Blended Souls

By TiffanyAuten

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Charlie McCoy always wanted to put her best foot forward. What started off as doing a good deed swiftly turne... More

happy birthday Kassidy
twenty one.
twenty two
twenty three[Filler]
twenty four.
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight[Filler]
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
Part 1
Part 2
Bonus!! Flashback chapter


101 6 0
By TiffanyAuten

Knocking on the door for the third time Eric waited for Emani to answer, he had just got back and Hassan let him know she locked herself inside ever since she got home from school the day prior. Shaking his head he wasn't in the mood for all this, but he also knew that when it came to his luh baybeh he would give however much time it took.

"Ezz baybeh open dah door nah, come on" he knocked again, the door swung open with Emani sporting her famous pout.everyone knew he fell for.

"Aww baybeh wazzam" Eric asked, closing the door behind him, pulling Mani into a hug he ruffled her hair causing Mani to suck her teeth.

" Staht Babba, I'm not playing, what took you so long to get home? I called you and just hung up on me why you do dat we ion hand up on each other " she complained trying to hold back tears, it was rare to happen but Emani feelings was really hurt by Eric hanging up and it only made it worse when he didn't call back. After everything with her mom yesterday the only person she wanted to be around was her Babba, so for him to completely ignore her for the first time Emani wasn't sure how to feel.

"I'm sorry Ezz ya already know i'm always always hea' nah come on,  I'a was in the middle of some important business that needed my attention. I should have put that on pause to make sure ya was okay baybeh I'a apologize but i'm hea' nah so wazzam baybeh, tell me what happened." They sat on the small couch placed in the corner in front of a large bay window, Emani just shook her head thinking about it all over again made her angry.

" Yesterday when practice was over I was gettin ready to call mama to make sure she was on her way right, you know everytime she picks me up on Friday she always runs late and I was so tired Babba and I had a test to study for. All of a sudden this black truck pulls up and she rolls the window down telling me come on. I jump in the back and plug my phone up and when i asked her where Tootie and Boog was she was like giving the weird driver some look , we took a picture together then sh-

"aye back up..weird driva?'' This peaked his interest.

" oh the guy driving he was new or whatever cause i don't really remember seeing him before but he just idk didn't look like a driver' Emani shrugged not understanding why that mattered

"Anyway we took a picture and I asked her to send it to me then I got on my phone. She kept staring at me looking like she was about to cry or whatever then told me to get some food while she took a phone call. So I go inside right and I'm waiting in line when Sanni calls me. I get excited cause it's been so long since I talk to him and he asks like where i'm at cause they are at the school and I'm like getting food or whatever by the outlet and when he repeats it back I hear mommy in the background going crazy. So I walk out the line and I ask Sanni if he is with mommy and when I walk outside the black truck is gone and she comes speeding into the parking lot in the Range like a crazy person. I swear I'm all confused like what's going on and she just flips off on me about leaving the school without calling her and asking who I left with just screaming the whole way home and I'm legit laughin at her Babba ya know cause now i'm thinking they was tryna prank me. I'm like yo just stop ma like you can't be serious right now and she really lost it after that and I could tell she wasn't playin. When we got home I just jumped o.ut of the car and ran up here, I don't know what her problem is Babba I didn't do anything wrong" Throwing the pillow on the bed Mani got up stomping her foot, the more she thought about it the angrier she got. Why should she have to lock herself in her room all because her mom was acting crazy

" It's not fair and I want to know why I got yelled at for nothing" storming towards the door, Eric had to jump up and grab her before she got to the doorknob.. After what she just said there was no way in hell he could let Emani confront Charlie without talking to her first, especially since he could almost bet she had no idea what was going on and he had to gauge her reaction 

