled girl wearing scarlet lined robes. The girl peered at Mid with a toothy grin.

 "Victoria, can I help you with something?"

 Midnight asked, pleasantly surprised to receive a visit from the first year. The last time she had seen the little brunette, she was consoling her in the corridor during a patrol. Victoria fiddled with something in her hand and said,

 "Sirius Black wanted me to give you this."

 Extending her arm, she presented Midnight with a folded piece of parchment. Mid looked at it warily before accepting. Casting a glance at Sirius across the Great Hall, she found him watching their interaction closely. Quickly, she turned away avoiding his gaze.

 "Oh he did, did he? Is it going to blow up or something?"

 She asked. For a split second, the child looked pensively at the parchment and shook her head.

 "I don't think so."

 She said, not very reassuringly. Midnight laughed. Curious as to why Sirius had asked Victoria, she inquired,

 "And he asked you specifically to deliver this to me?"

 The girl shifted her weight from one foot to the other, contemplating her words.

 "Well, not me specifically. I volunteered, you see. All of the other first years were too afraid."

 There was pride in Victoria's voice. Mid nodded understandingly. She would be lying if she said that she was not proud of herself for being able to invoke fear in others. She aspired to be intimidating when she wanted to be.

 "What a brave little lioness you are."

 Midnight gave a mischievous smile. Reaching into the inner pocket of her robes, she discreetly pulled out her wand, pointing it at Victoria. The girl's brown eyes trailed apprehensively from the wand in Mid's hand to her poise face. Moving the wand in a motion that resembled the outline of a feather, Midnight said,

 "But alas, you're wrong not to be afraid of me. Rictusempra."

 A silver light consumed Victoria's small frame causing her to erupt into a fit of giggles. The tinkling sound of her laughter chimed throughout the Great Hall bringing a smile to those that heard it. The effects of the tickle charm ceased when Victoria had doubled over, gasping for air, from laughing so hard.

 "Now, be sure to tell all of the other little Gryffindor's that I'm the most wicked and vile person you've ever met."

 Victoria giggled one last time. Wiping gleeful tears from her eyes, she nodded and skipped away. Staring down at the note in her hand, Midnight missed the high five that Sirius had given Victoria when she returned to the Gryffindor table. Unfolding the parchment, her eyes met with a sketch of her, quite literally snogging the Giant Squid. It was repulsive, though amusing nonetheless. A wry laugh escaped her throat.

 Someone is lost in thought.

Fantasizing about snogging the Giant Squid?

P.S. I had no idea that you liked potatoes so much.

 Unable to contain her smile, Midnight raised her wand and began to charm letters in response. Once dinner had come to an end, she moved to exit the Great Hall at the same moment as the marauders. Slipping through the archway, her body purposely brushed against Sirius. The boy drew a sharp intake of breath at the contact and goosebumps prickled across Mid's skin. Placing something with a thin, rough texture into Sirius' open palm, she passed and shot what she hoped was a sly grin over her shoulder. Sirius' gaze followed Mid's retreating frame until she was out of sight, before landing on the note she had placed in his hand. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he read,

 Forgive me if I am mistaken, but it sounds like you were staring at me.

Like what you see, Black?

P.S. Now that you know of my potato addiction, I'll be forced to hex you.

P.P.S. I'm starting to think you enjoy drawing pictures of me.

 The following evening, torchlight blinked through the dark castle as Midnight and Remus attended to their Prefect duties. It was silent, except for their footsteps swallowed up by the stone floor and the quiet echo of their chatter through the corridor.

 "We're having a party in the Gryffindor common room after the Halloween feast. You should come."

 Midnight gave an indifferent hum at Remus' offer. Those were words she would have never expected to hear come last year. Remus Lupin invites her, a Slytherin, to a Gryffindor party. It was unfathomable. Her sixth year had proven to be quite astonishing thus far.

 "That'll blow over well. Besides, parties aren't really my thing."

 "Mine either. You'll be done with that by then, right? I thought we could discuss."

 Remus had gestured to a leather hardcover in Midnight's hand. It was a classic muggle novel that he had leant her. Mid found that Remus had a never-ending to be read list and all the best recommendations. She was enjoying the plot, half-finished.

 "You're inviting me to a party so we can talk about books?"