" Ooh- Hol-Hold up Ezz wait aight, lemme.... let me talk to her first okay? Yea imma tell Ssan to take you to the nail shop cause i didn't forget that was the original plan for  today and i'll talk to her while ya gon"Sitting her back down he was happy to see her calm down some, pulling money out his pocket he gave her a couple hundreds already knowing those 2 would end up at the mall. Walking out the room he took out his phone and sent a text to Hassan asking him for a favor, when he said yes Eric explained how he needed Emani out of the house for a little while and if he could take her to the nail shop. Getting confirmation from Hassan, Eric took the steps two at a time heading upstairs. Taking his time walking down the hall Eric tried to prepare himself for this conversation, it had only been a few days since the situation with Tootie happened and Charlie was barely over that. She was over thinking everything which caused her to stress even more, before leaving he was able to calm her a little and he hated knowing he was about to possibly push her over the edge. He was trying to be her peace in all the chaos, and now he was the bearer of more fucked up news  Releasing the deep breath he was holding Eric knocked on Charlie's door when he didn't hear her voice he knocked again, leaning his ear to the door there wasn't a sound on the other side. Slowly opening the door Eric called out before peeking his head inside the door, empty. Confused he walked inside the room pushing the bathroom door wide open, empty. Walking out the room he closed the door behind him, heading down to his room Eric pushed the door open. Kicking off his shoes noticing the small green dino slippers by his dressed, looking over to the bed there lied Charlie dressed in one of his hoodies balled up sleep with the hood covering her face and bright green fuzzy socks on her feet.Eric couldn't ignore the feeling of his heart skipping a beat at the sight of her laid in his bed when he comes home, he watched as she slowly rubbed her feet together. They had been spending enough time together; he knew that was her way of putting herself to sleep whenever he wasn't physically near her..

Climbing into the bed he moved real close to Charlie's body, pulling her into his chest automatically snuggling close letting out a big sigh. Wrapping her legs around his body  it didn't take long for Charlie to open her red tired eyes. You could see the exhaustion on her face,Charlie  had spent her time silently crying her heart out locked away in Eric's room , see after she finally calmed down and really thought about it realization set in. Rubbing small circles into her back Eric knew he had to figure something out and fast, it was clear the entire situation was taking a toll on Charlie and he was afraid what the outcome would be. All Eric could think about was the way Charlie was when he first met her, that day in the hospital he knew just by looking at her that she had an interesting past. Something inside him just wanted to help her, but falling for her the way tht he was, now that was just a bonus for him. 

" Sh-She had baby Eric" her voice was low but you could hear it crack, feeling his shirt get wet Eric knew she was crying. He wasn't sure what to say just yet so instead he just held her as she let her tears fall.

" Its gon work out baybeh I'a promise ya that we gon figure everything out... together." turnin her body to face his Eric softly kissed her forehead.

" Why she doing this to me I dont understand, she gave them away just walked out of their lives and now look why she wanna ...

" To make you be the bad guy..." Eric finished her sentence in deep thought, after his little trip some shit was starting to make sense to him.

"Shawty how was it being just you and ha' what type of person is  ya-

" twin?" Charlie looked up into his eyes.

Karlie Mccoy...twin

Standing in front of my mirror I fluffed my hair up a little more,as usual every inch of me was set to perfection before walking out my bathroom. Soft white fur under my feet felt like clouds, walking over to the large windows I watched the empty streets below. It was too damn country and slow for me. I hated it here, I wanted nothing more then to be back in New York but I knew that wasn't happeningjust yet. Picking up my phone I couldn't help but look at the picture, I hadn't really paid it any attention since we took it  a week ago. It was an odd feeling sitting next to my daughter for the first time in years and she has no clue. Shes a fucking teenager now, just from appearnace i will admit it seems my sister was doing something right. I'm half way glad she seems like she got some smarts but even if she didn't, that little bitch wasn't my problem. At least this one was quiet now that other little brat was annoying as hell, if I could have left her in a ditch I would have. Noticing the time i walked into my closet to get ready for tonight's festivities, if i knew my twin correctly those little stunts i pulled has her all fucked up. Charlie had always been the overly emotional one and it came off as her being weak, she hid it well from other people but never from me. Its like because she knew she was like that so she had to baby me and jump up doing everything. She would always scream about how she did this and that for me, if it wasnt for her this or another was going to happen. I never understood how she forgot we were TWINS i wasnt a baby nor a child she had to raise. I wanted to be treated equal hell i fuckin deserved to be treated equal but she always stole that away from me. But that was the past and things changed, I was the boss bitch now I made all the rules and everyone knew to either fall in line or die. simple. Checking myself one last time I place on my hat and walked down to the elevators

My driver slowly pulled the car in front of the building, getting out he opened the back door helping me step out. Looking around I took in the local shops and businesses along the streets, making my way inside I took a deep breath inhaling the sweet smells of foreign cigars. Of course places like these were filled with those old rich white men, high end corporate business men, and tonight the very successful fine ass man I was looking for. Glancing around I took my time walking around taking in my surroundings trying to locate who I was looki-BINGO! stopping at the bar I asked them to make my drink and bring it with my cigar pointing over in the direction I was set to be in, slowly walking up the steps to the more private area I demanded all their attention without even having to say anything.

fucking men.

" Well well isnt this a surprise!!" I clapped, placing my bag in the empty seat beside me. " This is like fate or something. I swear I mean I had planned to meet you all individually but 3 for 1 I like my odds. Well i guess not really since we've met already " Turning to face Mr.Private detective, he looked shocked but quickly sat up fixing his face. Its funny how I paid this man to find my sister and yet here he is chatting it up with the very people who know her. Tisk Tisk. Turning my head back around I place a huge smile on my face, I knew my presence was had them on edge. " Now I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you two.. let me guess Hmm" looking to the right I almost melted looking at all this chocolate, and all this hair lawd. Tilting my head to side i smirked at the scold he had on his face, ohh someone was big mad.

" Oou baby why so tense i heard we actually have the same feelings about mutual people ..Chase right?" I smiled sweetly before facing forward, now this was the epitome of a fine sexy grown ass man. He sat back relaxed and so unbothered behind those shades, but I knew behind those shades he was pissed and I loved every bit of it. I was feeding off all this tension they had for little ol me.

" So that must make you....Eric" I asked batting my eye lashes sweetlyq staring straight into his eyes, I knew he was watching me. I could feel exactly where his eyes were looking the entire time. I could probably guess he was trying to find the differences between my sister and I.
" Hmm i see why sissy is so smitten with you lawd, i mean she had to be right to just hop on a plane and move with a complete stranger" I asked innocently with a slight giggle, I could see his body shift probably wondering how I even knew all of this, fucking dummies they had no idea who they were fucking with. Seeing the waitress walk over i sat up grabbing my bag, she stopped in front of me with my drink on a tray and informed me the rest of my party had arrived. 

" Geesh well it was really really nice to finally put some faces to the names, ya have a good night now my husband just walked him. Toodles" Throwing out air kisses I laughed before walking back down the short steps and over to my husband, now this was a real man. He stood tall watching those niggas watch me approach him, I knew they were going to watch my every move but thats okay. Standing in front of my man i couldnt help but admire his features

My homie, My Lover, My best friend, My soulmate and husband of 8 years Kane. He was the only reason I was even alive right now, we crossed paths when I was at my lowest and this man stood by my side became my friend then claimed my heart. Of course his occupation bothered me in the beginning but when he started to include me, Kane let it be known I was his queen and I ran shit alongside him. He taught me everything there was to ever know about the streets and how to maintain a business. At the age of 36, Kane had been on the streets since he was 14 and running them since he hit 22. We connected a lot when I finally let him in, it felt good talkin to someone who knew what it was really like on these streets especially at that young of an age. We looked out for each other and held each other down, Kane knew i would give my life for him and vice versa. Leaning down he placed a sweet kiss on my lips pulling me close. Grabbing my hand we walked towards the back, turning slightly I smiled and waved over at the guys. I had officially fucked their heads up even more and I loved it.

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