 Mid did not answer right away, pondering the idea. Remus' shameless pleas had ultimately persuaded her to accept his offer. They fervently discussed the novel, neither observing their surroundings as they strolled. The two Prefects rounded the corner of the West Wing, with Midnight nearly colliding into the chest of Sirius Black. The girl gave an audible gasp at his sudden appearance, gripping the novel of topic in one hand and unconsciously grabbing Remus' hand with the other. Sirius' barking laugh rang in her ears.

 "I know I'm startlingly attractive, but there's no need to gasp. Did I scare you, Princess?"

 He asked, rubbing his thumb over his bottom lip in a teasing manner. Midnight tried to commit the image to memory. Though Sirius' growing smirk and the heat of a crimson blush creeping up her neck caused her to divert her gaze. Lying through her teeth, she firmly said,


 Remus scratched the back of his neck; his other hand remained tightly clasped by Midnight's. Sensing their awkward behavior, Sirius eyed the pair. When his gaze travelled to their interlocked fingers, his smirk fell and Midnight tugged her hand away.

 "What are you doing here?"

 Remus asked, after clearing his throat. Looking between the two boys, Midnight crossed her arms over her chest and hissed,

 "Being up to no good as usual."

 "I solemnly swear."

 Sirius mock saluted. At this comment, Remus began to snicker and Sirius joined in. Midnight was certain that she had missed something, as his joke was not at all funny. When the boys had collected themselves, Sirius turned to Midnight and held out a familiar parchment.

 "I came to return this to you."

 His smirk had returned and he possessed a look of determination, made devious from the flickering torchlight gleaming in his dark eyes. With arched brows, Mid slowly unfolded her arms and took the note from him. Remus watched bemusedly.

 "I thought you were above delivering your own messages?"

 The dark haired boy drew his face near Midnight's, closing the distance between them. The skin of his cheek grazed her own as he leaned in to whisper in her ear. His deep earthy scent overwhelmed her judgement to pull away. Midnight held her breath in order to avoid gasping once more. Her cheeks were ablaze at the feel of his hot breath fanning against her neck.

 "As did I, but then the Slytherin Princess made a cheeky show of returning it to me. So I thought I'd return the favor."

 Pulling back, Sirius winked and continued down the corridor. Leaving just as quickly as he had arrived. Midnight had been left gawking in his stead. Unable to wait until she got back to her common room to read his response, she tore at the note, skimming over his neat handwriting.

 Wouldn't you like to know?

Read carefully and maybe you'll find out.

P.S. I cannot think of anyone else that I'd rather be hexed by.

P.P.S. Why would I not enjoy drawing pictures of you? You are stunning, a proper muse.

 Her heart sped up upon reading the last sentence. The thought of being Sirius' artistic inspiration caused a smile to overtake her features. Biting her lip so as to control her emotions, Midnight tucked the parchment into her robe pocket. What had she done? Perhaps Regulus was right and she had gone mental. Flirting with Sirius Black was like entertaining a dementor. Losing her humanity was a bit extreme, though she was sure to lose something in this exchange. She only hoped it would be her dignity rather than her heart.

 By the time Halloween arrived, Midnight had talked herself out of attending the party at least nine times. Even as she stood in front of the open portrait hole of the Fat Lady, she debated whether it would be wise to enter. This was less due to how others would react and more because her enemy had inadvertently admitted his attraction to her. She loathed to admit that she felt that same attraction for him and only allowed herself to enter the Gryffindor common room when the Fat Lady threatened to lock her out for being unable to make up her mind.

 Black candles illuminated the blood red walls, their light catching gauzy white spider webs hung from every nook and cranny. Enchanted moths, like the bats in the Great Hall, fluttered about here and there. Skulls and roses littered the expanse of the room and a thick layer of glittering dust covered everything in sight. The haunting décor gave a gothic vibe to the typically inviting atmosphere.

 The couches and furniture had been pushed to the side to open the center of the floor for dancing. Psychedelic rock music blared throughout. There were more people at the party than there were known Gryffindor's. Midnight was sure that she would be the only Slytherin, yet it would appear that she was not. The ghost of the Bloody Baron floated in the corner, bickering with Nearly Headless Nick. Peeves flew through the walls and jumped out at unsuspecting victims. Fifth, sixth and seventh year students could be found dancing, chatting, snogging, and drinking a liquid of honey colored hue that did not resemble pumpkin juice nor butterbeer.

 Midnight pushed her way through gyrating bodies. She would have liked to pretend that she was searching for Remus, however, it was Sirius that she hoped to find first. Mid wore a short black dress with bell sleeves that had a tight bodice and draped nicely on her curves. A black feathered mask over her blue eyes. On occasion, she would bump into someone and they would get caught on the raven wings that she had fashioned onto her back. In her hand, she gripped the novel that belonged to Remus, inside safely tucked between its pages was the note Sirius had given her.


 Came a whisper from behind, lips lingering close to her ear. Midnight turned expecting to see Sirius. Only mildly disappointed to find Remus.

 "You make a lovely raven."

 He said, bowing in a gentlemanly manner. His face and hands had been painted green and something resembling railroad spikes protruded from his neck.

 "Thank you and you make a dashing troll."

 "Actually, I'm Frankenstein."

 He pointed to the railroad spikes, electrodes, as if it was obvious. His mates had tried their best to get him to dress up as a werewolf, finding humor in its irony. Remus had refused. Midnight's brows furrowed in confusion, disappearing beneath her mask.


 She asked. Remus chuckled, waving off her question. Eventually, he would learn that Midnight did not understand his muggle references.

 "Ya know what, it doesn't matter."

 Placing his hand on her back, careful to avoid her wings, he guided her to a table brimming with sweets. A girl dressed as a werewolf smiled when they neared. She made a pretty werewolf. Much prettier than the actual creature, Midnight noted. Unintentionally, she glanced at Remus. The boy did not seem to notice. If anything his eyes softened at the girls' costume.

 "Mid, I would like to introduce you to Dorcas."


 Said the girl. Dorcas Meadowes was a mocha skinned Gryffindor with choppy brown hair and large gold-rimmed glasses over umber eyes. Mid gave a polite smile and nod in greeting. Dorcas extended to her a goblet of the honey hued liquid. Midnight reluctantly took the goblet, sniffing its contents. The aroma made her nostrils burn, she did not even want to consider what it would do to her throat.

 "It's fire whiskey."

 Remus mumbled, as if assuring her that she did not have to drink it. Midnight took one sip, her face contorting with repugnance. Her two acquaintances laughed, exchanging small talk. Midnight discarded of the alcohol, partly listening to Remus and Dorcas talk while she scanned the crowded space for Sirius.

 Her throat was still tingling when her eyes finally landed on him. He looked especially tempting under the dim lighting. Fake blood dripped from his forehead down one side of his face, smeared all over his hands. He wore black jeans and his leather jacket with no shirt underneath, exposing his toned chest and abs. His shoulder length hair was a mess, even more so than usual, tousled and sticking to his forehead slick with sweat. He exhaled a ring of smoke, a cigarette between his fingers. Midnight wondered if he smoked in the common room often, but her thoughts were interrupted when his confounded eyes met hers from across the room, trailing up and down her figure. That was until Marlene McKinnon came into view and pressed herself against his swaying body. The blonde's face had been charmed like that of a skeletons' with shadowed eyes and distinct bone structure. Mid pried her eyes away to see that Dorcas had left and Remus was eating chocolate from the sweets table. Some muse she was when she could not hold his attention, Midnight thought bitterly. She cleared her throat, thick with emotion.

 "So, is Dorcas your girlfriend?"

 She asked, her voice came out shaky. A sinking feeling had settled in the pit of her stomach. She ignored it and hugged the novel to her chest as a way to ground herself.

 "No, not yet at least."

 Remus' boyish grin caused her to roll her eyes.

 "Someone's sure of himself."

 "Have you seen me?"

 He asked, once again gesturing to himself. They shared a laugh. He was beginning to sound like Sirius. At this thought, Midnight frowned and stole another glance at the eldest Black. He was dancing with Marlene. The blonde's arms wrapped around his neck with his loosely around her waist. Remus followed Mid's gaze, immediately understanding her dull mood.

 "Would you care to dance with me?"

 He asked, extending his hand to her. Midnight peered up at him with a grin. She was not one to dance frequently. She knew how, of course, as she was well practiced in formal ballroom dancing. Though this type of dancing was hardly common room party appropriate.

 "Dance? I thought we were here to talk about books?"

 The boy shrugged, taking the book from her chest. Neither noticed as folded parchment slipped from the books' pages and fell to the floor. Remus made his way over to an abandoned bookshelf and positioned the novel there.

 "We can do that later, can't we?"

 He asked, to which Midnight keenly agreed. Grabbing his outstretched hand, she pulled Remus to join the dancing bodies at the center of the room. They began to move to a bewitching beat, laughing as Remus twirled her. Sirius watched enviously as his mate placed his hands on Midnight's waist, pulling her into his chest. Driven mad at the sight of Midnight in Remus' arms instead of his own, Sirius wasted no time getting in between them, muttering about switching partners. Remus was baffled for a brief moment, but quickly recovered, finding a new dance partner along with Marlene who was seemingly unfazed by Sirius' actions.

 Midnight scoffed and made to pull away. As she did, Sirius trapped her in his arms. His hands gripped her hips and gently tugged her into him; their chests flush against one another's. She could feel his heart beating wildly in his chest, knowing that hers was the same. She did not know what to do with her hands, wanting to tangle her fingers in his hair. Believing this move to be too brazen, she opted to grip either side of his leather jacket. Sirius obviously had no problem being forward, but Midnight had never been in a compromising position such as this and did not know how to behave. The hazy look in his gray eyes, prompted her to move her body in rhythm with his. Soon, she lost herself in the music and in Sirius. Euphoria clouded her senses. Their bodies pressed together created unbearable heat that flushed both of their cheeks. Mid threw her head back, her long hair hanging off her shoulders revealed the soft skin of her neck, collarbone and the slightest dip of her chest. She closed her eyes and continued to sway. Sirius marveled at the sight of her.

 When Midnight opened her eyes again, she was met with Sirius' intense stare. One of his hands ascended from her waist, trailing up her side, leaving magic in its wake. It came to rest on her jaw, his bloodied fingers pressed to her cheek. The hand on her waist pulled her tighter against him, if that was even possible. There was no space between their bodies. Midnight could feel his every breath, Sirius could feel the goosebumps on her skin. He brushed his thumb over her lips and leaned down to her height, his face close enough for her to capture his lips. Her eyes fluttered to his lips and then back up to his eyes as she slowly leaned in.

 The song ended and with it the spell had been broken. Midnight let out a breath she had not known she was holding and pulled away from Sirius' hold. Coming down from the elation of his body pressed against hers, a flood of emotions filled her. What was he playing at? He had not acknowledged her presence until then, too enraptured by Marlene as he always was. Now he thought that he could rudely interrupt her dance with Remus and try to steal her kiss. Unshed tears began to sting Mid's eyes at her embarrassment. She blinked them back, refusing to cry. She had not wanted to fall for his games so easily, but the way he made her feel, it was too difficult to ignore. He was a thief of hearts and he was blindly robbing Midnight like so many girls before her.

 Having none of his nonsense, Midnight hastily made her way to the portrait hole. She disregarded Sirius' calls behind her as she did. A tug on her elbow stopped her in her tracks.

 "Where are you going?"

 Sirius asked, his tone desperate. He hated it, and yet that was exactly how Midnight made him feel. Desperate. Vulnerable. To the point where it made him revolt.

 "You've collected enough hearts, don't you think? You don't need mine."

 Midnight spat. Sirius opened his mouth as if to speak and then closed it, remaining silent. With a disappointed sigh, Midnight tugged her arm out of his grasp and left the common room. He could not deny that he had felt some sort of cruel satisfaction that Midnight had been unable to take her eyes off him and Marlene. By that point, he had been using Marlene as a ploy to make her jealous. It had worked he supposed, though it had not made him feel any better. He could have gone after her, chased her out of the common room, through the corridor, and down the staircases to the Slytherin dungeons. Yet he did not, because despite being a Gryffindor, he was not always brave. Telling her how he truly felt about her was nothing like writing flirtations on a piece of parchment. That kind of honesty required a bravery that he did not possess at the current moment.

 No longer feeling like partying, he traversed his way to the staircase leading to the boy's dormitory. Stopping at the sound of rustled paper beneath his boot. He bent down to inspect parchment lying on the stone floor and sucked in a breath of realization. Picking the note up, he unfolded it to read Midnight's perfect script.

 I wanted to write of your beauty or rather your handsomeness, but it came out as this.

And this, somehow, describes you best of all.

The boy with the lion heart and lungs of ash.

Lips of gold and knuckles gashed.

A proper muse, Sirius Black.

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